977 resultados para Brazilian capital markets


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Forecast is the basis for making strategic, tactical and operational business decisions. In financial economics, several techniques have been used to predict the behavior of assets over the past decades.Thus, there are several methods to assist in the task of time series forecasting, however, conventional modeling techniques such as statistical models and those based on theoretical mathematical models have produced unsatisfactory predictions, increasing the number of studies in more advanced methods of prediction. Among these, the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are a relatively new and promising method for predicting business that shows a technique that has caused much interest in the financial environment and has been used successfully in a wide variety of financial modeling systems applications, in many cases proving its superiority over the statistical models ARIMA-GARCH. In this context, this study aimed to examine whether the ANNs are a more appropriate method for predicting the behavior of Indices in Capital Markets than the traditional methods of time series analysis. For this purpose we developed an quantitative study, from financial economic indices, and developed two models of RNA-type feedfoward supervised learning, whose structures consisted of 20 data in the input layer, 90 neurons in one hidden layer and one given as the output layer (Ibovespa). These models used backpropagation, an input activation function based on the tangent sigmoid and a linear output function. Since the aim of analyzing the adherence of the Method of Artificial Neural Networks to carry out predictions of the Ibovespa, we chose to perform this analysis by comparing results between this and Time Series Predictive Model GARCH, developing a GARCH model (1.1).Once applied both methods (ANN and GARCH) we conducted the results' analysis by comparing the results of the forecast with the historical data and by studying the forecast errors by the MSE, RMSE, MAE, Standard Deviation, the Theil's U and forecasting encompassing tests. It was found that the models developed by means of ANNs had lower MSE, RMSE and MAE than the GARCH (1,1) model and Theil U test indicated that the three models have smaller errors than those of a naïve forecast. Although the ANN based on returns have lower precision indicator values than those of ANN based on prices, the forecast encompassing test rejected the hypothesis that this model is better than that, indicating that the ANN models have a similar level of accuracy . It was concluded that for the data series studied the ANN models show a more appropriate Ibovespa forecasting than the traditional models of time series, represented by the GARCH model


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2015.


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C’est en réponse aux plus récentes crises financières que plusieurs processus réglementaires – dont certains constituent les objets d’étude de cette thèse – ont été déployés pour concevoir et implanter diverses réformes « d’amélioration » au sein de la pratique professionnelle des auditeurs financiers. Tant la crise du début des années 2000 que celle de 2007-2008 auraient attiré de vives critiques à l’égard du travail des auditeurs et de leur contribution (prétendument défaillante) au sein du fonctionnement des marchés des capitaux. Considérant leur fonction de « chien de garde » qui est censée assurer, avant tout, la protection du public au sein de ces marchés, il semblait inévitable que leur travail soit, dans une certaine mesure, remis en doute à travers les processus de révision réglementaire mis en place. C’est ainsi que chacun des trois articles qui composent cette thèse offre une analyse de différents aspects – tels que la mise en place, le déroulement, la nature et la substance des discours et des résultats – liés à ces processus de révision réglementaire qui entourent la pratique professionnelle des auditeurs au lendemain des crises financières. En somme, en plus d’indiquer comment ces processus ne sont point à l’abri de controverses, les conclusions de cette thèse inciteront à ce qu’une attention sérieuse soit portée à leur égard afin de préserver le bienfondé de la profession des comptables et des auditeurs. Alors que, dans le premier article, il sera question d’illustrer l’infiltration (critiquable) d’un discours néolibéral au sein des débats qui entourent les processus de révision réglementaire dont il est question, dans le deuxième article, il sera question d’exposer, au sein de ces processus, un mécanisme de production de mythes prônant un certain statu quo. Par ailleurs, dans le dernier article, en plus de mettre en évidence le fait que les approches de gouvernance déployées à travers ces processus de révision réglementaire ne sont pas suffisamment englobantes, on pourra aussi prendre conscience de l’inféodation de l’expertise de l’audit face à son environnement (et plus précisément, face aux expertises de la normalisation comptable et de la financiarisation de l’économie). Sous un regard critique, et à travers des analyses qualitatives, chacun des articles de cette thèse permettra de remettre en question certaines facettes des processus réglementaires et institutionnels qui entourent le champ de la comptabilité et de l’audit.


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Business angels provide both financing and managerial experience, which increase the likelihood of the survival of innovative start-ups. Over the last years, European countries with developing informal venture capital markets have seen governments support the creation of business angels networks (BANs) to increase and consolidate these markets. Using the Portuguese context to carry out the empirical work, this paper provides an assessment of value added provided by angels’ networks. A total of 88 useable responses were received and analysed using non-parametric statistical techniques. This paper demonstrates that is evidence of positive contribution of BANs in terms of bringing together investors and linking them with entrepreneur’s seeking finance. BANs played an important role in financing innovative start-ups also in peripheral regions. Results lead us to conclude that government support BANs would appear to be an effective mechanism to stimulate the angel market in developing informal venture capital markets. The conclusions of this paper are likely to have relevance for countries where there is growing interest in the potential of business angels as a means of financing innovative start-ups.


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La presente trattazione concerne gli European long-term investment fund, disciplinati dal regolamento UE 2015/760 del 29 aprile 2015, meglio noti come ELTIF, di cui si è inteso indagare i molteplici aspetti che attengono all’operatività degli stessi, dalla genesi sino alla fase della liquidazione. Trattandosi di uno dei più recenti tasselli della composita disciplina europea del risparmio gestito, si è ritenuto opportuno anzitutto prendere le mosse dall’evoluzione della regolamentazione, domestica e comunitaria, della gestione collettiva del risparmio, la quale rappresenta la “cornice” normativa di riferimento entro cui si colloca il veicolo in discorso. Definito il percorso evolutivo della disciplina de qua, si è posta quindi l’attenzione sulla regolamentazione degli ELTIF che, pur migliorabile sotto diversi profili, rappresenta un significativo passo in avanti nel senso della costruzione dell’Unione dei mercati di capitali e del rilancio dell’economia europea. In particolare, l’indagine ha riguardato anzitutto i connotati della nuova fattispecie (carattere europeo, orizzonte temporale di lungo periodo, illiquidità). L’analisi dei tratti fisiognomici è stata funzionale non solo a verificare se essi, nella loro peculiarità, siano o meno idonei a definire un tipo a sé stante di prodotto, ma altresì a valutare in che termini essi producano un effetto conformativo sulla disciplina del prodotto stesso, specie con riferimento alla fase dell’investimento e del disinvestimento. Con l’intento di vagliare l’opportunità di interventi sul dato normativo che mirino ad accrescere l’attrattività degli ELTIF, si è volta quindi l’attenzione alla fase finale della vita del fondo, in quanto l’esiguità della disciplina dettata con riferimento alla liquidazione si espone ad applicazioni dubbie che, in larga parte, lasciano spazio all’autonomia regolamentare del prodotto e, dunque, all’applicazione di discipline nazionali disomogenee; e ciò specie con riferimento a una peculiare ipotesi di liquidazione promossa dagli investitori in conseguenza del mancato soddisfacimento della richiesta di rimborso avanzata.


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Dulce de leche samples available in the Brazilian market were submitted to sensory profiling by quantitative descriptive analysis and acceptance test, as well sensory evaluation using the just-about-right scale and purchase intent. External preference mapping and the ideal sensory characteristics of dulce de leche were determined. The results were also evaluated by principal component analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis, partial least squares regression, artificial neural networks, and logistic regression. Overall, significant product acceptance was related to intermediate scores of the sensory attributes in the descriptive test, and this trend was observed even after consumer segmentation. The results obtained by sensometric techniques showed that optimizing an ideal dulce de leche from the sensory standpoint is a multidimensional process, with necessary adjustments on the appearance, aroma, taste, and texture attributes of the product for better consumer acceptance and purchase. The optimum dulce de leche was characterized by high scores for the attributes sweet taste, caramel taste, brightness, color, and caramel aroma in accordance with the preference mapping findings. In industrial terms, this means changing the parameters used in the thermal treatment and quantitative changes in the ingredients used in formulations.


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Many studies have been conducted in corporate finance regarding long-term investment and financing decisions. However, short-term asset investments play a significant role in the balance sheet of companies. Moreover, financial managers dedicate significant amounts of time and effort to the subject of working capital management, balancing current assets and liabilities. This paper provides insights regarding the key factors of working capital management by exploring the internal variables of a number of companies. This study used data from 2,976 Brazilian public companies from 2001 to 2008, and found that debt level, size and growth rate can affect the working capital management of companies.


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OBJECTIVE To investigate the association between social capital and social capital and self-perception of health based on examining the influence of health-related behaviors as possible mediators of this relationship.METHODS A cross-sectional study was used with 1,081 subjects, which is representative of the population of individuals aged 40 years or more in a medium-sized city in Southern Brazil. The subjects who perceived their health as fine, bad or very bad were considered to have a negative self-perception of their health. The social capital indicators were: number of friends, people from whom they could borrow money from when needed; the extent of trust in community members; whether or not members of the community helped each other; community safety; and extent of participation in community activities. The behaviors were: physical activity during leisure time, fruits and vegetable consumption, tobacco use and alcohol abuse. The odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals (CI) 95% were calculated by binary logistic regression. The significance of mediation was verified using the Sobel test.RESULTS Following adjustment for demographic and clinical variables, subjects with fewer friends (OR = 1.39, 95%CI 1.08;1.80), those who perceived less frequently help from people in the neighborhood (OR = 1.30, 95%CI 1.01;1.68), who saw the violent neighborhood (OR = 1.33, 95%CI 1.01;1.74) and who had not participated in any community activity (OR = 1.39, 95%CI 1.07;1.80) had more negative self-perception of their health. Physical activity during leisure time was a significant mediator in the relationship between all social capital indicators (except for the borrowed money variable) and self-perceived health. Fruit and vegetable consumption was a significant mediator of the relationship between the extent of participation in community activities and self-perceived health. Tobacco use and alcohol abuse did not seem to have a mediating role in any relationship.CONCLUSIONS Lifestyle seems to only partially explain the relationship between social capital and self-perceived health. Among the investigated behaviors, physical activity during leisure time is what seems to have the most important role as a mediator of this relationship.


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ABSTRACT This paper provides evidence on the market reaction to corporate investment decisions whose shareholder value is largely attributed to growth options. The exploratory research raised pre-operational companies and their operational pairs on the same economy segments. It had the purpose of investigating the existence of statistical differentiation from financial indicators that reflect the installed assets and growth assets, and then study the market reaction to changes in fixed assets as a signaling element about investment decisions. The formation process of operational assets and shareholder value almost exclusively dependent on asset growth stands out in the pre-operational companies. As a result, differentiation tests confirmed that the pre-operational companies had their value especially derived on growth options. The market reaction was particularly bigger in pre-operational companies with abnormal negative stock returns, while the operational companies had positive returns, which may indicate that the quality of the investment is judged based on the financial disclosure. Additionally, operational companies' investors await the disclosure to adjust their prices. We conclude that the results are consistent with the empirical evidence and the participants in financial markets to long-term capital formation investments should give that special attention.


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In this paper we explore the accumulation of capital in the presence oflimited insurance against idiosyncratic shocks, borrowing constraintsand endogenous labor supply. As in the exogenous labor supply case(e.g. Aiyagari 1994, Huggett 1997), we find that steady states arecharacterized with an interest rate smaller than the rate of timepreference. However,wealsofind that when labor supply is endogenous thepresence of uncertainty and a borrowing limit are not enough to giverise to aggregate precautionary savings .


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In August 2010 Brazil decided to limit foreign direct investments (FDIs) in land, and attracted the attention of politicians as much as the fears of businessmen. However, few months before, in September 2009, it had concluded a trilateral agreement with Japan and Mozambique to implement agribusiness and contract farming on an area of ten million hectares in the Mozambican region of Nacala. In light of that, the paper analyses the apparent duality of the Brazilian politics, and concludes that, exactly like in the case of the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, it is not a matter of pathology, but a voluntarily induced double personality which is strategic in positioning Brazil at the core of the global capitalist system.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to highlight the serious limitations of neo-liberal capitalism and urge for a shift to socialized capital before further economic deterioration leads to a succession of global conflicts. Design/methodology/approach – This conceptual paper adopts a macro perspective in presenting argument on how global, financial markets integration and capital flow liberalization have led to inadequate market and corporate governance measures. The argument is couched in a selected literature and is preceded by a proposed solution – the requirement for socialized capital. An analysis of the nature of socialized capital is outlined and the questions that require attention identified if a paradigm shift from neo-liberal capitalism is to take place. Findings – The need to urgently shift to a new philosophy of capitalism is overwhelming. Emphasized is that capital needs to adopt a socialised identity and is supported by investment horizons of 30 years or more. It is argued that non-market (e.g. state, NGOs, civil society) intervention is critical in setting appropriate frameworks within which socialized capital can operate. Research limitations/implications – This is a theoretical paper, in which questions are raised which require transparent, public debate. Originality/value – The paper presents the case for a fundamental reconsideration of present day markets, the role of capital and the influence of elites in determining the public good.