258 resultados para BIPARTITE QUBITS


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Oggigiorno il concetto di informazione è diventato cruciale in fisica, pertanto, siccome la migliore teoria che abbiamo per compiere predizioni riguardo l'universo è la meccanica quantistica, assume una particolare importanza lo sviluppo di una versione quantistica della teoria dell'informazione. Questa centralità è confermata dal fatto che i buchi neri hanno entropia. Per questo motivo, in questo lavoro sono presentati elementi di teoria dell'informazione quantistica e della comunicazione quantistica e alcuni sono illustrati riferendosi a modelli quantistici altamente idealizzati della meccanica di buco nero. In particolare, nel primo capitolo sono forniti tutti gli strumenti quanto-meccanici per la teoria dell'informazione e della comunicazione quantistica. Successivamente, viene affrontata la teoria dell'informazione quantistica e viene trovato il limite di Bekenstein alla quantità di informazione chiudibile entro una qualunque regione spaziale. Tale questione viene trattata utilizzando un modello quantistico idealizzato della meccanica di buco nero supportato dalla termodinamica. Nell'ultimo capitolo, viene esaminato il problema di trovare un tasso raggiungibile per la comunicazione quantistica facendo nuovamente uso di un modello quantistico idealizzato di un buco nero, al fine di illustrare elementi della teoria. Infine, un breve sommario della fisica dei buchi neri è fornito in appendice.


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Activation functions within neural networks play a crucial role in Deep Learning since they allow to learn complex and non-trivial patterns in the data. However, the ability to approximate non-linear functions is a significant limitation when implementing neural networks in a quantum computer to solve typical machine learning tasks. The main burden lies in the unitarity constraint of quantum operators, which forbids non-linearity and poses a considerable obstacle to developing such non-linear functions in a quantum setting. Nevertheless, several attempts have been made to tackle the realization of the quantum activation function in the literature. Recently, the idea of the QSplines has been proposed to approximate a non-linear activation function by implementing the quantum version of the spline functions. Yet, QSplines suffers from various drawbacks. Firstly, the final function estimation requires a post-processing step; thus, the value of the activation function is not available directly as a quantum state. Secondly, QSplines need many error-corrected qubits and a very long quantum circuits to be executed. These constraints do not allow the adoption of the QSplines on near-term quantum devices and limit their generalization capabilities. This thesis aims to overcome these limitations by leveraging hybrid quantum-classical computation. In particular, a few different methods for Variational Quantum Splines are proposed and implemented, to pave the way for the development of complete quantum activation functions and unlock the full potential of quantum neural networks in the field of quantum machine learning.


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In the last few years there has been a great development of techniques like quantum computers and quantum communication systems, due to their huge potentialities and the growing number of applications. However, physical qubits experience a lot of nonidealities, like measurement errors and decoherence, that generate failures in the quantum computation. This work shows how it is possible to exploit concepts from classical information in order to realize quantum error-correcting codes, adding some redundancy qubits. In particular, the threshold theorem states that it is possible to lower the percentage of failures in the decoding at will, if the physical error rate is below a given accuracy threshold. The focus will be on codes belonging to the family of the topological codes, like toric, planar and XZZX surface codes. Firstly, they will be compared from a theoretical point of view, in order to show their advantages and disadvantages. The algorithms behind the minimum perfect matching decoder, the most popular for such codes, will be presented. The last section will be dedicated to the analysis of the performances of these topological codes with different error channel models, showing interesting results. In particular, while the error correction capability of surface codes decreases in presence of biased errors, XZZX codes own some intrinsic symmetries that allow them to improve their performances if one kind of error occurs more frequently than the others.