999 resultados para Aphelinidae Hymenoptera
Simultaneous presence of several tramp ant species of relatively recent introduction on a remote island is an excellent opportunity to study competition mechanisms that lead to the establishment of invasive species. Using attractive food baits we collected 14 ant species among which 10 are well-known tramp species. The most important change between 1996-97 and 2003 is the spread of the tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata at the detriment of Tetramorium simillimum, suggesting that the colonization process on Floreana is still very dynamic. The follow-up of 400 food baits for 21 hours permitted us to calculate indices of competition abilities for 11 species, revealing distinct strategies. The two small tramp species Monomorium floricola and Tapinoma melanocephalum are typically opportunists when large-sized Odontomachus bauri (possibly native species) and Camponotus macilentus (endemic species) are good interference competitors, out-competing other species at food baits. Dominant species S. geminata and Monomorium destructor reach high scores for all indices due to their high abundance.
Because of their beneficial impact on forest ecosystems, European red wood ants (Formica rufa group) are protected by law in many European countries and are considered to be among the most reliable bioindicators of forest stability. However, their taxonomy has been much debated and, unfortunately, it is too often neglected. This happens mainly because the morphology-based method for species delimitation requires lots of time and experience. We therefore employed 9 microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (COI gene) to verify the power of genetic markers for red wood ant species delimitation and to investigate the cryptic diversity of these ants within the Eastern Swiss Alps. We analyzed 83 nests belonging to all red wood ant species that occur in the Swiss National Park area. Genetic data indicated that these species represent different genetic pools. Moreover, results showed that Formica aquilonia YARROW, 1955 and F. paralugubris SEIFERT, 1996 often hybridize within the Park, confirming that these two species are genetically very close and could have diverged only recently. Nevertheless, microsatellites also revealed that one entire population, located in the Minger Valley and morphologically identified as F. lugubris ZETTERSTEDT, 1838, is genetically different to all other analyzed F. lugubris populations found within the same area and to other red wood ant species. These findings, confirmed by mitochondrial DNA analyses, suggest the existence of a new cryptic species within the Eastern Swiss Alps. This putative cryptic species has been provisionally named F. lugubris-A2. These results have a great importance for future conservation plans, monitoring and evolutionary studies on these protected ants.
Comparative study of the structures of male genitalia in Pseudocentron species (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). Male genitalia of twenty two species of Pseudocentron Mitchell, 1934 belonging to seven subgenera are analysed. The diagnostic characters are described and illustrated. The study shows that the male genitalia provides diagnostic characters at generic, subgeneric and specific levels.
Ten new species of Apenesia Westwood, 1874, from Brazil, Acre, are described and illustrated. They belong, respectively, to the following species-groups: nitida group, Apenesia lobata sp. nov., A. serrulata sp. nov. and A. subangulata sp. nov.; laevigata group, A. ocullata sp. nov. and A. rostrum sp. nov.; columbana group, A. apicilata sp. nov.; mexicana group, A. triapicalis sp. nov.; brasiliensis group, A. megaventris sp. nov., A. ventosa sp. nov. and A. triangula sp. nov. New geographical records and some morphological data on A. funebris Evans, 1963, A. nitida (Kieffer, 1910) and A. truncaticeps (Kieffer, 1910) are added.
Epyris longus sp. nov., Epyris paramedius sp. nov., Epyris distinctus sp. nov. and Epyris variatus sp. nov. from Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas, Espírito Santo, Brazil are described and illustrated. Examination of additional specimens of Epyris crassifemur Evans, 1969 allowed to analyse the intraspecific variation as well as to widen the geographic distribution from Santa Catarina to Espírito Santo. Epyris Westwood, 1832 is recorded for the first time in Espírito Santo.
Survey of the hymenopterous parasitoids (Insecta, Hymenoptera) from the Parque Estadual da Fonte Grande, Vitória, ES, Brazil. Parasitoids Hymenoptera were collected in a trail inside the Parque Estadual da Fonte Grande (20º17'51.7''S; 40º20'13.1''W), located in an area of the Atlantic Forest, during the period of June 2000 to July 2001. A total of 4,595 specimens, belonging to 28 families, have been collected. Braconidae, Eulophidae, and Scelionidae, were the most common families, with relative abundance of 22.5%, 14.32%, and 13.12%, respectively. Sixteen families showed the relative frequency lower than 1%. A preliminary list with 47 genera of some of the families is included.
Parasitoid Hymenoptera (Insecta, Hymenoptera) collected in a cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (Malvaceae) plantation at the municipal district of Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Parasitoid Hymenoptera were collected by using Moericke trap placed in a cotton plantation (Gossypium hirsutum L.) of the variety Delta Pine 90, during the period of February 23rd to April 3rd, 2001. A total of 16,166 specimens of parasitoids, belonging to eight superfamilies and 22 families, were collected. Encyrtidae, Trichogrammatidae, Mymaridae and Scelionidae were the most common families, being responsible for 45.14%, 19.11%, 14.33% and 6.57% of the total number of parasitoids collected, respectively. Other eigthteen families showed the relative frequency lower than 5%.
The Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) of the Estação Ecológica of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, with emphasis on the Pimplinae species. In one annual cycle 83,712 insects were captured, of which 2,339 were Ichneumonidae, belonging to 17 subfamilies; they were collected by a Malaise trap placed in a montane semidecidual seasonal forest, inside the campus. Among the collected ichneumonids there were 13 genera and 30 species of Pimplinae, of which Pimpla croceiventris was the most frequent species. The species richness of Pimplinae was greater in the ecological station in Belo Horizonte, MG than in other localities studied.
A case of anomaly in Eulaema mimetica Moure (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Euglossinae). Legs deformations in a paratype male of Eulaema mimetica Moure, 1967, from Iquitos, PERU, are related for the first time.
A redescription of the genus Bruchopria and its two species, B. hexatoma Kieffer (female and male) and B. pentatoma Kieffer (male only) is presented. New record for B. hexatoma from Argentina is provided. Some aspects of diapriid biology with emphasis on their myrmecophilic evidence and association with ants are discussed. Scanning photographs of morphological structures are included.
Six species of Anisepyris Kieffer, 1905 were collected in Cachoeira da Fumaça (Alegre) and Forno Grande (Castelo) State Parks. Two of them are already known: Anisepyris lobatus Santos & Azevedo, 2000 and Anisepyris rectus Santos & Azevedo, 2000. Other four are described as new: Anisepyris attenuatus sp. nov., Anisepyris divisus sp. nov., Anisepyris inconspicuus sp. nov., and A. rotundus sp. nov.; each new species is illustrated. Two uncommon characters for Anisepyris, such as an inconspicuous anterior carina of the pronotum, and a lower mesopleural fovea partially open on the lower margin were observed being both the characters found in A. inconspicuus sp. nov. and only the first character in A. attenuatus sp. nov.
The subgenus Centris (Aphemisia) Ayala: complementary notes and description of a new species (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Centris (Aphemisia) Ayala, 2002 is redescribed pointing out some others important distinctive characters. The nominal species designated by Ayala as the type species, Centris plumipes Smith, 1854, is preocupied by Centris plumipes (Fabricius, 1781) originaly described in Apis Linnaeus. Being so, Centris xanthosara nom. nov. is proposed to replace Centris plumipes Smith, 1854 non Centris plumipes (Fabricius, 1781). Two other species are considered to belong in this subgenus: Centris (Aphemisia) lilacina Cockerell, 1919, and Centris (Aphemisia) plumbea sp. nov., from Tingo Maria, Peru. A key for the species, illustrations, and geographical distribution are also added.
Systematics, phylogeny and geographical distribution of the South American species of Centris (Paracentris) Cameron, 1903, and Centris (Penthemisia) Moure, 1950, including a phylogenetic analysis of the "Centris group" sensu Ayala, 1998 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Centridini). A cladistic analysis with the objective of testing the hypothesis of monophily of Centris (Paracentris) Cameron, 1903, and of studying its phylogenetic relationships with the other subgenera that belong to the Centris group, sensu Ayala, 1998, and the relationships among the species that occur in South America, is presented. Centris (Paracentris) is a group of New World bees of amphitropical distribution, especially diversified in the Andes and in the xeric areas of South and North America. Thirty-one species were included in the analysis, four considered as outgroup, and 49 characters, all from external morphology and genitalia of adult specimens. Parsimony analyses with equal weights for the characters and successive weighting were performed with the programs NONA and PAUP, and analyses of implied weighting with the program PeeWee. The strict consensus among the trees obtained in all the analyses indicates that C. (Paracentris), as previously recognized, is a paraphyletic group. In order to eliminate that condition, the subgenera C. (Acritocentris), C. (Exallocentris) and C. (Xerocentris), all described by SNELLING (1974) are synonymized under C. (Paracentris). The subgenus C. (Penthemisia) Moure, 1950, previously considered a synonym of C. (Paracentris), is reinstated, but in a more restricted sense than originally proposed and with the following species: Centris brethesi Schrottky, 1902; C. buchholzi Herbst, 1918; C. chilensis (Spinola, 1851), C. mixta mixta Friese, 1904, and C. mixta tamarugalis Toro & Chiappa, 1989. Centris mixta, previously recognized as the only South American species of the subgenus C. (Xerocentris), a group supposedly amphitropical, came out as the sister-species of C. buchholzi. The following South American species were recognized under Centris (Paracentris): Centris burgdorfi Friese, 1901; C. caelebs Friese, 1900; C. cordillerana Roig-Alsina, 2000; C. euphenax Cockerell, 1913; C. flavohirta Friese, 1900; C. garleppi (Schrottky, 1913); C. klugii Friese, 1900; C. lyngbyei Jensen-Haarup, 1908; C. mourei Roig-Alsina, 2000; C. neffi Moure, 2000; C. nigerrima (Spinola, 1851); C. toroi sp. nov.; C. tricolor Friese, 1900; C. unifasciata (Schrottky, 1913), and C. vogeli Roig-Alsina, 2000. The relationships among the subgenera of the "Centris group" were: (Xanthemisia (Penthemisia (Centris s. str. - Paracentris))). Centris xanthomelaena Moure & Castro 2001, an endemic species of the Caatinga and previously considered a C. (Paracentris), came out as the sister group of C. (Centris) s. str. A new species of C. (Paracentris) from Chile is described: Centris toroi sp. nov. Lectotypus designations and redescriptions are presented for Centris burgdorfi, C. caelebs, C. lyngbyei, C. tricolor, C. autrani Vachal, 1904 and C. smithii Friese, 1900. New synonyms proposed: C. buchholzi Herbst, 1918 = Centris wilmattae Cockerell, 1926 syn. nov.; C. caelebs Friese, 1900 = Paracentris fulvohirta Cameron, 1903. The female of C. vogeli Roig-Alsina, 2000 and the male of C. xanthomelaena are described.
The subgenus Centris (Schisthemisia) Ayala: complementary notes and description of a new species (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Centris (Schisthemisia)Ayala, 2002 is redescribed, pointing out some other important distinctive characters. It includes: Centris (Schisthemisia) flavilabris Mocsáry, 1899 (type species), Centris (Schisthemisia) boliviensis Mocsáry, 1899 stat. nov., Centris (Schisthemisia) fulva Friese, 1924 stat. nov., and Centris (Schisthemisia) restrepoi sp. nov. from Colombia, Villa Vicencio. A key to the species and illustrations are added.
The genus Anthidium Fabricius in the South America: key for the species, descriptive notes, and geographical distribution (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae, Anthidiini). The Anthidiini, in South America, is represented by a single genus Anthidium Fabricius, 1804 (type-species: Apis manicata Linnaeus, 1758). Thirty nine species are treated in this paper, as follows: Anthidium alsinai Urban, 2001; A. andinum Joergensen, 1912; A. anurospilum Moure, 1957 nom. reval. (formerly = A. espinosai Ruiz, 1938); A. atricaudum Cockerell, 1926; A. aymara Toro & Rodríguez, 1998; A. chilense Spinola, 1851; A. chubuti Cockerell, 1910; A. colliguayanum Toro & Rojas, 1970; A. cuzcoense Schrottky, 1910; A. danieli Urban, 2001; A. decaspilum Moure, 1957; A. deceptum Smith, 1879; A. edwini Ruiz, 1935; A. espinosai Ruiz, 1938; A. falsificum Moure, 1957; A. friesei Cockerell, 1911; A. funereum Schletterer, 1890; A. garleppi Schrottky, 1910 = A. matucanense Cockerell, 1914 syn. nov.; A. gayi Spinola, 1851; A. igori Urban, 2001; A. larocai Urban, 1997; A. latum Schrottky, 1902; A. luizae Urban, 2001; A. manicatum (Linnaeus, 1758); A. masunariae Urban, 2001; A. nigerrimum Schrottky, 1910; A. paitense Cockerell, 1926; A. penai Moure, 1957; A. peruvianum Schrottky, 1910; A. rafaeli Urban, 2001; A. rozeni Urban, 2001; A. rubripes Friese, 1908 = A. boliviense Friese, 1920 syn. nov. = A. adriani Ruiz, 1935 syn. nov. = A. kuscheli Moure, 1957 syn. nov.; A. sanguinicaudum Schwarz, 1933; A. sertanicola Moure & Urban, 1964; A. tarsoi Urban, 2001; A. toro Urban. 2001; A. vigintiduopunctatum Friese, 1904; A. vigintipunctatum Friese, 1908, and A. weyrauchi Schwarz, 1943. Some taxonomic comments are made for each species, and new data on geographic distribution are also given. The females of A. andinum, A. igori, A. rozeni and the male of A. anurospilum are described for the first time. Identification keys (for males and females), as well as illustrations for almost all species, are provided.