894 resultados para Bronze Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)


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In this investigation, attention is directed to the phases covered by a 28 per cent tin alloy. When the investigation was started, consideration was given to the possibility of making a Time - Temperature - Transformation curve for this parti­cular alloy. As the work progressed and further research was carried on, this phase of the work was abandoned.


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In the modern aspect of powder metallurgy, the first use of a sintering process was in making filaments for incandescent electric lamps.In the short while from the day of Edison to the pres­ent, the science of working with metal powders has advanced by leaps and bounds.


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A global review of social work education reveals considerable similarity among countries as well as significant differences. Historically, programs of social work education are informed by humanistic values and encompass knowledge of social problems, an understanding of individuals and their environment in interaction, and method of intervention into social and human difficulties. At the same time, structure of social work within the educational system and the length of training vary considerably from country to country. There is no serious international standards' setting for social work education, programs, educators and students around the world. Education programs exist at differing levels of education and for differing periods of time. There are no worldwide data on the number and qualifications of teachers of social work, the number and characteristics of social work students, variations in curricula and type of practicum (Hokeenstad and Kendall, 2001; Hokenstad, Midgley, 1998). North American and European models have had a major influence on social work educational programs in most parts of the world, especially developing countries. Still, the amount of western influence on social work education in developing countries is an issue that continues to be discussed (Hockenstad, Khinduka and Midgley, 1992; Frumkin, Lloyd, 2001). The programs in practice in Europe and North America have influenced the implementation of social work education programs. In recent years this influence has had a big part in the acceptance of the generalist approach. It is very important that social work education programs must be planned in accordance with the social structure and the development process of the society. Because of this, information on the social indicators and social welfare services will be given first then social work education will be stressed upon.


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Bei Ausgrabungen in der antiken griechischen Stadt Himera an der Nordküste Siziliens wurden zwei Bronzegewichte gefunden. Beide zeigen eine Beprägung , die dasselbe Prägebild wie die Rückseite zeitgleicher Litraprägungen aus Himera wiedergeben. Im Jahr 2010 erschien im Münzhandel zudem ein zuvor unveröffentlichtes Bronzegewicht, beprägt mit einem Hemilitron-Rückseitenstempel aus Himera. Anhand dieser gestempelten Bronzegewichte können – unter Einbezug weiterer Quellen – die im letzten Viertel des 5. Jhs. v. Chr. in Himera üblichen Gewichtssysteme für Bronze nachgezeichnet werden: Neben einer überregionalen, kanonischen Bronze-Litra, die bereits früher im 5. Jh. v. Chr. von ca. 108 g auf ca. 216 g im Gewicht verdoppelt worden war, scheint ein regionaler Litrafuß zu ca. 50 g etabliert gewesen zu sein. Dieser den frühesten Bronzemünzen von Himera, Selinunt und Akragas zugrundeliegende Litrafuß existierte auch dann noch, als die Münzen bereits in stark reduziertem Gewicht geprägt wurden.