314 resultados para Bande


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Issued in parts ("Hefte" with cover and half-titles); the 4th volume has t.-p. for each "Heft", but no general t.-p.


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1. bd. Biographie, von dr. G. Karpeles. Buch der lieder.--2. bd. Neue gedichte. Zeitgedichte. Atta Troll. Deutschland, ein wintermärchen.--3. bd. Romancero. Letze gedichte.--4 bd. Tragödien. Shakspeare's mädchen und frauen.--5. bd. Reisebilder I. Memoiren.--6. bd. Resisebilder II. Englische fragmente.--7. bd. Deutschland I.: Zur geschichte der religion und philosophie in Deutschland. Die romantische schule.-- 8. bd. Deutschland II.: Geständnisse. Elementargeister. Der doktor Faust. Die götter im exil. Die göttin Diana.--9. bd. Französische zustände. I.: Das bürgerkönigthum im jahre 1832. Lutetia.--10. bd. Französische zustände. II. Lutetia (fortsetzung) Kunstberichte aus Paris: Französische maler. Über die französische bühne. Musikalische berichte aus Paris.--11. bd. Novellistische fragmente: Der rabbi von Bacharach. Memoiren des herrn von Schnabelewopski. Florentinische nächte. Ludwig Börne.--12. bd. Vermischte schriften: Einleitung zu "Kahldorf über den adel." Vorrede zum ersten bande des "Salon." Ueber den denuncianten. Der Schwabenspiegel. Einleitung zur prachtausgabe des "Don Quixote." Vorwort zu A. Weill's "Sittengemälden aus dem elsässischen volksleben." Thomas Reynolds. Ludwig Marcus. Loeve-Veimars. Autobiographische skizze. Albert Methfessel. Die romantik. Verschiedenartige geschichtsauffassung. Eingangsworte zur eubersetzung eines lappländischen gedichts. Recensionen. Nachträge. Gedanken und einfälle.


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Edition varies.


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Added t.p.: Die renaissance.


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Aus dem iv. bande der Mémoires de l'Académie Imp. des Sciences, vi. série, sciences historiques.


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"Besonders abgedruckt aus der ersten Beilage zum ersten Bande der Flora oder Botanischen Zeitung vom Jahre 1824."


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"Aus dem fünften Bande der Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen."


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"Aus dem elften Bande der Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen."


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"Aus dem zweiundzwanzigsten bande der Abhandlungen der Königlichen gesellschaft der wissenschaften zu Göttingen."


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"Systematisch-alphabetisches verzeichnis der im zweiten[-dritten] bande dieses handbuches aufgeführten blumenbesuchenden tierarten nebst angabe der von jeder art besuchten blumen": v.2, pt.2, p. [559]-672 ; v.3, pt.2, p. [359]-470.


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"Besonders abgedruckt aus dem XLVIII. bande der Denkschriften der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der wissenschaften."


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"Sonderabdruck aus dem siebzehnten Bande der Neuen Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum, Geschichte und deutsche Literatur."


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The history of France and its empires is one that has been well trodden, particularly the French occupation, and subsequent war, in Algeria. In this companion to his earlier work, 2011’s The Colonial Heritage of French Comics,McKinney attempts to examine the reconstruction of French national identity in the wake of decolonisation through the medium of Francophonecomics. He endeavours to study the colonial affrontier (3), the space in which France and its colonies are connected and divided, where they seek to confront each other, or to seek peace and the removal of the division. McKinney argues this affrontier can be found most strongly in the Francophone comics produced dealing with the French colonial experience in Algeria, as well as that of Indochina,and does so from both sides of each conflict. McKinney examines in detail the French colonisation of Algeria (1830sonwards), the French war in Indochina (1946–54) and the Algerian war (1954–62), and his work is the first to approach these well-covered areas of research through the medium of comics. The resulting work takes the form of an investigation into the five forms of genealogical inquiry utilised in comics regarding these conflicts. His approach investigates the familial, ethnic, national, artistic and critical forms of genealogy relating to colonialism and imperialism from a variety of viewpoints, including the previously overlooked perspective of the pieds noirs. He aims to highlight both those cartoonists that critique the colonial ideology, as well as those cartoonists who to some extent attempt to gloss over or even romanticise the French empire, strengthening the affrontier. He positions himself alongside Foucault in seeing genealogy as a useful means of establishing ‘historical knowledge of struggles’ (Foucault1980, 85), but McKinney looks at the colonial representation in a popular medium,including the recent increase in comics produced which consider the French colonial experience. He argues that this consideration of the present, as well as European imperialism, is absent in the work of Foucault. The text is accompanied by a number of black and white facsimiles of pages from the comics he analyses to illustrate the different and often conflicting positions of cartoonists on these issues. Overall, McKinney’s work is a welcome addition to the study of the French colonial experience, which separates its elf from the rest by using Francophonecomics as lenses through which to look at these already well-trodden areas of study. He succeeds in determining if and how cartoonists critique colonial ideology and representations on both sides of the conflicts, a task in which he is unarguably successful. McKinney’s work, however, is unfortunately let down by typo graphicerrors, which occur throughout the text.Nevertheless, McKinney’s work is another important work in the field of Bande Dessine ́e scholarship, and useful for anyone interested in the representations of colonialism and imperialism in French comics, accompanied by anencyclopaedic bibliography of comics produced on this topic.


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Il grafene, allotropo del carbonio costituito da un reticolo bidimensionale, è uno dei nanomateriali più promettenti allo stato attuale della ricerca nei campi della Fisica e della Chimica, ma anche dell'Ingegneria e della Biologia. Isolato e caratterizzato per la prima volta nel 2004 dai ricercatori russi Andre Geim e Konstantin Novoselov presso l'Università di Manchester, ha aperto la via sia a studi teorici per comprendere con gli strumenti della Meccanica Quantistica gli effetti di confinamento in due dimensioni (2D), sia ad un vastissimo panorama di ricerca applicativa che ha l'obiettivo di sfruttare al meglio le straordinarie proprietà meccaniche, elettriche, termiche ed ottiche mostrate da questo materiale. Nella preparazione di questa tesi ho personalmente seguito presso l'Istituto per la Microelettronica e i Microsistemi (IMM) del CNR di Bologna la sintesi mediante Deposizione Chimica da Fase Vapore (CVD) di grafene "tridimensionale" (3D) o "poroso" (denominato anche "schiuma di grafene", in inglese "graphene foam"), ossia depositato su una schiuma metallica dalla struttura non planare. In particolare l'obiettivo del lavoro è stato quello di misurare le proprietà di conduttività elettrica dei campioni sintetizzati e di confrontarle con i risultati dei modelli che le descrivono teoricamente per il grafene planare. Dopo un primo capitolo in cui descriverò la struttura cristallina, i livelli energetici e la conduzione dei portatori di carica nel reticolo ideale di grafene 2D (utilizzando la teoria delle bande e l'approssimazione "tight-binding"), illustrerò le differenti tecniche di sintesi, in particolare la CVD per la produzione di grafene poroso che ho seguito in laboratorio (cap.2). Infine, nel capitolo 3, presenterò la teoria di van der Pauw su cui è basato il procedimento per eseguire misure elettriche su film sottili, riporterò i risultati di conduttività delle schiume e farò alcuni confronti con le previsioni della teoria.