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Este trabalho visou a demonstrar o dimensionamento e verificação de cálculo da NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2007) com as suas características geométricas, cobrimento da armadura, armaduras, flambagem e a resistência de pilares à compressão centrada dos pilares em concreto armado, apresentando na revisão bibliográfica as principais técnicas de reforço estrutural de pilares de concreto armado para edificações antigas, identificando as principais metodologias e técnicas utilizadas no Brasil e apresentando os pontos positivos e negativos de cada técnica:encamisamento de concreto, perfis metálicos, chapa de aço colado, manta/tecido de carbono, aramida e vidro e polímeros reforçados com fibras de carbono (PRFC). Os pilares com aumento da seção transversal retangular, com adição de armação e concreto, sendo mais usual e prática a técnica apresenta dificuldades em obras antigas, geralmente devido à necessidade arquitetônica de permanecer o mais fiel a sua forma original. Justificando-se a necessidade de conhecimento das diversas técnicas de reforço estrutural descritas neste trabalho com aumento de capacidade de resistência, sem que haja aumento substancial, na seção transversal dos pilares e objetivando a análise do reforço proposto através dos cálculos do projeto, programa – PDOP 2.0 e parâmetros de cálculo da NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2007). Os resultados obtidos através da análise comparativa do reforço executado no estudo de caso “revitalização do casarão” - com relação à análise dos pilares retangulares submetidos à flexão composta oblíqua, esforços cortantes e torsores quanto à NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2007) utilizando o programa para dimensionamento otimizado de pilares – PDOP 2.0 - indicaram que a técnica de reforço estudada foi eficiente, pois todas as peças reforçadas tiveram uma capacidade portante maior que a do pilar original sem o reforço.


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Com o objetivo de ganhar competitividade no mercado internacional e contribuir para o desenvolvimento tecnológico no país, o presente trabalho apresenta a técnica de processamento de moldagem por transferência de resina (RTM), utilizada na fabricação de materiais compósitos estruturais e ainda pouco estudada no Brasil. Os compósitos processados por essa técnica apresentam maior fração volumétrica de fibras, melhor acabamento superficial e pouca ou nenhuma necessidade de acabamento do componente produzido. Este trabalho compreende a caracterização de compósitos produzidos com resina epóxi monocomponente RTM6 e o tecido não dobrável de fibra de carbono. Os compósitos produzidos pela Hexcel Composites foram analisados pela técnica de ultrassom C-Scan e os resultados mostraram que os laminados processados estão homogêneos quanto à impregnação. Ensaios mecânicos mostram que os laminados com tecido apresentam características comparáveis à dos compósitos produzidos em autoclave com maiores porcentagens de reforço. Em fadiga, os laminados apresentaram um alto e curto intervalo, com tensões próximas à de tração. Quanto ao comportamento térmico observou-se melhora nas propriedades com a adição do reforço de fibras de carbono, que promoveram o aumento da temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg). Quanto ao comportamento viscoelástico, foi observado a influencia da temperatura e freqüência no material. Considerando as propriedades mecânicas e térmicas, ambos os compósitos foram classificados como adequados à aplicação proposta.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The main objective of this research work was to obtain two formulations of ablative composites. These composites are also known as ablative structural composites, for applications in atmospherically severe conditions according to the high-temperature, hot gaseous products flow generated from the burning of solid propellants. The formulations were manufactured with phenolic resin reinforced with chopped carbon fiber. The composites were obtained by the hot compression molding technique. Another purpose of this work was to conduct the physical and chemical characterization of the matrix, the reinforcements and the composites. After the characterization, a nozzle divergent of each formulation was manufactured and its performance was evaluated through the rocket motor static firing test. According to the results found in this work, it was possible to observe through the characterization of the raw materials that phenolic resins showed peculiarities in their properties that differentiate one from the other, but did not exhibit significant differences in performance as a composite material for use in ablation conditions. Both composites showed good performance for use in thermal protection, confirmed by firing static tests (rocket motor). Composites made with phenolic resin and chopped carbon fiber showed that it is a material with excellent resistance to ablation process. This composite can be used to produce nozzle parts with complex geometry or shapes and low manufacturing cost.


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The fracture surfaces express the sequence of events of energy release due to crack propagation by linking the relief of the fracture to the loading stresses. This study aims to evaluate the heterogeneity of the critical zone for the advancement of the crack along its entire length in a thermoset composite carbon fiber and epoxy matrix, fractured in DCB testing (Double Cantilever Beam) and ENF (End-Notched Flexure). Investigations were made from image stacks obtained by optical reflection of extended depth from focus reconstruction. The program NIH Image J was used to obtain elevation map and fully focused images of the fracture surface, whose topographies were quantitatively analyzed. The monofractal behavior for DCB samples was assessed as being heterogeneous along the crack front and along the crack for all the conditionings. For the samples fractured in ENF test, there was a strong positive correlation to the natural condition, considering the fibers at 0° for the monofractal dimension and structural dimension (Df and Ds). For fibers at 90° to crack propagation, there was a moderate positive correlation for the textural dimension of natural condition. However, for the samples under ultraviolet condition and those subjected to thermal cycles, there was no correlation between the fractal dimension and fracture toughness in mode II


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Mass reduction coupled with the mechanical performance in service has been the goal of many projects related to the transport area, considering the advantages that mass reduction can bring. However, make a simple material substitution without design a new geometry to corroborate for the best component performance, often makes the replacement unviable. In this study, it was investigated the advantages of replacing the prototype BAJA SAE front suspension lower arm of Equipe Piratas do Vale de BAJA SAE - Universidade Paulista, Campus Guaratinguetá, actually produced with steel, for a new component made of carbon fiber composite. The new geometry has been developed to provide the best possible performance for this component and your easy manufacturing. The study was done using the 3D modeling tools and computer simulations via finite element method. The first stage of this work consisted on calculation of the estimated maximum contact force tire / soil in a prototype landing after jump at one meter high, drop test in the laboratory with the current vehicle, current front suspension lower arm 3D modeling, finite element simulation and analysis of critical regions. After all current component analysis, a new geometry for the part in study was designed and simulated in order to reduce the component mass and provide a technological innovation using composite materials. With this work it was possible to obtain a theoretical component mass reduction of 25,15% maintaining the mechanical strength necessary for the appropriated component performance when incited


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Technology is growing interest in the use of composites, due to the requirement of lighter materials and more resistant, factors essential to meet the project specifications and reduce the operational cost. In the production of high performance structural composites, considering the aerospace criteria, the domestic industry has shown interest in the process of resin transfer molding (RTM) for reproducibility and low cost. This process is suitable for producing components of polymeric composites with relatively simple geometries, consistent thicknesses, high quality finish with no size limitations. The objective of this work was machined carbon steel to make a matched-die tooling for RTM and produce two composite plates of epoxy resin and carbon fiber fabric with and without induced discontinuities, which were compared towards their impregnation with ultrasound, their properties via tensile tests and thermal analysis. In ultrasonic inspection, it was found good impregnation of the preform of both composites. In the thermal analysis it was possible to check the degradation temperature of the composites, the glass transition temperature and it was found that the composites showed no effective cure cycles, but presented good performance in the tensile test when compared with aluminum alloy 7050 T7451 . The results showed that the injection strategy was appropriate since the laminate exhibited a good quality for the proposed application


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Nowadays technological trend is based on finding materials that could support low weight with satisfactory mechanical properties and for this reason composite material became a very attractive topic in research projects all over the world. Due to its heterogenic properties, this type of material shows scatter in mechanical test results, especially in cyclic loading. Therefore it is important to predict its fatigue strength behaviour by statistic analysis, once fatigue causes approximately 90% of the failure in structural components. The present work aimed to investigate the fatigue behaviour of the Twill/Cycom 890 composite, which is carbon fiber reinforced with polymeric resin as matrix and manufactured via RTM process (Resin Transfer Molding). All samples were tested in different tensile level in triplicate in order to associate these values. The statistical analysis was conducted with Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution and then evaluated the fatigue life results for the composite. Weibull graphics were used to determine the scale and shape parameters. The S-N curve for the Twill/Cycom composite was drawn and indicated the number of cycles to occur the first damages in this material. The probability of failure was associated with material reliability, as shown in graphics for the different tensile levels and fatigue life. In addition, the laminate was evaluated by ultrasonic inspection showing a regular impregnation. The fractographic analysis conducted by SEM showed failure mechanisms for polymeric composites associated to cyclic loadings ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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With the increasing demand for electricity, the retraining of transmission lines is necessary despite environmental restrictions and crossings in densely populated areas to build new transmission and distribution lines. Solution is reuse the existent cables, replacing the old conductor cables for new cables with higher capacity power transmission, and control of sag installed. The increasing demand for electrical power has increased the electric current on the wires and therefore, it must bear out temperatures of 150°C or more, without the risk of the increasing sag beyond the established limits. In the case of long crossings or densely populated areas, sag is due to high weight of the cable on clearance. The cable type determines the weight, sag, height and the towers dimensions, which are the items that most influence the investment of the transmission line. Hence, to reduce both cost of investment and maintenance of the line, the use of a lighter cable can reduce both number and the height of the towers, with financial return on short and long term. Therefore, in order to increase the amount of transmitted energy and reduce the number of built towers and sag, is recommended in the current work substitute the current core material (steel or aluminium) for alternatives alloys or new materials, in this case a composite, which has low density, elevated stiffness (elasticity module), thus apply the pultruded carbon fiber with epoxy resin as matrix systems and perform the study of the kinetics of degradation by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), according to their respective standards


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The development of technology for structural composites has as one of its ends form a set of materials that combine high values of mechanical strength and stiffness and low density. Today, companies like Embraer and PETROBRAS and research institutions like NASA, working with these materials with recognized advantages in terms of weight gain, increased performance and low corrosion. We have developed a systematic study to determine the bond strength between composite carbon fiber / epoxy and fiberglass / epoxy laminate both bonded to a carbon steel which are widely used in the petrochemical industry and repair. For morphological evaluation and bonding between materials of different natures, ultrasound analysis, optical microscopy and stereoscopy were performed. To simulate actual conditions, the composites were subjected to conditioning by using heat shock temperatures from -50 to 80 ° C for 1000 cycles for composite carbon fiber / epoxy composites and 2000 cycles for fiberglass / epoxy . The use of composites studied here proved to be efficient to perform repairs in metallic pipes with application petrochemical, as when exposed to sudden changes of temperature (-50 ° to 80 ° C) cycling at 1000 to 2000 times, its mechanical properties (shear and tensile) practically do not change


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Hybrid composites combining metal plates and laminates with continuous fiber reinforced polymer, called fiber-metal (CHMF), have been particularly attractive for aerospace applications, due mainly to their high mechanical strength and stiffness associated with low density. These laminates (CHMF) consist of a sandwich structure consisting of layers of polymer composites and metal plates, stacked alternately. This setting allows you to combine the best mechanical performance of polymer composites reinforced with long fibers, to the high toughness of metals. Environmental effects should always be considered in the design of structural components, because these materials in applications are submitted to the effects of moisture in the atmosphere, the large cyclical variations of temperature around 82 ° C to -56 ° C, and high effort mechanical. The specimens of fibermetal composite were prepared at EMBRAER with titanium plates and laminates of carbon fiber/epoxy resin. This study aims to evaluate the effect of different environmental conditions (water immersion, hygrothermal chamber and thermal shock) of laminate hybrid titanium/carbon fiber/epoxy resin. The effects of conditioning were evaluated by interlaminar shear tests - ILSS, tensile, and vibration free


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG