289 resultados para Araucaria
Solution of structural reliability problems by the First Order method require optimization algorithms to find the smallest distance between a limit state function and the origin of standard Gaussian space. The Hassofer-Lind-Rackwitz-Fiessler (HLRF) algorithm, developed specifically for this purpose, has been shown to be efficient but not robust, as it fails to converge for a significant number of problems. On the other hand, recent developments in general (augmented Lagrangian) optimization techniques have not been tested in aplication to structural reliability problems. In the present article, three new optimization algorithms for structural reliability analysis are presented. One algorithm is based on the HLRF, but uses a new differentiable merit function with Wolfe conditions to select step length in linear search. It is shown in the article that, under certain assumptions, the proposed algorithm generates a sequence that converges to the local minimizer of the problem. Two new augmented Lagrangian methods are also presented, which use quadratic penalties to solve nonlinear problems with equality constraints. Performance and robustness of the new algorithms is compared to the classic augmented Lagrangian method, to HLRF and to the improved HLRF (iHLRF) algorithms, in the solution of 25 benchmark problems from the literature. The new proposed HLRF algorithm is shown to be more robust than HLRF or iHLRF, and as efficient as the iHLRF algorithm. The two augmented Lagrangian methods proposed herein are shown to be more robust and more efficient than the classical augmented Lagrangian method.
Under many circumstances, the host constituents that are found in the tumor microenvironment support a malignancy network and provide the cancer cells with advantages in proliferation, invasiveness and metastasis establishment at remote organs. It is known that Toll like receptors (TLRs) are expressed not only on immune cells but also on cancer cells and it has suggested a deleterious role for TLR3 in inflammatory disease. Hypothesizing that altered IFN gamma signaling may be a key mechanism of immune dysfunction common to cancer as well CXCR4 is overexpressed among breast cancer patients, the mRNA expression of TLR3, CXCR4 and IFN gamma in breast cancer tumor tissues was investigated. No statistically significant differences in the expression of CXCR4 mRNA, IFN gamma and TLR3 between healthy and tumor tissues was observed, however, it was verified a positive correlation between mRNA relative expression of TLR3 and CXCR4 (p < 0.001), and mRNA relative expression of TLR3 was significantly increased in breast cancer tumor tissue when compared to healthy mammary gland tissue among patients expressing high IFN gamma (p = 0.001). Since the tumor microenvironment plays important roles in cancer initiation, growth, progression, invasion and metastasis, it is possible to propose that an overexpression of IFN gamma mRNA due to the pro-inflammatory microenvironment can lead to an up-regulation of CXCR4 mRNA and consequently to an increased TLR3 mRNA expression even among nodal negative patients. In the future, a comprehensive study of TLR3, CXCR4 and IFN gamma axis in primary breast tumors and corresponding healthy tissues will be crucial to further understanding of the cancer network.
This work reports on the results of magnetophotoluminescence (MPL) measurements carried out in a sample containing two Al0.35Ga0.65As/GaAs, coupled double quantum wells (CDQWs), with inter-well barriers of different thicknesses, which have the heterointerfaces characterized by a distribution of bimodal roughness. The MPL measurements were performed at 4 K, with magnetic fields applied parallel to the growth direction, and varying from 0 to 12 T. The diamagnetic shift of the photoluminescence (PL) peaks is more sensitive to changes in the confinement potential, due to monolayer variations in the mini-well thickness, rather than to the exciton localization at the local potential fluctuations. As the magnetic field increases, the relative intensities of the two peaks in each PL band inverts, what is attributed to the reduction in the radiative lifetime of the delocalized excitons, which results in the radiative recombination, before the excitonic migration between the higher and lower energy regions in each CDQW occurs. The dependence of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) on magnetic field shows different behaviors for each PL peak, which are attributed to the different levels and correlation lengths of the potential fluctuations present in the regions associated with each recombination channel. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
CD80 and CD86 are closely linked genes on chromosome 3 that code for glycoproteins of the immunoglobulin superfamily, expressed on the surface of antigen-presenting cells. These costimulatory molecules play essential roles for stimulation and inhibition of T cells through binding to CD28 and CTLA-4 receptors. In this study, CD80 promoter and CD86 exon 8 polymorphisms were analyzed to investigate the genetic diversity and microevolution of the 2 genes. We genotyped 1,124 individuals, including Brazilians of predominantly European, mixed African and European, and Japanese ancestry, 5 Amerindian populations, and an African sample. All variants were observed in Africans, which suggests their origin in Africa before the human migrations out of that continent. Five new CD80 promoter alleles were identified and confirmed by cloning and sequencing, and promoter 2 is most likely the ancestral allele. Nucleotide -79 is monomorphic in 4 Amerindian populations, where the presence of the -79 G allele is probably the result of gene flow from non-Amerindians. (C) 2012 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Melanins have been associated with the development of melanoma and its resistance to photodynamic therapy (PDT). Singlet molecular oxygen (102), which is produced by ultraviolet A solar radiation and the PDT system, is also involved. Here, we investigated the effects that these factors have on DNA damage and repair. Our results show that both types of melanin (eumelanin and pheomelanin) lead to DNA breakage in the absence of light irradiation and that eumelanin is more harmful than pheomelanin. Interestingly, melanins were found to bind to the minor grooves of DNA, guaranteeing close proximity to DNA and potentially causing the observed high levels of strand breaks. We also show that the interaction of melanins with DNA can impair the access of repair enzymes to lesions, contributing to the perpetuation of DNA damage. Moreover, we found that after melanins interact with 102, they exhibit a lower ability to induce DNA breakage; we propose that these effects are due to modifications of their structure. Together, our data highlight the different modes of action of the two types of melanin. Our results may have profound implications for cellular redox homeostasis, under conditions of induced melanin synthesis and irradiation with solar light. These results may also be applied to the development of protocols to sensitize melanoma cells to PDT. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The objective of the study was to evaluate Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection in urban dogs from the municipality of Monte Negro, Rondonia, Western Brazilian Amazon. The serum samples (n=126) were analyzed by indirect ELISA and the immunodiffusion test using P. brasiliensis gp43 and exoantigen as antigens, respectively. A positivity of 54.8% was observed only in the ELISA test and no statistical difference was observed in the seroprevalence in relation to age or sex. This is the first paracoccidioidomycosis survey carried out with dogs from the Western Brazilian Amazon. The higher positivity rates of P. brasiliensis infection observed in this study suggest that veterinarians must be alert to detect new cases of natural disease in dogs living in paracoccidioidomycosis endemic areas.
Paleoenvironmental interpretation of proxy data derived from peatlands is largely based upon an evolutionary model for ombrotrophic bogs, in which peat accumulates in still environments. Reports on proxies obtained from minerotrophic fens, where hydrologic inputs are variable, are less common. In this study, a highland peatland in southern Brazil is presented through ground penetrating radar (GPR) and sedimentological, palynological and geochronologic data. The radar stratigraphic interpretation suggests a relatively complex history of erosion and deposition at the site since the beginning of Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3) interstadial period. In spite of this, radar stratigraphic and palynologic interpretations converge. Electromagnetic reflections tend to group in clusters that show lateral coherence and correlate with different sediment types, while pollen grains abound and are well preserved. As a result, the study of minerotrophic fens provides a source of proxies. suggesting that ombrotrophic bogs are not the only reliable source of data in wetlands for palynological analysis. (C) 2012 University of Washington. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Caffeic acid is an ortho-phenol found in vegetable tissues presenting important properties such as carcinogenesis inhibitor, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic actions. It was observed that caffeic acid was not degraded in daylight during the adsorption on TiO2 at pH 4.8. The adsorption fit very well to a Brunauer-Emmett-Teller isotherm equation with a monolayer coverage of 68.15 mg(CA) g(TiO2)(-1) and saturation coverage of 195.4 mg(CA) g(TiO2)(-1). A strong adsorption of caffeic acid was verified on TiO2 for the dry solid obtained from the mixture. The Raman and IR spectroscopies revealed that the adsorption should occur through the interaction of the diphenol oxygens with contribution of CC double bond of the acrylic group, however, the carboxylic acid group did not have participation in the adsorption. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O estudo buscou avaliar diferenças florísticas e estruturais entre os componentes adulto e regenerante de trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Mista em Campos do Jordão, a fim de levantar hipóteses sobre sua trajetória sucessional. Para amostragem do componente adulto (CAP > 15 cm) foram instaladas 50 parcelas permanentes de 10 × 20 m e, em cada uma dessas, cinco subparcelas de 1 × 1 m para amostragem do componente regenerante (h > 30 cm e CAP < 15 cm). No componente adulto foram amostrados 1.770 indivíduos, distribuídos em 58 espécies, 38 gêneros e 26 famílias (H' = 3,08 e J = 0,73). Já entre os regenerantes foram observados 576 indivíduos, 55 espécies, 39 gêneros e 23 famílias (H' = 3,41 e J = 0,84). Constatou-se que são necessárias ações de manejo para a conservação in situ das coníferas locais.
En el presente trabajo los autores pasan en revista treinta y cuatro representantes indígenas de la Flora Argentina cultivados como ornamentales en la ciudad de Mendoza y alrededores, señalando su ubicación en parques, plazas, calles y paseos y aportando datos sobre fuste, floración, fructificación y viabilidad de sus semillas en base a observaciones directas de muchos años y a materiales de herbario, reunidos al efecto.
Southern China, especially Yunnan, has undergone high tectonic activity caused by the uplift of Himalayan Mountains during the Neogene, which led to a fast changing palaeogeography. Previous study shows that Southern China has been influenced by the Asian Monsoon since at least the Early Miocene. However, it is yet not well understood how intense the Miocene monsoon system was. In the present study, 63 fossil floras of 16 localities from Southern China are compiled and evaluated for obtaining available information concerning floristic composition, stratigraphic age, sedimentology, etc. Based on such reliable information, selected mega- and micro-floras have been analysed with the coexistence approach to obtain quantitative palaeoclimate data. Visualization of climate results in maps shows a distinct spatial differentiation in Southern China during the Miocene. Higher seasonalities of temperature and precipitation occur in the north and south parts of Southern China, respectively. During the Miocene, most regions of Southern China and Europe were both warm and humid. Central Eurasia was likely to be an arid center, which gradually spread westward and eastward. Our data provide information about Miocene climate patterns in Southern China and about the evolution of these patterns throughout the Miocene, and is also crucial to unravel and understand the climatic signals of global cooling and tectonic uplift.