791 resultados para Biblical Patriarch


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RESUMO: A presente abordagem procura estabelecer uma relação entre a Medicina e a Azulejaria. Um conjunto de composições produzidas entre o século XVII e a década de 90 do século XX, localizado na área de Lisboa e seus arredores, organiza-se em torno de oito vectores que ilustram a presença de alusões à Medicina na Azulejaria da referida área. São estes, aspectos relacionados com a higiene, marcos da história da assistência, ciclos temáticos relacionados com os quatro elementos primordiais e com os cinco sentidos, representações ligadas à ideia de morte, episódios bíblicos, referências hagiográficas e elementos ligados à acção médica, como objectos, patologias, instituições ou acontecimentos, associados à Medicina, que atestam esta relação entre Arte e Ciência, de forma geral, e entre a Azulejaria e a Medicina, de forma particular. À análise destes vectores, antecede uma resenha histórica relativa à ligação entre Arte e Ciência e um apontamento histórico acerca da história da Azulejaria. Pretende-se demonstrar esta conexão interdisciplinar e reforçar a importância da vertente humanista da Medicina, na sua história, na sua aprendizagem e na sua prática.-------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The present approach aims at establishing a relation between Medicine and Tile Art. A group of compositions produced between the 17th century and the 1990s, located in the Lisbon area and its surroundings, is organized around eight vectors that illustrate the presence of allusions to Medicine in the Tile Art in the mentioned areas. These are related with hygiene aspects, landmarks in the history of assistance, thematic cycles related with the four main elements and with the five senses, representations connected to the idea of death, biblical episodes, hagiographic references and elements connected to the medical intervention, such as objects, pathologies, institutions or events related to Medicine that testify this relation between Art and Science in a broad context, and between Tile Art and Medicine in a strict sense. Prior to the analysis of these vectors there is a historic contextualization concerning the relationship between Art and Science and a historical note about the history of Tile Art. The aim is to demonstrate the interdisciplinary relation and reinforce the importance of the humanistic side of Medicine, in its history, its learning and its practice.------------------------------------RÉSUMÉ: Cet étude vise établir une relation entre la Médecine et l’Art de l’ « Azulejaria ». Un ensemble de compositions produites entre le XVII ème siècle et le dernier quart du XX ème siècle, dans la région de Lisbonne, s’organise autour de huit axes qui illustrent des références à la médecine. Nous avons récupéré des motifs allusifs à l’hygiène, à l’histoire de l’assistance, aux cycles thématiques des quatre éléments primordiaux et des cinq sens, à la mort, aux épisodes bibliques ou hagiographiques mais aussi aux motifs qui reproduisent des objets, des pathologies, des institutions ou des évènements médicaux. Tous ces exemples mettent à jour la relation entre l’Art et la Science, en général, et entre l’ « Azulejaria» et la Médecine, en particulier. Avant d’analyser ces huit axes, nous établirons un parcours historique pour expliquer la relation entre Art et Science, ainsi qu’une brève histoire de l’ «azulejaria». Nous prétendons démontrer cette relation interdisciplinaire et renforcer l’importance de la vertu humaniste des Sciences Médicales dans son histoire, son apprentissage et sa pratique.


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RESUMO - Visa-se explicitar a origem, a razão de ser, a natureza e o que se perspectiva da relação entre a Epidemiologia e a Saúde Pública, através de uma leitura histórica. As duas entidades foram-se definindo e fazendo sentido em conjunto, com sucessos e, também, muita polémica, desde há milénios e até meados do século XIX. Nesta época, uma combinação de circunstâncias proporcionou-lhes uma explosão de crescimento e de definição, de par com várias outras áreas disciplinares. Desde o antigo relato bíblico de como boa alimentação explica o bom estado de saúde, até à valorização científica das condicionantes sociais e económicas da saúde por Marmot e Rose, passando por «miasmas» causando doença e pela deslocação do conceito de risco individual de saúde para o de risco populacional — com as implicações inerentes a essa importante inovação —, este percurso permite identificar as fundações de tão notável simbiose, explicar o estado presente, vê-la evoluir e achar nela o significado do património hoje disponível, e o que ele promete. Algumas discrepâncias quanto à designação dos seus métodos, bem como a contínua discussão quanto à sua verdadeira natureza e orientação futura, atestam a juventude da Epidemiologia como disciplina científica. Entretanto, a Saúde Pública esforça-se por manter a sua essência integradora, à medida que outras disciplinas contribuem mais para que concretize os seus objectivos; é desafiada pela exposição das populações, em larga escala, a factores de doença, por vezes de intensidade mínima, e pelo surgimento de novas doenças ou a ampliação do volume de outras na população, muitas vezes não respeitando fronteiras. A história dessa simbiose mostra bem que conhecer o modo como uma doença se origina permite controlá-la na população, ou mesmo evitá-la, e que é grande o número de problemas que, em sinergia, as duas disciplinas podem clarificar e resolver. Assim, a Epidemiologia oferece à Saúde Pública explicações (olhos, inteligência e linguagem) para os problemas de saúde das populações — o que permite à segunda saber sobre o quê agir —, cenários de possível evolução dos problemas — o que permite aos decisores optarem em função de diferentes pressupostos, sobre como agir — e capacidade de juízo sobre os resultados das acções empreendidas, em simultâneo com a elevação do nível de consciência, de compreensão e de intervenção quanto ao que se está a passar, tanto pelos profissionais, como pela população — transferência do conhecimento. Facilmente se antecipa que a relação entre as duas disciplinas irá evoluir para maior complexidade e, também, solicitação e exigência da Saúde Pública sobre a Epidemiologia, que terá que corresponder em utilidade. E esta, continuando a subespecializar-se e a sofisticar-se tanto nos métodos, como nos enfoques sobre categorias específicas de factores, precisará de progredir muito na gestão da sua consistência enquanto corpo de conhecimento integrado e com peculiaridades metodológicas, à semelhança da Saúde Pública.O modo como evoluirá a relação entre ambas depende ainda da evolução dos próprios problemas, conceitos, teorias e soluções relacionados com a saúde das populações, e ainda do desenvolvimento das demais disciplinas chamadas à integração por ambas, para enfrentarem esses desafios. Nomeadamente, a Epidemiologia terá que gerir com perícia dificuldades já identificadas, como: incorporar métodos qualitativos de investigação na sua fortíssima tradição e cultura quantitativa; operacionalizar satisfatoriamente o conceito de «risco atribuível na população», ao serviço da definição de prioridades de acção dirigida às necessidades de saúde; aperfeiçoar modelos de interpretação causal que respeitem a multicausalidade; aproveitar as técnicas estatísticas de análise multivariada, sem se perder na abstracção dos seus modelos; desenvolver a investigação nas dimensões positivas de saúde, além da doença, para contribuir melhor para a realização da Saúde Pública, sua principal cliente e fornecedora de oportunidades.--------------------------ABSTRACT - The aim of the author is to explicit the origin, the rationale, the nature and the prospects of the relationship between Epidemiology and Public health, through an historic approach. The two entities have been defining and making sense together, by achieving successes, but also with much controversy, since millennia ago, until mid XIX century. A combination of circumstances provided them the opportunity for an explosion of growth and definition, then, alongside several other disciplines. From the ancient biblical report on how good food explains good health, up to the scientific appreciation of both social and economical constraints to health by Marmot and Rose, passing through «miasma» causing disease and through displacing from individual health risk to population risk — with the inherent implications of that important innovation —, this route allows the identification of the foundations of such remarkable symbiosis, the explanation of current status, to see its evolution and find in it the meaning of today’s heritage and what it promises. Some discrepancies on the name of its methods, as well as the continuing discussion about its true nature and future orientation, attest Epidemiology’s youth as a scientific discipline. Meanwhile, Public Health strives to keep its integrating essence, while other disciplines increasingly contribute so that it achieves its objectives; it is challenged by large scale population exposure to disease factors, sometimes with a minimum intensity, and by new diseases emerging in the population or by old ones getting amplified, often not respecting regions boundaries. The history of such a symbiosis shows that knowing the way a disease is generated allows to control it in the population, or even to avoid it, and that the number of problems that the two disciplines are able to clarify and solve together in synergy is considerable. Therefore, Epidemiology offers Public Health explanations (eyes, intelligence and language) for populations’s health problems — allowing that the latter knows on what to act —, scenarios on how problems may tend to evolve — allowing decision-makers to make their choices as a function of different assumptions, on how to act — and judgement capabilities on the results of already undertaken actions, accompanied by the raising of conscience level, understanding and intervention of what is going on by both professionals and the population – knowledge transfer. It is easy to anticipate that the relationship between both disciplines will develop towards increasing complexity and demand from Public Health to Epidemiology, and that this one will have to correspond in usefulness. And the latter, while continuing its subspecialisation and sophistication either in its methods, or in its approaches to specific factor categories, will need to progress in managing its consistency as an integrated body of knowledge having methodological peculiarities, similarly to Public Health. Further, the way the relationship between both will evolve depends on the evolution of the problems themselves, of the concepts, theories and solutions related to the health of populations, and on the development of remaining disciplines called to integration by both, in other to face those problems. Namely, Epidemiology will have to manage with expertise some already known difficulties, as: the inclusion of qualitative research methods in its very strong quantitative tradition and culture; to grant satisfactory operation to the «population attributable risk» concept, in support to the definition of action priorities envisaging health needs; to improve causal interpretation models that comply with multicausality; to take advantage of multivariate statistical techniques, without get


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Paper submitted to e-conservation Journal: Maria Leonor Oliveira, Leslie Carlyle, Sara Fragoso, Isabel Pombo Cardoso and João Coroado, “Investigations into paint delamination and consolidation of an oil painting on copper support”.


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Bathsheba's actions in 2 Sam. 11.2-4 identify crucial aspects of her character. Past commentators interpret these words in connection with menstrual purification, stressing the certain paternity of David's adulterine child. This article demonstrates that the participles rōheset and mitqaddesšet and the noun mittum'ātāh do not denote menstrual cleansing. Bathsheba's washing is an innocent bath. She is the only individual human to self-sanctify, placing her in the company of the Israelite deity. The syntax of the verse necessitates that her action of self-sanctifying occurs simultaneously as David lies with her. The three focal terms highlight the important legitimacy of Bathsheba before the Israelite deity, her identity as a non-Israelite, her role as queen mother of the Solomonic line, and her full participation in the narrative.


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A welcome supplement to the bestselling How to Read the OT and How to Read the NT, indicating more recent developments in biblical studies especially in the area of narrative criticism.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Seventeen innovative studies are collected in this volume which has been produced under the aegis of the Centre for Biblical Studies, University of Manchester, and L'Institut des sciences bibliques, Université de Lausanne. The majority of the studies engage with narrative through providing insightful working examples. Building on the many contributions of recent narratological research, for the most part the studies in this collection avoid the technical language of narratology as they present fresh insights at many levels. Some essays focus more on the implied author, some on the implied reader or hearer, and some on the way particular messages are constructed; some of the studies consider how author, message and reader are all interconnected. There are several creative proposals for refining genre definition, from law and wisdom to gospel and apocryphal writings. Some studies highlight the way in which narratives can contain ethical, religious, and cultural messages. Sensitivity to narrative is also shown by some contributors to expose in intruing ways the redactional processes behind the final form of texts. Students of narrative in the ancient world will find much to consider in this book, and others engaged with literary studies more generally will discover that scholars of the worlds of the Bible and Late Antiquity have much to offer them.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Seventeen innovative studies are collected in this volume which has been produced under the aegis of the Centre for Biblical Studies, University of Manchester, and L'Institut des sciences bibliques, Université de Lausanne. The majority of the studies engage with narrative through providing insightful working examples. Building on the many contributions of recent narratological research, for the most part the studies in this collection avoid the technical language of narratology as they present fresh insights at many levels. Some essays focus more on the implied author, some on the implied reader or hearer, and some on the way particular messages are constructed; some of the studies consider how author, message and reader are all interconnected. There are several creative proposals for refining genre definition, from law and wisdom to gospel and apocryphal writings. Some studies highlight the way in which narratives can contain ethical, religious, and cultural messages. Sensitivity to narrative is also shown by some contributors to expose in intruing ways the redactional processes behind the final form of texts. Students of narrative in the ancient world will find much to consider in this book, and others engaged with literary studies more generally will discover that scholars of the worlds of the Bible and Late Antiquity have much to offer them.


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The project of articulating a theological ethics on the basis of liturgical anthropology is bound to fail if the necessary consequence is that one has to quit the forum of critical modern rationality. The risk of Engelhardt's approach is to limit rationality to a narrow vision of reason. Sin is not to be understood as the negation of human holiness, but as the negation of divine holiness. The only way to renew theological ethics is to understand sin as the anthropological and ethical expression of the biblical message of the justification by faith only. Sin is therefore a secondary category, which can only by interpreted in light of the positive manifestation of liberation, justification, and grace. The central issue of Christian ethics is not ritual purity or morality, but experience, confession and recognition of our own injustice in our dealing with God and men.


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Parmi les personnages de la Bible hébraïque, Abraham occupe une place privilégiée. Avec Moïse il est en quelque sorte le fondateur du judaïsme. Contrairement à Moïse, Abraham est devenu l'ancêtre commun des trois religions monothéistes : judaïsme, christianisme, islam. Ce patriarche semble jouir d'un incontestable pouvoir d'intégration, puisque des courants théologiques différents peuvent se reconnaître en lui. Il existe donc plusieurs lectures possibles de la figure de cet ancêtre. Le fondement de toutes ces lectures, à savoir le cycle d'Abraham, qui se trouve dans le livre de la Genèse (Gn 11,27-25,18), contient lui-même déjà une diversité de vues et de représentations du patriarche.