867 resultados para Black Freedom
Audit report on the Black Hawk County Criminal Justice Information System for the year ended June 30, 2015
Beginning on June 22, 2009, a road safety audit was initiated for the intersection of US 218 and County Road C-57 in Black Hawk County, Iowa. Due to the traffic volumes and the number of conflicting traffic movements on these two roadways, this intersection has developed a crash history that concerns the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Iowa State Patrol, and local agencies. This intersection is ranked seventh in Iowa for the highest number of at-grade expressway intersection crashes. Considering this, Black Hawk County and the Iowa DOT requested that a road safety audit be conducted to address the safety concerns and recommend possible mitigation strategies.
In the works of Mar Arza we perceive a sustained concern with lines of writing on surfaces. Earlyon, she altered the pages and letters of old books. More recently she has intervened in the lettersand the blank spaces on all kinds of printed paper — savings books, electricity bills, medical referrals, calendar pages, lottery tickets...
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has requested the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) to evaluate the health impacts associated with exposure to contaminants of concern that have been found at the former Chamberlain Manufacturing Site. The EPA has been involved in the investigation and remediation of the Former Chamberlain Manufacturing Site since 2005. As part of these investigative activities, on-site soil sampling and both on-and off-site groundwater sampling has been completed. In addition, sub-slab soil gas, indoor air, and ambient air sampling at properties located near the Former Chamberlain Manufacturing Site has been completed. This health consultation addresses potential health risks to the public from exposure to the soil, groundwater and potential vapors within homes or buildings at or near the Former Chamberlain Manufacturing Site. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this document’s conclusions and recommendations.
We initiate a systematic scan of the landscape of black holes in any spacetime dimension using the recently proposed blackfold effective worldvolume theory. We focus primarily on asymptotically flat stationary vacuum solutions, where we uncover large classes of new black holes. These include helical black strings and black rings, black odd-spheres, for which the horizon is a product of a large and a small sphere, and non-uniform black cylinders. More exotic possibilities are also outlined. The blackfold description recovers correctly the ultraspinning Myers-Perry black holes as ellipsoidal even-ball configurations where the velocity field approaches the speed of light at the boundary of the ball. Helical black ring solutions provide the first instance of asymptotically flat black holes in more than four dimensions with a single spatial U(1) isometry. They also imply infinite rational non-uniqueness in ultraspinning regimes, where they maximize the entropy among all stationary single-horizon solutions. Moreover, static blackfolds are possible with the geometry of minimal surfaces. The absence of compact embedded minimal surfaces in Euclidean space is consistent with the uniqueness theorem of static black holes
Using the blackfold approach, we study new classes of higher-dimensional rotating black holes with electric charges and string dipoles, in theories of gravity coupled to a 2-form or 3-form field strength and to a dilaton with arbitrary coupling. The method allows to describe not only black holes with large angular momenta, but also other regimes that include charged black holes near extremality with slow rotation. We construct explicit examples of electric rotating black holes of dilatonic and non-dilatonic Einstein-Maxwell theory, with horizons of spherical and non-spherical topology. We also find new families of solutions with string dipoles, including a new class of prolate black rings. Whenever there are exact solutions that we can compare to, their properties in the appropriate regime are reproduced precisely by our solutions. The analysis of blackfolds with string charges requires the formulation of the dynamics of anisotropic fluids with conserved string-number currents, which is new, and is carried out in detail for perfect fluids. Finally, our results indicate new instabilities of near-extremal, slowly rotating charged black holes, and motivate conjectures about topological constraints on dipole hair.
The disposal of discarded tires has become a major problem. Different methods of recycling have been researched. Currently, Iowa is researching the use of ground recycled crumb rubber from discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement. Six projects have been completed in Iowa using asphalt rubber cement. This project is located on IA 947 (University Avenue) in Cedar Falls/Waterloo. The project contains one section with asphalt rubber cement used in both the binder and surface courses and one section using asphalt rubber cement in the surface course with a conventional binder. There are two control sections where conventional asphalt pavement was placed.
The objective of this work was to assess the effect of poultry litter fertilization levels on corn and black oat yield using different grazing intensities, poultry litter levels (mixture of manure and bedding material) and a chemical fertilization level. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a split-plot arrangement with four replicates. Black oat + ryegrass grazing intensities, characterized by different pasture sward management, with animal entrance at 25, 30 and 35-cm heights and exit at 5.0, 10 and 15-cm heights, were established at the main plots. After the grazing period, corn was grown at the subplots with four levels of poultry litter (0, 4,953, 9,907 and 14,860 kg ha-1), aiming to supply 0, 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, and a treatment with chemical fertilizer, according to soil analysis. Grazing intensities had no effect on corn yield. Corn yield was 7,493, 8,458, 9,188, 10,247 and 11,028 kg ha-1, respectively, for the treatments without and with 4,953, 9,907 and 14,860 kg ha-1 of poultry litter, and the treatment with chemical fertilization. Poultry litter levels have a residual effect on the production of black oat grown in succession to corn.
Open source is typically outside of normal commercial software procurement processes.The Challenges.Increasingly diverse and distributed set of development resources.Little/no visibility into the origins of the software.Supply Chain Comparison: Hardware vs Software.Open source has revolutionized the mobile and device landscape, other industries will follow.Supply chain management techniques from hardware are useful for managing software.SPDX A standard format for communicating a software Bill of Materials across the supply chain.Effective management and control requires training, tools, processes and standards.
Aquest document és el resultat de contrastar el “know-how” dels nostres projectes relacionats amb els temes tractats pel Secretari General de l’ONU, Kofi Annan.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Black cherry (Prunus serotina) is a North American tree that is rapidly invading European forests. This species was introduced first as an ornamental plant, then it was massively planted by foresters in many countries, but its origins and the process of invasion remain poorly documented. Based on a genetic survey of both native and invasive ranges, the invasion history of black cherry was investigated by identifying putative source populations and then assessing the importance of multiple introductions on the maintenance of gene diversity. METHODS: Genetic variability and structure of 23 populations from the invasive range and 22 populations from the native range were analysed using eight nuclear microsatellite loci and five chloroplast DNA regions. KEY RESULTS: Chloroplast DNA diversity suggests there were multiple introductions from a single geographic region (the north-eastern United States). A low reduction of genetic diversity was observed in the invasive range for both nuclear and plastid genomes. High propagule pressure including both the size and number of introductions shaped the genetic structure in Europe and boosted genetic diversity. Populations from Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany showed high genetic diversity and low differentiation among populations, supporting the hypothesis that numerous introduction events, including multiple individuals and exchanges between sites, have taken place during two centuries of plantation. CONCLUSIONS: This study postulates that the invasive black cherry has originated from east of the Appalachian Mountains (mainly the Allegheny plateau) and its invasiveness in north-western Europe is mainly due to multiple introductions containing high numbers of individuals.
Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) has recently made its appearance in the forensic community. This high-precision technology has already been applied to a broad range of forensic fields such as illicit drugs, explosives and flammable liquids, where current, routinely used techniques have limited powers of discrimination. The conclusions drawn from the majority of these IRMS studies appear to be very promising. Used in a comparative process, as in food or drug authentication, the measurement of stable isotope ratios is a new and remarkable analytical tool for the discrimination or the identification of a substance with a definite source or origin. However, the research consists mostly of preliminary studies. The significance of this 'new' piece of information needs to be evaluated in light of a forensic framework to assess the actual potential and validity of IRMS, considering the characteristics of each field. Through the isotopic study of black powder, this paper aims at illustrating the potential of the method and the limitations of current knowledge in stable isotopes when facing forensic problems.
The video installations of Freya Powell's first exhibition in Barcelona call for an analysis of the links between memory and the archive, between compilation, registration, and the traces of History. Powell's work establishes a fine link between the memory of those sentenced to death in the United States, the memory of the Second World War, the artist's own memory, and the different world maps produced by colonial history. This link forces us to take into account our own connection not only with the voices and words that have been archived, but also with those voices that we want to hear and register.
Nicotine in a smoky indoor air environment can be determined using graphitized carbon black as a solid sorbent in quartz tubes. The temperature stability, high purity, and heat absorption characteristics of the sorbent, as well as the permeability of the quartz tubes to microwaves, enable the thermal desorption by means of microwaves after active sampling. Permeation and dynamic dilution procedures for the generation of nicotine in the vapor phase at low and high concentrations are used to evaluate the performances of the sampler. Tube preparation is described and the microwave desorption temperature is measured. Breakthrough volume is determined to allow sampling at 0.1-1 L/min for definite periods of time. The procedure is tested for the determination of gas and paticulate phase nicotine in sidestream smoke produced in an experimental chamber.