916 resultados para Alt Empordà (Catalonia) -- Environmental aspects


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Estudi amb la informació de base, la diagnosi i les accions proposades per tal de dur a terme una gestió apropiada del LIC Serra de Montgrony. La gestió està enfocada a fer compatibles les activitats antròpiques que es duen a terme a la zona amb la conservació de la biodiversitat de l’espai


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El projecte s’emmarca dins els estudis que fa el Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología y Medio Ambiente de Cuba. Aquest organisme realitza un monitoreig ambiental integral de les platges, avaluant aspectes estructurals, morfològics i dinàmics, estat de la vegetació i qualitat de l’aigua. El projecte es centra en el monitoreig ambiental de l’aigua de les platges, que té com a propòsit fonamental valorar, observar i controlar el recurs aigua per protegir, conservar i millorar la seva qualitat. Es pretén analitzar puntualment i evolutivament la qualitat sanitària de les platges utilitzant la Norma Cubana com a límit establert. Per determinar aquesta qualitat es tenen en compte diferents indicadors físico-químics i microbiològics i també aspectes estètics


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Objectius generals: Diagnosi de l’estat actual del riu Esteli. Avaluar la metodologia i proposar en el protocol del monitoreig.Estudiar si les comunitats de macroinvertebrats aquatics es veu afectades pel grau de pressió humana.Objectius específics: Comparar les mostres preses en dos mesos consecutius, per conèixer si les comunitats varien prou com per, agafar mostres cada mes en comptes de cada dos mesos. Determinar la qualitat de l’estació en diversos punts del riu Esteli considerant tant els resultats obtinguts a partir de les variables físicoquimiques de l’aigua, com les variables biològiques. Avaluar si la pressió humana afecta de manera diferent els diversos grups taxonòmics de macroinvertebrats de l’aigua.Avaluar amb quin índex biòtic es posa mes de manifest la pressió antròpica. Estudiar quines son les relacions de les diverses famílies de macroinvertebrats amb els paràmetres físicoquimics de l’aigua, i determinar si aquestes relacions varien en funcio del mes de mostreig o de l’ús del sòl.


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Development of dialysis has saved the lives of many patients. However, haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are very demanding in resources such as water and electricity, and generate a large amount of waste. In this article, we will review the environmental aspects of dialysis. Different solutions will be discussed, such as recycling of water discharged during reverse osmosis, the integration of solar energy, recycling of waste plastics, and the use of other techniques such as sorbent dialysis. In a world where natural resources are precious and where global warming is a major problem, it is important that not only dialysis, but all branches of medicine become more attentive to ecology.


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Aquest projecte analitza i avalua els impactes ambientals i socials que causarà en el marc del municipi de Vielha e Mijaran (Val d’Aran) la reobertura de les pistes d’esquí de la Tuca i el Resort que hi va associat, un cop el projecte “Tucarán Resort” sigui una realitat


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Coffee and cocoa represent the main sources of income for small farmers in the Northern Amazon Region of Ecuador. The provinces of Orellana and Sucumbios, as border areas, have benefited from investments made by many public and private institutions. Many of the projects carried out in the area have been aimed at energising the production of coffee and cocoa, strengthening the producers’ associations and providing commercialisation infrastructure. Improving the quality of life of this population threatened by poverty and high migration flows mainly from Colombia is a significant challenge. This paper presents research highlighting the importance of associative commercialisation to raising income from coffee and cocoa. The research draws on primary information obtained during field work, and from official information from the Ministry of Agriculture. The study presents an overview of current organisational structures, initiatives of associative commercialisation, stockpiling of infrastructure and ownership regimes, as well as estimates for both ‘robusta’ coffee and national cocoa production and income. The analysis of the main constraints presents different alternatives for the implementation of public land policies. These policies are aimed at mitigating the problems associated with the organisational structure of the producers, with processes of commercialisation and with environmental aspects, among others.


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Short description of the proposed presentation * lees than 100 words This paper describes the interdisciplinary work done in Uspantán, Guatemala, a city vulnerable to natural hazards. We investigated local responses to landslides that happened in 2007 and 2010 and had a strong impact on the local community. We show a complete example of a systemic approach that incorporates physical, social and environmental aspects in order to understand risks. The objective of this work is to present the combination of social and geological data (mapping), and describe the methodology used for identification and assessment of risk. The article discusses both the limitations and methodological challenges encountered when conducting interdisciplinary research. Describe why it is important to present this topic at the Global Platform in less than 50 words This work shows the benefits of addressing risk in an interdisciplinary perspective, in particular how integrating social sciences can help identify new phenomena and natural hazards and assess risk. It gives a practical example of how one can integrate data from different fields. What is innovative about this presentation? * The use of mapping to combine qualitative and quantitative data. By coupling approaches, we could associate a hazard map with qualitative data gathered by interviews with the population. This map is an important document for the authorities. Indeed, it allows them to be aware of the most dangerous zones, the affected families and the places where it is most urgent to intervene.


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In order to evaluate the success of the reintroduction of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in the Empordh wetlands (Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de I'Empordhà), and the Muga and Fluvih basins, density of fish, biomass and production in the Muga and Fluvia Rivers have been estimated, since fishes represent the principal prey in the otter diet. 12 study sites were selected in order to survey the main flows in both basins. Electrofishing surveys were conducted by blocking off the station with barrier nets, which was performed upon 3 successive catches. The density estimated presents a range of 1,136-1 25 ind .ha' in the Muga basin, 4,49-163 ind.ha' in the Fluvih basin and 3,76-52,2 ind.ha' in the Empordh wetlands. Estimated biomass ranges are 0,616-277,6 g.m2, 8,79-351,2 g.m2, and 5,7-108 g.m-2 respectively. These density anfi biomass ranges are similar to other results obtained from rivers inhabited by the Eurasian otter in NE Spain


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Este artículo es una aproximación a los métodos utilizados para analizar, cuantificar y valorar los cambios en los usos y cubiertas del suelo en estos dos valles que forman parte del espacio natural protegido de la Alta Garrotxa. La dinámica vivida en este territorio es un claro ejemplo de los procesos acaecidos a lo largo del siglo XX en buena parte de las áreas de montaña mediterránea. Una dinámica caracterizada fundamentalmentepor un incremento de la superficie forestal en detrimento del espacio agrario. Así mismo se proponen pautas metodológicas para su adecuada cartografía, así como para determinar las áreas potencialmente recuperables de espacio agrario con el objetivo de mantener la diversidad paisajística, biológica y el patrimonio cultural con la ayuda de los SIG y la Ecología del Paisaje


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L'Alta Garrotxa ha estat durant massa temps un espai oblidat, que només ha sentit la remor de paraules benintencionades, com ho posa de manifest la llarga història de propostes no desenvolupades que reclamaven la protecció, la conservació i la gestió responsable de l'extraordinari patrimoni natural que aquesta zona representa (...)


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The monitoring of the ecological water quality of 'Aiguamolls de l’Empordà' Natural Park was carried out between September 1996 to August 1997. The aim was to evaluate the impact of effluent from a nearby wastewater treatment plant, on the flooding of marshes in the Natural Park. In this paper we present physical and chemical data together nutrient concentrations and its changes in the lentic system of the 'Aiguamolls de l’Empordà'. The ultimate aim was to evaluate the effect of reclaimed wastewater on the salt marsh system. Seasonal variation in nutrients concentrations and their relationship to turnover and source of water were analysed. Significant variation in the N/P ratio was related to water turnover. Confined systems presented lower values for this ratio. Taking into account the nutrient concentrations of the reclaimed water, which is rich in nitrogen, it is recommended flooding applied in zones with high water turnover and higher N/P ratios


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Nombroses investigacions han establert una relació directa entre l'activitat antròpica i el canvi climàtic. Una majoria aclaparadora de científics han demostrat que l’ascens progressiu de les temperatures de les darreres dècades ha estat degut ala incorporació artificial a l’atmosfera de gasos que accentuen l’efecte hivernacle (GEH). És evident que els efectes del canvi climàtic afecten la dinàmica de la Terra


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OBJECTIVE. Data on human natality, stillbirth and perinatal mortality from Switzerland (1979-1987), available in four birthweight categories, are reexamined to assess any about-weekly (circaseptan) and changes in about-daily (circadian) patterns in central Europe over a century and a halfDESIGN. Retrospective analyses on archived data.SETTING. Federal Office of Statistics for Switzerland.RESULTS. In addition to prominent circadians, weekly patterns are also documented.CONCLUSION. Exogenous variations, prominent in early extrauterine life, such as changes of scheduling in obstetrics, may contribute to circadian and cireaseptan natality patterns. Information on these patterns serves in the optimization of neonatal care. Partly endogenous, partly physical environmental aspects, at least of about-weekly patterns, remain to be elucidated in series consisting exclusively of spontaneous parturitions.


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Soil water properties are related to crop growth and environmental aspects and are influenced by the degree of soil compaction. The objective of this study was to determine the water infiltration and hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil under field conditions in terms of the compaction degree of two Oxisols under a no-tillage (NT). Two commercial fields were studied in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: one a Haplortox after 14 years under NT; the other a Hapludox after seven years under NT. Maps (50 x 30 m) of the levels of mechanical penetration resistance (PR) were drawn based on the kriging method, differentiating three compaction degrees (CD): high, intermediate and low. In each CD area, the infiltration rate (initial and steady-state) and cumulative water infiltration were measured using concentric rings, with six replications, and the saturated hydraulic conductivity (K(θs)) was determined using the Guelph permeameter. Statistical evaluation was performed based on a randomized design, using the least significant difference (LSD) test and regression analysis. The steady-state infiltration rate was not influenced by the compaction degree, with mean values of 3 and 0.39 cm h-1 in the Haplortox and the Hapludox, respectively. In the Haplortox, saturated soil hydraulic conductivity was 26.76 cm h-1 at a low CD and 9.18 cm h-1 at a high CD, whereas in the Hapludox, this value was 5.16 cm h-1 and 1.19 cm h-1 for the low and high CD, respectively. The compaction degree did not affect the initial and steady-state water infiltration rate, nor the cumulative water infiltration for either soil type, although the values were higher for the Haplortox than the Hapludox.