793 resultados para Audio-visual education.
The digital television system adopted by Brazil allows the signal reception of broadcast TV on mobile devices and laptops. This paper aims to analyze issues related to the transmission of free and open TV signals for reception in portable and mobile devices enabled by 1SEG system. We will evaluate the behavior of the user, tv schedule, prime time and experiences in Japan.
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Acoustic conditions in hospitals have been shown to influence a patient’s physical and psychological health. Noise levels in an Omaha, Nebraska, hospital were measured and compared between various times: before, during, and after renovations of a hospital wing. The renovations included cosmetic changes and the installation of new in-room patient audio-visual systems. Sound pressure levels were logged every 10-seconds over a four-day period in three different locations: at the nurses' station, in the hallway, and in a nearby patient’s room. The resulting data were analyzed in terms of the hourly A-weighted equivalent sound pressure levels (
This thesis was aimed at verifying the role of the superior colliculus (SC) in human spatial orienting. To do so, subjects performed two experimental tasks that have been shown to involve SC’s activation in animals, that is a multisensory integration task (Experiment 1 and 2) and a visual target selection task (Experiment 3). To investigate this topic in humans, we took advantage of neurophysiological finding revealing that retinal S-cones do not send projections to the collicular and magnocellular pathway. In the Experiment 1, subjects performed a simple reaction-time task in which they were required to respond as quickly as possible to any sensory stimulus (visual, auditory or bimodal audio-visual). The visual stimulus could be an S-cone stimulus (invisible to the collicular and magnocellular pathway) or a long wavelength stimulus (visible to the SC). Results showed that when using S-cone stimuli, RTs distribution was simply explained by probability summation, indicating that the redundant auditory and visual channels are independent. Conversely, with red long-wavelength stimuli, visible to the SC, the RTs distribution was related to nonlinear neural summation, which constitutes evidence of integration of different sensory information. We also demonstrate that when AV stimuli were presented at fixation, so that the spatial orienting component of the task was reduced, neural summation was possible regardless of stimulus color. Together, these findings provide support for a pivotal role of the SC in mediating multisensory spatial integration in humans, when behavior involves spatial orienting responses. Since previous studies have shown an anatomical asymmetry of fibres projecting to the SC from the hemiretinas, the Experiment 2 was aimed at investigating temporo-nasal asymmetry in multisensory integration. To do so, subjects performed monocularly the same task shown in the Experiment 1. When spatially coincident audio-visual stimuli were visible to the SC (i.e. red stimuli), the RTE depended on a neural coactivation mechanism, suggesting an integration of multisensory information. When using stimuli invisible to the SC (i.e. purple stimuli), the RTE depended only on a simple statistical facilitation effect, in which the two sensory stimuli were processed by independent channels. Finally, we demonstrate that the multisensory integration effect was stronger for stimuli presented to the temporal hemifield than to the nasal hemifield. Taken together, these findings suggested that multisensory stimulation can be differentially effective depending on specific stimulus parameters. The Experiment 3 was aimed at verifying the role of the SC in target selection by using a color-oddity search task, comprising stimuli either visible or invisible to the collicular and magnocellular pathways. Subjects were required to make a saccade toward a target that could be presented alone or with three distractors of another color (either S-cone or long-wavelength). When using S-cone distractors, invisible to the SC, localization errors were similar to those observed in the distractor-free condition. Conversely, with long-wavelength distractors, visible to the SC, saccadic localization error and variability were significantly greater than in either the distractor-free condition or the S-cone distractors condition. Our results clearly indicate that the SC plays a direct role in visual target selection in humans. Overall, our results indicate that the SC plays an important role in mediating spatial orienting responses both when required covert (Experiments 1 and 2) and overt orienting (Experiment 3).
Human brain is provided with a flexible audio-visual system, which interprets and guides responses to external events according to spatial alignment, temporal synchronization and effectiveness of unimodal signals. The aim of the present thesis was to explore the possibility that such a system might represent the neural correlate of sensory compensation after a damage to one sensory pathway. To this purpose, three experimental studies have been conducted, which addressed the immediate, short-term and long-term effects of audio-visual integration on patients with Visual Field Defect (VFD). Experiment 1 investigated whether the integration of stimuli from different modalities (cross-modal) and from the same modality (within-modal) have a different, immediate effect on localization behaviour. Patients had to localize modality-specific stimuli (visual or auditory), cross-modal stimulus pairs (visual-auditory) and within-modal stimulus pairs (visual-visual). Results showed that cross-modal stimuli evoked a greater improvement than within modal stimuli, consistent with a Bayesian explanation. Moreover, even when visual processing was impaired, cross-modal stimuli improved performance in an optimal fashion. These findings support the hypothesis that the improvement derived from multisensory integration is not attributable to simple target redundancy, and prove that optimal integration of cross-modal signals occurs in processing stage which are not consciously accessible. Experiment 2 examined the possibility to induce a short term improvement of localization performance without an explicit knowledge of visual stimulus. Patients with VFD and patients with neglect had to localize weak sounds before and after a brief exposure to a passive cross-modal stimulation, which comprised spatially disparate or spatially coincident audio-visual stimuli. After exposure to spatially disparate stimuli in the affected field, only patients with neglect exhibited a shifts of auditory localization toward the visual attractor (the so called Ventriloquism After-Effect). In contrast, after adaptation to spatially coincident stimuli, both neglect and hemianopic patients exhibited a significant improvement of auditory localization, proving the occurrence of After Effect for multisensory enhancement. These results suggest the presence of two distinct recalibration mechanisms, each mediated by a different neural route: a geniculo-striate circuit and a colliculus-extrastriate circuit respectively. Finally, Experiment 3 verified whether a systematic audio-visual stimulation could exert a long-lasting effect on patients’ oculomotor behaviour. Eye movements responses during a visual search task and a reading task were studied before and after visual (control) or audio-visual (experimental) training, in a group of twelve patients with VFD and twelve controls subjects. Results showed that prior to treatment, patients’ performance was significantly different from that of controls in relation to fixations and saccade parameters; after audiovisual training, all patients reported an improvement in ocular exploration characterized by fewer fixations and refixations, quicker and larger saccades, and reduced scanpath length. Similarly, reading parameters were significantly affected by the training, with respect to specific impairments observed in left and right hemisphere–damaged patients. The present findings provide evidence that a systematic audio-visual stimulation may encourage a more organized pattern of visual exploration with long lasting effects. In conclusion, results from these studies clearly demonstrate that the beneficial effects of audio-visual integration can be retained in absence of explicit processing of visual stimulus. Surprisingly, an improvement of spatial orienting can be obtained not only when a on-line response is required, but also after either a brief or a long adaptation to audio-visual stimulus pairs, so suggesting the maintenance of mechanisms subserving cross-modal perceptual learning after a damage to geniculo-striate pathway. The colliculus-extrastriate pathway, which is spared in patients with VFD, seems to play a pivotal role in this sensory compensation.
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Überarbeitung der Richtlinie 89/552/EWG des Rates zur Koordinierung bestimmter Rechts- und Verwaltungsvorschriften der Mitgliedstaaten über die Ausübung der Fernsehtätigkeit, welche aus praktikablen Gründen meist als „(EG-)Fernsehrichtlinie“ bezeichnet wird. Sie bildet den Eckpfeiler der audiovisuellen Politik der EU. Seit Erlass der Fernsehrichtlinie im Jahre 1989 bewirkt der technologische Fortschritt jedoch zunehmend enorme Veränderungen nicht nur im Bereich des klassischen Fernsehens, sondern auch und vor allem im Bereich der neuen Medien. Ausgangspunkt hierfür ist die Verbesserung der Digitaltechnologie, die ihrerseits wiederum technische Konvergenzprozesse begünstigt. Diese Entwicklungen führen nicht nur zu einer Vervielfachung von Übertragungskapazitäten und –techniken, sondern ermöglichen neben neuen Formen audiovisueller Angebote auch die Entstehung neuer Dienste. Unsere Medienlandschaft steht vor „epochalen Umbrüchen“. Im Hinblick auf diese Vorgänge wird seit geraumer Zeit eine Überarbeitung der EG-Fernsehrichtlinie angestrebt, um dem technologischen Fortschritt auch „regulatorisch“ gerecht werden zu können. Diesem Überarbeitungsprozess möchte sich die vorliegende Arbeit widmen, indem sie die Fernsehrichtlinie in einem ersten Teil sowohl inhaltlich wie auch hinsichtlich ihrer Entstehungsgeschichte und der zu ihr ergangenen EuGH-Entscheidungen erläutert. Anschließend werden alle Überarbeitungsvorgänge der Fernsehrichtlinie seit 1997 dargestellt, um sodann die aktuellen Reformansätze analysieren und bewerten zu können. Aus zeitlichen Gründen (der neue Richtlinienvorschlag der Kommission vom 13. Dezember 2005 wurde ca. 2 Wochen vor dem Abgabetermin der Arbeit verabschiedet) sind die Ausführungen zum Entwurf der neuen „Richtlinie über audiovisuelle Mediendienste“ allerdings relativ knapp gehalten.
Audio-visual documents obtained from German TV news are classified according to the IPTC topic categorization scheme. To this end usual text classification techniques are adapted to speech, video, and non-speech audio. For each of the three modalities word analogues are generated: sequences of syllables for speech, “video words” based on low level color features (color moments, color correlogram and color wavelet), and “audio words” based on low-level spectral features (spectral envelope and spectral flatness) for non-speech audio. Such audio and video words provide a means to represent the different modalities in a uniform way. The frequencies of the word analogues represent audio-visual documents: the standard bag-of-words approach. Support vector machines are used for supervised classification in a 1 vs. n setting. Classification based on speech outperforms all other single modalities. Combining speech with non-speech audio improves classification. Classification is further improved by supplementing speech and non-speech audio with video words. Optimal F-scores range between 62% and 94% corresponding to 50% - 84% above chance. The optimal combination of modalities depends on the category to be recognized. The construction of audio and video words from low-level features provide a good basis for the integration of speech, non-speech audio and video.
In this paper the software architecture of a framework which simplifies the development of applications in the area of Virtual and Augmented Reality is presented. It is based on VRML/X3D to enable rendering of audio-visual information. We extended our VRML rendering system by a device management system that is based on the concept of a data-flow graph. The aim of the system is to create Mixed Reality (MR) applications simply by plugging together small prefabricated software components, instead of compiling monolithic C++ applications. The flexibility and the advantages of the presented framework are explained on the basis of an exemplary implementation of a classic Augmented Realityapplication and its extension to a collaborative remote expert scenario.
OBJECTIVE To analyze speech reading through Internet video calls by profoundly hearing-impaired individuals and cochlear implant (CI) users. METHODS Speech reading skills of 14 deaf adults and 21 CI users were assessed using the Hochmair Schulz Moser (HSM) sentence test. We presented video simulations using different video resolutions (1280 × 720, 640 × 480, 320 × 240, 160 × 120 px), frame rates (30, 20, 10, 7, 5 frames per second (fps)), speech velocities (three different speakers), webcameras (Logitech Pro9000, C600 and C500) and image/sound delays (0-500 ms). All video simulations were presented with and without sound and in two screen sizes. Additionally, scores for live Skype™ video connection and live face-to-face communication were assessed. RESULTS Higher frame rate (>7 fps), higher camera resolution (>640 × 480 px) and shorter picture/sound delay (<100 ms) were associated with increased speech perception scores. Scores were strongly dependent on the speaker but were not influenced by physical properties of the camera optics or the full screen mode. There is a significant median gain of +8.5%pts (p = 0.009) in speech perception for all 21 CI-users if visual cues are additionally shown. CI users with poor open set speech perception scores (n = 11) showed the greatest benefit under combined audio-visual presentation (median speech perception +11.8%pts, p = 0.032). CONCLUSION Webcameras have the potential to improve telecommunication of hearing-impaired individuals.
BACKGROUND Efficiently performed basic life support (BLS) after cardiac arrest is proven to be effective. However, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is strenuous and rescuers' performance declines rapidly over time. Audio-visual feedback devices reporting CPR quality may prevent this decline. We aimed to investigate the effect of various CPR feedback devices on CPR quality. METHODS In this open, prospective, randomised, controlled trial we compared three CPR feedback devices (PocketCPR, CPRmeter, iPhone app PocketCPR) with standard BLS without feedback in a simulated scenario. 240 trained medical students performed single rescuer BLS on a manikin for 8min. Effective compression (compressions with correct depth, pressure point and sufficient decompression) as well as compression rate, flow time fraction and ventilation parameters were compared between the four groups. RESULTS Study participants using the PocketCPR performed 17±19% effective compressions compared to 32±28% with CPRmeter, 25±27% with the iPhone app PocketCPR, and 35±30% applying standard BLS (PocketCPR vs. CPRmeter p=0.007, PocketCPR vs. standard BLS p=0.001, others: ns). PocketCPR and CPRmeter prevented a decline in effective compression over time, but overall performance in the PocketCPR group was considerably inferior to standard BLS. Compression depth and rate were within the range recommended in the guidelines in all groups. CONCLUSION While we found differences between the investigated CPR feedback devices, overall BLS quality was suboptimal in all groups. Surprisingly, effective compression was not improved by any CPR feedback device compared to standard BLS. All feedback devices caused substantial delay in starting CPR, which may worsen outcome.
Under the name Nollywood a unique video film industry has developed in Nigeria in the last few decades, which now forms one of the world’s biggest entertainment industries. With its focus on stories reflecting „the values, desires and fears” (Haynes 2007: 133) of African viewers and its particular way of production, Nollywood brings „lived practices and its representation together in ways that make the films deeply accessible and entirely familiar to their audience“ (Marston et al. 2007: 57). In doing so, Nollywood shows its spectators new postcolonial forms of performative self‐expression and becomes a point of reference for a wide range of people. However, Nollywood not only excites a large number of viewers inside and outside Nigeria, it also inspires some of them to become active themselves and make their own films. This effect of Nigerian filmmaking can be found in many parts of sub‐Saharan Africa as well as in African diasporas all over the world – including Switzerland (Mooser 2011: 63‐66). As a source of inspiration, Nollywood and its unconventional ways of filmmaking offer African migrants a benchmark that meets their wish to express themselves as minority group in a foreign country. As Appadurai (1996: 53), Ginsburg (2003: 78) and Marks (2000: 21) assume, filmmakers with a migratory background have a specific need to express themselves through media. As minority group members in their country of residence they not only wish to reflect upon their situation within the diaspora and illustrate their everyday struggles as foreigners, but to also express their own views and ideas in order to challenge dominant public opinion (Ginsburg 2003: 78). They attempt to “talk back to the structures of power” (2003: 78) they live in. In this process, their audio-visual works become a means of response and “an answering echo to a previous presentation or representation” (Mitchell 1994: 421). The American art historian Mitchell, therefore, suggests interpreting representation as “the relay mechanism in exchange of power, value, and publicity” (1994: 420). This desire of interacting with the local public has also been expressed during a film project of African, mainly Nigerian, first-generation migrants in Switzerland I am currently partnering in. Several cast and crew members have expressed feelings of being under-represented, even misrepresented, in the dominant Swiss media discourse. In order to create a form of exchange and give themselves a voice, they consequently produce a Nollywood inspired film and wish to present it to the society they live in. My partnership in this on‐going film production (which forms the foundation of my PhD field study) allows me to observe and experience this process. By employing qualitative media anthropological methods and in particular Performance Ethnography, I seek to find out more about the ways African migrants represent themselves as a community through audio‐visual media and the effect the transnational use of Nollywood has on their form of self‐representations as well as the ways they express themselves.
Durante el período de referencia se llevaron a cabo las siguientes actividades: 1) En el marco de los ejes definidos –mediático, político-institucional y cotidiano- durante el segundo año del proyecto se concretó: Desde el eje mediático: Responsables: Sonia Alfaya, Marina Casales. Lectura de bibliografía sobre la producción periodística contemporánea; en particular, sobre relatos mediáticos del delito y la (in)seguridad. Se continuó con el relevamiento y recopilación de discursos alusivos que circulan en medios, principalmente impresos-locales y en la web. Se inició el seguimiento y recopilación de noticias policiales en medios gráficos (El Territorio, Primera Edición, Misiones on line) y electrónicos locales, sobre todo las tematizadas en clave de (in) seguridad, en función de la construcción del corpus de análisis. Se llevó a cabo la selección e inicial análisis semiótico-discursivo de fotografías de hechos violentos. Desde el eje político-institucional: Responsable: Omar Silva Se comenzó con la búsqueda y recopilación de documentos oficiales sobre la cuestión, tanto a nivel nacional, provincial y municipal. Se recopilaron publicaciones del Ministerio de Seguridad de la Nación, disponibles en versión electrónica en el sitio web del organismo. También se viene recopilando discursos de funcionarios públicos que abordan la cuestión. Desde el eje de la vida cotidiana: Equipo responsable: Elena Maidana (Función de coordinadora); María Millán, Alexis Rasftopolo, Yesica Gómez, Marcos Tassi y Ariel Veselak. Se procedió a la lectura de bibliografía sobre la cuestión, en particular de artículos y libros sobre: la dimensión subjetiva/simbólica/imaginaria, la sensación-sentimientos de (in)seguridad; también sobre estudios focalizados en diversas ciudades del país y latinoamericanas. Se comenzó con el procesamiento de las encuestas sobre percepción de la (in)seguridad, realizadas entre fines de 2010 y comienzos de 2011. Se inició el trabajo de campo en el barrio A4-Nueva Esperanza de Posadas. Se decidió hacerlo allí, por un lado porque los resultados iniciales de la encuesta arrojaron una percepción del mismo como “zona peligrosa”; y por otro porque dicho conglomerado urbano (viven allí cerca de 10.000 habitantes, la mayoría relocalizados por la EBYUNaM – FHCS – SinvyP Gsinvyp03 Entidad Binacional Yacyretá) emerge también en la cartografía del delito de la policía y de los medios locales como “territorio de alta conflictividad delictual” (sobre todo por enfrentamientos juveniles que tienen lugar en ese espacio). Como estrategia de entrada al barrio recurrimos a conexiones previas con el equipo responsable de la Radio Comunitaria A4 Voces, con sede en la escuela Especial 45. Ello nos abrió diversas puertas; así hemos podido: • Participar de tres reuniones de la Interactoral -(espacio de confluencia que nuclea principalmente a representantes de instituciones educativas, sociales, culturales del barrio, a organismos del estado provincial como la policía; a la EBY, a vecinos; que se reúnen periódicamente para atender y buscar soluciones a problemas de su cotidianeidad) - con la que se colaboró junto con docentes y alumnos de la carrera de Trabajo Social de la FHyCS para la organización y realización de la última reunión del año, en la que los presentes evaluaron lo hecho durante el año y acordaron lineamientos y actividades para el 2011 (Se anexa programa) • Participar en dos instancias del Taller de Periodismo, proyecto de la Cooperativa de Cultura - La Productora de la Tierra; destinado a los responsables de la emisora A4 Voces. • Llevar a cabo con los responsables de la radio Encuentros de Comunicación con vecinos en diferentes espacios y para diferentes grupos: uno con 50 niños en uno de los comedores barriales; cinco con abuelas en el Club de Abuelos San Cayetano y dos con jóvenes en el ITEC Nº 1. Con las abuelas se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad sobre sus historias de vida; mientras que con los jóvenes se realizó un Taller de Introducción a la Fotografía; como una forma de aproximarnos a sus percepciones sobre el barrio. Una selección de sus fotografías se expuso en la Muestra Anual de Trabajos Escolares del establecimiento. (Se adjuntan programas de los encuentros realizados) Tal itinerancia programada, si bien nos demandó flexibilidad para afrontar las contingencias de cada caso, nos posibilitó un acercamiento a la cotidianeidad del barrio desde plurales y diversas perspectivas, a su complejidad y conflictividad constitutivas. Paralelamente se realizó otro trabajo terrritorial en el barrio Itaembé Miní, a cargo de María Millán; quien coordinó actividades llevadas a cabo por alumnos de la cátedra de la que es titular: Metodología de la Investigación en Comunicación de la carrera Licenciatura en Comunicación Social-FHyCS-UnaM. Las mismas consistieron en la planificación e implementación del proyecto de mapeo colectivo “Pensar el barrio desde el barrio” en la Escuela de Adultos N°2 del barrio Itaembé Miní con la participación de las tres divisiones del segundo año polimodal. Esta actividad se desarrolló conjuntamente con personal de la Casa de la Cultura de la delegación Itaembé Miní. Se ha registrado lo hecho en ambos contextos barriales en soportes diversos: escrito, fotográfico, audio-visual. 2) Se realizaron reuniones quincenales de todo del equipo. En las mismas se compartía y analizaba lo realizado en cada eje; se acordaban definiciones básicas, intercambiaban lecturas, confrontaban perspectivas. Progresivamente hemos podido comenzar a formular un enfoque en torno a la seguridad desde los Derechos Humanos, la democracia y el ejercicio de la ciudadanía. Ello lleva a hablar más que en términos de seguridad a secas a hablar de seguridad social. 3) Asimismo: Se continuó con las actividades del Grupo de estudio sobre la Ciudad y el Territorio (GECYT) a partir del contacto y confluencia con otros proyectos de investigación de la Facultad. En ese marco se realizó el Primer Simposio sobre Ciudad y Territorio, 15, 16, 17 de Agosto, en el Anexo de la Facultad de Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales-UnaM. (Se adjunta programa) Se continuó con las actividades de Promoción del Derecho a la Ciudad, iniciadasen el proyecto anterior (Espacio, comunicación y cultura III. 16H238)
En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar el fenómeno de la lectura en el actual escenario sociocultural. Para poder dar cuenta de la complejidad de la problemática encarada, trabajaremos desde un enfoque que combina básicamente dos focalizaciones: la explicación sociohistórica y la reflexión conceptual sobre la temática, proveniente de distintas tareas semióticas. La lectura es la interacción de un sujeto con un texto entendido éste en un sentido que excede lo meramente gráfico-verbal-, con el objeto de interpretarlo, elaborando una representación mental de su significación. Toda lectura presupone un pacto tácito: el contrato de lectura. Este pacto es dinámico y cambiante, por ello analizaremos las modificaciones producidas en las modalidades de lectura de los textos escritos y la vinculación de éstas con los pactos de lectura generados por los textos audiovisuales y multimediales.
Siguiendo los pasos de la narrativa latinoamericana del siglo XIX, en los años 30 y 40 en Venezuela, la literatura canónica propuso un trazado más o menos claro de los lugares de heroísmo y villanía involucrados en la refundación nacional. La apuesta iniciada por la intelectualidad del país, desde diciembre de 1935, se dirigía a la construcción de una nación moderna cuya imagen se solidificaba no sólo por medio de la narrativa de ficción, sino también en los registros masivos fundamentados en la oralidad, en los medios de comunicación en general y, particularmente, en fotografías e imágenes reproducidas por revistas de alta circulación, periódicos e, inclusive, en proyecciones audiovisuales. Como ocurre en estos ejercicios de organización nacional, inevitablemente, salieron a la luz por entonces, ciertas subjetividades nómades que generaron su propia discursividad ética y estéticamente ajena a las demandas del canon. Escrituras que crearon, en su interior un espacio de resistencia frente a todos los esfuerzos de normatización propuestos desde el poder. Aquí se inscribe el texto Mujeres (1943), de Isolda Calzadilla, una suerte de novela guión cinematográfico donde se deja en evidencia no sólo la conciencia en el uso del lenguaje de parte de la autora, sino además, la necesidad de replantearse los márgenes del centro urbano, de abrir las posibilidades de desarrollo subjetivo a las mujeres y de mostrar el envés de un mapa modernizante que llega a borrarse por completo detrás de la fachada.
El año 2009 significó para Argentina un momento de discusiones que provocaron interpelaciones al sistema democrático. Después 26 años de recuperada la democracia, el Estado modificó la dictatorial legislación que regula los servicios de comunicación audiovisuales. Esto implica una ampliación de la democratización del sistema de medios, tanto en las voces presentes, como en los autorizados para su uso y explotación. Esta nueva legislación permite que más y diversos sujetos puedan hacer uso de su derecho a comunicar y obliga a los oligopolios de la comunicación a ceder parte de sus licencias, de ahí las presiones económicas para frenar la nueva norma.