983 resultados para Android, Applicazione, Eventi, SMS Backup


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A Rede Docente Assistencial (RDA) se configura um espaço social de ensino e atenção à saúde que envolve a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Florianópolis (SMS de Florianópolis) e a Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Abrange quatro Centros de Ensino e o Hospital Universitário Polydoro Hernani de São Thiago (HU), integrando as pessoas que atuam nessas instituições. Articula conhecimentos, consolida modelos de aprendizagem, favorece a melhoria da assistência à luz dos princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Tem por objetivos desenvolver proposta de gestão compartilhada, estabelecendo atribuições e compromissos das instituições; criar espaços para discussão do processo de integração ensino-serviço; promover o ensino, a pesquisa e a assistência à saúde contextualizada com a realidade; promover a educação permanente; e desenvolver mecanismos de avaliação das ações. Como estratégia para atingir os objetivos propostos, destaca-se a composição de grupos de trabalho envolvendo profissionais das duas instituições - técnicos e professores - e estudantes dos cursos de Enfermagem, Medicina, Odontologia, Nutrição, Farmácia, Serviço Social, Educação Física e Psicologia, o que favorece a integração das ações de saúde promovendo o trabalho coletivo.


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Tässä tyÃssä esiteltiin Android laitteisto- ja sovellusalustana sekä kuvattiin, kuinka Android-pelisovelluksen käyttÃliittymä voidaan pitää yhtenäisenä eri näyttÃlaitteilla skaalauskertoimien ja ankkuroinnin avulla. Toisena osiona tyÃtä käsiteltiin yksinkertaisia tapoja, joilla pelisovelluksien suorituskykyä voidaan parantaa. Näistä tarkempiin mittauksiin valittiin matalatarkkuuksinen piirtopuskuri ja näkymättÃmissä olevien kappaleiden piilotus. Mittauksissa valitut menetelmät vaikuttivat demosovelluksen suorituskykyyn huomattavasti. Tässä tyÃssä rajauduttiin Android-ohjelmointiin Java-kielellä ilman ulkoisia kirjastoja, jolloin tyÃn tuloksia voi helposti hyÃdyntää mahdollisimman monessa eri käyttÃkohteessa.


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Mobile malwares are increasing with the growing number of Mobile users. Mobile malwares can perform several operations which lead to cybersecurity threats such as, stealing financial or personal information, installing malicious applications, sending premium SMS, creating backdoors, keylogging and crypto-ransomware attacks. Knowing the fact that there are many illegitimate Applications available on the App stores, most of the mobile users remain careless about the security of their Mobile devices and become the potential victim of these threats. Previous studies have shown that not every antivirus is capable of detecting all the threats; due to the fact that Mobile malwares use advance techniques to avoid detection. A Network-based IDS at the operator side will bring an extra layer of security to the subscribers and can detect many advanced threats by analyzing their traffic patterns. Machine Learning(ML) will provide the ability to these systems to detect unknown threats for which signatures are not yet known. This research is focused on the evaluation of Machine Learning classifiers in Network-based Intrusion detection systems for Mobile Networks. In this study, different techniques of Network-based intrusion detection with their advantages, disadvantages and state of the art in Hybrid solutions are discussed. Finally, a ML based NIDS is proposed which will work as a subsystem, to Network-based IDS deployed by Mobile Operators, that can help in detecting unknown threats and reducing false positives. In this research, several ML classifiers were implemented and evaluated. This study is focused on Android-based malwares, as Android is the most popular OS among users, hence most targeted by cyber criminals. Supervised ML algorithms based classifiers were built using the dataset which contained the labeled instances of relevant features. These features were extracted from the traffic generated by samples of several malware families and benign applications. These classifiers were able to detect malicious traffic patterns with the TPR upto 99.6% during Cross-validation test. Also, several experiments were conducted to detect unknown malware traffic and to detect false positives. These classifiers were able to detect unknown threats with the Accuracy of 97.5%. These classifiers could be integrated with current NIDS', which use signatures, statistical or knowledge-based techniques to detect malicious traffic. Technique to integrate the output from ML classifier with traditional NIDS is discussed and proposed for future work.


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Ce mémoire examine l'adoption des téléphones mobiles et l'utilisation des messages texte (SMS) par les adolescents chinois, selon la théorie des usages et gratifications et de la recherche sur la communication par ordinateur. Certains champs particuliers de l'utilisation des messages textes par les adolescents chinois, comme le contrôle parental, la circulation des chaînes de messages, la popularité des messages de salutations et l'utilisation répandue des émoticônes ont été étudiés. La fonction sociale des SMS, plus particulièrement des pratiques sociales et des relations émotionnelles des adolescents chinois, a également été explorée. Cette étude est basée sur un sondage réalisé sur le terrain auprès de 100 adolescents chinois. Elle révèle que chez les adolescents chinois, les deux principales raisons pour l'adoption du téléphone mobile sont l'influence parentale et le besoin de communication sociale. Quant à l'utilisation des messages texte, elle répond à sept usages et gratifications : la flexibilité, le coût modique, lâintimité, éviter l'embarras, le divertissement, l'engouement et l'évasion. Il a également été observé que les messages texte jouent un rôle positif dans la construction et l'entretien des relations sociales des adolescents chinois.


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A share of information on why & how to make copies of data so that these additional copies may be used to restore the original after a data loss event. Burn cd's and copy to memory sticks.


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This presentation is intended to show the use of Adobe Presenter to create a narrated presentation, and can be compared with the version recorded using Camtasia Studio.


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This presentation is intended to show the use of Camtasia Studio to create a narrated presentation, and can be compared with the version recorded using Adobe Presenter.


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Low take up of stigma-free social benefits is often blamed on information asymmetries or administrative barriers. There is limited evidence on which of these potential channels is more salient in which contexts. We designed and implemented a randomized controlled trial to assess the extent to which informational barriers are responsible for the prevalent low take-up of government benefits among Colombian conflict-driven internal refugees. We provide timely information on benefits eligibility via SMS to a random half of the displaced household that migrated to Bogot´a over a 6-month period. We show that improving information increases benefitsâ take up. However, the effect is small and only true for certain type of benefits. Hence, consistent with previous experimental literature, the availability of timely information explains only part of the low-take up rates and the role of administrative barriers and bureaucratic processes should be tackled to increase the well-being of internal refugees in Colombia.


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We carried out a randomized controlled trial in Bogotá, the recipient of Colombia´s highest number of internally displaced people (IDP), to assess whether the use of SMS to communicate eligibility to social benefits fosters the welfare of victimized internal refugees. Only a fraction of IDP are elegible to benefits. We inform eligibility via SMS to a random half of IDP-households who are, and estimate the Local Average Treatment Effect of the text message on the knowledge of the benefits available tothe displaced population. We show that while on the average treated households know their rights better than controls, a more disaggregate analysis suggest that there is variation of awareness across benefits. The intervention was overall successful in empowering IDP and the use of SMS should be widened as a social policy instrument. However our results suggest that text messages should be complemented with other communication strategies, yet to be evaluated.


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La introducción de nuevos sistemas de comunicación tales como los SMS y los chats están revolucionando el lenguaje con fenómenos como la simplificación de fonemas, la desaparición de las tildes, el uso de onomatopeyas, etcétera. Todos estos fenómenos están afectando a la expresión escrita de los estudiantes, que usan el lenguaje como muestra de rebeldía, sin aceptar las reglas ortográficas establecidas. Se proponen maneras de aprovechar estas nuevas formas de expresión, este nuevo código para trabajar con él en clase. No se trata tanto de un nuevo código como de la recreación, la abreviación del existente, al que inevitablemente toma como punto de referencia. Se impone la rapidez y la urgencia en este nuevo tipo de comunicación, de ahí la tendencia a tan acusada simplificación lingüística. Este tipo de lenguaje puede mostrar ignorancia o desprecio por la norma, pero también muestra imaginación, ingenio y capacidad de adaptación al medio.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Resumen en inglés. Resumen basado en el de la publicación