881 resultados para Aspartate transaminase


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The neurochemical profile of the cortex develops in a region and time specific manner, which can be distorted by psychiatric and other neurological pathologies. Pre-clinical studies often involve experimental mouse models. In this study, we determined the neurochemical profile of C57BL/6 mice in a longitudinal study design to provide a reference frame for the normal developing mouse cortex. Using in vivo proton NMR spectroscopy at 14 T, we measured the concentrations of 18 metabolites in the anterior and posterior cortex on postnatal days (P) 10, 20, 30, 60 and 90. Cortical development was marked by alterations of highly concentrated metabolites, such as N-acetylaspartate, glutamate, taurine and creatine. Regional specificity was represented by early variations in the concentration of glutamine, aspartate and choline. In adult animals, regional concentration differences were found for N-acetylaspartate, creatine and myo-inositol. In this study, animals were exposed to recurrent isoflurane anaesthesia. Additional experiments showed that the latter was devoid of major effects on behaviour or cortical neurochemical profile. In conclusion, the high sensitivity and reproducibility of the measurements achieved at 14 T allowed us to identify developmental variations of cortical areas within the mouse cortex.


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The first South American case of human trichinosis, resulting from the consumption of roast wild boar (Sus scrofa) is reported in Chile. The patient presented fever, diarrhea, myalgias, facial edema, sub-conjunctival reddening, photophobia, eosinophilia, and elevated glutamic oxalacetic transaminase. The diagnosis was confirmed by two immunoenzymatic tests (ELISA) using somatic and excretion-secretion antigens.


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This work has been carried out to investigate the effect of Schistosoma mansoni infection on mice livers after treatment with the ethanolic extract of Citrus reticulata root or the oleo-resin extract from Myrrh of Commiphora molmol tree (Mirazid), as a new antishistosomal drug. Marker enzymes for different cell organelles were measured; succinate dehydrogenase (SDH); lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and its isoenzymes; glucose-6-phosphatase (G-6-Pase); acid phosphatase (AP) and 5'- nucleotidase. Liver function enzymes; aspartate aminotransferase (AST); alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were also estimated. Parasitological studies through ova count and worm burden will also be taken into consideration. The results showed a marked reduction in SDH, LDH, AST, and ALT enzyme activities and a significant increase in G-6-Pase, AP, 5'- nucleotidase, and ALP after S. mansoni infection. A noticeable alteration in LDH subunits were also noticed. Treatment with C. reticulata or Mirazid improved all the previous enzyme activities with a noticeable reduction in ova count and worm burden.


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AbstractPPARP is a nuclear receptor responding in vivo to several free fatty acids, and implicated in cell metabolism, differentiation and survival. PPARp is ubiquitously expressed but shows high expression in the developing and adult brain. PPARp is expressed in different cell types such as neurons and astrocytes, where it might play a role in metabolism. To study this nuclear receptor the laboratory engineered a PPARP -/- mouse model. The aim of my PhD was to dissect the role of PPARP in astrocytes.Experiments in primary culture revealed that cortical astrocytes from PPARP -/- mouse have an impaired energetic metabolism. Unstimulated PPARP -/- astrocytes exhibit a 30% diminution in glucose uptake, correlating to a 30% decrease in lactate release and intracellular glucose. After acute stimulation by D- aspartate mimicking glutamate exposure, both WT and -/- astrocytes up-regulate their metabolism to respond to the increasing energy needed (ATP) for glutamate uptake. According to the Astrocyte Neuron Lactate Shuttle Hypothesis (ANLSH), the ratio between glucose uptake/ lactate release is 1. However, stimulated PPARp -/- astrocytes display a higher increase in lactate release than glucose uptake which remains lower than in WT. The extra glucose equivalents could come from the degradation of intra cellular glycogen stores, which indeed decrease in PPARP -/- cells upon stimulation. Lower glucose metabolism correlates with a decreased acute glutamate uptake in PPARP -/- astrocytes. Reciprocally, we also observed an increase of glutamate uptake and ATP production after treatment of WT astrocytes with a PPARp agonist. Glutamate transporter protein expression is not affected. However, their trafficking and localization might be altered as PPARp -/- astrocytes have higher cholesterol levels, which may also affect proper transporter structure in the membrane.Metabolism, transporter localization and cholesterol levels are respectively linked to cell mobility, cell cytoskeleton and cellular membrane composition. All three functions are important in astrocytes to in vivo acquire star shaped morphology, in a process known as stellation. PPARP -/- astrocytes showed an impaired acquired stellation in presence of neurons or chemical stimuli, as well as more actin stress fibers and cell adhesion structures. While non stellation of astrocytes is mainly an in vitro phenomenon, it reveals PPARp -/- primary astrocytes inability to respond to different exterior stimuli. These morphological phenotypes correlate with a slower migration in cell culture wound healing assays.This thesis work demonstrates that PPARp is implicated in cortical astrocyte glucose metabolism. PPARp absence leads to an unusual intracellular glycogen use. Added to the effect on acute glutamate uptake and astrocyte migration, PPARp could be an interesting target for neuroprotection therapies.RésuméPPARP est un récepteur nucléaire qui a pour ligands naturels certains acides gras libres. Il est impliqué dans le métabolisme, la différentiation et la survie des cellules. PPARP est ubiquitaire, et a une expression élevée dans le cerveau en développement ainsi qu'adulte. PPARp est exprimé dans différents types cellulaires tels que les neurones et les astrocytes, où il régule potentiellement leurs métabolismes. Pour étudier ce récepteur nucléaire, le laboratoire a créé un modèle de souris PPARp -/-. L'objectif de ma thèse est de comprendre le rôle de PPARp dans les astrocytes.Les expériences montrent un défaut du métabolisme énergétique dans les astrocytes corticaux primaires tirés de souris PPARp -/-. Sans stimulation, l'entrée du glucose dans les astrocytes PPARP -/- est diminuée de 30% ce qui correspond à une diminution de 30% du relargage du lactate. Après stimulation par du D-Aspartate qui mime une exposition au glutamate, les astrocytes WT et -/- augmentent leur métabolisme en réponse à la demande accrue en énergie (ATP) due à l'entrée du glutamate. D'après l'Astrocyte Neuron Lactate Shuttle Hypothesis (ANLSH), le ratio entre le glucose entrant et le lactate sortant est de 1. Cependant le relargage du lactate dans les astrocytes PPARP-/- est plus élevé que l'entrée du glucose. L'apport supplémentaire de glucose transformé en lactate pourrait provenir de la dégradation des stocks de glycogène intracellulaire, qui sont partiellement diminués après stimulation dans les cellules PPARP -/-. Un métabolisme plus faible du glucose corrèle avec une réduction de l'import du glutamate dans les astrocytes PPARp -/-. Réciproquement, nous observons une augmentation de l'import du glutamate et de la production d'ATP après traitement avec l'agoniste pour PPARp. Bien que l'expression des transporteurs de glutamate ne soit pas affectée, nous ne pouvons pas exclure que leur localisation et leur structure soient altérées du fait du niveau élevé de cholestérol dans les astrocytes PPARp -/-.Le métabolisme, la localisation des transporteurs et le niveau de cholestérol sont tous liés au cytosquelette, à la mobilité, et à la composition des membranes cellulaires. Toutes ces fonctions sont importantes pour les astrocytes pour acquérir leur morphologie in vivo. Les astrocytes PPARP -/- présentent un défaut de stellation, aussi bien en présence de neurones que de stimuli chimiques, ainsi qu'un plus grand nombre de fibres de stress (actine) et de structures d'adhésion cellulaire. Bien que les astrocytes non stellaires soient principalement observés in vitro, le défaut de stellation des astrocytes primaires PPARp -/- indique une incapacité à répondre aux différents stimuli extérieurs. Ces phénotypes morphologiques corrèlent avec une migration plus lente en cas de lésion de la culture.Ce travail de thèse a permis de démontrer l'implication de PPARP dans le métabolisme du glucose des astrocytes corticaux. L'absence de ce récepteur nucléaire amène à l'utilisation du glucose intracellulaire, auquel s'ajoutent les effets sur l'import du glutamate et la migration des astrocytes. PPARp aurait des effets neuroprotecteurs, et de ce fait pourrait être utilisé à des fins thérapeutiques.


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Autophagy is a cellular mechanism for degrading proteins and organelles. It was first described as a physiological process essential for maintaining homeostasis and cell survival, but understanding its role in conditions of stress has been complicated by the recognition of a new type of cell death ("type 2") characterized by deleterious autophagic activity. This paradox is important in the central nervous system where the activation of autophagy seems to be protective in certain neurodegenerative diseases but deleterious in cerebral ischemia. The development of new therapeutic strategies based on the manipulation of autophagy will need to take into account these opposing roles of autophagy.


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The 3-hydroxykynurenine transaminase (3-HKT) gene plays a vital role in the development of malaria parasites by participating in the synthesis of xanthurenic acid, which is involved in the exflagellation of microgametocytes in the midgut of malaria vector species. The 3-HKT enzyme is involved in the tryptophan metabolism of Anophelines. The gene had been studied in the important global malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae. In this report, we have conducted a preliminary investigation to characterize this gene in the two important vector species of malaria in India, Anopheles culicifacies and Anopheles stephensi. The analysis of the genetic structure of this gene in these species revealed high homology with the An. gambiae gene. However, four non-synonymous mutations in An. stephensi and seven in An. culicifacies sequences were noted in the exons 1 and 2 of the gene; the implication of these mutations on enzyme structure remains to be explored.


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SUMMARY:Cylindroma, trichoepithelioma and spiradenoma are benign tumors of hair follicle. They are caused by mutations and loss of heterozygosity in the CYLD gene. CYLD is a ubiquitously expressed, but the tumors are restricted to skin, suggesting that the tumorigenesis is influenced by skin-specific regulators and probably by mutations in other genes. The objectives of the thesis were to analyze the molecular mechanisms leading to the aforementioned tumors. In the first project, we have identified five new mutations in CYLD gene in tive families affected with different combinations of these skin appendage tumors. F our of these mutations caused the introduction of a premature stop codon in CYLD protein sequence, but one was a missense mutation changing aspartic acid 681 into glycine (D68lG), in patients exhibiting multiple trichoepitheliomas. CYLD is a deubiquitinase which can downregulate NF-κB and INK pathways through the deubiquitination of TRAF2, for example. We showed that the CYLD-D681G mutant was unable to remove polyubiquitin chains from TRAF2. We also proved that CYLD-D68lG could not inhibit TRAP 2- or TNFα- mediated NF-κB or INK activations in 293T cells. These results underlined the importance of the D68l residue for the enzymatic activity of CYLD. TRAP-interacting protein (TRIP), which is a E3-Ubiquitin ligase, is a partner of CYLD. In the second project of the thesis, we studied the function of TRIP in the epidermis. We found that TRIP was a nucleolar protein in cultured human primary keratinocytes (HEK) and HeLa cells, and was detected in the midbody of HeLa cells. Moreover, TRIP expression was shown to be downregulated through a PKC-dependent mechanism before induction of keratinocyte differentiation. We also proved that TRIP was upregulated in basal cell carcinomas. Furthermore, TRIP was found to be important for keratinocyte survival and proliferation through the regulation of the Gl/S transition. Our results suggest that TRIP may be involved in keratinocyte tumorigenesis.RÉSUMÉ :Les cylindromes, trichoépithéliomes et spiradénomes sont des tumeurs bénignes du follicule pileux causées par des mutations et une perte d'hétérozygotie du gène CYLD. CYLD est ubiquitaire mais les tumeurs sont limitées à la peau, suggérant que la tumorigénèse est influencée par des protéines spécifiques de la peau et par des mutations dans d'autres gènes. Les objectifs de la thèse étaient d'2malyser les mécanismes moléculaires aboutissant à la formation de ces tumeurs. Dans le premier projet, cinq nouvelles mutations du gène CYLD ont été identifiées chez cinq familles présentant différentes combinaisons des tumeurs citées ci- dessus. Quatre de ces mutations causaient I' introduction d'un codon stop prématuré dans la séquence protéique, mais une était une mutation «misser1se» changeant l'aspartate 681 en résidu glycine (D68lG) chez des patients présentant des trichoépithéliomes multiples. CYLD est une déubiquitinase qui inhibe les voies de signalisation de NF-κB et JNK, en déubiquitinant notamment TRAF2. Nous avons montré que la protéine mutante CYLD- D68lG ne pouvait pas cliver la chaîne de poly-ubiquitines liée à TRAF2. CYLD-D68lG était aussi incapable d'inhiber l'activation de NF-κB ou de JNK induite par TRAF2 ou TNF-o dans les cellules 293T. Ces résultats ont donc souligné l'impo1tance du résidu D68l pour l'activité de CYLD. «TRAF-interacting protein (TRIP)», qui est une «E3-ubiquitin-ligase», est un partenaire de CYLD. Dans le second proj et de la thèse, nous avons étudié la fonction de TRIP dans l'épidenne. Nous avons montrépque TRIP était nucléolaire dans les cellules HeLa et les kératinocytes primaires humains en culture et était détectée dans le «midbody» des cellules HeLa. Nous avons prouvé que l'ARNm de TRIP était diminué avant l'induction de la différentiation des kératinocytes, par un mécanisme dépendent de la protéine kinase C, tandis qu'il était augmenté dans les carcinomes baso-cellulaires. Nous avons aussi montré que TRIP influençait la prolifération et la survie des kératinocytes en régulant la transition G1/S, Nos résultats suggèrent que TRIP est peut-être impliquée dans la tumorigénèse des kératinocytes. 7


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Liver biopsy is the gold-standard method to stage fibrosis; however, it is an invasive procedure and is potentially dangerous. The main objective of this study was to evaluate biological markers, such as cytokines IL-13, IFN-γ, TNF-α and TGF-β, platelets, bilirubins (Bil), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total proteins, γ-glutamil transferase (γ-GT) and alkaline phosphatase (AP), that could be used to predict the severity of hepatic fibrosis in schistosomiasis and hepatitis C (HC) as isolated diseases or co-infections. The following patient groups were selected: HC (n = 39), HC/hepatosplenic schistosomiasis (HSS) (n = 19), HSS (n = 22) and a control group (n = 13). ANOVA and ROC curves were used for statistical analysis. P < 0.05 was considered significant. With HC patients we showed that TNF-α (p = 0.020) and AP (p = 0.005) could differentiate mild and severe fibrosis. With regard to necroinflammatory activity, AST (p = 0.002), γ-GT (p = 0.034) and AP (p = 0.001) were the best markers to differentiate mild and severe activity. In HC + HSS patients, total Bil (p = 0.008) was capable of differentiating between mild and severe fibrosis. In conclusion, our study was able to suggest biological markers that are non-invasive candidates to evaluate fibrosis and necroinflammatory activity in HC and HC + HSS.


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The biocontrol strain CHA0 of Pseudomonas fluorescens produces small amounts of indole-3-acetic acid via the tryptophan side chain oxidase and the tryptophan transaminase pathways. A recombinant plasmid (pME3468) expressing the tryptophan monooxygenase pathway was introduced into strain CHA0; this resulted in elevated synthesis of indole-3-acetic acid in vitro, especially after addition of -tryptophan. In natural soil, strain CHA0/pME3468 increased fresh root weight of cucumber by 17-36%, compared to the effect of strain CHA0; root colonization was about 106 cells per g of root. However, both strains gave similar protection of cucumber against Pythium ultimum. In autoclaved soil, at 6×107 cells per g of root, strain CHA0 stimulated growth of roots and shoots, whereas strain CHA0/pME3468 caused root stunting and strong reduction of plant weight. These results are in agreement with the known effects of exogenous indole-3-acetic acid on plant roots and suggest that in the system examined, indole-3-acetic acid does not contribute to the biocontrol properties of strain CHA0.


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In this paper, the authors review the literature and share their experience of the principal biological markers of fibrosis for the evaluation of periportal fibrosis (PPF) caused by mansoni schistosomiasis. These biological markers are compared to diagnostic ultrasound (US) scans as means of grading PPF. We also review procollagen type I and III, collagen type IV, laminin, hyaluronic acid (HA), immunoglobulin G, platelets, aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index (APRI) and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase as markers of the disease. Although there are several good markers for evaluating PPF and portal hypertension, such as HA, platelets or APRI, none can yet replace US. These markers may, however, be used to identify patients at greater risk of developing advanced disease in endemic areas and determine who will need further care and US studies.


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The aim of the present study was to identify specific markers that mirror liver fibrosis progression as an alternative to biopsy when biopsy is contraindicated, especially in children. After liver biopsies were performed, serum samples from 30 hepatitis C virus (HCV) paediatric patients (8-14 years) were analysed and compared with samples from 30 healthy subjects. All subjects were tested for the presence of serum anti-HCV antibodies. Direct biomarkers for liver fibrosis, including transforming growth factor-β1, tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), hyaluronic acid (HA), procollagen type III amino-terminal peptide (PIIINP) and osteopontin (OPN), were measured. The indirect biomarkers aspartate and alanine aminotransferases, albumin and bilirubin were also tested. The results revealed a significant increase in the serum marker levels in HCV-infected children compared with the healthy group, whereas albumin levels exhibited a significant decrease. Significantly higher levels of PIIINP, TIMP-1, OPN and HA were detected in HCV-infected children with moderate to severe fibrosis compared with children with mild fibrosis (p < 0.05). The diagnostic accuracy of these direct biomarkers, represented by sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value, emphasises the utility of PIIINP, TIMP-1, OPN and HA as indicators of liver fibrosis among HCV-infected children.


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) plays a major role in liver pathology. Similar to other members of the herpesvirus family, EBV establishes a persistent infection in more than 90% of adults. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of EBV and chronic hepatitis C co-infection (HCV) on biochemical and immunological responses in patients. The study was conducted in 62 patients and 33 apparently healthy controls. Patients were divided into three groups: group I, consisting of 31 patients with chronic hepatitis C infection (CHC), group II, consisting of eight patients with EBV infection and without HCV infection and group III, consisting of 23 patients with EBV and chronic HCV. The percentage of CD3+ cells, helper CD4+ cells and CD19+ B-cells was measured by flow cytometry. Human interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and interleukin (IL)-15 levels were measured by an ELISA. The levels of liver alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase enzymes were higher in EBV/HCV patients compared to that in EBV and HCV mono-infected patients. EBV/HCV patients had significantly reduced percentages of CD3+ and CD4+ cells compared to EBV patients. Serum IFN-γ levels were significantly reduced in EBV/HCV patients (3.86 pg/mL) compared to CHC patients (6.76 pg/mL) and normal controls (4.69 pg/mL). A significant increase in serum IL-15 levels was observed in EBV/HCV patients (67.7 pg/mL) compared to EBV patients (29.3 pg/mL). Taken together, these observations suggest that HCV and EBV co-infection can potentiate immune response dampening in patients.


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This study analyses the evolution of liver disease in women with chronic hepatitis C during the third trimester of pregnancy and the post-partum period, as a natural model of immune modulation and reconstitution. Of the 122 mothers recruited to this study, 89 were HCV-RNA+ve/HIV-ve and 33 were HCV-RNA-ve/HIV-ve/HCVantibody+ve and all were tested during the third trimester of pregnancy, at delivery and post-delivery. The HCV-RNA+ve mothers were categorized as either Type-A (66%), with an increase in ALT levels in the post-partum period (>40 U/L; P<0.001) or as Type-B (34%), with no variation in ALT values. The Type-A mothers also presented a significant decrease in serum HCV-RNA levels in the post-delivery period (P<0.001) and this event was concomitant with an increase in Th1 cytokine levels (INFγ, P = 0.04; IL12, P = 0.01 and IL2, P = 0.01). On the other hand, the Type-B mothers and the HCV-RNA-ve women presented no variations in either of these parameters. However, they did present higher Th1 cytokine levels in the partum period (INFγ and IL2, P<0.05) than both the Type-A and the HCV-RNA-ve women. Cytokine levels at the moment of delivery do not constitute a risk factor associated with HCV vertical transmission. It is concluded that differences in the ALT and HCV-RNA values observed in HCV-RNA+ve women in the postpartum period might be due to different ratios of Th1 cytokine production. In the Type-B women, the high partum levels of Th1 cytokines and the absence of post-partum variation in ALT and HCV-RNA levels may be related to permanent Th1 cytokine stimulation.


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Using immunocytochemistry and multiunit recording of afferent activity of the whole vestibular nerve, we investigated the role of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR) in the afferent neurotransmission in the frog semicircular canals (SCC). Group I (mGluR1alpha) and group II (mGluR2/3) mGluR immunoreactivities were distributed to the vestibular ganglion neurons, and this can be attributed to a postsynaptic locus of metabotropic regulation of rapid excitatory transmission. The effects of group I/II mGluR agonist (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentane-trans-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (ACPD) and antagonist (R,S)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine (MCPG) on resting and chemically induced afferent activity were studied. ACPD (10-100 microM) enhanced the resting discharge frequency. MCPG (5-100 microM) led to a concentration-dependent decrease of both resting activity and ACPD-induced responses. If the discharge frequency had previously been restored by L-glutamate (L-Glu) in high-Mg2+ solution, ACPD elicited a transient increase in the firing rate in the afferent nerve suggesting that ACPD acts on postsynaptic receptors. The L-Glu agonists, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), were tested during application of ACPD. AMPA- and NMDA-induced responses were higher in the presence than absence of ACPD, implicating mGluR in the modulation of ionotropic glutamate receptors. These results indicate that activation of mGluR potentiates AMPA and NMDA responses through a postsynaptic interaction. We conclude that ACPD may exert modulating postsynaptic effects on vestibular afferents and that this process is activity-dependent.


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In 9 drug-resistant patients with partial seizures treated with vigabatrin, gamma-vinyl GABA (VGB), alanine aminotransaminase (ALAT) activity in plasma was significantly reduced. Comparison of in vitro with in vivo measurements led us to conclude that this reduction is mainly an in vivo phenomenon, perhaps due to cross-enzyme inhibition. The assessment of two biological variables linked with ALAT, glucose and alanine levels under fasting conditions, failed to show any significant metabolic alterations. VGB is an effective drug for partial epilepsy. Our observations do not suggest that reduced ALAT activity is of clinical concern.