992 resultados para Brain Donor Program
Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a clinically heterogenous disorder characterized by temporally stable symptom dimensions. Past inconsistent results from structural neuroimaging studies of OCD may have resulted from the effects of these specific symptom dimensions as well as other socio-demographic and clinical variables upon gray matter (GM) volume. Methods: GM volume was measured in 25 adult OCD patients and 20 adult healthy controls using voxel-based morphometry (VBM), controlling for age and total brain GM volume. Univariate and multivariate regression analyses were carried out between regions of GM difference and age, age of onset, medication load, OCD severity, depression severity, and separate symptom dimension scores. Results: Significant GM volumetric differences in OCD patients relative to controls were found in dorsal cortical regions, including bilateral BA6, BA46, BA9 and right BA8 (controls > patients), and bilateral midbrain (patients > controls). Stepwise regression analyses revealed highly significant relationships between greater total OCD symptom severity and smaller GM volumes in dorsal cortical regions and larger GM volumes in bilateral midbrain. Greater age was independently associated with smaller GM volumes in right BA6, left BA9, left BA46 and larger GM volumes in right midbrain. Greater washing symptom severity was independently associated with smaller GM volume in right BA6, while there was a trend association between greater hoarding symptom severity and lower GM volume in left BA6. Limitations: The sample was relatively small to examine the relationship between symptom scores and GM volumes. Multiple patients were taking medication and had comorbid disorders. Conclusions: These analyses suggest dorsal prefrontal cortical and bilateral midbrain GM abnormalities in OCD that appear to be primarily driven by the effects of total OCD symptom severity. The results regarding the relationship between GM volumes and symptom dimension scores require examination in larger samples. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In order to investigate the differential ALCAM, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 adhesion molecules mRNA expression and the blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice in Toxoplasma gondii infection, animals were infected with ME-49 strain. It was observed higher ALCAM on day 9 and VCAM-1 expression on days 9 and 14 of infection in the central nervous system (CNS) of C57BL/6 compared to BALB/c mice. The expression of ICAM-1 was high and similar in the CNS of both lineages of infected mice. In addition, C57BL/6 presented higher BBB permeability and higher IFN-gamma and iNOS expression in the CNS compared to BALB/c mice. The CNS of C578L/6 mice presented elevated tissue pathology and parasitism. In conclusion, our data suggest that the higher adhesion molecules expression and higher BBB permeability contributed to the major inflammatory cell infiltration into the CNS of C57BL/6 mice that was not efficient to control the parasite. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The Golgi method has been used for over a century to describe the general morphology of neurons in the nervous system of different species. The ""single-section"" Golgi method of Gabbott and Somogyi (1984) and the modifications made by Izzo et al. (1987) are able to produce consistent results. Here, we describe procedures to show cortical and subcortical neurons of human brains immersed in formalin for months or even years. The tissue was sliced with a vibratome, post-fixed in a combination of paraformaldehyde and picric acid in phosphate buffer, followed by osmium tetroxide and potassium dicromate, ""sandwiched"" between cover slips, and immersed in silver nitrate. The whole procedure takes between 5 and 11 days to achieve good results. The Golgi method has its characteristic pitfalls but, with this procedure, neurons and glia appear well-impregnated, allowing qualitative and quantitative studies under light microscopy. This contribution adds to the basic techniques for the study of human nervous tissue with the same advantages described for the ""single-section"" Golgi method in other species; it is easy and fast, requires minimal equipment, and provides consistent results. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Small GTPase Rab is a member of a large family of Ras-related proteins, highly conserved in eukaryotic cells, and thought to regulate specific type(s) and/or specific step(s) in intracellular membrane trafficking. Given our interest in synaptic transmission, we addressed the possibility that Rab27 (a close isoform of Rab3) could be involved in cytosolic synaptic vesicle mobilization. Indeed, preterminal injection of a specific antibody against squid Rab27 (anti-sqRab27 antibody) combined with confocal microscopy demonstrated that Rab27 is present on squid synaptic vesicles. Electrophysiological study of injected synapses showed that the anti-sqRab27 antibody inhibited synaptic release in a stimulation-dependent manner without affecting presynaptic action potentials or inward Ca2+ current. This result was confirmed in in vitro synaptosomes by using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Thus, synaptosomal Ca2+-stimulated release of FM1-43 dye was greatly impaired by intraterminal anti-sqRab27 antibody. Ultrastructural analysis of the injected giant preterminal further showed a reduced number of docked synaptic vesicles and an increase in nondocked vesicular profiles distant from the active zone. These results, taken together, indicate that Rab27 is primarily involved in the maturation of recycled vesicles and/or their transport to the presynaptic active zone in the squid giant synapse.
Aim: This study aims to describe the incidence of complications on scalp from which a thin split-skin graft was harvested (0.005-0.007 in.) of the donor site in children and adult burn victims. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of 295 burn patients admitted in the Burn Unit of the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, from January 1998 to December 2007, whose scalps were used as donor site for grafts. Skin-graft thickness varied from 0.005 in. to 0.007 in. The occurrence of pathological healing was evaluated clinically and the time of epithelisation by the main surgeon and a plastic surgeon or a staff nurse. Results: Of the 295 patients whose scalps were used as donor site, 274 were followed from 6 months to 10 years after the procedure (median 18.2 months). Twenty-one patients were lost to follow-up in the first 6 months. No hypertrophic scarring or keloids on the donor site was observed. Five patients (1.82%) presented with folliculitis and two of them were evaluated with small areas of alopecia (0.7%), treated with resection of these areas and primary suture. The average time of epithelisation of the donor site was 7 days. Conclusion: The harvest of thinner split graft from the scalp is a safe procedure. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
Individuals with epilepsy are at higher risk of death than those from the general population, and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is the most important direct epilepsy-related cause of death. Epilepsies in the pediatric group are more frequently associated with known potentially risk factors for SUDEP, and a treatment resulting in an improved seizure control may also decrease mortality. The aim of this study is to identify the incidence of SUDEP in a group of operated-on children and adolescents. We analyzed 267 patients up to 18 years old, with medically intractable epilepsy submitted to surgery. We considered the age at surgery, the seizure type, the pathological findings, and the seizure outcome. Data were prospectively collected, according to the protocols of our institution`s ethics committee. The percentage of boys was 58.05. A good outcome was achieved in 72.6% of the cases and a bad outcome in 27.4%. Nine patients died during follow-up, six from clinical complications, and one from SUDEP. All patients who died during the long-term follow-up had persisted with refractory postoperative seizures. The patient who died from SUDEP died during a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. Of the patients, 72.6% had excellent postoperative outcome, and one patient died of SUDEP. All patients who died had had disabling seizures` persistence. The surgical treatment of epilepsy in children and adolescents is an efficient therapy for the medically intractable symptomatic epilepsies and also for the reduction of mortality and SUDEP risks.
The prognosis of glioblastomas is still extremely poor and the discovery of novel molecular therapeutic targets can be important to optimize treatment strategies. Gene expression analyses comparing normal and neoplastic tissues have been used to identify genes associated with tumorigenesis and potential therapeutic targets. We have used this approach to identify differentially expressed genes between primary glioblastomas and non-neoplastic brain tissues. We selected 20 overexpressed genes related to cell cycle, cellular movement and growth, proliferation and cell-to-cell signaling and analyzed their expression levels by real time quantitative PCR in cDNA obtained from microdissected fresh tumor tissue from 20 patients with primary glioblastomas and from 10 samples of non-neoplastic white matter tissue. The gene expression levels were significantly higher in glioblastomas than in non-neoplastic white matter in 18 out of 20 genes analyzed: P < 0.00001 for CDKN2C, CKS2, EEF1A1, EMP3, PDPN, BNIP2, CA12, CD34, CDC42EP4, PPIE, SNAI2, GDF15 and MMP23b; and NFIA (P: 0.0001), GPS1 (P: 0.0003), LAMA1 (P: 0.002), STIM1 (P: 0.006), and TASP1 (P: 0.01). Five of these genes are located in contiguous loci at 1p31-36 and 2 at 17q24-25 and 8 of them encode surface membrane proteins. PDPN and CD34 protein expression were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and they showed concordance with the PCR results. The present results indicate the presence of 18 overexpressed genes in human primary glioblastomas that may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of these tumors and that deserve further functional investigation as attractive candidates for new therapeutic targets.
In transplant centers, few topics are more controversial than communication between organ donor families (ODF) and recipients (RE). The Organ Procurement Organizations and transplant centers have felt obliged to protect the confidentiality and interests of ODF and RE. However, some authors have reported favorable effects of contact between ODF and RE. This study sought to investigate the current situation of the communication between ODF and RE from the viewpoint of transplanted patients (n = 50) and waiting transplant patients (n 50) at a Brazilian University Hospital, ODF (n = 10), physicians from transplant centers (n 50), as well as the opinion of the general population of a Brazilian city (n = 100). This work was developed as a survey whose questions related to the issue of communication between ODF and RE. The results showed that the majority of transplanted patients (82%) and patients awaiting transplant (60%) wanted to meet ODF to express their gratitude for receiving the organ. Likewise, ODF (67%) wanted to have a meeting with recipients, which allowed them to confirm the benefit of their donation. The general population was also favorable (66%) to ODF and RE communication. In contrast, the physicians (74%) were opposed to the ODF and RE contact. They affirmed that direct contact could lead to serious emotional conflicts or attempts of material involvement. One believes that decisions concerning the contact between ODF and RE would have to be determined by the involved parties. The transplant team could analyze the requests case by case, but ODF and RE must have the right to make the final decision.
Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Chagas disease following solid-organ transplantation has occurred in Latin America. This report presents the occurrence of Chagas disease despite negative serological tests in both the donor and the recipient, as well as the effectiveness of treatment. A 21-year-old woman from the state of Sao Paulo (Brazil) underwent cadaveric donor liver transplantation in November 2005, due to cirrhosis of autoimmune etiology. Ten months after liver transplantation, she developed signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure (New York Heart Association functional class IV). The echocardiogram, which was normal preoperatively, showed dilated cardiac chambers, depressed left ventricular systolic function (ejection fraction = 35%) and moderate pulmonary hypertension. Clinical investigation discarded ischemic heart disease and autoimmune and other causes for heart failure. Immuno fluorescence (immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G) and hemagglutination tests for T cruzi were positive, and abundant T cruzi amastigotes were readily identified in myocardial biopsy specimens. Treatment with benznidazole for 2 months yielded an excellent clinical response. At the moment of submission, the patient remains in functional class I. This case highlighted that more appropriate screening for T cruzi infection is mandatory in potential donors and recipients of solid-organ transplants in regions where Chagas disease is prevalent. Moreover, it stressed that this diagnosis should always be considered in recipients who develop cardiac complications, since negative serological tests do not completely discard the possibility of disease transmission and since good results can be achieved with prompt trypanocidal therapy.
Background Disease management programs (DMPs) are developed to address the high morbi-mortality and costs of congestive heart failure (CHF). Most studies have focused on intensive programs in academic centers. Washington County Hospital (WCH) in Hagerstown, MD, the primary reference to a semirural county, established a CHF DMP in 2001 with standardized documentation of screening and participation. Linkage to electronic records and state vital statistics enabled examination of the CHF population including individuals participating and those ineligible for the program. Methods All WCH inpatients with CHF International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision code in any position of the hospital list discharged alive. Results Of 4,545 consecutive CHF admissions, only 10% enrolled and of those only 52.2% made a call. Enrollment in the program was related to: age (OR 0.64 per decade older, 95% CI 0.58-0.70), CHF as the main reason for admission (OR 3.58, 95% CI 2.4-4.8), previous admission for CHF (OR 1.14, 95% CI 1.09-1.2), and shorter hospital stay (OR 0.94 per day longer, 95% CI 0.87-0.99). Among DMP participants mortality rates were lowest in the first month (80/1000 person-years) and increased subsequently. The opposite mortality trend occurred in nonenrolled groups with mortality in the first month of 814 per 1000 person-years in refusers and even higher in ineligible (1569/1000 person-years). This difference remained significant after adjustment. Re-admission rates were lower among participants who called consistently (adjusted incidence rate ratio 0.62, 95% CI 0.52-0.77). Conclusion Only a small and highly select group participated in a low-intensity DMP for CHF in a community-based hospital. Design of DMPs should incorporate these strong selective factors to maximize program impact. (Am Heart J 2009; 15 8:459-66.)