834 resultados para Artificial streams
Dans le domaine de la perception, l'apprentissage est contraint par la présence d'une architecture fonctionnelle constituée d'aires corticales distribuées et très spécialisées. Dans le domaine des troubles visuels d'origine cérébrale, l'apprentissage d'un patient hémi-anopsique ou agnosique sera limité par ses capacités perceptives résiduelles, mais un déficit de reconnaissance visuelle de nature apparemment perceptive, peut également être associé à une altération des représentations en mémoire à long terme. Des réseaux neuronaux distincts pour la reconnaissance - cortex temporal - et pour la localisation des sons - cortex pariétal - ont été décrits chez l'homme. L'étude de patients cérébro-lésés confirme le rôle des indices spatiaux dans un traitement auditif explicite du « where » et dans la discrimination implicite du « what ». Cette organisation, similaire à ce qui a été décrit dans la modalité visuelle, faciliterait les apprentissages perceptifs. Plus généralement, l'apprentissage implicite fonde une grande partie de nos connaissances sur le monde en nous rendant sensible, à notre insu, aux règles et régularités de notre environnement. Il serait impliqué dans le développement cognitif, la formation des réactions émotionnelles ou encore l'apprentissage par le jeune enfant de sa langue maternelle. Le caractère inconscient de cet apprentissage est confirmé par l'étude des temps de réaction sériels de patients amnésiques dans l'acquisition d'une grammaire artificielle. Son évaluation pourrait être déterminante dans la prise en charge ré-adaptative. [In the field of perception, learning is formed by a distributed functional architecture of very specialized cortical areas. For example, capacities of learning in patients with visual deficits - hemianopia or visual agnosia - from cerebral lesions are limited by perceptual abilities. Moreover a visual deficit in link with abnormal perception may be associated with an alteration of representations in long term (semantic) memory. Furthermore, perception and memory traces rely on parallel processing. This has been recently demonstrated for human audition. Activation studies in normal subjects and psychophysical investigations in patients with focal hemispheric lesions have shown that auditory information relevant to sound recognition and that relevant to sound localisation are processed in parallel, anatomically distinct cortical networks, often referred to as the "What" and "Where" processing streams. Parallel processing may appear counterintuitive from the point of view of a unified perception of the auditory world, but there are advantages, such as rapidity of processing within a single stream, its adaptability in perceptual learning or facility of multisensory interactions. More generally, implicit learning mechanisms are responsible for the non-conscious acquisition of a great part of our knowledge about the world, using our sensitivity to the rules and regularities structuring our environment. Implicit learning is involved in cognitive development, in the generation of emotional processing and in the acquisition of natural language. Preserved implicit learning abilities have been shown in amnesic patients with paradigms like serial reaction time and artificial grammar learning tasks, confirming that implicit learning mechanisms are not sustained by the cognitive processes and the brain structures that are damaged in amnesia. In a clinical perspective, the assessment of implicit learning abilities in amnesic patients could be critical for building adapted neuropsychological rehabilitation programs.]
This report provides techniques and procedures for estimating the probable magnitude and frequency of floods at ungaged sites on Iowa streams. Physiographic characteristics were used to define the boundaries of five hydrologic regions. Regional regression equations that relate the size of the drainage area to flood magnitude are defined for estimating peak discharges having specified recurrence intervals of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years. Regional regression equations are applicable to sites on streams that have drainage areas ranging from 0.04 to 5,150 square miles provided that the streams are not affected significantly by regulation upstream from the sites and that the drainage areas upstream from the sites are not mostly urban areas. Flood-frequency characteristics for the mainstems of selected rivers are presented in graphs as a function of drainage area.
Drainage-basin and channel-geometry multiple-regression equations are presented for estimating design-flood discharges having recurrence intervals of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years at stream sites on rural, unregulated streams in Iowa. Design-flood discharge estimates determined by Pearson Type-III analyses using data collected through the 1990 water year are reported for the 188 streamflow-gaging stations used in either the drainage-basin or channel-geometry regression analyses. Ordinary least-squares multiple-regression techniques were used to identify selected drainage-basin and channel-geometry regions. Weighted least-squares multiple-regression techniques, which account for differences in the variance of flows at different gaging stations and for variable lengths in station records, were used to estimate the regression parameters. Statewide drainage-basin equations were developed from analyses of 164 streamflow-gaging stations. Drainage-basin characteristics were quantified using a geographic-information-system (GIS) procedure to process topographic maps and digital cartographic data. The significant characteristics identified for the drainage-basin equations included contributing drainage area, relative relief, drainage frequency, and 2-year, 24-hour precipitation intensity. The average standard errors of prediction for the drainage-basin equations ranged from 38.6% to 50.2%. The GIS procedure expanded the capability to quantitatively relate drainage-basin characteristics to the magnitude and frequency of floods for stream sites in Iowa and provides a flood-estimation method that is independent of hydrologic regionalization. Statewide and regional channel-geometry regression equations were developed from analyses of 157 streamflow-gaging stations. Channel-geometry characteristics were measured on site and on topographic maps. Statewide and regional channel-geometry regression equations that are dependent on whether a stream has been channelized were developed on the basis of bankfull and active-channel characteristics. The significant channel-geometry characteristics identified for the statewide and regional regression equations included bankfull width and bankfull depth for natural channels unaffected by channelization, and active-channel width for stabilized channels affected by channelization. The average standard errors of prediction ranged from 41.0% to 68.4% for the statewide channel-geometry equations and from 30.3% to 70.0% for the regional channel-geometry equations. Procedures provided for applying the drainage-basin and channel-geometry regression equations depend on whether the design-flood discharge estimate is for a site on an ungaged stream, an ungaged site on a gaged stream, or a gaged site. When both a drainage-basin and a channel-geometry regression-equation estimate are available for a stream site, a procedure is presented for determining a weighted average of the two flood estimates.
We describe a device made of artificial muscle for the treatment of end-stage heart failure as an alternative to current heart assist devices. The key component is a matrix of nitinol wires and aramidic fibers called Biometal muscle (BM). When heated electrically, it produces a motorless, smooth, and lifelike motion. The BM is connected to a carbon fiber scaffold, tightening the heart and providing simultaneous assistance to the left and right ventricles. A pacemaker-like microprocessor drives the contraction of the BM. We tested the device in a dedicated bench model of diseased heart. It generated a systolic pressure of 75 mm Hg and ejected a maximum of 330 ml/min, with an ejection fraction of 12%. The device required a power supply of 6 V, 250 mA. This could be the beginning of an era in which BMs integrate or replace the mechanical function of natural muscles.
An automatic system was designed to concurrently measure stage and discharge for the purpose of developing stage-discharge ratings and high flow hydrographs on small streams. Stage, or gage height, is recorded by an analog-to-digital recorder and discharge is determined by the constant-rate tracer-dilution method. The system measures flow above a base stage set by the user. To test the effectiveness of the system and its components, eight systems, with a variety of equipment, were installed at crest-stage gaging stations across Iowa. A fluorescent dye, rhodamine-WT, was used as the tracer. Tracer-dilution discharge measurements were made during 14 flow periods at six stations from 1986 through 1988 water years. Ratings were developed at three stations with the aid of these measurements. A loop rating was identified at one station during rapidly-changing flow conditions. Incomplete mixing and dye loss to sediment apparently were problems at some stations. Stage hydrographs were recorded for 38 flows at seven stations. Limited data on background fluorescence during high flows were also obtained.
This study was conducted for the purpose of evaluating a new concept for a bank-protection structure: The Iowa Vane . The underlying idea involves countering the torque exerted on the primary flow by its curvature and vertical velocity gradient, thereby eliminating or significantly reducing the secondary flow and thus reducing the undermining of the outer banks and the high-velocity attack on it. The new structure consists of an array of short, vertical, submerged vanes installed with a certain orientation on the channel bed. A relatively small number of vanes can produce bend flows which are practically uniform across the channel. The height of the vanes is less than half the water depth, and their angle with the flow direction is of the order of l0 degrees. In this study, design relations have been established. The relations, and the vanes' overall performance, have been tested in a laboratory model under different flow and sediment conditions. The results are used for the design of an Iowa-Vane bank protection structure for a section of East Nishnabotna River along U.S. Highway 34 at Red Oak, Iowa.
Microbial mats are complex but stable, multi-layered and multi-functional biofilms, which are the most frequent bacterial formations in nature. The functional strategies and physiological versatility of the bacterial populations growing in microbial mats allow bacteria to resist changing conditions within their environment. One of these strategies is the accumulation of carbon- and energy-rich polymers that permit the recovery of metabolic activities when favorable conditions are restored. In the present study, we systematically screened microbial mats for bacteria able to accumulate large amounts of the ester carbon polymers polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Several of these strains were isolated from Ebro Delta microbial mats and their ability to accumulate PHA up to 40-60 % of their dry weight was confirmed. According to two identification approaches (16S rRNA and ropD genes), these strains were identified as Halomonas alkaliphila (MAT-7, -13, -16), H. neptunia (MAT-17), and H. venusta (MAT-28). To determine the mode of growth yielding maximum PHA accumulation, these three different species were cultured in an artificial biofilm in which the cells were immobilized on alginate beads. PHA accumulation by cells that had detached from the biofilm was compared with that of their planktonic counterparts. Experiments in different culture media showed that PHA accumulation, measured as the relative fluorescence intensity after 48 h of incubation at 30 °C, was higher in immobilized than in planktonic cells, with the exception of cells growing in 5 % NaCl, in which PHA accumulation was drastically lower in both. Therefore, for obtaining high PHA concentrations, the use of immobilized cells may be a good alternative to the PHA accumulation by bacteria growing in the classical, planktonic mode. From the ecological point of view, increased PHA accumulation in detached cells from biofilms would be a natural strategy to improve bacterial dispersion capacity and, consequently, to increase survival in stressed environments.
Introducción: Hay poco conocimiento sobre la similitud de la mecánica entre la lactancia materna y la artificial. Evaluamos la mecánica de la succión en neonatos con lactancia materna exclusiva, lactancia artificial exclusiva y lactancia mixta. Nuestra hipótesis fue que el patrón fisiológico de los movimientos de succión varía según el tipo de alimentación. Según esta hipótesis, los niños con lactancia materna exclusiva realizan unos movimientos al mamar distintos a los de la succión de una tetina, realizados por niños con lactancia artificial. Los niños con lactancia mixta mezclan ambos tipos de movimientos de succión. Métodos: Estudio transversal de neonatos de 21-28 días de edad con lactancia materna o artificial exclusiva (124 parejas madre-hijo), y ensayo de campo, abierto, cruzado y aleatorizado, realizado en neonatos de 21-28 días (110 parejas madre-hijo) y en lactantes de 3-5 meses de edad (125 parejas madre-hijo) con lactancia mixta. Las variables principales fueron los movimientos de succión y las pausas. Resultados: Los neonatos de 21-28 días de edad alimentados con lactancia artificial exclusiva mostraron un menor número de movimientos de succión y el mismo número de pausas, pero de mayor duración, que los neonatos con lactancia materna exclusiva. Entre los niños que recibieron lactancia mixta, el número de movimientos de succión al recibir alimentación con biberón fue similar y las pausas menos numerosas y de menor duración respecto a lo observado al amamantar, tanto a los 21-28 días como a los 3-5 meses de edad. En este grupo de lactancia mixta, la cifra media de tomas de lactancia materna fue de 5,83 ± 1,93 a los 21-28 días de vida y de 4,42 ± 1,67 a los 3-5 meses de edad. En el análisis de equivalencia, realizado sobre los niños que recibieron lactancia mixta, el intervalo de confianza del 95% de la razón de movimientos con lactancia artificial y con lactancia materna se situó fuera del rango de equivalencia, indicó un número de movimientos de succión menor en un 5,9-8,7% al tomar el biberón, así como un menor número de pausas y una duración más breve de ellas en este mismo grupo. Conclusiones: En la lactancia mixta, la comparación entre las tomas de biberón y las de pecho se situó fuera del rango de equivalencia, aunque las diferencias fueron pequeñas. Los niños con lactancia mixta mezclan ambos tipos de movimientos (lactancia materna y lactancia artificial) durante la fase de aprendizaje y adoptan su propio patrón.
O teste de envelhecimento artificial, recomendado para avaliar o vigor de lotes de sementes, apresenta variabilidade em seus resultados; a ação dos fungos é considerada uma das causas dessa variabilidade. Este trabalho objetivou verificar os efeitos de diferentes períodos de envelhecimento artificial, no comportamento fisiológico de sementes do feijoeiro e dos fungos Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., Fusarium oxysporum e Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, inoculados artificialmente. Foram conduzidos testes de sanidade, germinação, tetrazólio, emergência, condutividade elétrica e lixiviação de potássio. As respostas obtidas, dependentes da duração do período de envelhecimento, indicaram efeitos da espécie fúngica presente. Concluiu-se que o teste de envelhecimento artificial associa a expressão de causas fisiológicas e sanitárias, o que prejudica a interpretação dos dados obtidos; a presença de fungos, principalmente de Aspergillus spp., pode ser considerada como capaz de interferir de modo negativo no desempenho das sementes envelhecidas artificialmente.
Introducción: Hay poco conocimiento sobre la similitud de la mecánica entre la lactancia materna y la artificial. Evaluamos la mecánica de la succión en neonatos con lactancia materna exclusiva, lactancia artificial exclusiva y lactancia mixta. Nuestra hipótesis fue que el patrón fisiológico de los movimientos de succión varía según el tipo de alimentación. Según esta hipótesis, los niños con lactancia materna exclusiva realizan unos movimientos al mamar distintos a los de la succión de una tetina, realizados por niños con lactancia artificial. Los niños con lactancia mixta mezclan ambos tipos de movimientos de succión. Métodos: Estudio transversal de neonatos de 21-28 días de edad con lactancia materna o artificial exclusiva (124 parejas madre-hijo), y ensayo de campo, abierto, cruzado y aleatorizado, realizado en neonatos de 21-28 días (110 parejas madre-hijo) y en lactantes de 3-5 meses de edad (125 parejas madre-hijo) con lactancia mixta. Las variables principales fueron los movimientos de succión y las pausas. Resultados: Los neonatos de 21-28 días de edad alimentados con lactancia artificial exclusiva mostraron un menor número de movimientos de succión y el mismo número de pausas, pero de mayor duración, que los neonatos con lactancia materna exclusiva. Entre los niños que recibieron lactancia mixta, el número de movimientos de succión al recibir alimentación con biberón fue similar y las pausas menos numerosas y de menor duración respecto a lo observado al amamantar, tanto a los 21-28 días como a los 3-5 meses de edad. En este grupo de lactancia mixta, la cifra media de tomas de lactancia materna fue de 5,83 ± 1,93 a los 21-28 días de vida y de 4,42 ± 1,67 a los 3-5 meses de edad. En el análisis de equivalencia, realizado sobre los niños que recibieron lactancia mixta, el intervalo de confianza del 95% de la razón de movimientos con lactancia artificial y con lactancia materna se situó fuera del rango de equivalencia, indicó un número de movimientos de succión menor en un 5,9-8,7% al tomar el biberón, así como un menor número de pausas y una duración más breve de ellas en este mismo grupo. Conclusiones: En la lactancia mixta, la comparación entre las tomas de biberón y las de pecho se situó fuera del rango de equivalencia, aunque las diferencias fueron pequeñas. Los niños con lactancia mixta mezclan ambos tipos de movimientos (lactancia materna y lactancia artificial) durante la fase de aprendizaje y adoptan su propio patrón.
Laboratory and greenhouse studies were conducted with an artificial dry diet to rear nymphs, and with an artificial plant as substrate for egg laying by the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.). The artificial diet was composed of: soybean protein (15 g); potato starch (7.5 g); dextrose (7.5 g); sucrose (2.5 g); cellulose (12.5 g); vitamin mixture (niacinamide 1 g, calcium pantothenate 1 g, thiamine 0.25 g, riboflavin 0.5 g, pyridoxine 0.25 g, folic acid 0.25 g, biotin 0.02 mL, vitamin B12 1 g - added to 1,000 mL of distilled water) (5.0 mL); soybean oil (20 mL); wheat germ (17.9 g); and water (30 mL). Nymphs showed normal feeding behavior when fed on the artificial diet. Nymphal development time was longer than or similar to that of nymphs fed on soybean pods. Total nymphal mortality was low (ca. 30%), both for nymphs reared on the artificial diet, and for nymphs fed on soybean pods. At adult emergence, fresh body weights were significantly (P<0.01) less on the artificial diet than on soybean pods. Despite the lower adult survivorship and fecundity on artificial plants than on soybean plants, it was demonstrated for the first time that a model simulating a natural plant, can be used as a substrate for egg mass laying, in conjunction with the artificial diet.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi a obtenção de híbridos de amendoim forrageiro por meio da hibridação artificial. O experimento foi realizado na Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, durante a época de florescimento dos acessos de Arachis pintoi Krap. & W. C. Gregory e de A. repens Handro. Cerca de 700 polinizações produziram 27 segmentos de frutos, com taxas de fecundação que variaram entre 1,1 e 12,9%, considerando-se todas as combinações híbridas. Os híbridos intra-específicos de A. pintoi produziram sementes F2, e os interespecíficos não produziram semente. A técnica de hibridação utilizada nas espécies forrageiras necessitou de ajustes, devido a diferenças observadas em relação ao amendoim cultivado, entre elas o hábito de crescimento.
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a eficácia do tratamento Ovsynch associado à inseminação artificial em tempo prefixado em vacas Bos taurus e Bos indicus. Foram utilizados rebanhos das raças Holandesa, Caracu, Nelore e Mantiqueira. Também foi incluído um rebanho de vacas Gir, com problemas de fertilidade. Cada rebanho foi dividido em três grupos. O grupo 1 recebeu o tratamento Ovsynch e foi inseminado em tempo prefixado. O grupo 2 foi inseminado no cio induzido com cloprostenol. O grupo 3 foi inseminado no cio natural. As taxas de concepção e de prenhez foram determinadas por ultra-sonografia. Não existiu interação significativa das variáveis reprodutivas analisadas para rebanho, idade, período pós-parto, número de parição e presença do bezerro. A taxa de concepção não diferiu (P>0,05) entre os grupos, ao passo que a taxa de prenhez foi superior (P<0,05) nos grupos 1 e 2 em comparação ao grupo 3. No rebanho Gir, o tratamento Ovsynch não alterou a taxa de concepção nem a de prenhez. Independentemente da raça, os tratamentos Ovsynch e cloprostenol não afetam a taxa de concepção, mas melhoram a taxa de prenhez. O tratamento Ovsynch não aumenta a fertilidade de vacas com problemas reprodutivos inespecíficos.