993 resultados para Australian Aboriginal


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The linguistic situation in Australia today presents an intriguing case for sociolinguistic inquiries. Despite the recent waves of migration from non Anglo-Celtic regions, the majority of Australians today are primarily monolingual with English being the dominant language. More critical, perhaps, is the diminishing appeal of second language learning even among second generation speakers of the large ethnic communities. This is indeed ironic giving that prior to white settlement in Australia, the Aboriginal inhabitants were predominantly multilingual with more than 250 languages (and many of their dialects) spoken by the 300 000 original inhabitants at the time when Captain James Cook's ship reached Botany Bay in Sydney in 1770. Given the size of the post-War migration, it was not until 1987 that the Australian government adopted a formal national policy on languages becoming 'the first English-speaking country to have such a policy and the first in the world to have a multilingual languages policy' (Australian Alliance for Languages 2001: 2). This paper will discuss the historical context for multilingualism in Australia and the current trend in government policy and funding. It will provide insights into community language programs and the challenges of remaining viable and relevant in the current social and political climate. Statistical analyses will be used to highlight emerging trends and future prospects.


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The application of a 'global' model, in practice usually British or American, and generalised sociological concepts to a particular sport and its social and cultural context is not always appropriate. In Australian academia, the custom is particularly appealing, due to the Australian colonial 'cultural cringe', the pattern of automatic deference to overseas (termed 'international') knowledge. This article argues that 'Fresh Prince of Coloma! Dome: Indigenous Logic in the AFL' (Football Studies, 8(1), 2005) inappropriately applies American sociological, and American football, logic to the indigenous Australian game Australian football, which differs in character both as a game and in its social, cultural and political context. The three researchers do not take account of the factors of height and weight in Australian football, and the average size of Aboriginal players, and of the relationship between speed and strength in the game as strategies and tactics change. Both omissions constitute fundamental flaws. American football and sports sociology's ideas of 'central position theory', with a suggestion of underlying racism, is of limited relevance to Australian football. It is also possible that the American sitcom, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, was neither a helpful muse nor a suitable metaphor for research into this subj ect. In Australian football, a game in which few 'central positions' are crucial and in which 'leadership positions' can be found in many parts of the ground, including the half-back flank and the wing, neither size nor position are the only major determinants of significance in the team.


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Wesley Enoch’s Black Medea is explicit about what is, and what is not, its project: the chorus implores the audience not to read the narrative of its infanticidal heroine as one that demonises black women. Instead, the play affirms that its narrative can be understood differently and in a way that has a wider social significance. Taking my cue from the claim that the story is somehow ‘about everyone,’ I would like to begin unravelling the play’s relevance to contemporary contentions of Australian and indeed ‘Unaustralian’ subjectivity, particularly in relation to the discourses that seek to construct ‘Australian’ identity through an appeal to antiquity and what I describe as ‘the archaic.’ It seems to me that Black Medea presents an opportunity for thinking about the ways in which the discourses of aboriginal and classical antiquity operate to inform contemporary, contesting definitions of Australian identity. Regardless of whether these discourses of antiquity are claimed as ‘Australian’ or abjected as Other or ‘Unaustralian’ – and they have been used in both ways – they remain, I argue, formative to current conceptions of Australian identity and are positioned in the economy of discourses that comprise that arena. As will be seen, the mixed reception or ambivalence with which these complementary discourses of antiquity are treated in Australian culture gives Black Medea the potential to be situated among them in subversive and questioning ways, and in ways that may highlight the reasons for their ambivalent status.


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The nature and extent of environmental reporting within the annual reports of four Australian state government departments over a six year period from 2000-2006 is examined in this study. The Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE), the New South Wales Department of Energy, Utilities and Sustainability (DEUS), the South Australian Department for Environment and Heritage (DEH) and the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (DPIWE) have been selected. These departments are responsible for environmentally sensitive areas such as conservation, water management and public land management. The nature of these areas is a factor which might potentially affect disclosure practices so it might be expected that these departments disclose more environmental information than departments in less environmentally and politically sensitive areas. These departments also have a number of politically active stakeholder groups, including Aboriginal communities and organisations, environmental groups and forest and timber industries. This study found a reduction in environmental reporting after a five year period of increases.


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This article presents a qualitative study of the indigenous Australian perspective on reconciliation with nonindigenous Australia, with a focus on the role of an apology for the oppression and violence perpetrated by nonindigenous Australians, and forgiveness on the part of indigenous Australians. A brief historical analysis of the relationship between Aborigines and waves of settlers is presented to demonstrate the extent of the wrong that was perpetrated against Aborigines and the need for social as well as practical reconciliation in the current context. It is argued that negotiated forgiveness is a concept that is pertinent to the discussion of reconciliation, because it requires a dialogue between the parties and ultimately for the wrongdoer to accept accountability and responsibility for offending actions, thereby opening the door for forgiveness and, ultimately, possible reconciliation. It is suggested that a first step in the required reconciliation dialogue is an apology, but the issue of who should give and receive an apology is a complex one. The issue of who should forgive and who should be forgiven is shown to be similarly complex. Qualitative analysis of interview data from 10 participants indicated that at this point in time, forgiveness might not be salient to the indigenous population, whose primary focus is more on the matter of an apology. This suggests that negotiated forgiveness and reconciliation will remain elusive goals until the matter of an apology is resolved.


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All Australian Aborigines have experienced the impact of Western culture to some extent which has resulted in the traditional cultures being irrevocably decimated. The reaction to the disintegration of traditional culture has been marked by a variety of outcomes. While some Aborigines have either accepted or reached a level of accommodation to the new order, others have responded in maladaptive ways. For some Aborigines, the disintegration of traditional culture and society has generated conflict, confusion and the disintegration of personality, which is conducive to the evolution of a dysfunctional group. It is the circumstances of and policy responses to dysfunctional Aboriginal groups, therefore, that is the concern of this article.


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All Australian Aborigines have experienced the impact of Western culture to some extent, which has resulted in the traditional cultures being irrevocably decimated. The reaction to the disintegration of traditional culture has been marked by a variety of outcomes. While some Aborigines have either accepted or reached a level of accommodation to the new order, others have responded in maladaptive ways. For some Aborigines, the disintegration of traditional culture and society has generated conflict, confusion and the disintegration of personality, which is conducive to the evolution of a dysfunctional group. It is the circumstances of, and policy responses to, dysfunctional Aboriginal groups, therefore, that are the concern of this paper.


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The Indigenous Art Market: Intellectual Property Case Studies project is a national study aiming to gain an overview of how intellectual property issues intersect with the Indiegenous artists and the Indigenous art market in Australia. The initiative comes from the Deakin University Centre for Leisure Research Management with funding from the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS


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Part 1 - Political Ideas -- Liberalism and the Liberal Party of Australia -- The Australian Labor Party and the Third Way -- Australian feminism: the end of 'the universal woman'? -- Self-determination in Aboriginal political thought -- From the 'social laboratory' to the 'Australian Settlement' -- Australian nationalism and internationalism -- Part 2 - Institutions of Democracy -- Parliament and the Executive -- Political integration and the outlook for the Australian party system: party adaptation or regime change? -- Administrative agencies and accountability -- The institutional mediation of human rights in Australia -- The news media and Australian politics -- The role of the state: welfare state or competition state? -- Part 3 - Political Issues and Public Policies -- National policy in a global era -- The economic policy debate -- The decentralisation of industrial relations -- The labour market and the future of employment -- The welfare reform agenda -- The social consequences of the rural reform agenda -- Politics and the environmental policy debate -- Immigration policy and the attack on multiculturalism.