984 resultados para Benítez Rojo


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Background Dopamine is believed to be a key neurotransmitter in the development of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Several recent studies point to an association of the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) gene and this condition. More specifically, the 7 repeat variant of a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism in exon III of this gene is suggested to bear a higher risk for ADHD. In the present study, we investigated the role of this polymorphism in the modulation of neurophysiological correlates of response inhibition (Go/Nogo task) in a healthy, high-functioning sample. Results Homozygous 7 repeat carriers showed a tendency for more accurate behavior in the Go/Nogo task compared to homozygous 4 repeat carriers. Moreover, 7 repeat carriers presented an increased nogo-related theta band response together with a reduced go-related beta decrease. Conclusions These data point to improved cognitive functions and prefrontal control in the 7 repeat carriers, probably due to the D4 receptor's modulatory role in prefrontal areas. The results are discussed with respect to previous behavioral data on this polymorphism and animal studies on the impact of the D4 receptor on cognitive functions.


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Práctica de embarque em el "Coco IX”, es un yate privado a motor propiedad de la empresa Iberostar Hoteles y Apartamentos S.L, con bandera española y lista 7ª. Tiene como puerto base el Club de Mar situado en la ciudad de Palma de Mallorca.


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Aquest projecte està encarat a avaluar un protocol de prevenció de luxacions i subluxacions d’espatlla en el judo. L’objectiu principal és el de reduir el nombre de luxacions i subluxacions d’espatlla en judokes de categories compreses entre les categories cadet i absoluta millorant paràmetres com la força, la elasticitat muscular, la propiocepció, l’alimentació i la condició física dels esportistes. Aquest serà un estudi experimental amb dos grups, on el Centre de Tecnificació del Bages un realitzarà el protocol objecte d’estudi i el grup de la Federació Catalana de Judo i D.A seguiran amb la seva activitat habitual. Cada grup estarà format per 37 esportistes amb un risc alfa de 0.05 i un risc beta inferior al 0.2, amb una taxa de pèrdua de seguiment d’un 10%. Aquest protocol de prevenció pot ser útil en la nostre comunitat, però no té perquè ser-ho en altres països o regions depenent del tipus de judo que es realitza a cada lloc. Abans de començar amb l’actuació del protocol es realitzaran avaluacions biomecàniques per conèixer l’estat dels esportistes i poder actuar analíticament on més ho necessiti cada integrant de l’estudi.


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El secreto del Unicornio es la décima novela gráfica de la serie Las aventuras de Tintín,3 del autor belga Georges Prosper Remi, más conocido por su seudónimo Hergé. El relato que ahora presentamos5 es la primera parte del que le sigue, El tesoro de Rackham el Rojo, y cinematográficamente corresponderá a una futura segunda parte del filme. Tintín, joven reportero belga, se mete a menudo en problemas por defender causas justas.


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Las canciones para laúd o ayres en la Inglaterra de finales del siglo XVI y principios del XVII además de ser un género muy importante dentro de la música inglesa, son una manifestación cultural de varios ámbitos, tales como patronaje, comercio, género, clase social, filosofía y religión. Con sus letras eróticas en combinación con la voz solista, la música del laúd y la viola da gamba, fueron un medio de expresión muy intenso que permitía la entrada a un universo de sentimiento, pero que también representaba un pensamiento filosófico y una conciencia retórica. Basado en estudios previos, este ensayo explora las ayres desde diferentes ámbitos: el social, el de género, el humanista y el literario para entender el género de las ayres a fondo de manera que le sea útil al intérprete al momento de abordar este repertorio.


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Seguint les aportacions de Sutherland al desenvolupament de la teoria de l'associació diferencial, la delinqüència juvenil és producte de l'aprenentatge que els menors realitzen de conductes i valors criminals. La conducta criminal és, doncs, apresa en interacció amb d'altres persones en un grup social íntim. Lluny de semblar una teoria massa simplista en els seus postulats, aquesta engloba una sèrie de factors socials i criminològics que recolzen la meva proposta d'intervenció. Caldria, a parer meu, graduar la intensitat de la resposta penal conforme al procés evolutiu del menor. Així doncs, en l'establiment de les mesures de responsabilitat civil i penal hauríem d'estar amatents al grau de maduresa en el discerniment per part del menor d'allò que està permès i d'allò que ras i curt no es pot fer.


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This paper provides a map of the scientific productivity of authors affiliated to a Spanish institution and who have addressed one of the most important current topics in schizophrenia: The study of cognitive performance. A search of the Web of Science yielded 125 articles that met the inclusion criteria. In order to provide a comprehensive overview of scientific productivity, we examine several bibliometric indicators, concerning both productivity and impact or visibility. The analysis also focuses on qualitative aspects of key theoretical importance, such as the kinds of cognitive functions that are most often assessed and the tests most widely used to evaluate them in clinical practice. The study shows that interest in the subject of cognitive function in schizophrenia has increased considerably in Spain since the beginning of this century. The results also highlight the need to standardize the type of tests to be used in the cognitive assessment of patients with schizophrenia.


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El cuento de Caperucita Roja1 ha sobrevivido a través de los años gracias a su rico simbolismo por las imágenes de gran alcance que contiene. La joven niña con la capa roja que se encuentra con un lobo disfrazado de abuela es algo que golpea profundamente al receptor. El tema se ha estudiado desde numerosos puntos de vista; destaca el psicoanalista Bruno Bettelheim,2 que señala la caperuza que lleva la protagonista como símbolo de su entrada en la pubertad, asociando el color rojo con el ciclo menstrual. No todos los críticos están de acuerdo con este aspecto, aunque bastantes autores relacionan el cuento con el despertar de la sexualidad,la adolescencia y todo lo que conlleva. Perrault tampoco descuida tener en cuenta su advertencia de los riesgos en la etapa, sobre todo para las niñas románticas, en la moraleja final del relato.


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Se ha n realizado implantaciones de silicio y de carbono + silicio en matrices aislantes de SÍO2 térmico, las cuales, después de un recocido a alta temperatura precipitan en forma de nanocristales de tamaños comprendidos entre 30 y 60 Á. Estas estructuras presentan una intensa fotoluminiscencia en el rojo profundo (1.4-1.6 eV) y el verde (2.0-2.2 eV). La energía e intensidad de las bandas depende fuertemente de la temperatura y duración del recocido. Diferentes comportamientos se han encontrado para las bandas roja y verde, incluyendo la cinética de desexcitación y el origen estructural. Los experimentos de absorción infrarroja, Raman y microscopía electrónica demuestran que los nanocristales son los responsables de la banda roja mientras que agregados amorfos de carbono son los responsables de la verde.


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Desenvolupar un sistema de seguimentindividualitzat i grupal de les activitatsdocents dels estudiants en assignatures d’alta densitat de matricula per tal de fer efectius els pressupostos d’una veritable avaluació continuada en aquestes condicions.


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Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352


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Background: The relevance of persistent cognitive deficits to the pathogenesis and prognosis of bipolar disorders (BD) is understudied, and its translation into clinical practice has been limited by the absence of brief methods assessing cognitive status in Psychiatry. This investigation assessed the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry (SCIP-S) for the detection of cognitive impairment in BD. Methods: After short training, psychiatrists at 40 outpatient clinics administered the SCIP three times over two weeks to a total of 76 consecutive type I BD admissions. Experienced psychologists also administered a comprehensive battery of standard neuropsychological instruments to clinical sample and 45 healthy control subjects. Results: Feasibility was supported by a brief administration time (approximately 15 minutes) and minimal scoring errors. The reliability of the SCIP was confirmed by good equivalence of forms, acceptable stability (ICC range 0.59 to 0.87) and adequate internal consistency (Chronbach's alpha of 0.74). Construct validity was granted by extraction of a single factor (accounting 52% of the variance), acceptable correlations with conventional neuropsychological instruments, and a clear differentiation between bipolar I and normal samples. Efficiency was also provided by the adequate sensitivity and specificity. Limitations: The sample size is not very large. The SCIP and the neurocognitive battery do not cover all potentially relevant cognitive domains. Also, sensitivity to change remains unexplored. Conclusion: With minimal training, physicians obtained a reliable and valid estimate of cognitive impairment in approximately 15 minutes from an application of the SCIP to type I BD patients.


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Background: The relevance of persistent cognitive deficits to the pathogenesis and prognosis of bipolar disorders (BD) is understudied, and its translation into clinical practice has been limited by the absence of brief methods assessing cognitive status in Psychiatry. This investigation assessed the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry (SCIP-S) for the detection of cognitive impairment in BD. Methods: After short training, psychiatrists at 40 outpatient clinics administered the SCIP three times over two weeks to a total of 76 consecutive type I BD admissions. Experienced psychologists also administered a comprehensive battery of standard neuropsychological instruments to clinical sample and 45 healthy control subjects. Results: Feasibility was supported by a brief administration time (approximately 15 minutes) and minimal scoring errors. The reliability of the SCIP was confirmed by good equivalence of forms, acceptable stability (ICC range 0.59 to 0.87) and adequate internal consistency (Chronbach's alpha of 0.74). Construct validity was granted by extraction of a single factor (accounting 52% of the variance), acceptable correlations with conventional neuropsychological instruments, and a clear differentiation between bipolar I and normal samples. Efficiency was also provided by the adequate sensitivity and specificity. Limitations: The sample size is not very large. The SCIP and the neurocognitive battery do not cover all potentially relevant cognitive domains. Also, sensitivity to change remains unexplored. Conclusion: With minimal training, physicians obtained a reliable and valid estimate of cognitive impairment in approximately 15 minutes from an application of the SCIP to type I BD patients.


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The synthesis of two new D-galactose-based dimers having a 1,4-butanediamine spacer is reported aiming at the evaluation of their interaction with the Erythrina cristagalli lectin. The title compounds were prepared in four and five steps from 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-D-galactopyranoside bromide, in 20 % and 15 % overall yield, respectively, using the Doebner modification of the Koenavenagel reaction as the key sep. The lectin-carbohydrate interaction could be evaluated for only one dimer, due to solubility problems. A twofold enhancement of affinity was observed, compared to the corresponding monovalent ligand.


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A study of the different hydrocarbon reactions over Ni doped WO3-ZrO2 catalysts was performed. Ni was found as NiO at low Ni concentration while at high Ni concentrations a small fraction was present as a metal. For both cases, Ni strongly modified total acidity and concentration of strong acid sites. In the cyclohexane dehydrogenation reaction, Ni addition promotes both benzene and methyl cyclopentane production. The hydroconversion activity (n-butane and n-octane) increases with the augment of total acidity produced by Ni. The selectivity to reaction products is modified according to the acid strength distribution changes produced by Ni addition.