977 resultados para Anti-sporozoite antibody


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Objective. Juvenile localized scleroderma (JLS) includes a number of conditions often grouped together. With the long-term goal of developing uniform classification criteria, we studied the epidemiological, clinical and immunological features of children with JLS followed by paediatric rheumatology and dermatology centres. Methods. A large, multicentre, multinational study was conducted by collecting information on the demographics, family history, triggering environmental factors, clinical and laboratory features, and treatment of patients with JLS. Results. Seven hundred and fifty patients with JLS from 70 centres were enrolled into the study. The disease duration at diagnosis was 18 months. Linear scleroderma (LS) was the most frequent subtype (65%), followed by plaque morphea (PM) (26%), generalized morphea (GM) (7%) and deep morphea (DM) (2%). As many as 15% of patients had a mixed subtype. Ninety-one patients (12%) had a positive family history for rheumatic or autoimmune diseases; 100 (13.3%) reported environmental events as possible trigger. ANA was positive in 42.3% of the patients, with a higher prevalence in the LS-DM subtype than in the PM-GM subtype. Scl70 was detected in the sera of 3% of the patients, anticentromere antibody in 2%, anti-double-stranded DNA in 4%, anti-cardiolipin antibody in 13% and rheumatoid factor in 16%. Methotrexate was the drug most frequently used, especially during the last 5 yr. Conclusion. This study represents the largest collection of patients with JLS ever reported. The insidious onset of the disease, the delay in diagnosis, the recognition of mixed subtype and the better definition of the other subtypes should influence our efforts in educating trainees and practitioners and help in developing a comprehensive classification system for this syndrome. © 2006 Oxford University Press.


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Development of vaccines against canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) may provide a prophylactic barrier, but antibody response detected by standard diagnostic techniques may not separate vaccinated from naturally infected dogs. Moreover, anti-Leishmania antibody levels in vaccinated dogs may be detectable for months. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to comparatively evaluate an in-house ELISA with three serological tests officially adopted by the Brazilian Ministry of Health for the diagnosis of CVL in dogs vaccinated with Leishmune®. A total of 18 mongrel dogs were submitted to a complete protocol of the vaccine, monitored and evaluated in 5 times (T0-T4) up to 180 days after T0. Twenty-one days after the first dose (T1), 50% of the dogs were seropositive by the in-house ELISA and 5.5% by IFAT, while by the official ELISA and DPP® CVL rapid test all dogs tested negative. At time T2, 42 days after of the first dose, 100%, 83.3%, 11.1%, and 5.5% of the dogs were seropositive by the in-house ELISA, IFAT, official ELISA kit and the DPP® CVL rapid test, respectively. Ninety days after the first dose (T3), 100%, 83.3%, 72.2% and 33.3% of the dogs were seropositive by the in-house ELISA, official ELISA kit, IFAT, and the DPP® CVL rapid test, respectively. Finally, at time T4, 88.8%, 33.3%, 11.1% and 5.5% of the dogs were seropositive by the in-house ELISA, official ELISA kit, DPP® CVL rapid test and IFAT, respectively. In conclusion, dogs vaccinated with Leishmune® cross-react by an in-house ELISA and by the three official Brazilian serological tests for the diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis up to six months after the first vaccine dose, and may be mistakenly diagnosed and removed. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A pesquisa de anticorpos contra antígenos celulares requer permanente revisão das informações sobre a interpretação dos resultados, visto que a positividade é observada em parte da população normal e desencadeada transitoriamente por processos infecciosos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar, através da técnica da pesquisa de auto-anticorpos anti-nucleares (ANA) em células HEp-2, a prevalência de auto-anticorpos contra antígenos celulares em três grupos de pessoas: Grupo 1- pacientes com infecção pelo Virus da dengue (VD) (n= 30); Grupo 2 - pacientes com infecção pelos HTLV 1 e 2 (n= 30), Grupo 3 - indivíduos doadores de sangue (n= 100) não infectados e sem manifestações clínicas aparentes. A prevalência de ANA nos Grupos 1 (40%) e 2 (40%) foi altamente significativa em relação ao Grupo 3 (2%) (p<0,0001), com predomínio do padrão citoplasmático em relação ao padrão nuclear. Os indivíduos do Grupo 1 estavam infectados por três espécies do VD, com predominância (p= 0,002) para o DEN 3 (66,7%), entretanto a distribuição da freqüência de ANA de acordo com a espécie, mostrou uma diferença significante (p= 0,0260) entre as infecções pelo VD1 (p= 0,0644) e VD2 (p= 0,0249), em relação ao VD3, mas sem diferença entre os padrões (p= 0,2479). No Grupo 2 a prevalência e o padrão de ANA não mostraram correlação com o tipo de HTLV, embora tenha predominado indivíduos infectados pelo HTLV 1 (p= 0,0035) (76,7%); a maioria não apresentava sintomas clínicos (p= 0,0136), 36,7% mostrava doença compatível com PET/MAH, e a presença de ANA não mostrou diferença significativa entre sintomáticos e assintomáticos (p> 0,05). Não houve correlação de soropositividade com sexo entre os grupos. Concluiu-se que o quadro infeccioso é um importante desencadeador de respostas auto-imunes detectadas laboratorialmente, não se observando influencia nas manifestaçõe clínícas dos agravos. Estudos prospectivos, com controles destes casos, poderão trazer as respostas quanto a importância e significado dos resultados obtidos.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a segurança, imunogenicidade e eficácia de duas doses da vacina contra o rotavírus em lactentes brasileiros saudáveis. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo randomizado, multicêntrico, duplo-cego e controlado por placebo no Brasil, México e Venezuela. Os lactentes receberam duas doses orais de vacina ou placebo aos 2 e 4 meses de idade, juntamente com as imunizações de rotina, exceto a vacina oral contra poliomielite (VOP). O presente estudo relata apenas os resultados obtidos em Belém, Brasil, onde o número de indivíduos por grupo e os títulos da vacina viral foram os seguintes: 194 (104,7 unidades formadoras de focos - UFF), 196 (105,2 UFF), 194 (105,8UFF) e 194 (placebo). A resposta de anticorpos anti-rotavírus (anti-RV) foi avaliada em 307 indivíduos. A gravidade clínica dos episódios de gastroenterite (GE) foi determinada através de um escore com 20 pontos, onde um valor ≥ 11 foi considerado como GE grave. RESULTADOS: As taxas de sintomas gerais solicitados foram semelhantes tanto nos indivíduos que receberam a vacina como naqueles a quem se administrou placebo. Aos 2 meses após a segunda dose, ocorreu resposta em termos de IgA sérica para RV em 54,7 a 74,4% dos vacinados. Não houve interferência na imunogenicidade das vacinas de rotina. A eficácia da vacina contra qualquer gastroenterite por rotavírus (GERV) foi de 63,5% (IC95% 20,8-84,4) para a maior concentração (105,8 UFF). A eficácia foi de 81,5% (IC95% 44,5-95,4) contra GERV grave. Em sua maior concentração (105,8 UFF), a RIX4414 conferiu uma proteção de 79,8% (IC95% 26,4-96,3) contra GERV grave causada pela amostra G9. CONCLUSÕES: A RIX4414 foi altamente imunogênica com baixa reatogenicidade, e não interferiu na resposta sérica à difteria, tétano, coqueluche, hepatite B e antígenos Hib. Duas doses da RIX4414 conferiram proteção significativa contra a GE grave causada pelo RV.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Using ELISA technique, natural antibodies against self and non self antigens were determined in 80 patients chronically intected by T. cruzi and 40 individuals suffering from a deep mycosis frequentely found in Latin Amarica (Paracoccidioidomycosis - PCM). Two forms of PCM were investigated: adult forms and juvenil type of disease. Eighty percent (80%) of the former group had significantly elevated anti-laminin antibody levels (M=4.7,SD±1.8) compared with healthy controls and different specificities of antibody were associated with anti-laminin in pathological sera. A notable binding to cytoskeletal proteins was observed, specially with band 3 and their peptides derivates, such as 62 kDa peptide. By means of Protein A chromatography we were able to show that natural anti-Gal antibodies may be bound by their Fab region to other immunoglobulins and/or to Protein A by alternative sites of binding. The finding of lgG anti-Gal antibodies in circulating immune complexes isolated from chagasic sera supported the first alternative. However, it is possible that some of lgG anti-Gal antibodies, belong to VH111 subgroup of immunoglobulins, that bind directly to Protein A. Among the 40 sera from PCM examined, the majority was considered as not exhibiting a signilicantly higher binding than normal sera to antigens tested. However thirty percent (30%) of the chronic patients had an increased levels of natural antibodies at least for one specificity such as actyn, myosin and Gala1,3Gal epitopes. ln juvenil type of PCM the mean value found for actyn was also increased 2,42 (range 1,0 to 5,3). Utilizing the polyethylene glicol precipitation the presence of circulating immune complexes was investigated in PCM sera. Specific antibodies for soluble antigens from P. brasiliensis and natural antibodies against myoglobin, myosin and Gala1,3 Gal epitopes were characterized


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Human salivary gland tumors originated from intercalated ducts present a broad range of histologic and cytologic patterns, mainly due to the presence of myoepithelial cells. The aim of this study is to verify the differentiation grade of neoplastic cells and a possible relation between myoepithelial cell differentiation and the presence of luminal secretory contents. The expression of vimentin and cytokeratin (CK) intermediate filaments, actin myofilament and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) was investigated by double labeling immunocytochemical technique, in thirty salivary gland neoplasms: 5 pleomorphic adenomas, 5 myoepitheliomas, 3 basal cell adenomas, 7 adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC) and 10 polimorphous low grade adenocarcinomas (PLGA). Tumors with intercalated duct differentiation (pleomorphic adenomas, basal cell adenomas and ACC) express CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19 in the luminal cells and coexpress eventually CK14 with these CKs. Some luminal cells stained with anti-EMA antibody, mainly where a secretory content in the lumen was observed. Outer ductal cells and other myoepithelial-like cells express vimentin, sometimes coexpressing actin and/or CK14 with vimentin. Plasmacytoid cells in myoepitheliomas and pleomorphic adenomas express vimentin and rarely CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19, sometimes coexpressing these CKs with CK14 but they are negative for the remaining antigens. Tumors without intercalated duct differentiation (solid basal cell adenoma and PLGA) express vimentin and CKs 7, 8, 14 and 18, sometimes coexpressing CKs 8 and 18 with CK14. In conclusion, in tumors with intercalated duct differentiation, myoepithelial cells express vimentin and sometimes coexpress actin and/or CK14 with vimentin, never coexpressing other CKs with vimentin. CK14 and actin are independently expressed by myoepithelial cells, so their expression is probably induced by different stimulus. However, the secretory function of luminal cells, visualized by EMA staining, ....