902 resultados para Bag-of-visual Words


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Presentation Purpose:To determine methods of quantifying the sensitivity loss in the central 10o visual field in a cross section of patients at various stages of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Methods:Standard and short-wavelength automated perimetry (SAP and SWAP) visual fields were collected using program 10-2 of the Humphrey Field Analyzer, in 44 eyes of 27 patients with AMD and 41 eyes of 22 normal subjects. Stereoscopic fundus photographs were graded by two independent observers and the stage of disease determined. Global indices were compared for their ability to delineate the normal visual field from early stages of AMD and to differentiate between stages. Results:Mean Deviation (MD) and Pattern Standard Deviation (PSD) varied significantly with stage of disease in SAP (both p<0.001) and SWAP (both p<0.001), but post-hoc analysis revealed overlap of functional values between stages. Global indices of focal loss, PSD and local spatial variability (LSV) were the most sensitive to detecting differences between normal subjects and early stage AMD patients, in SAP and SWAP, respectively. Overall, defects were confined to the central 5°. SWAP defects were consistently greater in depth and area than those in SAP. The most vulnerable region of the 10° field to sensitivity loss with increasing stage of AMD was the central 1°, in which the sensitivity decline was -4.8dB per stage in SAP and -4.9dB per stage in SWAP. Based on the pattern deviation defect maps, a severity index of AMD visual field loss was derived. Threshold variability was considerably increased in late stage AMD eyes. Conclusions:Global indices of focal loss were more sensitive to the detection of early stage AMD from normal. The sensitivity decline with advancing stage of AMD was greater in SWAP compared to SAP, however the trend was not strong across all stages of disease. The less commonly used index LSV represents relatively statistically unmanipulated summary measure of focal loss. A new severity index is described which is sensitive to visual field change in AMD, measures visual field defects on a continuous scale and may serve as a useful measure of functional change in AMD in longitudinal studies. Keywords: visual fields • age-related macular degeneration • perimetry


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Visual mental imagery is a complex process that may be influenced by the content of mental images. Neuropsychological evidence from patients with hemineglect suggests that in the imagery domain environments and objects may be represented separately and may be selectively affected by brain lesions. In the present study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to assess the possibility of neural segregation among mental images depicting parts of an object, of an environment (imagined from a first-person perspective), and of a geographical map, using both a mass univariate and a multivariate approach. Data show that different brain areas are involved in different types of mental images. Imagining an environment relies mainly on regions known to be involved in navigational skills, such as the retrosplenial complex and parahippocampal gyrus, whereas imagining a geographical map mainly requires activation of the left angular gyrus, known to be involved in the representation of categorical relations. Imagining a familiar object mainly requires activation of parietal areas involved in visual space analysis in both the imagery and the perceptual domain. We also found that the pattern of activity in most of these areas specifically codes for the spatial arrangement of the parts of the mental image. Our results clearly demonstrate a functional neural segregation for different contents of mental images and suggest that visuospatial information is coded by different patterns of activity in brain areas involved in visual mental imagery. Hum Brain Mapp 36:945-958, 2015.


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Because of attentional limitations, the human visual system can process for awareness and response only a fraction of the input received. Lesion and functional imaging studies have identified frontal, temporal, and parietal areas as playing a major role in the attentional control of visual processing, but very little is known about how these areas interact to form a dynamic attentional network. We hypothesized that the network communicates by means of neural phase synchronization, and we used magnetoencephalography to study transient long-range interarea phase coupling in a well studied attentionally taxing dual-target task (attentional blink). Our results reveal that communication within the fronto-parieto-temporal attentional network proceeds via transient long-range phase synchronization in the beta band. Changes in synchronization reflect changes in the attentional demands of the task and are directly related to behavioral performance. Thus, we show how attentional limitations arise from the way in which the subsystems of the attentional network interact. The human brain faces an inestimable task of reducing a potentially overloading amount of input into a manageable flow of information that reflects both the current needs of the organism and the external demands placed on it. This task is accomplished via a ubiquitous construct known as “attention,” whose mechanism, although well characterized behaviorally, is far from understood at the neurophysiological level. Whereas attempts to identify particular neural structures involved in the operation of attention have met with considerable success (1-5) and have resulted in the identification of frontal, parietal, and temporal regions, far less is known about the interaction among these structures in a way that can account for the task-dependent successes and failures of attention. The goal of the present research was, thus, to unravel the means by which the subsystems making up the human attentional network communicate and to relate the temporal dynamics of their communication to observed attentional limitations in humans. A prime candidate for communication among distributed systems in the human brain is neural synchronization (for review, see ref. 6). Indeed, a number of studies provide converging evidence that long-range interarea communication is related to synchronized oscillatory activity (refs. 7-14; for review, see ref. 15). To determine whether neural synchronization plays a role in attentional control, we placed humans in an attentionally demanding task and used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to track interarea communication by means of neural synchronization. In particular, we presented 10 healthy subjects with two visual target letters embedded in streams of 13 distractor letters, appearing at a rate of seven per second. The targets were separated in time by a single distractor. This condition leads to the “attentional blink” (AB), a well studied dual-task phenomenon showing the reduced ability to report the second of two targets when an interval <500 ms separates them (16-18). Importantly, the AB does not prevent perceptual processing of missed target stimuli but only their conscious report (19), demonstrating the attentional nature of this effect and making it a good candidate for the purpose of our investigation. Although numerous studies have investigated factors, e.g., stimulus and timing parameters, that manipulate the magnitude of a particular AB outcome, few have sought to characterize the neural state under which “standard” AB parameters produce an inability to report the second target on some trials but not others. We hypothesized that the different attentional states leading to different behavioral outcomes (second target reported correctly or not) are characterized by specific patterns of transient long-range synchronization between brain areas involved in target processing. Showing the hypothesized correspondence between states of neural synchronization and human behavior in an attentional task entails two demonstrations. First, it needs to be demonstrated that cortical areas that are suspected to be involved in visual-attention tasks, and the AB in particular, interact by means of neural synchronization. This demonstration is particularly important because previous brain-imaging studies (e.g., ref. 5) only showed that the respective areas are active within a rather large time window in the same task and not that they are concurrently active and actually create an interactive network. Second, it needs to be demonstrated that the pattern of neural synchronization is sensitive to the behavioral outcome; specifically, the ability to correctly identify the second of two rapidly succeeding visual targets


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Background: The Melbourne Edge Test (MET) is a portable forced-choice edge detection contrast sensitivity (CS) test. The original externally illuminated paper test has been superseded by a backlit version. The aim of this study was to establish normative values for age and to assess change with visual impairment. Method: The MET was administered to 168 people with normal vision (18-93 years old) and 93 patients with visual impairment (39-97 years old). Distance visual acuity (VA) was measured with a log MAR chart. Results: In those eyes without disease, MET CS was stable until the age of 50 years (23.8 ± .7 dB) after which it decreased at a rate of ≈1.5 dB per decade. Compared with normative values, people with low vision were found to have significantly reduced CS, which could not be totally accounted for by reduced VA. Conclusions: The MET provides a quick and easy measure of CS, which highlights a reduction in visual function that may not be detectable using VA measurements. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.


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After exogenously cueing attention to a peripheral location, the return of attention and response to the location can be inhibited. We demonstrate that these inhibitory mechanisms of attention can be associated with objects and can be automatically and implicitly retrieved over relatively long periods. Furthermore, we also show that when face stimuli are associated with inhibition, the effect is more robust for faces presented in the left visual field. This effect can be even more spatially specific, where most robust inhibition is obtained for faces presented in the upper as compared to the lower visual field. Finally, it is revealed that the inhibition is associated with an object’s identity, as inhibition moves with an object to a new location; and that the retrieved inhibition is only transiently present after retrieval.


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Two eye-tracking studies and an offline experiment explored the effect of central shelf location on attention and choice. Investigation of the attention process revealed that the central gaze cascade effect, progressively increasing attention focused on the central option predicted choice.


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Visual sensitivity, defined as the “susceptibility toward experiencing seizures, which are triggered by the physical characteristics of visual stimuli and not by their perceptual properties,”1 can manifest in the context of various forms of generalized or focal, idiopathic or symptomatic epilepsies.2 We report a patient with no family or personal history of epilepsy who presented episodes of loss of consciousness exclusively triggered by visual stimuli unrelated to their emotional content, in which we have documented EEG-EKG characteristics suggestive of a neurally mediated syncope.


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School of thought analysis is an important yet not-well-elaborated scientific knowledge discovery task. This paper makes the first attempt at this problem. We focus on one aspect of the problem: do characteristic school-of-thought words exist and whether they are characterizable? To answer these questions, we propose a probabilistic generative School-Of-Thought (SOT) model to simulate the scientific authoring process based on several assumptions. SOT defines a school of thought as a distribution of topics and assumes that authors determine the school of thought for each sentence before choosing words to deliver scientific ideas. SOT distinguishes between two types of school-of-thought words for either the general background of a school of thought or the original ideas each paper contributes to its school of thought. Narrative and quantitative experiments show positive and promising results to the questions raised above © 2013 Association for Computational Linguistics. © 2013 Association for Computational Linguistics.


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This study compared the effects of sexist labeling on the perceptions of visual artists by the community college and university students and determined their sex role orientation. The 370 students were shown five slides of an artist's works and were given six versions of an artist's biography. It contained embedded sexual labeling (woman, girl, person/ she, man, guy, person/he). The Artist Evaluation Questionnaire was administered to the female and male community college and university students that required the students to evaluate the female and male artists on several aspects of affective and cognitive measures. The questionnaire consisted of 9 items that had to be rated by the participants. In addition, the students filled out the Demographic Questionnaire and the BEM Sex Role Inventory, titled the Attitude Questionnaire. The Analysis of Variance testing procedures were administered to analyze the responses. The results disclosed gender differences in students' ratings. The female artist's work, when the artist was referred to by the neutral sexual label, "person", received significantly higher ratings from the female students. The male students gave the female artist her highest ratings when she was referred to by the low status sexual label, "girl". Both sexes did not express statistically significant preferences for any of the male sexual labels. Gender difference became apparent when it was found that female students rated both sexes equally, and their ratings were lower than those of the male students. The male students rated the female artist's work higher than the work of the male artist. The analysis of the sex role inventory questionnaire revealed the absence of the feminine (expressive) and masculine (instrumental) personalities among the students. The personalities of almost all the students were androgynous, with a few within the range of the near feminine, and a few within the range of the near masculine. The study reveals that there are differences in perception of sexual labels among the community college and university students.


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Before writing this introductory piece, I spent some time viewing the Fourth Year Student Exhibition. It was a time-out in a busy adminstrative morning,and an important occasion for reflecting upon the visual arts program at Sir wilfred Grenfell College. The works in the gallery, some of which are reproduced on the following pages, are as varied as the individuals who made them. Yet the paintings, prints,sculptures and photographs provides a glimpse into the richness of the experienceof the past years for these students. The mix of techniques, colors, images and line suggest the breadth of experience and knowledge shared with these students by their professors. The Quality and force of the works signal the future contributions these graduates will make to our society and culture.


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The Graduate students in the Visual Arts program have selected for inclusion in this cataloguepieces that symbolize the Acomplishments of the years of study and application. The images are the summary of a complex of learning experiences, both theoretical and applied. They reflect the critical processes of the studio, the Library, the environment and the traditional classroom; they are the results of dynamic and rigorous interaction between teachers and colleagues, peers and mentors, throughout this undergraduate experience.


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I find it hard to believe that already we are graduating our third group of students. It seem like our department was founded only a few months ago. Time Flies! Over the years I've come to respect the energy,Principles, commitment, talent and diversity of my colleagues in visual arts. I have never worked with such an outstanding group of people, and I firmly believe we deliver a University experience second to none. Having said that, I also believe our success would be diminished were it not for the fact that we have had the priviledge of working with students who were equally outstanding. Newfoundlanders can be justly proud of the Sir wilfred Grenfell College graduates from the many communities throughout the province who will represent Newfoundland and Labrador admirably on regional, national and international levels in years to come. This years catalogue records part of the many accomplishments of the class of 1994. Once again it is evident that discovering, nuturing and developing individual expression yields artwork of substance and consequence. It also confirms our belief that students should independent, resourceful and creative problem-solvers with a firm belief in their own view-points and the wherewithall to express those viewpoints through personal visual expression.


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As you consider this catalogue of works, reflect upon the variety of tasks- intellectual, emotional and technical- that have led to this visible record of ability and expression. the interdisciplinary rigors of the visual arts are present in these pages, and the breadth of the skill, ability, problem-solving and communication that have been developed and refined during the years of study are portrayed an in this presentation of accomplishment. The Graduates represented in the following pages will go on to a variety of careers-teaching, making art, starting businesses,or following any number of diverse paths that they have prepared during their undergraduate years. The work they have chosen to present here is merely a synopsis of the broad spectrum of skills and abilities they have gained during their years at grenfell college.