794 resultados para Birch.


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Little has been written critically about Singapore's approach towards Internet regulation and policy/ing. This paper therefore seeks to disambiguate the social, cultural and political aspects of Internet regulation in Singapore. We provide an analysis of Singapore's Internet content regulation, and an update of the information (technology) scene in Singapore, including its converging broadcasting, (tele)communications and media areas, all of which impact upon 'Internet policy'. We begin with an introduction to Singapore's policy-making style and an up-to-date account of Singapore's information aims and agendas. We then explore the ideology behind Singapore's Internet policy, especially censorship of content, and examine what is known as the 'light-touch' regulatory framework. We conclude that media conservatism is likely to continue in Singapore despite recent moves that would appear to 'open up' Singapore society.


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Graham Greene is perhaps one of the first novelists that springs to a contemporary mind when Catholic writing and literature is mentioned. A convert to Catholicism, he, like many converts before him including John Henry Cardinal Newman (one of the most famous converts of them all) discovered that writing as a Catholic attracted attentions they had never received before conversion. For years Newman was under a Vatican cloud for some of his writing, and Greene was at the height of his international fame when his highly acclaimed novel The Power and the Glory received a ‘negative judgement’ from the Holy Office (despite Cardinal Montini, later Pope Paul VI, as the Vatican’s pro-Secretary of State for Ordinary Affairs intervening on Greene’s behalf at the time).


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I read the recent comments on Pope Paul VI and the 'smoke of Satan' (July AD2000) with interest not long after I had finished re-reading the massive work by the late Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, generally considered to be the main architect of the liturgical reforms prior to, during, and after Vatican II.


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On the evening of Wednesday 13th September 2006, Solemn Vespers began in the historic 13th century chapel of Merton College Oxford, in much the same way as it would have done at the very first sung Vespers in this beautiful space, designed for the classical Roman liturgy already very well established in its language and forms when this chapel was first built 400 years before the English Reformation. For the next four days, the Roman liturgy, through Lauds, Solemn High Mass, Vespers and Compline, were celebrated in a place that – apart from one Novus Ordo Mass in English – had not seen the glories of this Liturgy celebrated in Latin since the mid 1500s. For those of us present at the 11th International Colloquium of the International Centre for Liturgical Studies (CIEL) dedicated to “The Genius of the Roman Liturgy: Historical Diversity and Spiritual Reach”, this was not just an incredibly moving experience, though it was certainly this, but an affirmation of the timelessness and spiritual heritage of the Latin liturgy.


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Deus caritas est: et qui manet in caritate, in Deo manet, et Deus in eo.

God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him (1John 4:16b).

Many believe in or claim that they believe and hold fast to Catholic doctrine on such questions as social authority... on the relations between Church and State, religion and country ... on the rights of the Holy See and the prerogatives of the Roman Pontiff and the Episcopate, on the social rights of Jesus Christ, Who is the Creator, Redeemer, and Lord not only of individuals but of nations. In spite of these protestations, they speak, write, and, what is more, act as if it were not necessary any longer to follow, or that they did not remain still in full force, the teachings and solemn pronouncements which may be found in so many documents of the Holy See ... (Pope Pius XI, 1922). It is a mistake to state that political, economic, and social liberation coincide with salvation in Jesus Christ; that the regnum Dei is identified with the regnum hominis (Pope John Paul I, 1978).


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The author is a Benedictine monk of L’abbaye Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux in France. The original paper (in French) was delivered in July 2001 at a Liturgy Conference held at the Abbey of Notre Dame, Fontgombault, France,
in the presence of the then Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger when Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and was later published in the English translated proceedings of the conference edited by Dr Alcuin Reid, Looking Again at the Question of the Liturgy with Cardinal Ratzinger:
Proceedings of the July 2001 Fontgombault Liturgical Conference (St Michael’s Abbey, Farnborough, 2003). The paper here published is revised and translated from the original French especially for The Priest by Professor David Birch (Deakin University, Melbourne) at the invitation of the Editor, with the cooperation of Dom Charbel. The full set of footnotes is available in Reid (Ed.) (2003). Where passages are quoted from Magisterial texts, the Vatican website English translation is given rather than a translation of the French version used in the original paper. Sub-headings are due to the Editor.


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Developing long term Business with Community partnerships is becoming an increasingly strategic means of realising corporate citizenship, in one form or another. Many companies in Australia, and elsewhere, are rushing into this, often with disastrous results. One company which has been at the forefront of developing such partnerships, in ways to avoid some of the rushed disasters we are seeing right now, is Rio Tinto, with its Business With Communities Programme established for the last six years in Australia. At the heart of this programme is an approach to strategic corporate citizenship which has nothing to do with altruism, philanthropy or corporate generosity to the community. It is a serious exercise, driven by stakeholder dialogue, in building social capital in the communities in which Rio Tinto operates.


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With the Twentieth World Youth Day in Cologne on 16-21 August, this year, scheduled to be the first overseas visit of Pope Benedict XVI, it is timely to consider the latest book from George Weigel, (perhaps best known for his Witness to Hope: The Biography of John Paul II) in which he composes 14 letters specifically aimed at young Catholics, who, like many of their older counterparts, may well be wondering what it means to be a Catholic today.