756 resultados para Blast-furnaces


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Tinnitus is a frequent consequence of noise trauma. Usually, however, the main focus regarding the consequences of noise trauma is placed on hearing loss, instead of tinnitus. The objectives of the present study were to assess various aspects of noise-related tinnitus in Finland, such as to determine the main causes of conscript acute acoustic traumas (AAT) in the military, assess tinnitus prevalence after noise trauma, characterize long-term AAT-related tinnitus prevalence and characteristics, assess occupational tinnitus, and evaluate the efficacy of hearing protection regulations in preventing hearing loss and tinnitus. The study comprised several independent noise-exposed groups: conscripts performing their military duty, former conscripts who suffered an AAT over a decade earlier, bomb explosion victims, and retired army personnel. Tinnitus questionnaires were used to assess tinnitus prevalence and characteristics. For occupational tinnitus, occupational noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) reports to the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health were reviewed. Tinnitus is a common result of AAT, blast exposure and long-term noise exposure. Despite hearing protection regulations, up to hundreds of AATs occur annually among conscripts in the Finnish Defence Forces (FDF). The most common cause is an accidental shot, accounting for approximately half of the cases. Conscript AATs are mainly due to accidental shots, while the ear is unprotected. Only seldom is an AAT due to negligence. The most common causative weapon of conscript AATs is the assault rifle, accounting for 81% of conscript AATs. After AAT, the majority of tinnitus cases resolve during military service and become asymptomatic. However, in one-fifth of the cases, tinnitus persists, causing problems such as sleeping and concentration difficulties in many. In Finland, occupational tinnitus often remains unreported in conjunction with NIHL reports. In a survey of occupational NIHL cases, tinnitus was mentioned in only four per cent. However, a subsequent inquiry revealed that almost 90% in fact had tinnitus, indicating that most cases remained undetected and unreported. The best way to prevent noise-related tinnitus is prevention of noise trauma. In the military, hearing protection guidelines have been revised several times over the years. These regulations have been effective in reducing hearing loss of professional soldiers. There has also been a reduction in cases with tinnitus, but the decrease was not significant. However, with improved hearing protection regulations, a significant reduction in the risk of more serious, disturbing tinnitus was observed.


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Removal of impurity elements from hot metal is essential in basic oxygen steelmaking. Oxidation of phosphorus from hot metal has been studied by several authors since the early days of steelmaking. Influence of different parameters on the distribution of phosphorus, seen during the recent work of the authors, differs somewhat from that reported earlier. On the other hand, removal of sulphur during steelmaking has drawn much less attention. This may be due to the magnitude of desulphurisation in oxygen steelmaking being relatively low and desulphurisation during hot metal pre-treatment or in the ladle furnace offering better commercial viability Further, it is normally accepted that sulphur is removed to steelmaking slag in the form of sulphide only However, recent investigations have indicated that a significant amount of sulphur removed during basic oxygen steelmaking can exist in the form of sulphate in the slag under oxidising conditions. The distribution of sulphur during steelmaking becomes more important in the event of carry-over of sulphur-rich blast-furnace slag, which increases sulphur load in the BOF. The chemical nature of sulphur in this slag undergoes a gradual transition from sulphide to sulphate as the oxidative refining progresses.


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We present a low-complexity algorithm based on reactive tabu search (RTS) for near maximum likelihood (ML) detection in large-MIMO systems. The conventional RTS algorithm achieves near-ML performance for 4-QAM in large-MIMO systems. But its performance for higher-order QAM is far from ML performance. Here, we propose a random-restart RTS (R3TS) algorithm which achieves significantly better bit error rate (BER) performance compared to that of the conventional RTS algorithm in higher-order QAM. The key idea is to run multiple tabu searches, each search starting with a random initial vector and choosing the best among the resulting solution vectors. A criterion to limit the number of searches is also proposed. Computer simulations show that the R3TS algorithm achieves almost the ML performance in 16 x 16 V-BLAST MIMO system with 16-QAM and 64-QAM at significantly less complexities than the sphere decoder. Also, in a 32 x 32 V-BLAST MIMO system, the R3TS performs close to ML lower bound within 1.6 dB for 16-QAM (128 bps/Hz), and within 2.4 dB for 64-QAM (192 bps/Hz) at 10(-3) BER.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää desorptio/fotoionisaatio ilmanpaineessa tekniikan (engl. desorption atmospheric pressure photoionization, DAPPI) soveltuvuutta rikosteknisen laboratorion näytteiden analysointiin. DAPPI on nopea massaspektrometrinen ionisaatiotekniikka, jolla voidaan tutkia yhdisteitä suoraan erilaisilta pinnoilta. DAPPI:ssa käytetään lämmitettyä mikrosirua, joka suihkuttaa höyrystynyttä liuotin- ja kaasuvirtausta kohti näytettä. Näytteen pinnan komponentit desorboituvat lämmön vaikutuksesta, jonka jälkeen ionisoituminen tapahtuu VUV-lampun emittoimien fotonien avulla.DAPPI:lla tutkittiin takavarikoituja huumausaineita, anabolisia steroideja ja räjähdysaineita sekä niiden jäämiä erilaisilta pinnoilta. Lisäksi kartoitettiin DAPPI:n mahdollisuuksia ja rajoituksia erilaisille näytematriiseille ilman näytteiden esikäsittelyä. Takavarikoitujen huumausaineiden tutkimuksessa analysoitiin erilaisia tabletteja, jauheita, kasvirouheita, huumekasveja (khat, oopium, kannabis) ja sieniä. Anabolisia steroideja tunnistettiin tableteista sekä ampulleista, jotka sisälsivät öljymäistä nestettä. Jauheet ripoteltiin kaksipuoliselle teipille ja analysoitiin siltä. Muut näytteet analysoitiin sellaisenaan ilman minkäänlaista esikäsittelyä, paitsi nestemäisten näytteiden kohdalla näyte pipetoitiin talouspaperille, joka analysoitiin DAPPI:lla. DAPPI osoittautui nopeaksi ja yksinkertaiseksi menetelmäksi takavarikoitujen huumausaineiden ja steroidien analysoimisessa. Se soveltui hyvin rikoslaboratorion erityyppisten näytteiden rutiiniseulontaan ja helpotti erityisesti huumekasvien ja öljymäisten steroidiliuosten tutkimusta. Massaspektrometrin likaantuminen pystyttiin ehkäisemään säätämällä näytteen etäisyyttä sen suuaukosta. Likaantumista ei havaittu huolimatta näytteiden korkeista konsentraatioista ja useita kuukausia jatkuneista mittauksista. Räjähdysaineiden tutkimuksessa keskityttiin seitsemän eri räjähdysaineen DAPPI-MS-menetelmän kehitykseen; trinitrotolueeni (TNT), nitroglykoli (NK), nitroglyseriini (NG), pentriitti (PETN), heksogeeni (RDX), oktogeeni (HMX) ja pikriinihappoä Nämä orgaaniset räjähteet ovat nitraattiyhdisteitä, jotka voidaan jakaa rakenteen puolesta nitroamiineihin (RDX ja HMX), nitroaromaatteihin (TNT ja pikriinihappo) sekä nitraattiestereihin (PETN, NG ja NK). Menetelmäkehityksessä räjähdysainelaimennokset pipetoitiin polymetyylimetakrylaatin (PMMA) päälle ja analysoitiin siitä. DAPPI:lla tutkittiin myäs autenttisia räjähdysainejäämiä erilaisista matriiseista. DAPPI:lla optimoitiin jokaiselle räjähdysaineelle sopiva menetelmä ja yhdisteet saatiin näkymään puhdasaineina. Räjähdysainejäämien analysoiminen erilaisista rikospaikkamateriaaleista osoittautui haastavammaksi tehtäväksi, koska matriisit aiheuttivat itsessään korkean taustan spektriin, josta räjähdysaineiden piikit eivät useimmiten erottuneet tarpeeksi. Muut desorptioionisaatiotekniikat saattavat soveltua paremmin haastavien räjähdysainejäämien havaitsemiseksi.


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Large MIMO systems with tens of antennas in each communication terminal using full-rate non-orthogonal space-time block codes (STBC) from Cyclic Division Algebras (CDA) can achieve the benefits of both transmit diversity as well as high spectral efficiencies. Maximum-likelihood (ML) or near-ML decoding of these large-sized STBCs at low complexities, however, has been a challenge. In this paper, we establish that near-ML decoding of these large STBCs is possible at practically affordable low complexities. We show that the likelihood ascent search (LAS) detector, reported earlier by us for V-BLAST, is able to achieve near-ML uncoded BER performance in decoding a 32x32 STBC from CDA, which employs 32 transmit antennas and sends 32(2) = 1024 complex data symbols in 32 time slots in one STBC matrix (i.e., 32 data symbols sent per channel use). In terms of coded BER, with a 16x16 STBC, rate-3/4 turbo code and 4-QAM (i.e., 24 bps/Hz), the LAS detector performs close to within just about 4 dB from the theoretical MIMO capacity. Our results further show that, with LAS detection, information lossless (ILL) STBCs perform almost as good as full-diversity ILL (FD-ILL) STBCs. Such low-complexity detectors can potentially enable implementation of high spectral efficiency large MIMO systems that could be considered in wireless standards.


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In this paper, we are concerned with low-complexity detection in large multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with tens of transmit/receive antennas. Our new contributions in this paper are two-fold. First, we propose a low-complexity algorithm for large-MIMO detection based on a layered low-complexity local neighborhood search. Second, we obtain a lower bound on the maximum-likelihood (ML) bit error performance using the local neighborhood search. The advantages of the proposed ML lower bound are i) it is easily obtained for MIMO systems with large number of antennas because of the inherent low complexity of the search algorithm, ii) it is tight at moderate-to-high SNRs, and iii) it can be tightened at low SNRs by increasing the number of symbols in the neighborhood definition. Interestingly, the proposed detection algorithm based on the layered local search achieves bit error performances which are quite close to this lower bound for large number of antennas and higher-order QAM. For e. g., in a 32 x 32 V-BLAST MIMO system, the proposed detection algorithm performs close to within 1.7 dB of the proposed ML lower bound at 10(-3) BER for 16-QAM (128 bps/Hz), and close to within 4.5 dB of the bound for 64-QAM (192 bps/Hz).


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In a mobile ad-hoc network scenario, where communication nodes are mounted on moving platforms (like jeeps, trucks, tanks, etc.), use of V-BLAST requires that the number of receive antennas in a given node must be greater than or equal to the sum of the number of transmit antennas of all its neighbor nodes. This limits the achievable spatial multiplexing gain (data rate) for a given node. In such a scenario, we propose to achieve high data rates per node through multicode direct sequence spread spectrum techniques in conjunction with V-BLAST. In the considered multicode V-BLAST system, the receiver experiences code domain interference (CDI) in frequency selective fading, in addition to space domain interference (SDI) experienced in conventional V-BLAST systems. We propose two interference cancelling receivers that employ a linear parallel interference cancellation approach to handle the CDI, followed by conventional V-BLAST detector to handle the SDI, and then evaluate their bit error rates.


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Recently, we reported a low-complexity likelihood ascent search (LAS) detection algorithm for large MIMO systems with several tens of antennas that can achieve high spectral efficiencies of the order of tens to hundreds of bps/Hz. Through simulations, we showed that this algorithm achieves increasingly near SISO AWGN performance for increasing number of antennas in Lid. Rayleigh fading. However, no bit error performance analysis of the algorithm was reported. In this paper, we extend our work on this low-complexity large MIMO detector in two directions: i) We report an asymptotic bit error probability analysis of the LAS algorithm in the large system limit, where N-t, N-r -> infinity keeping N-t = N-r, where N-t and N-r are the number of transmit and receive antennas, respectively. Specifically, we prove that the error performance of the LAS detector for V-BLAST with 4-QAM in i.i.d. Rayleigh fading converges to that of the maximum-likelihood (ML) detector as N-t, N-r -> infinity keeping N-t = N-r ii) We present simulated BER and nearness to capacity results for V-BLAST as well as high-rate non-orthogonal STBC from Division Algebras (DA), in a more realistic spatially correlated MIMO channel model. Our simulation results show that a) at an uncoded BER of 10(-3), the performance of the LAS detector in decoding 16 x 16 STBC from DA with N-t = = 16 and 16-QAM degrades in spatially correlated fading by about 7 dB compared to that in i.i.d. fading, and 19) with a rate-3/4 outer turbo code and 48 bps/Hz spectral efficiency, the performance degrades by about 6 dB at a coded BER of 10(-4). Our results further show that providing asymmetry in number of antennas such that N-r > N-t keeping the total receiver array length same as that for N-r = N-t, the detector is able to pick up the extra receive diversity thereby significantly improving the BER performance.


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brusive Jet Machining (AJM) or Micro Blast Machining is a non-traditional machining process, wherein material removal is effected by the erosive action of a high velocity jet of a gas, carrying fine-grained abrasive particles, impacting the work surface. The AJM process differs from conventional sand blasting in that the abrasive is much finer and the process parameters and cutting action are carefully controlled. The process is particularly suitable to cut intricate shapes in hard and brittle materials which are sensitive to heat and have a tendency to chip easily. In other words, AJM can handle virtually any hard or brittle material. Already the process has found its ways Into dozens of applications; sometimes replacing conventional alternatives often doing jobs that could not be done in any other way. This paper reviews the current status of this non-conventional machining process and discusses the unique advantages and possible applications.


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A three-dimensional mathematical model has been developed to simulate the gas flow, composition, and temperature profiles inside a cupola. Comparison of the model with the reported experimental data shows the presence of a zone with low combustion rate at the tuyere level. For a 24 in (610 mm) cupola with four rows of tuyeres, the combustion zones from each tuyere overlap each other, forming an overall combustion zone of cylindrical shape of height similar to 0.2 m. Using the model, it is found that the spout temperature initially increases with increasing blast velocity and attains a maximum. Further increase in blast velocity does not change the spout temperature. This suggests that smaller size tuyeres and higher permeability of the bed can give superior cupola performance. (C) 1997 The Institute of Materials.


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In this paper, we consider the application of belief propagation (BP) to achieve near-optimal signal detection in large multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems at low complexities. Large-MIMO architectures based on spatial multiplexing (V-BLAST) as well as non-orthogonal space-time block codes(STBC) from cyclic division algebra (CDA) are considered. We adopt graphical models based on Markov random fields (MRF) and factor graphs (FG). In the MRF based approach, we use pairwise compatibility functions although the graphical models of MIMO systems are fully/densely connected. In the FG approach, we employ a Gaussian approximation (GA) of the multi-antenna interference, which significantly reduces the complexity while achieving very good performance for large dimensions. We show that i) both MRF and FG based BP approaches exhibit large-system behavior, where increasingly closer to optimal performance is achieved with increasing number of dimensions, and ii) damping of messages/beliefs significantly improves the bit error performance.


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The effect of a gas flow field on the size of raceway has been studied experimentally using a two-dimensional (2-D) cold model. It is observed that as the blast velocity from the tuyere increases, raceway size increases, and when the blast velocity is decreased from its highest value, raceway size does not change much until the velocity reaches a critical velocity. Below the critical velocity, raceway size decreases with decreasing velocity but is always larger than that for the same velocity when the velocity increased. This phenomenon is called "raceway hysteresis." Raceway hysteresis has been studied in the presence of different gas flow rates and different particle densities. Raceway hysteresis has been observed in all the experiments. The effect of liquid flow, with various superficial velocities, on raceway hysteresis has also been studied. A study of raceway size hysteresis shows that interparticle and particle-wall friction have a very large effect on raceway size. A hypothesis has been proposed to describe the hysteresis phenomenon in the packed beds. The relevance of hysteresis to blast furnace raceways has been discussed. Existing literature correlations for raceway size ignore the frictional effects. Therefore, their applicability to the ironmaking blast furnace is questionable.


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It has been well recognized now that the blast furnace aerodynamics can be represented more accurately under the decreasing gas velocity condition. Therefore, gas-fines study has been carried out in a packed bed under the decreasing gas velocity condition. Gas and fines flow equations have been developed and solved, for two-dimensional case using finite volume method. To take into account the turbulence, k-e turbulent flow model has also been developed in two-dimension. The model's predictions have been validated against the published experimental data for the increasing gas velocity case, as no experimental data are available in open literature for the decreasing gas velocity. This study shows the difference in the results for increasing and decreasing gas velocity cases under various conditions which have been reported here. Implication of the results to the blast furnace condition has also been discussed.


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A dynamic model of the COREX melter gasifier is developed to study the transient behavior of the furnace. The effect of pulse disturbance and step disturbance on the process performance has been studied. This study shows that the effect of pulse disturbance decays asymptotically. The step change brings the system to a new steady state after a delay of about 5 hours. The dynamic behavior of the melter gasifier with respect to a shutdown/blow-on condition and the effect of tapping are also studied. The results show that the time response of the melter gasifier is much less than that of a blast furnace.


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It is important to know and to quantify the liquid holdups both dynamic and static at local levels as it will lead to understand various blast furnace phenomena properly such as slag/metal.gas.solid reactions, gas flow behaviour and interfacial area between the gas/solid/liquid. In the present study, considering the importance of local liquid holdup and non-availability of holdup data in these systems, an attempt has been made to quantify the local holdups in the dropping and around raceway zones in a cold model study using a non-wetting packing for liquid. In order to quantify the liquid holdups at microscopic level, a previously developed technique, X-ray radiography, has been used. It is observed that the liquid flows in preferred paths or channels which carry droplets/rivulets. It has been found that local holdup in some regions of the packed bed is much higher than average at a particular flow rate and this can have important consequences for the correct modelling of such systems.