983 resultados para Arquitetura modular do produto
A scalable method for the preparation of 4,5-disubstituted thiazoles and imidazoles as distinct regioisomeric products using a modular flow microreactor has been devised. The process makes use of microfluidic reaction chips and packed immobilized-reagent columns to effect bifurcation of the reaction pathway.
The Environmental Data Abstraction Library provides a modular data management library for bringing new and diverse datatypes together for visualisation within numerous software packages, including the ncWMS viewing service, which already has very wide international uptake. The structure of EDAL is presented along with examples of its use to compare satellite, model and in situ data types within the same visualisation framework. We emphasize the value of this capability for cross calibration of datasets and evaluation of model products against observations, including preparation for data assimilation.
This study investigates the child (L1) acquisition of properties at the interfaces of morphosyntax, syntax-semantics and syntax-pragmatics, by focusing on inflected infinitives in European Portuguese (EP). Three child groups were tested, 6–7-year-olds, 9–10-year-olds and 11–12-year-olds, as well as an adult control group. The data demonstrate that children as young as 6 have knowledge of the morpho-syntactic properties of inflected infinitives, although they seem at first glance to show partially insufficient knowledge of their syntax–semantic interface properties (i.e. non-obligatory control properties), differently from children aged 9 and older, who show clearer evidence of knowledge of both types of properties. However, in general, both morpho-syntactic and syntax–semantics interface properties are also accessible to 6–7-year-old children, although these children give preference to a range of interpretations partially different from the adults; in certain cases, they may not appeal to certain pragmatic inferences that permit additional interpretations to adults and older children. Crucially, our data demonstrate that EP children master the two types of properties of inflected infinitives years before Brazilian Portuguese children do (Pires and Rothman, 2009a,b), reasons for and implications of which we discuss in detail.
We classify groups G such that the unit group U-1 (ZG) is hypercentral. In the second part, we classify groups G whose modular group algebra has hyperbolic unit groups U-1 (KG).
N-Trifluoracyl beta-chalcogeno amides and N-perfluoracyl beta-thio amide ligands were prepared by a simple and efficient reaction sequence. These new ligands were evaluated in palladium-catalyzed alkylation of rac-(E)-1,3-diphenyl-2-propenyl acetate in the presence of dimethyl malonate and an enantioselectivity of up to 99% was obtained. After catalysis, the fluorous ligand can be easily recovered by liquid-liquid extraction and reused without loss in the activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Companies are focusing on efforts increasing the overall efficiency at the same time as the ability to meet customer needs becomes even more important. There is a need to improve the organisation and the product design at the same time through the visualisation of how a product family design should be performed in order to adapt to customers, company internal issues, and long-term strategy. Therefore, there is a need for qualified personnel in today’s companies with the knowledge of product development and modularity. The graduate course Development of Modular Products at Högskolan Dalarna has the objective to provide such knowledge. As a part of the course, each student will individually perform extensive research within a chosen area with respect to Product Development and Modularity. This proceeding is the result of the students own work and was presented during a two day seminar at Dalarna University. The contents of the papers cover many areas, from the identification of customer needs to cost effective manufacturing, and benefits of modularisation. The reader of this proceeding will not only benefit from many areas within Product Development and Modularity but also from the colour of many cultures. In this proceeding, students from nine countries are represented (Bangladesh, China, Costa Rica, Germany, Holland, India, Luxembourg Nigeria, and Sweden). Enjoy the reading.
It is known that despite companies’ efforts to improve the quality of their products, design and assembly defects results in large repair costs both in terms of repair and providing feedback to the origin of the defect. The purpose of this paper is to study these types of defects and the defect rates in design and assembly. The paper presents a web based questionnaire answered by 29 companies. The result shows that the defect rate (defects per product) spanned from 0.01 to 10. Also, design and assembly defects covered 46%, 23% respectively, of all occurred defects. A case study is also presented, performed at a company who recently implemented a modular architecture. In this company, defects from 5 700 integrated product architectures are compared with defects from 431 modular architectures. The average defect rate increased by 21.5% – from 0.65 to 0.79 – when a more modular architecture has been implemented. Furthermore, the study showed that the assembly defects have decreased while the design defects increased. The results presented in this paper will also support the development of the MPV (Module Property Verification) method which is briefly described.
Modular product architectures have generated numerous benefits for companies in terms of cost, lead-time and quality. The defined interfaces and the module’s properties decrease the effort to develop new product variants, and provide an opportunity to perform parallel tasks in design, manufacturing and assembly. The background of this thesis is that companies perform verifications (tests, inspections and controls) of products late, when most of the parts have been assembled. This extends the lead-time to delivery and ruins benefits from a modular product architecture; specifically when the verifications are extensive and the frequency of detected defects is high. Due to the number of product variants obtained from the modular product architecture, verifications must handle a wide range of equipment, instructions and goal values to ensure that high quality products can be delivered. As a result, the total benefits from a modular product architecture are difficult to achieve. This thesis describes a method for planning and performing verifications within a modular product architecture. The method supports companies by utilizing the defined modules for verifications already at module level, so called MPV (Module Property Verification). With MPV, defects are detected at an earlier point, compared to verification of a complete product, and the number of verifications is decreased. The MPV method is built up of three phases. In Phase A, candidate modules are evaluated on the basis of costs and lead-time of the verifications and the repair of defects. An MPV-index is obtained which quantifies the module and indicates if the module should be verified at product level or by MPV. In Phase B, the interface interaction between the modules is evaluated, as well as the distribution of properties among the modules. The purpose is to evaluate the extent to which supplementary verifications at product level is needed. Phase C supports a selection of the final verification strategy. The cost and lead-time for the supplementary verifications are considered together with the results from Phase A and B. The MPV method is based on a set of qualitative and quantitative measures and tools which provide an overview and support the achievement of cost and time efficient company specific verifications. A practical application in industry shows how the MPV method can be used, and the subsequent benefits
The desire to conquer markets through advanced product design and trendy business strategies are still predominant approaches in industry today. In fact, product development has acquired an ever more central role in the strategic planning of companies, and it has extended its influence to R&D funding levels as well. It is not surprising that many national R&D project frameworks within the EU today are dominated by product development topics, leaving production engineering, robotics, and systems on the sidelines. The reasons may be many but, unfortunately, the link between product development and the production processes they cater for are seldom treated in depth. The issue dealt with in this article relates to how product development is applied in order to attain the required production quality levels a company may desire, as well as how one may counter assembly defects and deviations through quantifiable design approaches. It is recognized that product verifications (tests, inspections, etc.) are necessary, but the application of these tactics often result in lead-time extensions and increased costs. Modular architectures improve this by simplifying the verification of the assembled product at module level. Furthermore, since Design for Assembly (DFA) has shown the possibility to identify defective assemblies, it may be possible to detect potential assembly defects already in the product and module design phase. The intention of this paper is to discuss and describe the link between verifications of modular architectures, defects and design for assembly. The paper is based on literature and case studies; tables and diagrams are included with the intention of increasing understanding of the relation between poor designs, defects and product verifications.
Este trabalho analisa a arquitetura do MAM - Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro - e MASP - Museu de Arte de São Paulo - a partir do estudo da história da arquitetura dos museus desde a sua fundação no século XVIII e da análise dos condicionantes que distinguem e particularizam esses edifícios. A moderna arquitetura brasileira, geradora dos princípios de projeto que geraram esses dois museus, mereceu um capítulo próprio. Para um melhor entendimento da arquitetura desses dois museus brasileiros, são abordados os aspectos históricos de suas construções, suas inserções urbanas, funcionalidade, estrutura, materiais e técnicas construtivas, além do seu papel na história da arquitetura brasileira. Em anexo, apresentam-se os traços biográficos de seus arquitetos, Affonso Eduardo Reidy e Lina Bo Bardi, respectivamente, e um breve estudo sobre condicionantes museológicos. Isso fundamenta a análise e pode servir como guia de referência para estudo ou elaboração de projetos de museus.
O objetivo deste trabalho é a proposta de uma arquitetura especial para simulação lógica (AESL). As técnicas e modelos utilizados no processo de simulação lógica são brevemente revistos. É definida uma taxonomia para AESL sob a qual são analisadas diversas propostas de AESL relatadas na literatura. Uma taxonomia já existente é comparada com a proposta. A AESL definida é programável para diferentes algoritmos de simulação lógica. O detalhamento da AESL é, então, incrementado pela implementação de um algoritmo particular. Uma linguagem de simulação discreta é utilizada na construção de um modelo da arquitetura. Os resultados da simulação deste modelo permitem avaliar o desempenho da AESL e otimizar sua estrutura. Uma comparação com outras arquiteturas conclui a análise.
Este trabalho, trata do contexto da arquitetura da cidade de Curitiba no Paraná, durante os anos oitenta e noventa e seu inter-relacionamento com os acontecimentos de abrangência nacional e mundial. A partir do estudo pormenorizado dos casos arquitetônicos dos edifícios desenvolvidos em altura, se faz uma reflexão crítica a respeito da assimilação do repertório pós-moderno como revisão do movimento moderno. Ainda aborda a apropriação da sua superfície imagística, como recurso comercial de tendência a uma “moda” arquitetônica. Analisa também a consolidação de grupos de arquitetura com características locais específicas.
O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a utilização de brise-soleil na arquitetura, analisando as relações entre sua eficiência ambiental e participação no resultado plástico e formal dos edifícios, a partir da análise de exemplares da arquitetura de Campo Grande – MS. O trabalho examina os aspectos relevantes da aplicação do brise-soleil para obtenção do conforto térmico e racionalização do uso de energia nas edificações de clima quente e como resposta à intensiva utilização de superfícies envidraçadas nas edificações. Aborda os fatores que levaram ao desenvolvimento dos brises por Le Corbusier, sua incorporação e difusão no repertório da arquitetura moderna brasileira, especialmente em Campo Grande – MS. Analisa também o período posterior de predomínio dos fechamentos envidraçados com condicionamento térmico artificial e o período recente de nova consciência ambiental com revalorização dos sistemas passivos de condicionamento. A pesquisa parte da hipótese de que os brise-soleils, quando utilizados criteriosamente, além de contribuírem de maneira acentuada na proteção contra os ganhos térmicos advindos da radiação solar, constituem importante elemento arquitetônico para a definição formal, acentuando ou, muitas vezes, constituindo o próprio caráter arquitetônico dos edifícios. Procura demonstrar esta hipótese analisando trinta exemplares significativos da arquitetura de Campo Grande – MS.
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal identificar dados e elaborar um estudo sobre a produção arquitetônica da cidade de Pelotas de 1758 ao fim da década de 40 do século XX, analisando as características peculiares de tal produção e as transformações decorrentes do abandono dos padrões historicistas e da implantação de uma arquitetura moderna. Nesse sentido, traduz-se em revisão de parte da própria história da cidade, da qual a arquitetura é manifestação e testemunho significativo.