987 resultados para Biblioteca Infantil


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This paper seeks to relate issues to the formation of the reader and school routines that directly interfere in the way responsible for the mediation work there included the act of reading, and also reflect on the pedagogical implications arising therefrom. The resumption of data generated in research developed in the years 2007 to 2010 shows that both the classroom as the school library has been constituted as ambiance suitable for training the child reader. Theoretical and methodological concepts related to child development in the act of reading is presented by discussing access to books and children’s literature led to the formation of the child reader, linking them to the old and new reading technologies.


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Esse texto é resultado das análises preliminares do projeto de pesquisa intitulado: Literatura infantil e a presença da criança negra: uma análise dos livros de literatura infantil recomendados pelo Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola (PNBE) de 2010, que tem como objetivo analisar a presença dos personagens negros nos livros de literatura infantil recomendados pelo Programa Nacional Biblioteca Escolar (PNBE) no ano de 2010, com o objetivo de compreender como as crianças do primeiro e do quinto ano do ensino fundamental I veem a presença do personagem negro na literatura infantil. A escolha pela série inicial e pela série final do ensino fundamental I tem a intenção de investigar se as percepções acerca dos personagens negros são diferentes ao decorrer do processo escolar, ou seja, analisar se as crianças pequenas possuem representações diferentes das crianças maiores. Por tratar-se da proposição de uma pesquisa de tipo etnográfico, serão realizadas observações para analisar e interpretar aspectos da literatura infantil veiculada na escola, entrevista semiestruturada para compreender como as crianças vêem a presença do personagem negro na literatura infantil, revisão bibliográfica e análise dos livros de literatura infantil recomendados pelo Programa Nacional Biblioteca Escolar (PNBE) de 2010. Foi escolhido o último ano do programa com o intuito de analisar as obras que estão em circulação atualmente.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Literature is a treasure for humanity and for the school. It causes psychological function of the individual, inserts it in the context of various cultures and historic moments, and, by having formative nature, School and Literature are intrinsecally related institutions. But literature is not the end of the first teaching, while the school has the purpose of teaching literature. Literature is not a source of good leads standards; have to be educated without this process to misrepresent. Thus, it was estalished is to investigate the inadequacy of schooling of Children's Literature pointed out by Soares in 2006, is still reality that becomes present in school or if there was any change in that status. Specific objectives were established: 1)Scanning separately in each of the books education system, from first to fifth grade of elementary school, according to the following categories involving education of literary reading: selection of genres and authors; presentation of these genres and no change from one genre to another; 2)analyze the way children's literature is presented by note-books analyzed education system develop the sensitivity of the student for pluris-signification and expressiveness of literary language, while fulfilling its social function and knowledge; 3)review the comprehension activities of literary reading proposed by notebooks to seize their educational goals. Therefore, we carried out basic theoretical research, demonstrating the functions of literature and the teaching of literature in school, and documentary research. Were analyzed 20 documents (the system apostilled notebooks), paying attention to classwork it to him of genres, authors and works chosen to be worked out, observing the cases of texts fragmentation and transport the genre to the page of the notebook system apostilled, and investigating the goals of literary reading instruction through the analysis of comprehension activities. The data received quantitative...


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The Waldorf pedagogy, based on anthroposophy, was designed by Rudolf Steiner in Germany. The first school was founded in 1919. The main objective of this proposal is human development. From the literature survey, this paper presents concepts and principles of Waldorf education, as well as its history, motivations and characteristics, aiming to increase the understanding of this Pedagogy and describing its foundations. The literature search was performed using books and data. While result of bases, from the study of the theo retical concepts, it was possible to describe the fundamentals, present concepts and principles, in addition to expanding the understanding of the Waldorf pedagogy. Starting from the Waldorf context, were also exposed the principle sofearly childhood education


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Present research investigated how morality has been developed from kinder garten through care relationships established between the nursery assistants, caregivers calls, and children aged 0-2 years old in order to identify if there the action of caring expressions of generosity, considered one of the virtues that are the genesis of human morality, as well as to analyze the conceptions of these nursery assistants about care as a possibility for the moral development of children. The research was based on theoretical studies of Jean Piaget (1932), a pioneer in psychological research on the development of moral judgment in children, and others who own research in the field of moral psychology related to the educational context as well as the care relationship with morality in order to support the research. The results show that the understanding of care in early child hood education is still superficial and based on concepts related to welfare, including caring in a limited way, just as an action aimed at the physical integrity of children. Unable to note concerns and moral development of children, taking care as a support. We hope this research instigate reflections on the importance of care in day care and their contributions to the moral awakening the children they serve


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This research aimed to investigate, to describe and to reflect on the initial and continuous training playful preschool teachers and their applicability in daily practice. Through a literature search on the official documents and playfulness in the formation of the pedagogue, we see the importance of the uses of games and toys in kindergarten. Therefore, a retrospective of early childhood education and teacher training were conducted by analyzing the knowledge necessary to professor of playing in kindergarten. In order to collect data in the field were used as instruments to direct observation of everyday practice of the teacher and a questionnaire to see if the teachers' planning the use of toys and games, times and spaces intended for recreational actions are recorded and are ensured. With these investigative actions, from the descriptive and interpretative analysis of the data can be verified as occurred playful teacher education early childhood education and its importance in recreational use in the classroom every day


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This work consists in the creation of a multimedia product online, and is entitled Esse tal de brincar. The content is presented in the form of informative journalistic texts and brings the play as an essential process for child development, with an impact on adult life. Has the general objective to demonstrate the relevance of the importance of play in children's education. The methodology procedures of bibliographic search and documents for the construction of the theoretical basis were used. Besides the choice of themes, interviews, investigation and journalistic writing were used in production. The research that support the whole discussion is given through interviews, videos and other publications on childhood, education and the play itself. The platform chosen for this was the Wix® and were created the visual identity, such as layout, logo, color distribution, highlights, photos and videos. The publication seeks to achieve parents and educators with the intention of raising awareness about the importance of play in early childhood through informative content