999 resultados para American Physical Society
We report the experimental demonstration of quantum teleportation of the quadrature amplitudes of a light field. Our experiment was stably locked for long periods, and was analyzed in terms of fidelity F and with signal transfer T-q=T++T- and noise correlation V-q=Vinparallel to out+Vinparallel to out-. We observed an optimum fidelity of 0.64+/-0.02, T-q=1.06+/-0.02, and V-q=0.96+/-0.10. We discuss the significance of both T-q>1 and V-q
We present the quantum theory of the far-off-resonance continuous-wave Raman laser using the Heisenberg-Langevin approach. We show that the simplified quantum Langevin equations for this system are mathematically identical to those of the nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator in the time domain with the following associations: pump pump, Stokes signal, and Raman coherence idler. We derive analytical results for both the steady-state behavior and the time-dependent noise spectra, using standard linearization procedures. In the semiclassical limit, these results match with previous purely semiclassical treatments, which yield excellent agreement with experimental observations. The analytical time-dependent results predict perfect photon statistics conversion from the pump to the Stokes and nonclassical behavior under certain operational conditions.
We introduce a refinement of the standard continuous variable teleportation measurement and displacement strategies. This refinement makes use of prior knowledge about the target state and the partial information carried by the classical channel when entanglement is nonmaximal. This gives an improvement in the output quality of the protocol. The strategies we introduce could be used in current continuous variable teleportation experiments.
We present a theory for the transport of molecules adsorbed in slit and cylindrical nanopores at low density, considering the axial momentum gain of molecules oscillating between diffuse wall reflections. Good agreement with molecular dynamics simulations is obtained over a wide range of pore sizes, including the regime of single-file diffusion where fluid-fluid interactions are shown to have a negligible effect on the collective transport coefficient. We show that dispersive fluid-wall interactions considerably attenuate transport compared to classical hard sphere theory.
We study the transport of a subcritical Lennard-Jones fluid in a cylindrical nanopore, using a combination of equilibrium and nonequilibrium as well as dual control volume grand canonical molecular dynamics methods. We show that all three techniques yield the same value of the transport coefficient for diffusely reflecting pore walls, even in the presence of viscous transport. We also demonstrate that the classical Knudsen mechanism is not manifested, and that a combination of viscous flow and momentum exchange at the pore wall governs the transport over a wide range of densities.
We consider a fiber made of a soft elastic material, encased in a stiff elastic shell (core-shell geometry). If the core and shell dimensions are mismatched, e.g., because the core shrinks while the shell does not, but the two remain attached, then an elastic instability is triggered whereby wrinkles may appear on the shell. The wrinkle orientation may be longitudinal (along the fiber axis), polar (along the fiber perimeter), or a mixture of both, depending on the fiber's geometrical and material parameters. Here we investigate under what conditions longitudinal or polar wrinkling will occur.
Finding the structure of a confined liquid crystal is a difficult task since both the density and order parameter profiles are nonuniform. Starting from a microscopic model and density-functional theory, one has to either (i) solve a nonlinear, integral Euler-Lagrange equation, or (ii) perform a direct multidimensional free energy minimization. The traditional implementations of both approaches are computationally expensive and plagued with convergence problems. Here, as an alternative, we introduce an unsupervised variant of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network for minimizing the free energy of a fluid of hard nonspherical particles confined between planar substrates of variable penetrability. We then test our algorithm by comparing its results for the structure (density-orientation profiles) and equilibrium free energy with those obtained by standard iterative solution of the Euler-Lagrange equations and with Monte Carlo simulation results. Very good agreement is found and the MLP method proves competitively fast, flexible, and refinable. Furthermore, it can be readily generalized to the richer experimental patterned-substrate geometries that are now experimentally realizable but very problematic to conventional theoretical treatments.
In this work, we investigated structural, morphological, electrical, and optical properties from a set of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films grown by sulfurization of metallic precursors deposited on soda lime glass substrates coated with or without molybdenum. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy measurements revealed the formation of single-phase Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films. A good crystallinity and grain compactness of the film was found by scanning electron microscopy. The grown films are poor in copper and rich in zinc, which is a composition close to that of the Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells with best reported efficiency. Electrical conductivity and Hall effect measurements showed a high doping level and a strong compensation. The temperature dependence of the free hole concentration showed that the films are nondegenerate. Photoluminescence spectroscopy showed an asymmetric broadband emission. The experimental behavior with increasing excitation power or temperature cannot be explained by donor-acceptor pair transitions. A model of radiative recombination of an electron with a hole bound to an acceptor level, broadened by potential fluctuations of the valence-band edge, was proposed. An ionization energy for the acceptor level in the range 29–40 meV was estimated, and a value of 172 ±2 meV was obtained for the potential fluctuation in the valence-band edge.
The most important processes for the creation of S12+ to S14+ ions excited states from the ground configurations of S9+ to S14+ ions in an electron cyclotron resonance ion source, leading to the emission of K X-ray lines, are studied. Theoretical values for inner-shell excitation and ionization cross sections, including double KL and triple KLL ionization, transition probabilities and energies for the deexcitation processes, are calculated in the framework of the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method. With reasonable assumptions about the electron energy distribution, a theoretical K$\alpha$ X-ray spectrum is obtained, which is compared to recent experimental data.
Activity rhythms in animal groups arise both from external changes in the environment, as well as from internal group dynamics. These cycles are reminiscent of physical and chemical systems with quasiperiodic and even chaotic behavior resulting from “autocatalytic” mechanisms. We use nonlinear differential equations to model how the coupling between the self-excitatory interactions of individuals and external forcing can produce four different types of activity rhythms: quasiperiodic, chaotic, phase locked, and displaying over or under shooting. At the transition between quasiperiodic and chaotic regimes, activity cycles are asymmetrical, with rapid activity increases and slower decreases and a phase shift between external forcing and activity. We find similar activity patterns in ant colonies in response to varying temperature during the day. Thus foraging ants operate in a region of quasiperiodicity close to a cascade of transitions leading to chaos. The model suggests that a wide range of temporal structures and irregularities seen in the activity of animal and human groups might be accounted for by the coupling between collectively generated internal clocks and external forcings.
APS, Journals Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 111, Issue 24
A measurement is presented of the tt¯ inclusive production cross section in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of s√=8 TeV using data collected by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The measurement was performed in the lepton+jets final state using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. The cross section was obtained using a likelihood discriminant fit and b-jet identification was used to improve the signal-to-background ratio. The inclusive tt¯ production cross section was measured to be 260±1(stat)+22−23(stat)±8(lumi)±4(beam) pb assuming a top-quark mass of 172.5 GeV, in good agreement with the theoretical prediction of 253+13−15 pb. The tt¯→(e,μ)+jets production cross section in the fiducial region determined by the detector acceptance is also reported.
This Letter reports evidence of triple gauge boson production pp→W(ℓν)γγ+X, which is accessible for the first time with the 8 TeV LHC data set. The fiducial cross section for this process is measured in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1, collected by the ATLAS detector in 2012. Events are selected using the W boson decay to eν or μν as well as requiring two isolated photons. The measured cross section is used to set limits on anomalous quartic gauge couplings in the high diphoton mass region.
The transverse polarization of Λ and Λ¯ hyperons produced in proton--proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV is measured. The analysis uses 760 μb−1 of minimum bias data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC in the year 2010. The measured transverse polarization averaged over Feynman xF from 5×10−5 to 0.01 and transverse momentum pT from 0.8 to 15 GeV is −0.010±0.005(stat)±0.004(syst) for Λ and 0.002±0.006(stat)±0.004(syst) for Λ¯. It is also measured as a function of xF and pT, but no significant dependence on these variables is observed. Prior to this measurement, the polarization was measured at fixed-target experiments with center-of-mass energies up to about 40 GeV. The ATLAS results are compatible with the extrapolation of a fit from previous measurements to the xF range covered by this mesurement.
The final ATLAS Run 1 measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in the decay channel H→ZZ∗→ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′−, where ℓ,ℓ′=e or μ, are presented. These measurements were performed using pp collision data corresponding to integrated luminosities of 4.5 fb−1 and 20.3 fb−1 at center-of-mass energies of 7 TeV and 8 TeV, respectively, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The H→ZZ∗→4ℓ signal is observed with a significance of 8.1 standard deviations at 125.36 GeV, the combined ATLAS measurement of the Higgs boson mass from the H→γγ and H→ZZ∗→4ℓ channels. The production rate relative to the Standard Model expectation, the signal strength, is measured in four different production categories in the H→ZZ∗→4ℓ channel. The measured signal strength, at this mass, and with all categories combined, is 1.44 +0.40−0.33. The signal strength for Higgs boson production in gluon fusion or in association with tt¯ or bb¯ pairs is found to be 1.7 +0.5−0.4, while the signal strength for vector-boson fusion combined with WH/ZH associated production is found to be 0.3 +1.6−0.9.