950 resultados para Analyses de trajectoires non-paramétriques


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Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho, estabelecer a relação entre os pigmentos fotossintéticos extraídos em DMSO e as leituras obtidas no clorofilômetro portátil ClorofiLOG® 1030, gerando modelos matemáticos capazes de predizer os teores de clorofila e de carotenóides em folhas de mamoneira. O trabalho foi conduzido na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Algodão, situada em Campina Grande, Estado da Paraíba, em outubro de 2010. Para a análise indireta, foi utilizado um equipamento portátil, sendo realizada a leitura em discos foliares com diferentes tonalidades de verde, sendo feita, nesses mesmos discos, a determinação da clorofila pelo método clássico. Para a extração da clorofila, utilizaram-se 5 mL de dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO), a qual foi mantida em banho-maria a 70ºC, por 30 minutos, e retirou-se 3 mL da alíquota para leitura em espectrofotômetro nos comprimentos de onda de 470, 646 e 663 nm. Os dados foram submetidos à análise da variância e regressão polinomial. A leitura obtida no clorofilômetro portátil foi a variável dependente, e os pigmentos fotossintéticos determinados pelo método clássico foi a variável independente. Os resultados indicaram que o clorofilômetro portátil ClorofiLOG® 1030, associado a modelos matemáticos, permitiu estimar a concentração dos pigmentos fotossintéticos, exceto a clorofila b, com alta precisão, com economia de tempo e com reagentes normalmente utilizados nos procedimentos convencionais.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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DNA-based studies have been one of the major interests in conservation biology of endangered species and in population genetics. As species and population genetic assessment requires a source of biological material, the sampling strategy can be overcome by non-destructive procedures for DNA isolation. An improved method for obtaining DNA from fish fins and scales with the use of an extraction buffer containing urea and further DNA purification with phenol-chloroform is described. The methodology combines the benefits of a non-destructive DNA sampling and its high efficiency. In addition, comparisons with other methodologies for isolating DNA from fish demonstrated that the present procedure also becomes a very attractive alternative to obtain large amounts of high-quality DNA for use in different molecular analyses. The DNA samples, isolated from different fish species, have been successfully used on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) experiments, as well as on amplification of specific ribosomal and mitochondrial DNA sequences. The present DNA extraction procedure represents an alternative for population approaches and genetic studies on rare or endangered taxa.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Dois pacientes índices da família analisada neste estudo foram submetidos a adrenalectomia bilateral devido a feocromocitoma. Foi, então, realizado o estudo genético dos pacientes e de sete parentes de primeiro grau. Os dois pacientes com feocromocitoma e dois outros membros assintomáticos da família apresentaram a mutação c496G>T no exon 3 do gene VHL. A família perdeu seguimento médico. Três anos após a realização da avaliação genética, a irmã dos pacientes, portadora da mutação, foi encaminhada para o nosso serviço após uma gestação complicada por pré-eclampsia. Ela referia paroxismos sugestivos de feocromocitoma, mas as metanefrinas urinárias eram negativas. Entretanto, a tomografia computadorizada de abdômen evidenciou uma massa adrenal que também se contrastou na cintilografia com metaiodobenzilguanidina (MIBG). Esse estudo mostra que a análise molecular do paciente índice pode levar à identificação de parentes assintomáticos portadores da mutação. Além disso, mesmo com as metanefrinas urinárias negativas, a identificação de uma mutação específica levou a um aumento da suspeita e detecção de feocromocitoma na irmã dos afetados pela doença.


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Studies of DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-infected patients are conflicting, possibly due to different methods used for scoring DNA damage by Comet assay. Therefore, we compared the sensitivity of visual microscopic analysis (arbitrary units-scores and comets%) and image analysis system (tail moment), in the gastric epithelial cells from the antrum and corpus of 122 H. pylori-infected and 32 non-infected patients. The feasibility of cryopreserved peripheral blood lymphocytes and whole-blood cells for DNA damage biomonitoring was also investigated. In the antrum, the levels of DNA damage were significantly higher in H. pylori-infected patients with gastritis than in non-infected patients with normal mucosa, when evaluated by image analysis system, arbitrary units and comets%. In the corpus, the comets% was not sufficiently sensitive to detect the difference between H. pylori-infected patients with gastritis and non-infected patients with normal mucosa. The image analysis system was sensitive enough to detect differences between non-infected patients and H. pylori-infected patients with mild gastritis and between infected patients with moderate and severe gastritis, in both antrum, and corpus, while arbitrary units and comets% were unable to detect these differences. In cryopreserved peripheral blood lymphocytes, the levels of DNA damage (tail moment) were significantly higher in H. pylori-infected patients with moderate and severe gastritis than in non-infected patients. Overall, our results indicate that the image analysis system is more sensitive and adequate to measure the levels of DNA damage in gastric epithelial cells than the other methods assayed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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1. Fine needle aspirates from ten patients with high-grade malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphomas were analyzed by cytomorphology and immunocytochemistry.2. The following morphologic diagnoses were made: lymphoblastic lymphoma (3 cases), Burkitt's lymphoma (3 cases), mixed small and large cell lymphomas with predominance of large cells (2 cases), and centroblastic lymphoma (2 cases). Immunocytochemistry showed a B-cell phenotype in five cases and a T-cell phenotype in four. One case of lymphoblastic lymphoma was negative for the T and B cell markers used.3. The results of histological and immunohistochemical analyses performed on surgical biopsies from 8 patients confirmed the morphological diagnosis in all cases. Two cases of Burkitt's lymphoma were submitted only to cytological and immunological diagnosis.4. The high diagnostic accuracy of combined cytomorphology and immunocytochemical assessment of fine needle aspirate samples validates the use of the technique in the diagnostic work-up of high-grade non Hodgkin's lymphomas.


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Nonculture based methods for the detection of infections caused by fungal pathogens are becoming more important tools in the management of infected patients. Detection of fungal antigens and DNA appear to be the most promising in this respect for both opportunistic and endemic mycoses. In this article we present an overview of the most recent developments in nonculture based methods and examine their value in clinical practice.


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Morphological caste differences and ovary conditions were analyzed in four colonies of Brachygastra augusti collected in different stages of the colony cycle. Differences between castes are distinct suggesting pre-imaginal determination. Many intermediates (non-inseminated ovary-developed females) were found. Because these intermediate females were morphologically similar to workers, it is suggested that they are young ovary-developed workers. Because there is a more evident overlap between queens and workers in the colony in pre-emergence of workers stage, and in three colonies in latter stages, especially in worker-production colonies, it is suggested that smaller queens are probably less viable than larger queens as observed in previously studied epiponines.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The correction procedure for Clarke's matrix, considering three-phase transmission line analyzes, is analyzed step by step in this paper, searching to improve the application of this procedure. Changing the eigenvectors as modal transformation matrices, Clarke's matrix has been applied to analyses for transposed and untransposed three-phase transmission line cases. It is based on the fact that Clarke's matrix is an eigenvector matrix for transposed three-phase transmission lines considering symmetrical and asymmetrical cases. Because of this, the application of this matrix has been analyzed considering untransposed three-phase transmission lines. In most of these cases, the errors related to the eigenvalues can be considered negligible. It is not true when it is analyzed the elements that are not in main diagonal of the quasi-mode matrix. This matrix is obtained from the application of Clarke's matrix. The quasi-mode matrix is correspondent to the eigenvalue matrix. Their off-diagonal elements represent couplings among the quasi-modes. So, the off-diagonal quasi-mode element relative values are not negligible when compared to the eigenvalues that correspond to the coupled quasi-modes. Minimizing these relative values, the correction procedure is analyzed in detail, checking some alternatives for the correction procedure application.