898 resultados para Black leg
Audit report on the Black Hawk County Criminal Justice Information System for the year ended June 30, 2008
Infestation and natural parasitism of aphids in single and mixed pastures of black oats and ryegrass
Some species of aphids are major pests on cereal crops and grass pastures. Usually these pests are not adequately controlled in pasture lands that become sources of aphid infestations to cereal crops. The dynamics of aphids and the incidence of natural enemies are less known in pasture systems than in cereal fields. The objective of this work was to assess the aphid infestation and natural aphid parasitism in different pasture composition. Three hypotheses were tested: 1- the aphid species composition in pastures may vary according to the cereal species in the field; 2- the mixture of two plant species can modify the amount and diversity of aphids; 3- the plant species composition of pasture fields influences the parasitism of aphids. Empirical data were obtained from three Poaceae fields: black oats (Avena strigosa L.), ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.), and a mixed field of black oats and ryegrass. The most abundant aphid species was Rhopalosiphum padi followed by Sitobion avenae. Plant species composition increases the amount and the parasitism rates of aphids. The mixture of heavily infested black oats with a poorly infested ryegrass resulted in reduction of aphid infestation in comparison with heavily-infested single plant species field. This is possible because the conditions are favorable for the development of parasitoid populations. Aphidius colemani was the main parasitoid found in these areas.
Pearson correlation coefficients were applied for the objective comparison of 30 black gel pen inks analysed by laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS). The mass spectra were obtained for ink lines directly on paper using positive and negative ion modes at several laser intensities. This methodology has the advantage of taking into account the reproducibility of the results as well as the variability between spectra of different pens. A differentiation threshold could thus be selected in order to avoid the risk of false differentiation. Combining results from positive and negative mode yielded a discriminating power up to 85%, which was better than the one obtained previously with other optical comparison methodologies. The technique also allowed discriminating between pens from the same brand.
This Manual is designed to help targeted communities organize and train local steering groups and task force leaders. The Ongoing Covenant with Black Iowa (OCBI) model will engage and empower African Americans in various communities to work together in developing strategies that bridge local priorities to statewide goals. Trained Task Force Leaders play a critical role in establishing productive dialogue and planning that is essential to moving the OCBI forward in meeting its goals. They must ensure consistency within each Task Force as the OCBI is a multilevel partnership and collaboration among local communities, the Commission on the Status of African Americans and the Covenant with Black America. Task Force Leaders assist with constructive dialogue among local residents to engage and focus on the issues, and work collectively towards a solution. Patience in developing a strategy and trained Task Force Leaders are essential to the success of the OCBI. It is our hope that this Manual will serve as a guide to assist you in all aspects of building your local strategic plan.
The authors developed a free-breathing black-blood coronary magnetic resonance (MR) angiographic technique with a potential for exclusive visualization of the coronary blood pool. Results with the MR angiographic technique were evaluated in eight healthy subjects and four patients with coronary disease identified at conventional angiography. This MR angiographic technique accurately depicted luminal disease in the patients and permitted visualization of extensive continuous segments of the native coronary tree in both the healthy subjects and the patients. Black-blood coronary MR angiography provides an alternative source of contrast enhancement.
Audit report on the Black Hawk County Criminal Justice Information System for the year ended June 30, 2009
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a free-breathing three-dimensional (3D) dual inversion-recovery (DIR) segmented k-space gradient-echo (turbo field echo [TFE]) imaging sequence at 3T for the quantification of aortic vessel wall dimensions. The effect of respiratory motion suppression on image quality was tested. Furthermore, the reproducibility of the aortic vessel wall measurements was investigated. Seven healthy subjects underwent 3D DIR TFE imaging of the aortic vessel wall with and without respiratory navigator. Subsequently, this sequence with respiratory navigator was performed twice in 10 healthy subjects to test its reproducibility. The signal-to-noise (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), vessel wall sharpness, and vessel wall volume (VWV) were assessed. Data were compared using the paired t-test, and the reproducibility of VWV measurements was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). SNR, CNR, and vessel wall sharpness were superior in scans performed with respiratory navigator compared to scans performed without. The ICCs concerning intraobserver, interobserver, and interscan reproducibility were excellent (0.99, 0.94, and 0.95, respectively). In conclusion, respiratory motion suppression substantially improves image quality of 3D DIR TFE imaging of the aortic vessel wall at 3T. Furthermore, this optimized technique with respiratory motion suppression enables assessment of aortic vessel wall dimensions with high reproducibility.
Summary Aims.-To explore whether fatigue-induced changes in spring-mass behavior during a 5000m self-paced run varied according to the runner's training status. Methods and results.-Six highly- and six well-trained triathletes completed a 5000m time trial. Running velocity and vertical stiffness decreased significantly (P < 0.05) with fatigue, whereas leg stiffness remained constant. None of these parameters displayed a significant interaction between fatigue and training status, despite vertical stiffness being higher (P < 0.05) in highly-trained triathletes. Conclusions.-During a 5000m self-paced run, impairments in leg-spring behavior that occur with fatigue are not affected by athletes' training status. © 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. Objectifs.-Étudier, chez des athlètes de niveaux différents, les modifications de raideur mécanique liées à l'apparition de la fatigue lors d'une course de 5000 m. Synthèse des faits.-Six triathlètes très entraînés et six autres bien entraînés ont réalisé une course de 5000 m. La vitesse de course et la raideur verticale diminuaient significativement (p < 0,05) avec la fatigue, alors que la raideur de la jambe demeurait inchangée. Aucune interaction entre la fatigue et le niveau d'entraînement n'a été détectée, malgré des niveaux de raideur verticale plus élevés (p < 0,05) chez les sujets les mieux entraînés.
Audit report on the Black Hawk County Criminal Justice Information System for the year ended June 30, 2010
BACKGROUND: Segmental handling of sodium along the proximal and distal nephron might be heritable and different between black and white participants. METHODS: We randomly recruited 95 nuclear families of black South African ancestry and 103 nuclear families of white Belgian ancestry. We measured the (FENa) and estimated the fractional renal sodium reabsorption in the proximal (RNaprox) and distal (RNadist) tubules from the clearances of endogenous lithium and creatinine. In multivariable analyses, we studied the relation of RNaprox and RNadist with FENa and estimated the heritability (h) of RNaprox and RNadist. RESULTS: Independent of urinary sodium excretion, South Africans (n = 240) had higher RNaprox (unadjusted median, 93.9% vs. 81.0%; P < 0.001) than Belgians (n = 737), but lower RNadist (91.2% vs. 95.1%; P < 0.001). The slope of RNaprox on FENa was steeper in Belgians than in South Africans (-5.40 +/- 0.58 vs. -0.78 +/- 0.58 units; P < 0.001), whereas the opposite was true for the slope of RNadist on FENa (-3.84 +/- 0.19 vs. -13.71 +/- 1.30 units; P < 0.001). h of RNaprox and RNadist was high and significant (P < 0.001) in both countries. h was higher in South Africans than in Belgians for RNaprox (0.82 vs. 0.56; P < 0.001), but was similar for RNadist (0.68 vs. 0.50; P = 0.17). Of the filtered sodium load, black participants reabsorb more than white participants in the proximal nephron and less postproximally. CONCLUSION: Segmental sodium reabsorption along the nephron is highly heritable, but the capacity for regulation in the proximal and postproximal tubules differs between whites and blacks.