871 resultados para Antifungal agent
Dissertação de mestrado em Genética Molecular
La criptococosis es causada por la inhalación de levaduras encapsuladas de Cryptococcus neoformans o Cryptococcus gattii. Representa una de las tres infecciones graves por oportunistas en pacientes con SIDA y existe aproximadamente un 6 por ciento de incidencia de criptococosis clínica en pacientes con transplante de órganos sólidos. Estas dos especies difieren la fisiopatogenia durante la infección. El factor de virulencia principal de Cryptococcus sp. es la presencia del polisacárido capsular, glucuronoxilomanano (GXM), de alto peso molecular, que es continuamente secretado por las levaduras. Los macrófagos son células centrales en la respuesta innata al hongo, los cuales deben ser activados por linfocitos T helper 1 para un eficiente control de la infección. Sin embargo, estas células también son suceptibles al parasitismo intracelular, permitiendo la infección persistente y la diseminación a sitios extrapulmonares. Este proyecto propone investigar la capacidad de levaduras de C. neoformans, C. gattii y de los polisacáridos capsulares para modular la respuesta proinflamatoria de los macrófagos. Queremos estudiar si el tratamiento de macrófagos con levaduras o polisacárido puede inducir perfiles supresores de la respuesta protectiva T helper 1, tales como linfocitos T helper 2 o T reguladores, favoreciendo la sobrevida intracelular del hongo. Además, pensamos que C. neoformans o C. gattii podrían inducir un activación diferencial de macrófagos lo que condicionaría la respuesta adaptativa, lo que podría explicar las diferencias en la fisiopatogenia de estas dos especies. Procedimientos experimentales -Microorganismos y obtención de GXM: se trabajará con C. neoformans variedad grubii, cepa ATCC 62067 y C. gattii serotipo B, cepa NIH112B. Se obtendrán polisacáridos capsulares (GXM) de C. neoformans y C. gattii por precipitación con etanol y y acomplejamiento selectivo con CTAB. - Obtención de macrófagos murinos y cultivos celulares: se obtendrán macrófagos por lavados peritoneales y/o alveolares de ratones BALB/c. Los macrófagos se cultivarán por 24 h en ausencia o presencia de levaduras muertas o vivas (sin opsonizar u opsonizadas) de C. neoformans o C. gattii o en presencia de GXM purificado. -Objetivo 1. Estudio de la modulación de las propiedades proinflamatorias de Mac: en sobrenadantes de los cultivos se medirán las citoquinas por ELISA de captura y en lisados celulares, la expresión de las enzimas (iNOS, arginasa, IDO) por western blot. Se analizará por citometría de flujo la expresión de MCHII y moléculas CD80, CD86, CD40, CTLA-4. -Objetivo 2. Estudios in vitro de la capacidad de macrófagos tratados con levaduras o GXM para inducir linfocitos Th1, Th2 o Treg: los macrófagos preincubados con GXM o levaduras, se incubarán con linfocitos autólogos estimulados con anti-CD3. Se medirá la proliferación celular y el perfil de citoquinas por citomtría de flujo. Células T CD4+ CD25- serán purificadas de suspenciones esplénicas de ratones normales. Luego las células serán incubadas con macrófagos (sin tratar o tratados con levaduras o GXM) y estimulados con anti-CD3. Se analizará la proliferación celular con CFSE y expresión de CD4, CD25 y Foxp3 . - Objetivo 3. Estudios in vivo de la capacidad de levaduras o GXM para inducir linfocitos Th1, Th2 o Treg . Rol de los macrófagos in vivo: Los ratones serán inyectados con 100000 levaduras o con 200 µg de GXM puro vía endovenosa y luego de 7, 14, 30 y 40 días se evaluarán las poblaciones celulares de bazo, por citometría de flujo usando marcaciones simultáneas para CD4, CD8, CD25, Foxp3 y citoquinas intracelulares. Para investigar la participación in vivo de los macrófagos, se depletaran estas células inyectando los animales con PBS-liposomas o clodronato (DMDP)-liposomas por vía endovenosa o inhalatoria (200- 300 µl por ratón). Luego de 24 h, los animales se infectarán con levaduras o inocularán con GXM y se evaluarán los perfiles de células T esplénicos o de nódulos linfaticos.
When is the Best Time for the Second Antiplatelet Agent in Non-St Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome?
Abstract Dual antiplatelet therapy is a well-established treatment in patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS), with class I of recommendation (level of evidence A) in current national and international guidelines. Nonetheless, these guidelines are not precise or consensual regarding the best time to start the second antiplatelet agent. The evidences are conflicting, and after more than a decade using clopidogrel in this scenario, benefits from the routine pretreatment, i.e. without knowing the coronary anatomy, with dual antiplatelet therapy remain uncertain. The recommendation for the upfront treatment with clopidogrel in NSTE-ACS is based on the reduction of non-fatal events in studies that used the conservative strategy with eventual invasive stratification, after many days of the acute event. This approach is different from the current management of these patients, considering the established benefits from the early invasive strategy, especially in moderate to high-risk patients. The only randomized study to date that specifically tested the pretreatment in NSTE-ACS in the context of early invasive strategy, used prasugrel, and it did not show any benefit in reducing ischemic events with pretreatment. On the contrary, its administration increased the risk of bleeding events. This study has brought the pretreatment again into discussion, and led to changes in recent guidelines of the American and European cardiology societies. In this paper, the authors review the main evidence of the pretreatment with dual antiplatelet therapy in NSTE-ACS.
We propose a simple mechanism that implements the Ordinal Shapley Value (Pérez-Castrillo and Wettstein [2005]) for economies with three or less agents.
This paper studies the impact of instrumental voting on information demand and mass media behaviour during electoral campaigns. If voters act instrumentally then information demand should increase with the closeness of an election. Mass media are modeled as profit-maximizing firms that take into account information demand, the value of customers to advertisers and the marginal cost of customers. Information supply should be larger in electoral constituencies where the contest is expected to be closer, there is a higher population density, and customers are on average more profitable for advertisers. The impact of electorate size is theoretically undetermined. These conclusions are then tested with comfortable results on data from the 1997 general election in Britain.
We propose a model based on competitive markets in order to analyze an economy with several principals and agents. We model the principal-agent economy as a two-sided matching game and characterize the set of stable outcomes of this principal-agent matching market. A simple mechanism to implement the set of stable outcomes is proposed. Finally, we put forward examples of principal-agent economies where the results fit into.
Dins del marc del projecte europeu HERMES, al Centre de Visió per Computador de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona s'està desenvolupant un agent conversacional animat per ordinador el qual haurà de ser capaç d'interactuar amb l'usuari a través de diferents canals de forma simultània, o, el que és el mateix, parlar, gesticular, expressar emocions... Partint, doncs, d'un software capaç de fer que un model 3D d'un cap humà expressi emocions i parli en anglès, donat un arxiu d'àudio prèviament generat, en el treball que aquí es presenta es duu a terme la recerca d'una eina sintetitzadora de parla a partir de text que permeti fer això mateix en català. En aquest document s'explica el procés seguit per a trobar aquesta eina, la investigació realitzada sobre el funcionament d'ambdues per tal d'entendre-les i poder-hi treballar, així com, finalment, les modificacions realitzades per a fer que aquestes puguin interactuar i generar parla inteligible en català a partir de textos escrits en aquest idioma.
Aujourd'hui, les problèmes des maladies infectieuses concernent l'émergence d'infections difficiles à traiter, telles que les infections associées aux implants et les infections fongiques invasives chez les patients immunodéprimés. L'objectif de cette thèse était de développer des stratégies pour l'éradication des biofilms bactériens (partie 1), ainsi que d'étudier des méthodes innovantes pour la détection microbienne, pour l'établissement de nouveaux tests de sensibilité (partie 2). Le traitement des infections associées aux implants est difficile car les biofilms bactériens peuvent résister à des niveaux élevés d'antibiotiques. A ce jour, il n'y a pas de traitement optimal défini contre des infections causées par des bactéries de prévalence moindre telles que Enterococcus faecalis ou Propionibacterium acnés. Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré une excellente activité in vitro de la gentamicine sur une souche de E. faecalis en phase stationnaire de croissance Nous avons ensuite confirmé l'activité de la gentamicine sur un biofilm précoce en modèle expérimental animal à corps étranger avec un taux de guérison de 50%. De plus, les courbes de bactéricidie ainsi que les résultats de calorimétrie ont prouvé que l'ajout de gentamicine améliorait l'activité in vitro de la daptomycine, ainsi que celle de la vancomycine. In vivo, le schéma thérapeutique le plus efficace était l'association daptomycine/gentamicine avec un taux de guérison de 55%. En établissant une nouvelle méthode pour l'évaluation de l'activité des antimicrobiens vis-à-vis de micro-organismes en biofilm, nous avons démontré que le meilleur antibiotique actif sur les biofilms à P. acnés était la rifampicine, suivi par la penicilline G, la daptomycine et la ceftriaxone. Les études conduites en modèle expérimental animal ont confirmé l'activité de la rifampicine seule avec un taux de guérison 36%. Le meilleur schéma thérapeutique était au final l'association rifampicine/daptomycine avec un taux de guérison 63%. Les associations de rifampicine avec la vancomycine ou la levofloxacine présentaient des taux de guérisons respectivement de 46% et 25%. Nous avons ensuite étudié l'émergence in vitro de la résistance à la rifampicine chez P. acnés. Nous avons observé un taux de mutations de 10"9. La caractérisation moléculaire de la résistance chez les mutant-résistants a mis en évidence l'implication de 5 mutations ponctuelles dans les domaines I et II du gène rpoB. Ce type de mutations a déjà été décrit au préalable chez d'autres espèces bactériennes, corroborant ainsi la validité de nos résultats. La deuxième partie de cette thèse décrit une nouvelle méthode d'évaluation de l'efficacité des antifongiques basée sur des mesures de microcalorimétrie isotherme. En utilisant un microcalorimètre, la chaleur produite par la croissance microbienne peut être-mesurée en temps réel, très précisément. Nous avons évalué l'activité de l'amphotéricine B, des triazolés et des échinocandines sur différentes souches de Aspergillus spp. par microcalorimétrie. La présence d'amphotéricine Β ou de triazole retardait la production de chaleur de manière concentration-dépendante. En revanche, pour les échinochandines, seule une diminution le pic de « flux de chaleur » a été observé. La concordance entre la concentration minimale inhibitrice de chaleur (CMIC) et la CMI ou CEM (définie par CLSI M38A), avec une marge de 2 dilutions, était de 90% pour l'amphotéricine B, 100% pour le voriconazole, 90% pour le pozoconazole et 70% pour la caspofongine. La méthode a été utilisée pour définir la sensibilité aux antifongiques pour d'autres types de champignons filamenteux. Par détermination microcalorimétrique, l'amphotéricine B s'est avéré être l'agent le plus actif contre les Mucorales et les Fusarium spp.. et le voriconazole le plus actif contre les Scedosporium spp. Finalement, nous avons évalué l'activité d'associations d'antifongiques vis-à-vis de Aspergillus spp. Une meilleure activité antifongique était retrouvée avec l'amphotéricine B ou le voriconazole lorsque ces derniers étaient associés aux échinocandines vis-à-vis de A. fumigatus. L'association échinocandine/amphotéricine B a démontré une activité antifongique synergique vis-à-vis de A. terreus, contrairement à l'association échinocandine/voriconazole qui ne démontrait aucune amélioration significative de l'activité antifongique. - The diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases are today increasingly challenged by the emergence of difficult-to-manage situations, such as infections associated with medical devices and invasive fungal infections, especially in immunocompromised patients. The aim of this thesis was to address these challenges by developing new strategies for eradication of biofilms of difficult-to-treat microorganisms (treatment, part 1) and investigating innovative methods for microbial detection and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (diagnosis, part 2). The first part of the thesis investigates antimicrobial treatment strategies for infections caused by two less investigated microorganisms, Enterococcus faecalis and Propionibacterium acnes, which are important pathogens causing implant-associated infections. The treatment of implant-associated infections is difficult in general due to reduced susceptibility of bacteria when present in biofilms. We demonstrated an excellent in vitro activity of gentamicin against E. faecalis in stationary growth- phase and were able to confirm the activity against "young" biofilms (3 hours) in an experimental foreign-body infection model (cure rate 50%). The addition of gentamicin improved the activity of daptomycin and vancomycin in vitro, as determined by time-kill curves and microcalorimetry. In vivo, the most efficient combination regimen was daptomycin plus gentamicin (cure rate 55%). Despite a short duration of infection, the cure rates were low, highlighting that enterococcal biofilms remain difficult to treat despite administration of newer antibiotics, such as daptomycin. By establishing a novel in vitro assay for evaluation of anti-biofilm activity (microcalorimetry), we demonstrated that rifampin was the most active antimicrobial against P. acnes biofilms, followed by penicillin G, daptomycin and ceftriaxone. In animal studies we confirmed the anti-biofilm activity of rifampin (cure rate 36% when administered alone), as well as in combination with daptomycin (cure rate 63%), whereas in combination with vancomycin or levofloxacin it showed lower cure rates (46% and 25%, respectively). We further investigated the emergence of rifampin resistance in P. acnes in vitro. Rifampin resistance progressively emerged during exposure to rifampin, if the bacterial concentration was high (108 cfu/ml) with a mutation rate of 10"9. In resistant isolates, five point mutations of the rpoB gene were found in cluster I and II, as previously described for staphylococci and other bacterial species. The second part of the thesis describes a novel real-time method for evaluation of antifungals against molds, based on measurements of the growth-related heat production by isothermal microcalorimetry. Current methods for evaluation of antifungal agents against molds, have several limitations, especially when combinations of antifungals are investigated. We evaluated the activity of amphotericin B, triazoles (voriconazole, posaconazole) and echinocandins (caspofungin and anidulafungin) against Aspergillus spp. by microcalorimetry. The presence of amphotericin Β or a triazole delayed the heat production in a concentration-dependent manner and the minimal heat inhibition concentration (MHIC) was determined as the lowest concentration inhibiting 50% of the heat produced at 48 h. Due to the different mechanism of action echinocandins, the MHIC for this antifungal class was determined as the lowest concentration lowering the heat-flow peak with 50%. Agreement within two 2-fold dilutions between MHIC and MIC or MEC (determined by CLSI M38A) was 90% for amphotericin B, 100% for voriconazole, 90% for posaconazole and 70% for caspofungin. We further evaluated our assay for antifungal susceptibility testing of non-Aspergillus molds. As determined by microcalorimetry, amphotericin Β was the most active agent against Mucorales and Fusarium spp., whereas voriconazole was the most active agent against Scedosporium spp. Finally, we evaluated the activity of antifungal combinations against Aspergillus spp. Against A. jumigatus, an improved activity of amphotericin Β and voriconazole was observed when combined with an echinocandin. Against A. terreus, an echinocandin showed a synergistic activity with amphotericin B, whereas in combination with voriconazole, no considerable improved activity was observed.
We consider a principal who deals with a privately informed agent protected by limited liability in a correlated information setting. The agent's technology is such that the fixed cost declines with the marginal cost (the type), so that countervailing incentives may arise. We show that, with high liability, the first-best outcome can be effected for any type if (1) the fixed cost is non-concave in type, under the contract that yields the smallest feasible loss to the agent; (2) the fixed cost is not very concave in type, under the contract that yields the maximum sustainable loss to the agent. We further show that, with low liability, the first-best outcome is still implemented for a non-degenerate range of types if the fixed cost is less concave in type than some given threshold, which tightens as the liability reduces. The optimal contract entails pooling otherwise.
BACKGROUND: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with an inadequate response to TNF antagonists (aTNFs) may switch to an alternative aTNF or start treatment from a different class of drugs, such as rituximab (RTX). It remains unclear in which clinical settings these therapeutic strategies offer most benefit. OBJECTIVE: To analyse the effectiveness of RTX versus alternative aTNFs on RA disease activity in different subgroups of patients. METHODS: A prospective cohort study of patients with RA who discontinued at least one aTNF and subsequently received either RTX or an alternative aTNF, nested within the Swiss RA registry (SCQM-RA) was carried out. The primary outcome, longitudinal improvement in 28-joint count Disease Activity Score (DAS28), was analysed using multivariate regression models for longitudinal data and adjusted for potential confounders. RESULTS: Of the 318 patients with RA included; 155 received RTX and 163 received an alternative aTNF. The relative benefit of RTX varied with the type of prior aTNF failure: when the motive for switching was ineffectiveness to previous aTNFs, the longitudinal improvement in DAS28 was significantly better with RTX than with an alternative aTNF (p = 0.03; at 6 months, -1.34 (95% CI -1.54 to -1.15) vs -0.93 (95% CI -1.28 to -0.59), respectively). When the motive for switching was other causes, the longitudinal improvement in DAS28 was similar for RTX and alternative aTNFs (p = 0.40). These results were not significantly modified by the number of previous aTNF failures, the type of aTNF switches, or the presence of co-treatment with a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug. CONCLUSION: This observational study suggests that in patients with RA who have stopped a previous aTNF treatment because of ineffectiveness changing to RTX is more effective than switching to an alternative aTNF.
Several types of drugs currently used in clinical practice were screened in vitro for their potentiation of the antifungal effect of the fungistatic agent fluconazole (FLC) on Candida albicans. These drugs included inhibitors of multidrug efflux transporters, antimicrobial agents, antifungal agents, and membrane-active compounds with no antimicrobial activity, such as antiarrhythmic agents, proton pump inhibitors, and platelet aggregation inhibitors. Among the drugs tested in an agar disk diffusion assay, cyclosporine (Cy), which had no intrinsic antifungal activity, showed a potent antifungal effect in combination with FLC. In a checkerboard microtiter plate format, however, it was observed that the MIC of FLC, as classically defined by the NCCLS recommendations, was unchanged when FLC and Cy were combined. Nevertheless, if a different reading endpoint corresponding to the minimal fungicidal concentration needed to decrease viable counts by at least 3 logs in comparison to the growth control was chosen, the combination was synergistic (fractional inhibitory concentration index of <1). This endpoint fitted to the definition of MIC-0 (optically clear wells) and reflected the absence of the trailing effect, which is the result of a residual growth at FLC concentrations greater than the MIC. The MIC-0 values of FLC and Cy tested alone in C. albicans were >32 and >10 microg/ml, respectively, and decreased to 0.5 and 0.625 microg/ml when the two drugs were combined. The combination of 0.625 microg of Cy per ml with supra-MICs of FLC resulted in a potent antifungal effect in time-kill curve experiments. This effect was fungicidal or fungistatic, depending on the C. albicans strain used. Since the Cy concentration effective in vitro is achievable in vivo, the combination of this agent with FLC represents an attractive perspective for the development of new management strategies for candidiasis.
Abstract Context. Seizures during intoxications with pharmaceuticals are a well-known complication. However, only a few studies report on drugs commonly involved and calculate the seizure potential of these drugs. Objectives. To identify the pharmaceutical drugs most commonly associated with seizures after single-agent overdose, the seizure potential of these pharmaceuticals, the age-distribution of the cases with seizures and the ingested doses. Methods. A retrospective review of acute single-agent exposures to pharmaceuticals reported to the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre (STIC) between January 1997 and December 2010 was conducted. Exposures which resulted in at least one seizure were identified. The seizure potential of a pharmaceutical was calculated by dividing the number of cases with seizures by the number of all cases recorded with that pharmaceutical. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results. We identified 15,441 single-agent exposures. Seizures occurred in 313 cases. The most prevalent pharmaceuticals were mefenamic acid (51 of the 313 cases), citalopram (34), trimipramine (27), venlafaxine (23), tramadol (15), diphenhydramine (14), amitriptyline (12), carbamazepine (11), maprotiline (10), and quetiapine (10). Antidepressants were involved in 136 cases. Drugs with a high seizure potential were bupropion (31.6%, seizures in 6 of 19 cases, 95% CI: 15.4-50.0%), maprotiline (17.5%, 10/57, 95% CI: 9.8-29.4%), venlafaxine (13.7%, 23/168, 95% CI: 9.3-19.7%), citalopram (13.1%, 34/259, 95% CI: 9.5-17.8%), and mefenamic acid (10.9%, 51/470, 95% CI: 8.4-14.0%). In adolescents (15-19y/o) 23.9% (95% CI: 17.6-31.7%) of the cases involving mefenamic acid resulted in seizures, but only 5.7% (95% CI: 3.3-9.7%) in adults (≥ 20y/o; p < 0.001). For citalopram these numbers were 22.0% (95% CI: 12.8-35.2%) and 10.9% (95% CI: 7.1-16.4%), respectively (p = 0.058). The probability of seizures with mefenamic acid, citalopram, trimipramine, and venlafaxine increased as the ingested dose increased. Conclusions. Antidepressants were frequently associated with seizures in overdose, but other pharmaceuticals, as mefenamic acid, were also associated with seizures in a considerable number of cases. Bupropion was the pharmaceutical with the highest seizure potential even if overdose with bupropion was uncommon in our sample. Adolescents might be more susceptible to seizures after mefenamic acid overdose than adults. "Part of this work is already published as a conference abstract for the XXXIV International Congress of the European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) 27-30 May 2014, Brussels, Belgium." Abstract 8, Clin Toxicol 2014;52(4):298.