1000 resultados para Anti-vibration gloves


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Reduction of trans-1-oxo-7-methoxy-1,2,3,4,9,10,11,12-octahydrophenanthrene (XI) by lithium tri-t-butoxyaluminohydride gave trans-1β-hydroxy-7-methoxy-1,2,3,4,9,10,11,12-octahydrophenanthrene (XII) which on lithium-liquid ammonia reduction gave trans-anti-1β-hydroxy-7-oxo-Δ8(14)-dodecahydrophenanthrene (XIII). Reduction of cis-1-oxo-7-methoxy-1,2,3,4,9,10,11,12-octahydrophenanthrene (XV) by sodium borohydride gave cis-1α-hydroxy-7-methoxy-1,2,3,4,9,10,11,12-octahydrophenanthrene (XVI) which on lithium-liquid ammonia reduction gave cis-syn-1α-hydroxy-7-oxo-Δ8(14)-dodecahydrophenanthrene (XVII).


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The effect of vibration on heat transfer from a horizontal copper cylinder, 0.344 in. in diameter and 6 in. long, was investigated. The cylinder was placed normal to an air stream and was sinusoidally vibrated in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the air stream. The flow velocity varied from 19 ft/s to 92 ft/s; the double amplitude of vibration from 0.75 cm to 3.2 cm, and the frequency of vibration from 200 to 2800 cycles/min. A transient technique was used to determine the heat transfer coefficients. The experimental data in the absence of vibration is expressed by NNu = 0.226 NRe0.6 in the range 2500 < NRe < 15 000. By imposing vibrational velocities as high as 20 per cent of the flow velocity, no appreciable change in the heat transfer coefficient was observed. An analysis using the resultant of the vibration and the flow velocity explains the observed phenomenon.


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This paper deals with the investigation of the vibration characteristics of simply-supported unsymmetric trapezoidal plates. For numerical calculations, the relationship between the eigenvalue problems of a polygonal simply-supported plate and polygonal membrane is again effectively utilized. The Galerkin method is applied, with the deflection surface expressed in terms of a Fourier sine series in transformed coordinates. Numerical values for the first seven to eight frequencies for different geometries of the unsymmetric trapezoid are presented in the form of tables. Also the nodal patterns for a few representative configurations are presented.


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The probability that a random process crosses an arbitrary level for the first time is expressed as a Gram—Charlier series, the leading term of which is the Poisson approximation. The coefficients of this series are related to the moments of the number of level crossings. The results are applicable to both stationary and non-stationary processes. Some numerical results are presented for the response process of a linear single-degree-of-freedom oscillator under Gaussian white noise excitation.


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Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa analysoidaan suomalaista ympäristöliikettä Jürgen Habermasin julkisuuden käsitteen näkökulmasta. Työn tutkimusongelmana on tarkastella julkisuutta ympäristövaikuttamisen keinona. Ponnahduslautana tutkimuksessa käytetään 2000-luvun Lapin metsien käyttöä koskevia kiistoja, joiden ratkomisyrityksiin moni Suomessa toimiva ympäristöjärjestö on osallistunut. Pitkään ratkaisemattomina olleet kiistat ovat johtaneet tilanteeseen, jossa on perusteltua kysyä, mikä ongelmien selvittämisessä on mennyt pieleen. Olisiko ennen kaikkea ammattimaiseen ja institutionalisoituneeseen vaikuttamiseen nojanneet ympäristöjärjestöt voineet toimia kiistojen yhteydessä jollakin vaihtoehtoisella tavalla? Vaihtoehdoksi esitetään Jürgen Habermasin tarjoamaa julkisuuden mallia, jonka on nähty olevan keskeinen modernin yhteiskunnan mahdollisuuksia ja rajoitteita arvioitaessa. Käsitys julkisuudesta sisältää ajatuksen kriittiseen keskusteluun pohjautuvasta, kaikille avoimesta kansalaisvaikuttamisesta. Näin muodostuneesta yleisestä mielipiteestä tulee poliittisen päätöksenteon ohjenuora. Julkisuuden ihanteen rinnalla Habermasin teoria sisältää kuvauksen julkisuuden rakennemuutoksesta – kriittisen julkisuuden alennustilasta myöhäiskapitalistisessa kulutusyhteiskunnassa. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytän näitä kahta teoreettista näkökulmaa arvioidessani nykyaikaista ympäristövaikuttamista. Keskeisin lähdeteos on Habermasin Julkisuuden rakennemuutos ja sen teoreettista perinnettä jatkaneet tutkimukset. Aineistoni koostuu kuudesta teemahaastattelusta, jotka toteutettiin keväällä 2009 Greenpeacessa, Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitossa ja WWF:ssä. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytän teemoittelua. Sen tuloksena esiin nousevista teemoista keskeisin kertoo ympäristöjärjestöjen ammattimaistumisesta. Tulosteni mukaan ympäristövaikuttamista leimaa institutionalisoituneisuus ja hallinnollisuus, jolloin julkisuusperiaatteen toimintaedellytykset ovat heikentyneet. Julkisuuden käsitteelle löytyy kuitenkin myös varovaista tilausta suomalaisten ympäristöjärjestöjen keskuudessa.


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Nonlinear vibration analysis is performed using a C-0 assumed strain interpolated finite element plate model based on Reddy's third order theory. An earlier model is modified to include the effect of transverse shear variation along the plate thickness and Von-Karman nonlinear strain terms. Monte Carlo Simulation with Latin Hypercube Sampling technique is used to obtain the variance of linear and nonlinear natural frequencies of the plate due to randomness in its material properties. Numerical results are obtained for composite plates with different aspect ratio, stacking sequence and oscillation amplitude ratio. The numerical results are validated with the available literature. It is found that the nonlinear frequencies show increasing non-Gaussian probability density function with increasing amplitude of vibration and show dual peaks at high amplitude ratios. This chaotic nature of the dispersion of nonlinear eigenvalues is also r


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Estimates of natural frequencies corresponding to axisymmetric modes of flexural vibration of polar orthotropic annular plates have been obtained for various combinations of clamped, simply supported and free edge conditions. A coordinate transformation in the radial direction has been used to obtain effective solutions by the classical Rayleigh-Ritz method. The analysis with this transformation has been found to be advantageous in computations, particularly for large hole sizes, over direct analysis. Numerical results have been obtained for various values of hole sizes and rigidity ratio. The eigenvalue parameter has been found to vary more or less linearly with the rigidity ratio. A comparison with the results for isotropic plates has brought out some interesting features.


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Problems like windup or rollover arise in a PI controller working under saturation. Hence anti-windup schemes are necessary to minimize performance degradation.Similar situation may occur in a Proportional Resonant(PR)controller in the presence of a sustained error input.Several methods can be employed based on existing knowledge on PI controller to counter this problem.In this paper few such schemes are proposed and implemented in FPGA and MATLAB and from the obtained results their possible use and limitations have been studied.


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Structural information on the solid forms of efavirenz, a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, is limited, although various polymorphic forms of this drug have been patented. We report here structural studies of four new crystal forms a pure form, a cyclohexane solvate, and cocrystals with 1,4-cyclohexanedione and 4,4'-bipyridine. Temperature dependent single-crystal to single-crystal phase transitions are observed for the pure form and for the cyclohexane solvate with an increase in the number of symmetry independent molecules, Z', upon a lowering of temperature. Other issues related to these solid forms, such as thermal stability, conformational flexibility, and high Z' occurrences, are addressed by using a combined experimental and computational approach.


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Most of the structural elements like beams, cables etc. are flexible and should be modeled as distributed parameter systems (DPS) to represent the reality better. For large structures, the usual approach of 'modal representation' is not an accurate representation. Moreover, for excessive vibrations (possibly due to strong wind, earthquake etc.), external power source (controller) is needed to suppress it, as the natural damping of these structures is usually small. In this paper, we propose to use a recently developed optinial dynamic inversion technique to design a set of discrete controllers for this purpose. We assume that the control force to the structure is applied through finite number of actuators, which are located at predefined locations in the spatial domain. The method used in this paper determines control forces directly from the partial differential equation (PDE) model of the system. The formulation has better practical significance, both because it leads to a closed form solution of the controller (hence avoids computational issues) as well as because a set of discrete actuators along the spatial domain can be implemented with relative ease (as compared to a continuous actuator).


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Amyloid beta (A beta) is the major etiological factor implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD). A beta(42) self-assembles to form oligomers and fibrils via multiple aggregation process. The recent studies aimed to decrease A beta levels or prevention of A beta aggregation which are the major targets for therapeutic intervention. Natural products as alternatives for AD drug discovery are a current trend. We evidenced that Caesalpinia crista leaf aqueous extract has anti-amyloidogenic potential. The studies on pharmacological properties of C. crista are very limited. Our study focused on ability of C. crista leaf aqueous extract on the prevention of (i) the formation of oligomers and aggregates from monomers (Phase I: A beta(42) + extract co-incubation); (ii) the formation of fibrils from oligomers (Phase II: extract added after oligomers formation); and (iii) dis-aggregation of pre-formedfibrils (Phase III: aqueous extract added to matured fibrils and incubated for 9 days). The aggregation kinetics was monitored using thioflavin-T assay and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that C. crista aqueous extract could able to inhibit the A beta(42) aggregation from monomers and oligomers and also able todis-aggregate the pre-formed fibrils. The study provides an insight on finding new natural products for AD therapeutics. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In order to explore idiotypic, anti-idiotypic, and anti-anti-idiotypic responses to allergens, BALB/c mice were immunized with affinity- purified human idiotypic antibodies directed against a highly purified shrimp allergen. This resulted in the production of anti-idiotypic antibodies which were quantitated by using rabbit idiotypic antibodies raised against the same purified allergen. The mouse anti-idiotypic antibodies recognized shrimp-specific human idiotypic antibodies of the IgE isotype from 18 of 20 individuals, and IgG antibodies from 14 of 20 shrimp-sensitive patients. Immunization of BALB/c mice with affinity- purified, allergen-specific anti-idiotypic antibodies induced anti- allergen IgE and IgG responses in the absence of the allergen. This paper thus presents evidence that anti-idiotypic antibodies raised against allergen-specific idiotypic antibodies may substitute for the original allergen in the induction of allergen-specific idiotypic antibodies. The demonstration of shared idiotopes on IgG and IgE antibodies in the sera of shrimp-sensitive patients supports the use of allergen-specific anti-idiotypic antibodies as surrogate allergens.