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Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos de una intervención educativa en la práctica del autoexamen de seno, los conocimientos y práctica de los estilos de vida saludables para la prevención del cáncer de seno en estudiantes mujeres de un colegio público de la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar en Bogotá, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de intervención, antes y después, no controlado en un periodo de seis meses con la participación de mujeres jóvenes estudiantes entre 10 y 20 años de edad. Se contemplaron cinco momentos metodológicos ejecutados en los meses de febrero en el cual se realizó la aplicación del cuestionario auto-diligenciado; de marzo en el cual las estudiantes recibieron una sesión educativa de 90 minutos y una de 60 minutos, soportadas con material audiovisual y folletos informativos. Se realizó el seguimiento prospectivo para la toma de datos en uno, tres y seis meses post-intervención. Conclusiones: 155 estudiantes fueron encuestadas. La prevalencia de práctica del autoexamen de seno fue de 78,1% (n=121). Se evidenció un cambio significativo en el conocimiento de la técnica y la práctica del autoexamen de seno, así como aumentos significativos en los conocimientos de los principales factores de riesgo para el cáncer de mama (p<,0001). En cuanto a los estilos de vida, las estudiantes mejoraron de manera significativa la práctica regular de actividad física con más de 150 minutos semanales a los 6 meses post-intervención. Conclusión: Una intervención educativa puede mejorar los conocimientos acerca de los factores de riesgo para cáncer de mama, la práctica del autoexamen de seno y los estilos de vida en mujeres jóvenes estudiantes de una localidad de bajo nivel socio-económico en Bogotá, Colombia. Estudios experimentales de alta calidad son requeridos.


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Debido a la problemática del sedentarismo e inactividad física en edad escolar y sus implicaciones en la aparición de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles, surge un interés por realizar análisis cualitativos que tengan en cuenta los contextos sociales en los que se da esta problemática, con el objetivo de conocer, desde los actores inmersos en las comunidades, cómo se está llevando a cabo y cómo se entiende la actividad física; por tanto, se planteó en esta investigación un diseño narrativo en el cual se indagó, por medio de entrevistas a profundidad, acerca de las representaciones sociales y prácticas de actividad física que desarrollan 9 docentes de educación física pertenecientes a 3 colegios distritales de la Unidad de Planeamiento Zonal Tibabuyes, en la localidad de Suba en Bogotá, Colombia. Resultados: Los docentes entienden la actividad física como todo tipo de movimiento humano, así mismo, se evidencia que las prácticas deportivas son las que predominan en el ámbito escolar. En relación con las condiciones sociales, se encontró que el aspecto familiar es un limitante para el desarrollo de las prácticas físicas del estudiante. Las políticas escolares y distritales le restan importancia a las clases de educación física en el currículo escolar y la inseguridad, debido al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en el sector, deteriora los espacios deportivos y recreativos como parques y zonas verdes.


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Introducción: La incidencia del cáncer de piel melanoma y no melanoma es un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. El incremento en la incidencia del cáncer de piel en los últimos años se debe a múltiples factores como: cambios en los estilos de vida, el envejecimiento de la población, cambios ambientales, el desconocimiento a la exposición a la radiación ultravioleta (RUV) durante la práctica de actividad física sin elementos de fotoprotección, siendo éste último reconocido como el principal factor de riesgo. Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos de una intervención educativa en los conocimientos y comportamientos relacionados con la fotoprotección durante la práctica de la actividad física en estudiantes de un colegio público de Bogotá D.C., Colombia. Métodos: Estudio de intervención, antes y después, no controlado en 281 estudiantes de los grados noveno, décimo y once de estratos 1-3 de un colegio público de Bogotá, con seguimiento a 1, 3 y 6 meses post-intervención. Se evaluaron los conocimientos y los hábitos de fotoprotección mediante un cuestionario Cancer Awareness Measure (CAM) y el modelo Transteórico de cambio comportamental de Prochaska y Di Clemente. El estudio se realizó durante el primer semestre de 2015 con 4 sesiones educativas de 60 minutos apoyadas con material audiovisual y pedagógico, acorde a la Guía para la Comunicación Educativa en el marco el control del cáncer publicada por el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología. Resultados: Del grupo de estudiantes que participaron del estudio, el 52,3% eran hombres, el promedio de edad fue de 15,46 ± 1,2 años. El tipo de piel predominante fue la trigueña con 65,8%. La intervención educativa produjo cambios significativos en los conocimientos de foto protección, finalizado el seguimiento al sexto mes. En cuanto a la prevención los estudiantes refirieron tener conocimiento de cómo examinar su piel en el momento basal (12,5% n=35), presentándose un aumento significativo de 62,6% (n=211) al sexto mes (p<0,05). Conclusión: El estudio demostró la efectividad de la intervención educativa, evidenciando cambios significativos en los conocimientos en fotoprotección y comportamientos preventivos del cáncer de piel durante la práctica de la actividad física en estudiantes de un colegio público de Bogotá D.C., Colombia.


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Introducción: El cáncer de pulmón es el tipo de cáncer más mortal a nivel mundial, al cual se atribuyen una de cada cinco muertes anualmente. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los efectos de una intervención educativa en la promoción de la actividad física, otros comportamientos saludables y los conocimientos para la prevención del cáncer de pulmón en jóvenes estudiantes de una institución educativa pública en Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos: Estudio experimental no controlado en 243 estudiantes de sexo femenino (Edad 14±1,5 años). La intervención educativa se desarrolló en tres momentos: una sesión educativa con una duración de 60 minutos acorde a la Guía para la Comunicación Educativa en el Marco del Control del Cáncer, en Colombia. Segundo, se enviaron tres correos electrónicos con información acerca del cáncer pulmonar; finalmente se desarrollaron actividades grupales. Para la toma de datos se utilizaron el cuestionario Cáncer Awareness Measure (CAM) y el Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo del Comportamiento (BRFSS). La evaluación se realizó en un período de seguimiento a 1, 3 y 6 meses post-intervención. Resultados: La intervención educativa incrementó significativamente los conocimientos de las jóvenes sobre los signos de alarma del cáncer pulmonar y los principales factores de riesgo modificables, tales como el consumo de cigarrillo, la exposición al humo del mismo y el sedentarismo, al sexto mes post-intervención. Las mejoras en el cambio comportamental no lograron significancia estadística. Conclusiones: Una intervención educativa mejora los conocimientos acerca de la detección temprana y la prevención del cáncer de pulmón, así como los comportamientos saludables en jóvenes estudiantes en Bogotá, Colombia. Se requiere de estudios controlados aleatorizados.


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Research Findings: The transition to school is a major developmental milestone, and behavior tendencies already evident at the point of school entry can impact upon a child's subsequent social and academic adjustment. The current study aimed to investigate stability and change in the social behavior of girls and boys across the transition from day care to 1st grade. Teacher ratings and peer nominations for prosocial and antisocial behavior were obtained for 248 children belonging to 2 cohorts: school transitioning (n = 118) and day care remaining (n = 130). Data were gathered again from all children 1 year later, following the older group's entry into school. Teacher ratings of prosocial and antisocial behavior significantly predicted teacher ratings of the same behavior at Time 2 for both cohorts. Peer reports of antisocial behavior also showed significant stability, whereas stability of peer-reported prosocial behavior varied as a function of behavior type. Practice or Policy: The results contribute to understanding of trends in early childhood social behavior that potentially influence long-term developmental trajectories. Identification of some behaviors as more stable in early childhood than others, regardless of school entry, provides useful information for both the type and timing of early interventions. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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Bullying is a harmful phenomenon wherein victims have difficulty defending themselves. Bystanders have been identified as a potentially effective group for reducing bullying. The goal of this research is to determine whether prosocial primes (operationalized as empathy and civility) have an effect on increasing bystander interventions among youth. A total of 52 participants between the ages of 10-14 were randomly assigned to two experimental groups or one control group. Participants either received neutral control stories or they were primed twice with stories showing characters acting empathetically or civilly. Testing measures involve a short video and questionnaire assessing willingness to act as a bystander. Results reveal that prosocial training can augment willingness to engage in defending behaviors when compared to the control V = .19, F(2, 46) = 5.53, p < .01, ω2 = .19, correcting for the sphericity violation. This finding represents a relatively easy and non-invasive way to potentially change the bullying-related attitudes of adolescents, thereby potentially reducing bullying behaviors.


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Transforming today’s energy systems in industrialized countries requires a substantial reduction of the total energy consumption at the individual level. Selected instruments have been found to be effective in changing people’s behavior in single domains. However, the so far weak success story on reducing overall energy consumption indicates that our understanding of the determining factors of individual energy consumption as well as of its change is far from being conclusive. Among others, the scientific state of the art is dominated by analyzing single domains of consumption and by neglecting embodied energy. It also displays strong disciplinary splits and the literature often fails to distinguish between explaining behavior and explaining change of behavior. Moreover, there are knowledge gaps regarding the legitimacy and effectiveness of the governance of individual consumption behavior and its change. Against this backdrop, the aim of this paper is to establish an integrated interdisciplinary framework that offers a systematic basis for linking the different aspects in research on energy related consumption behavior, thus paving the way for establishing a better evidence base to inform societal actions. The framework connects the three relevant analytical aspects of the topic in question: (1) It systematically and conceptually frames the objects, i.e. the energy consumption behavior and its change (explananda); (2) it structures the factors that potentially explain the energy consumption behavior and its change (explanantia); (3) it provides a differentiated understanding of change inducing interventions in terms of governance. Based on the existing states of the art approaches from different disciplines within the social sciences the proposed framework is supposed to guide interdisciplinary empirical research.


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This study reports one of the first controlled studies to examine the impact of a school based positive youth development program (Lerner, Fisher, & Weinberg, 2000) on promoting qualitative change in life course experiences as a positive intervention outcome. The study built on a recently proposed relational developmental methodological metanarrative (Overton, 1998) and advances in use of qualitative research methods (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000). The study investigated the use the Life Course Interview (Clausen, 1998) and an integrated qualitative and quantitative data analytic strategy (IQDAS) to provide empirical documentation of the impact the Changing Lives Program on qualitative change in positive identity in a multicultural population of troubled youth in an alternative public high school. The psychosocial life course intervention approach used in this study draws its developmental framework from both psychosocial developmental theory (Erikson, 1968) and life course theory (Elder, 1998) and its intervention strategies from the transformative pedagogy of Freire's (1983/1970). Using the 22 participants in the Intervention Condition and the 10 participants in the Control Condition, RMANOVAs found significantly more positive qualitative change in personal identity for program participants relative to the non-intervention control condition. In addition, the 2X2X2X3 mixed design RMANOVA in which Time (pre, post) was the repeated factor and Condition (Intervention versus Control), Gender, and Ethnicity the between group factors, also found significant interactions for the Time by Gender and Time by Ethnicity. Moreover, the directionality of the basic pattern of change was positive for participants of both genders and all three ethnic groups. The pattern of the moderation effects also indicated a marked tendency for participants in the intervention group to characterize their sense of self as more secure and less negative at the end of the their first semester in the intervention, that was stable across both genders and all three ethnicities. The basic differential pattern of an increase in the intervention condition of a positive characterization of sense of self relative to both pre test and relative to the directionality of the movement of the non-intervention controls, was stable across both genders and all three ethnic groups.


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The movement toward evidence-based practice in psychology and medicine should offer few problems in cognitive-behavior therapies because it is consistent with the principles by which they have been developed and disseminated. However, the criteria for assessing empirical status, including the heavy emphasis on manualized treatments, need close examination. A possible outcome of the evidence-based movement would be to focus on the application of manualized treatments in both training and clinical practice; problems with that approach are discussed. Commitment to evidence-based treatment should also include comparisons between psychological and pharmacological interventions, so that rational health care decisions can be made. Psychologists should not be afraid of following the evidence, even when it supports treatments that are not cognitive-behavioral in stated orientation. Such results should be taken as an opportunity for theoretical development and new empirical inquiry rather than be a cause for concern.


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Argues that if brief workshop training is used as the primary method of disseminating behavior therapy skills across professions, it will provide an inadequate preparation, especially for higher levels of behavioral practice. In some circumstances, brief training may lead to an overestimation of behavioral skills by the trainees. These issues are discussed in the context of current moves toward providing health professionals with multiple skills. Examples are provided of situations in which generic health professionals received brief workshop training in behavior therapy and attempted to make use of that training in their jobs. There is no substitute for ongoing training and consultation by senior clinical psychologists who are expert in behavior therapy.


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This naturalistic study investigated the mechanisms of change in measures of negative thinking and in 24-h urinary metabolites of noradrenaline (norepinephrine), dopamine and serotonin in a sample of 43 depressed hospital patients attending an eight-session group cognitive behavior therapy program. Most participants (91%) were taking antidepressant medication throughout the therapy period according to their treating Psychiatrists' prescriptions. The sample was divided into outcome categories (19 Responders and 24 Non-responders) on the basis of a clinically reliable change index [Jacobson, N.S., & Truax, P., 1991. Clinical significance: a statistical approach to defining meaningful change in psychotherapy research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 12–19.] applied to the Beck Depression Inventory scores at the end of the therapy. Results of repeated measures analysis of variance [ANOVA] analyses of variance indicated that all measures of negative thinking improved significantly during therapy, and significantly more so in the Responders as expected. The treatment had a significant impact on urinary adrenaline and metadrenaline excretion however, these changes occurred in both Responders and Non-responders. Acute treatment did not significantly influence the six other monoamine metabolites. In summary, changes in urinary monoamine levels during combined treatment for depression were not associated with self-reported changes in mood symptoms.


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Studies examining the ability of motivational enhancement therapy (MET) to augment education provision among ecstasy users have produced mixed results and none have examined whether treatment fidelity was related to ecstasy use outcomes. The primary objectives of this multi-site, parallel, two-group randomized controlled trial were to determine if a single-session of MET could instill greater commitment to change and reduce ecstasy use and related problems more so than an education-only intervention and whether MET sessions delivered with higher treatment fidelity are associated with better outcomes. The secondary objective was to assess participants’ satisfaction with their assigned interventions. Participants (N = 174; Mage = 23.62) at two Australian universities were allocated randomly to receive a 15-minute educational session on ecstasy use (n = 85) or a 50-minute session of MET that included an educational component (n = 89). Primary outcomes were assessed at baseline, and then at 4-, 16-, and 24-weeks post-baseline, while the secondary outcome measure was assessed 4-weeks post-baseline by researchers blind to treatment allocation. Overall, the treatment fidelity was acceptable to good in the MET condition. There were no statistical differences at follow-up between the groups on the primary outcomes of ecstasy use, ecstasy-related problems, and commitment to change. Both interventions groups reported a 50% reduction in their ecstasy use and a 20% reduction in the severity of their ecstasy-related problems at the 24-week follow up. Commitment to change slightly improved for both groups (9% - 17%). Despite the lack of between-group statistical differences on primary outcomes, participants who received a single session of MET were slightly more satisfied with their intervention than those who received education only. MI fidelity was not associated with ecstasy use outcomes. Given these findings, future research should focus on examining mechanisms of change. Such work may suggest new methods for enhancing outcomes.


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This work describes the electrical switching behavior of three telluride based amorphous chalcogenide thin film samples, Al-Te, Ge-Se-Te and Ge-Te-Si. These amorphous thin films are made using bulk glassy ingots, prepared by conventional melt quenching technique, using flash evaporation technique; while Al-Te sample has been coated in coplanar electrode geometry, Ge-Se-Te and Ge-Te-Si samples have been deposited with sandwich electrodes. It is observed that all the three samples studied, exhibit memory switching behavior in thin film form, with Ge-Te-Si sample exhibiting a faster switching characteristic. The difference seen in the switching voltages of the three samples studied has been understood on the basis of difference in device geometry and thickness. Scanning electron microscopic image of switched region of a representative Ge15Te81Si4 sample shows a structural change and formation of crystallites in the electrode region, which is responsible for making a conducting channel between the two electrodes during switching.


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Amorphous Ge15Te85-xSix thin film switching devices (1 <= x <= 6) have been deposited in sandwich geometry, on glass substrates with aluminum electrodes, by flash evaporation technique. These devices exhibit memory type electrical switching, like bulk Ge15Te85-xSix glasses. However, unlike the bulk glasses, a-Ge15Te85-xSix films exhibit a smooth electrical switching behavior. The electrical switching fields of a-Ge15Te85-xSix thin film samples are also comparable with other chalcogenide samples used in memory applications. The switching fields of a-Ge15Te85-xSix films have been found to increase with increasing Si concentration. Also, the optical band gap of a-Ge15Te85-xSix films is found to increase with Si content. The observed results have been understood on the basis of increase in network connectivity and rigidity with Si addition. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.