708 resultados para American Studies.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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O estudo exploratório de caso que teve como objetivo analisar o processo de comunicação utilizado pelos profissionais da Estratégia de Saúde da Família, na Unidade de Saúde de Maruípe, no município de Vitória, capital do Espírito Santo. Como amostra, escolhemos a Região de Maruípe, que possui o maior número de habitantes da capital, segundo dados do IBGE/2000 e em que a estratégia atinge toda a população. A coleta de dados se realizou pela aplicação de questionários estruturados com perguntas abertas, semiabertas e fechadas aos integrantes de duas equipes de Saúde da Família que, voluntariamente, decidiram participar da pesquisa. Foram aplicados dois tipos diferentes de questionários: um para oito Agentes Comunitários de Saúde e outro para treze membros da equipe. Os dados foram quantificados e analisados qualitativamente visando refletir sobre a importância da comunicação nas ações de promoção e prevenção da saúde, e sua relação com a atenção básica municipal e a redução do número de internações nos hospitais por causas básicas. Com base na teoria crítica, na teoria do agir comunicativo de Habermas e nos recentes estudos latino-americanos sobre a importância da comunicação como insumo na saúde, analisamos os instrumentos de comunicação utilizados pela equipe e a forma como essa comunicação se estabelece, a fim de traçar um protocolo de sugestões para minimizar os problemas de comunicação no desenvolvimento das ações.


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During the years 1890–1920, the public school education system established itself as the medium to transmit American values, knowledge and culture. This study described and explained why some individuals were destined to fail, and others succeed in America's public schools. The exploratory questions guiding this study were: What elements constitute society's perspective of whom it should educate during the years 1890–1920? What variables influenced society's perspective of whom it should educate during the years 1890–1920? ^ After explaining these issues, educators will then have a better understanding and awareness of why certain educational practices are currently implemented and will be able to critically evaluate which ones should be continued. The methodology chosen was historical. The approach for analyzing the data was coding. The information was coded in order to determine themes, concepts and ideas amongst the documents and as portrayed in the literature. The first step was to seek out patterns and then to write out words and phrases to represent these topics. Then, these phrases were attributed to networks. ^ The data indicated that public schools during this era were designed to conform and assimilate the new immigrants and factory workers in an efficient and standardized manner. Efficiency and standardization in production became the American way for government, commerce, personal, lives and the school. Many different approaches to education emerged during this time period, specifically those, which emphasized individuality; but only those, which paralleled the ideology of efficiency, standardization and conformity were adopted. Those students who were unable to conform to society's criteria for success were penalized in the classroom, on IQ examinations and national standardized exams. ^ This study was illuminative in that it explained the root cause as to why some individuals are meant to succeed while others are penalized in the classroom. Future studies connecting standardized assessments and learning styles are suggested. ^


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This dissertation explores the Rastafari movement and the Nation of Islam as institutions that provide a group-identity for their adherents. The study seeks to determine the characteristics of the identity that is institutionalized by each movement, and the nature of the institutionalization process. The research was conducted primarily in South Florida where both movements exist. An extensive literature review in conjunction with in-depth field interviews were used as the primary research methodologies. What was of particular interest were the reasons that the members of the movements chose one movement over the other, also the similarities and dissimilarities between the movements in their role as institutions for group-identity formation. The research showed that both movements imbued their members with a sense of pride, high self-esteem and a strong sense of race consciousness. In addition, it showed that there was significant variation in identity orientation within the Rastafari Movement, which contrasted with the Nation of Islam where the identity variations within the movement were negligible. This was due largely to the difference in structure between the movements, the Nation of Islam being a centrally organized movement with one leader while the Rastafari movement is a decentralized polycephalous one. ^ Both movements were found to be millenarian in nature, essentially because of the significant utility of the concept that their members would rise to prominence through God's grace. Additionally, both movements were identified as expressive social movements, since they were determined as being primarily concerned with changing the attitudes of their members rather than effecting structural social change. ^


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This dissertation analyzes the current status of emergency management professionalization in the United States and Florida using a qualitative case study. I investigate the efforts of various organizations at the national and state levels in the private and public sectors to organize emergency management as a profession. I conceptualize emergency management professionalization as occurring in two phases: the indirect institutionalization of the occupation of emergency management and the formal advancement toward an emergency management profession. The legislative, organizational, and procedural developments that occurred between approximately 1900 and the late 1970s became the indirect institutionalization of the occupation of emergency management. Over time, as our society developed and became increasingly complex, more disasters affect the security of the population. In order to adapt to increasing risks and vulnerabilities the emergency management system emerged and with it the necessary elements upon which a future profession could be established providing the basis for the formal advancement toward an emergency management profession. ^ During approximately the last twenty years, the formal advancement toward an emergency management profession has encompassed two primary strategies—certification and accreditation—motivated by the objective to organize a profession. Certification applies to individual emergency managers and includes all training and education. Accreditation of state and local emergency management agencies is reached by complying to a minimum level of proficiency with established standards of performance. Certification and accreditation are the mechanisms used to create an emergency management profession and thus act as axes around which the field of emergency management is organizing. ^ The purpose of this research is to provide a frame of reference for whether or not the field of emergency management is a profession. Based on sociology of professions literature, emergency management can be considered to be professionalizing. The current emergency management professionalization efforts may or may not be sufficient to achieve the ultimate goal of becoming a legitimate profession based on legal and public support for the exclusive right to perform emergency management tasks (monopoly) as well as self-regulation of those tasks (autonomy). ^


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This study evaluated inter- and intra-individual changes in acculturation, acculturative stress, and adaptation experiences, as well as their associations with adjustment outcomes among a group of Latino adolescents in South Florida. Specifically, the current study investigated the incidence, changes, and effects of stressors that arise from acculturation experiences (e.g., related to culture, discrimination, language difficulties) among Latino youth by employing a person-centered approach and a longitudinal research design. Four separate groups of analyses were conducted to investigate (a) within-group differences in levels of reported acculturative stress, (b) patterns of continuity and discontinuity in levels of acculturative stress across time, (c) adjustment outcomes associated with distinct patterns of acculturative stress within each measurement occasion, and (d) predictive relations between longitudinal acculturative stress trajectories in early adolescence and psychosocial adjustment outcomes in young adulthood. ^ Results from the multivariate analyses indicated great within group heterogeneity in acculturative stress among Latino youth during early adolescence, as well as significant continuity and discontinuity in the patterns of shifts among acculturative stress profiles between contiguous measurement occasions. Within each developmental period, membership in acculturative stress clusters was significantly and differentially associated with multiple adjustment outcomes, suggesting that maladaptive outcomes are more likely to occur among Latino adolescents experiencing high levels of psychological distress across multiple acculturative domains. In general, Latino youth acculturation is best understood as multi-dimensional, to be variable across time, and to be fluid and responsive to multiple factors and influences. Implications for preventive strategies are discussed with regard to acculturation and developmental psychology research literatures. ^


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Individuals of Hispanic origin are the nation's largest minority (13.4%). Therefore, there is a need for models and methods that are culturally appropriate for mental health research with this burgeoning population. This is an especially salient issue when applying family systems theories to Hispanics, who are heavily influenced by family bonds in a way that appears to be different from the more individualistic non-Hispanic White culture. Bowen asserted that his family systems' concept of differentiation of self, which values both individuality and connectedness, could be universally applied. However, there is a paucity of research systematically assessing the applicability of the differentiation of self construct in ethnic minority populations. ^ This dissertation tested a multivariate model of differentiation of self with a Hispanic sample. The manner in which the construct of differentiation of self was being assessed and how accurately it represented this particular ethnic minority group's functioning was examined. Additionally, the proposed model included key contextual variables (e.g., anxiety, relationship satisfaction, attachment and acculturation related variables) which have been shown to be related to the differentiation process. ^ The results from structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses confirmed and extended previous research, and helped to illuminate the complex relationships between key factors that need to be considered in order to better understand individuals with this cultural background. Overall results indicated that the manner in which Hispanic individuals negotiate the boundaries of interconnectedness with a sense of individual expression appears to be different from their non-Hispanic White counterparts in some important ways. These findings illustrate the need for research on Hispanic individuals that provides a more culturally sensitive framework. ^


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This study examined the effects of financial aid on the persistence of associate of arts graduates transferring to a senior university in one of four consecutive fall semesters (1998-2001). Situated in an international metropolitan area in the southeastern United States, the institution where the study was conducted is a large public research university identified as a Hispanic Serving Institution. Archival databases served as the source of information on the academic and social background of the 4,669 participants in the study. Data from institutional financial aid records were pooled with the data in the student administrative system.^ For purposes of this study, persistence was defined as ongoing progress until completing the baccalaureate degree. Student social background variables used in the study were gender, ethnicity, age, and income, with GPA and part-time or full-time enrollment status being the academic variables. Amount and type of aid, including grants, loans, scholarships, and work study were incorporated in the models to determine the effect of financial aid on the persistence of these transfer students. Because the dependent variable persistence had three possible outcomes (graduated, still enrolled, dropped out) multinomial logistic regression was the appropriate technique for analyzing the data; four multinomial models were employed in the analysis.^ Findings suggest that grants awarded based on the financial need of students and loans were effective in encouraging the persistence of students, but scholarships and work study were not effective.^


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This cross-sectional study evaluated risk factors (RF) for type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in 100 Hispanic adolescents(50 overweight, 50 non-overweight) aged 12-16 years, and their associations with body mass index (BMI), diet, physical activity (PA), gender, and birth weight (BW). The RF studied were fasting plasma glucose (FPG), insulin sensitivity (IS), total cholesterol (TC), triacylglycerols (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), acanthosis nigricans (AN), and blood pressure (BP). Dietary intakes were assessed using the Block Kids Questionnaire, fat-related intake behavior (FB) using the Fat-Related Diet Habits Questionnaire, and PA using the Modifiable Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents. Blood was collected after an overnight fast of 12 hours. All statistical analyses used SPSS 14.0. Overweight adolescents had presence of AN, higher BP, TC, TG, and LDL, and lower IS, ps < .001, as compared to non-overweight adolescents. Overweight adolescents were more likely to have 1 and 2 RF for T2DM and CVD as compared to having 0, ps < .001, and 2 RF as compared to having 1, p =.033. Adolescents with kilocalorie (Kcal) intake above requirements for age gender, and PA level were 4.6 times more likely to be overweight, p = .005. Overweight adolescents had worse FB, p = .011, and lower PA, p < .001. Adolescents with worse FB had higher BP, p = .016. Fiber below recommendations (14g/1,000 Kcal) was associated with being overweight, p = .012, and lower IS, p = .040. Adolescents with higher BW had higher FPG, p = .013. Our findings point to an association between being overweight and RF for T2DM and CVD, suggesting that overweight during adolescence may have serious health consequences for Hispanic adolescents. Also, our results indicate that Hispanic overweight adolescents eat more Kcal and less fiber than required, have worst FB, and less PA levels than their non-overweight counterparts. In addition, high BW and dietary habits of Hispanic adolescents, such as low fiber and FB, increase their risk for T2DM and CVD. We conclude that BMI can serve as a useful tool to identify Hispanic adolescents at risk for T2DM and CVD.


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The main objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between parent-related, acculturation-related, and substance use-related variables found within individual, familial/parental, peer and school adolescent ecological domains, in a clinical sample (i.e. adolescents who met criteria for a Diagnostic Statistical Manual-IV [DSMIV] clinical diagnosis of substance abuse/dependence) of Hispanic adolescents from Miami, Florida. ^ The sample for this study consisted of 94 adolescent-mother pairs. The adolescent sample was 65% male, and 35% female, with a mean age of 15 years. More than half of the adolescents were born in the United States (60%) and had resided in the U.S. for an average of 12 years; 80% of the caregivers (primarily mothers) were foreign-born and lived in the U.S. for an average of 21 years. ^ Correlation and hierarchical regression were used to answer the research questions. The findings indicate that the hypothesized model and corresponding anticipated effect of the relationship between parental school and peer involvement on adolescents’ frequency of alcohol, marijuana and cocaine use was not supported by the data. Parental “acculturation-related” variables did not explain any of the variance in adolescent substance use frequency in this sample. Mediation and moderation models were not supported either. However, some interesting relationships were found: ^ The larger the acculturation gap, the lower the parental involvement in school tended to be (r = -.21, p < .05). Adolescents who experienced a greater acculturation gap with their parents (-.81, p >.01) had an earlier onset of marijuana (-.33, p < .01) and cocaine use (r = -.24, p <.01). The less acculturated parents experienced more parenting stress (r = -.31, p = < .01). Attachment was positively associated with parental peer involvement (r = .24, p < .05) and inversely associated with parenting acculturative stress (r = -.24, p < .05). Attachment was also positively associated with marijuana (r = .39, p < .01) and cocaine use (r = .33, p < .01). Adolescent males reported being more attached to their mothers when compared to adolescent females (r = .22, p >.05), they also reported using marijuana more frequently than females (.21, p >.05). ^


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The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the academic and nonacademic experiences of self-identified first-generation college students who left college before their second year. The study sought to find how the experiences might have affected the students' decision to depart. The case study method was used to investigate these college students who attended Florida International University. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six ex-students who identified themselves as first-generation college students. The narrative data from the interviews were transcribed, coded, and analyzed. Analysis was informed by Pascarella, Pierson, Wolniak, and Terenzini's (2004) theoretical framework of important college academic and nonacademic experiences. An audit trail was kept and the data was triangulated by using multiple sources to establish certain findings. The most critical tool for enhancing trustworthiness was the use of member checking. I also received ongoing feedback from my major professor and committee throughout the dissertation process. The participants reported the following academic experiences: (a) patterns of coursework; (b) course-related interactions with peers; (c) relationships with faculty; (d) class size; (e) academic advisement; (f) orientation and peer advisors; and (e) financial aid. The participants reported the following nonacademic experiences; (f) on- or off- campus employment; (g) on- or off-campus residence; (h) participation in extracurricular activities; (i) noncourse-related peer relationships; (j) commuting and parking; and (k) FIU as an HSI. Isolationism and poor fit with the university were the most prevalent reasons for departure. The reported experiences of these first-generation college students shed light on those experiences that contributed to their departure. University administrators should give additional attention to these stories in an effort to improve retention strategies for this population. All but two of the participants went on to enroll in other institutions and reported good experiences with their new institutions. Recommendations are provided for continued research concerning how to best meet the needs of college students like the participants; students who have not learned from their parents about higher education financial aid, academic advisement, and orientation.