870 resultados para Adverse drug reactions or ADR


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To assess the impact of international consensus conference guidelines on the attitude of Swiss specialists when facing the decision to treat chronic hepatitis C patients. Questionnaires focusing on the personal situation and treatment decisions were mailed to 165 patients who were newly diagnosed with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and enrolled into the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study during the years 2002-2004. Survey respondents (n = 86, 52.1%) were comparable to non-respondents with respect to severity of liver disease, history of substance abuse and psychiatric co-morbidities. Seventy percent of survey respondents reported having been offered antiviral treatment. Patients deferred from treatment had less advanced liver fibrosis, were more frequently infected with HCV genotypes 1 or 4 and presented more often with a history of depression. There were no differences regarding age, socio-economic background, alcohol abuse, intravenous drug abuse or methadone treatment when compared with patients to whom treatment was proposed. Ninety percent of eligible patients agreed to undergo treatment. Overall, 54.6% of respondents and 78.3% of those considered eligible had actually received antiviral therapy by 2007. Ninety-five percent of patients reported high satisfaction with their own hepatitis C management. Consistent with latest international consensus guidelines, patients enrolled in the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort with a history of substance abuse were not withheld antiviral treatment. A multidisciplinary approach is warranted to provide antiviral treatment to patients suffering from depression.


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Food allergy in children significantly affects their quality of life. Its impact can be analyzed by quality of life questionnaires. The aim of our study was to validate the French version of disease-specific questionnaires and to evaluate the quality of life in children with IgE-mediated food allergy. Two validated food allergy-specific questionnaires for quality of life, the parent's and children's forms (FAQLQ-PF and FAQLQ-CF), were translated from English to French and submitted to children with food allergy and their parents. Questionnaires were analyzed in terms of emotional impact, food anxiety, and social and food limitations. NCT 01480427. Sixty-two parents of children aged 0-12 yrs answered the FAQLQ-PF, and 32 children aged 8-12 yrs the FAQLQ-CF. Construct validity of both questionnaires was assessed by correlation between the FAQLQs and FAIM (r = 0.85 and 0.84, respectively). Both FAQLQs had good internal consistency (Cronbach's α = 0.748 and 0.67, respectively). Young children (0-3 yrs old) showed better quality of life scores than older children (FAQLQ-PF global score: p = 0.02). Worse scores were also shown among children with previous severe systemic reactions (FAQLQ-PF global score: p = 0.039), the ones with an allergic mother (FAQLQ-PF global score: p = 0.002), or allergic siblings (FAQLQ-PF emotional impact score: p = 0.034), the ones with multiple food allergy (more than 1 food) (FAQLQ-PF anxiety score: p = 0.04) and among the girls (FAQLQ-CF global score: p = 0.031). Older children, the ones with severe systemic reactions, or with mothers or siblings also affected by allergies, as well as girls, and children with multiple food allergies show worse quality of life scores.


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Le cancer épithélial de l’ovaire est le cancer gynécologique le plus agressif avec le plus haut taux de mortalité. La croissance des cellules cancéreuses de l’ovaire est limitée par les nutriments de l’environnement, le fer étant un des éléments indispensables à leur prolifération. L’hémochromatose héréditaire est une maladie associée à une accumulation corporelle de fer. Cette maladie est liée à deux mutations majeures du gène HFE soit H63D et C282Y. Étant donnée l’influence de la protéine HFE sur l’entrée du fer dans la cellule, des mutations du gène HFE pourraient être associées à une croissance rapide des cellules cancéreuses. Des études de génotypage du gène HFE effectuées chez 526 patientes avec cancer épithélial de l’ovaire, ont révélées une fréquence allélique de la mutation C282Y significativement plus élevées chez les patientes avec tumeur ovarienne comparativement aux patientes du groupe contrôle (5.9% versus 1.3%, p = 0.02). De plus, le taux de survie des patientes avec mutations C282Y et tumeur ovarienne de G3, après 2 ans, est faible (20%) lorsque comparé à celui des patientes sans mutations (60%, p = 0.005). Une analyse de régression multivariée de Cox a démontrée un risque relatif de 3.1, suggérant que les patientes avec mutations C282Y ont 3 fois plus de chance d’avoir une faible survie (p=0.001). Également, des études de corrélation ont démontrées que les niveaux de ferritine du sérum étaient plus élevés chez les patientes avec grade avancé du cancer épithélial de l’ovaire (r = 0.445 et p= 0.00001), suggérant que ce paramètre pourrait servir comme marqueur tumoral. Afin de comprendre ces résultats, nous avons tout d’abord étudiés l’influence des mutations HFE sur les cellules cancéreuses. Pour ce faire, la lignée du cancer de l’ovaire TOV-112D, homozygote pour la mutation C282Y, a été transfectée avec les vecteurs HFEwt et HFEC282Y. Bien qu’aucune différence significative n’ait été trouvée en termes de TfR totaux, des analyses par FACS ont démontrées un phénotype de déficience de fer pour les clones stables HFEwt. In vitro, la restauration de la protéine HFE, dans la lignée TOV-112D du cancer de l’ovaire, n’influence pas la croissance cellulaire. Ensuite, nous avons étudiés l’influence des niveaux de fer sur la progression tumorale. Une expérience in vivo préliminaire a démontré une tendance à un volume tumoral supérieur dans un modèle de souris de surcharge de fer,HfeRag1-/-. De plus, les souris HfeRag1-/-, injectées avec la lignée du cancer de l’ovaire TOV-21G, ont montrées des niveaux significativement plus faibles de fer sérique comparativement à leur contrôle (fer sérique 40±7μM versus 27±6μM, p = 0.001). En conclusion, des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires afin de comprendre davantage le rôle des mutations HFE sur la progression tumorale. Notamment, les niveaux élevés de fer pourraient rendre les cellules tumorales résistantes aux traitements ou encore, augmenter la toxicité et ainsi, contribuer à un mauvais prognostique.


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Les problèmes de toxicomanie sont très communs chez les schizophrènes. L’administration chronique d’antipsychotiques pourrait être impliquée dans cette cooccurrence en induisant une hypersensibilisation du système dopaminergique. Précédemment, nous avons démontré chez le rat qu’un traitement continu (via une mini-pompe osmotique sous-cutanée), et non pas intermittent (via des injections journalières sous-cutanées), avec l’halopéridol a augmenté la capacité de l’amphétamine à potentialiser un comportement de recherche de récompense. Dans cette étude, nous avons étudié les effets d’un antipsychotique atypique soit l’olanzapine comparé à l’halopéridol. Un traitement continu avec l’halopéridol, et non pas l’olanzapine, a augmenté la capacité de l’amphétamine de potentialiser la poursuite d’une récompense conditionnée (lumière/son préalablement associés à l’eau). De plus, un traitement continu avec l’halopéridol a augmenté l’induction par l’amphétamine de l’activité locomotrice et l’expression d’ARNm pour le c-fos (marqueur fonctionnel d’activité cellulaire) dans le caudé-putamen. Donc, un traitement continu avec un antipsychotique typique, et non pas atypique, a augmenté les caractéristiques motivationnelles attribuées à un stimulus neutre. Ceci est potentiellement lié à au développement d’un état de sensibilisation comportementale aux effets de l’amphétamine et à une augmentation de la capacité de l’amphétamine de susciter la modulation de l’activité du caudé-putamen. Ainsi, un antipsychotique typique tel que l’halopéridol semble modifier les circuits de la récompense de façon à contribuer à des comportements caractérisés par une recherche et une consommation de drogues d’abus alors qu’un antipsychotique atypique tel que l’olanzapine aurait moins tendance à le faire. Nous suggérons que les antipsychotiques atypiques pourraient être une meilleure option chez les patients schizophrènes à risque d’avoir un trouble de consommation de drogues d’abus ou de toxicomanie.


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Le biais de confusion est un défi majeur des études observationnelles, surtout s'ils sont induits par des caractéristiques difficiles, voire impossibles, à mesurer dans les banques de données administratives de soins de santé. Un des biais de confusion souvent présents dans les études pharmacoépidémiologiques est la prescription sélective (en anglais « prescription channeling »), qui se manifeste lorsque le choix du traitement dépend de l'état de santé du patient et/ou de son expérience antérieure avec diverses options thérapeutiques. Parmi les méthodes de contrôle de ce biais, on retrouve le score de comorbidité, qui caractérise l'état de santé d'un patient à partir de médicaments délivrés ou de diagnostics médicaux rapportés dans les données de facturations des médecins. La performance des scores de comorbidité fait cependant l'objet de controverses car elle semble varier de façon importante selon la population d'intérêt. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient de développer, valider, et comparer les performances de deux scores de comorbidité (un qui prédit le décès et l’autre qui prédit l’institutionnalisation), développés à partir des banques de services pharmaceutiques de la Régie de l'assurance-maladie du Québec (RAMQ) pour leur utilisation dans la population âgée. Cette thèse vise également à déterminer si l'inclusion de caractéristiques non rapportées ou peu valides dans les banques de données administratives (caractéristiques socio-démographiques, troubles mentaux ou du sommeil), améliore la performance des scores de comorbidité dans la population âgée. Une étude cas-témoins intra-cohorte fut réalisée. La cohorte source consistait en un échantillon aléatoire de 87 389 personnes âgées vivant à domicile, répartie en une cohorte de développement (n=61 172; 70%) et une cohorte de validation (n=26 217; 30%). Les données ont été obtenues à partir des banques de données de la RAMQ. Pour être inclus dans l’étude, les sujets devaient être âgés de 66 ans et plus, et être membres du régime public d'assurance-médicaments du Québec entre le 1er janvier 2000 et le 31 décembre 2009. Les scores ont été développés à partir de la méthode du Framingham Heart Study, et leur performance évaluée par la c-statistique et l’aire sous les courbes « Receiver Operating Curves ». Pour le dernier objectif qui est de documenter l’impact de l’ajout de variables non-mesurées ou peu valides dans les banques de données au score de comorbidité développé, une étude de cohorte prospective (2005-2008) a été réalisée. La population à l'étude, de même que les données, sont issues de l'Étude sur la Santé des Aînés (n=1 494). Les variables d'intérêt incluaient statut marital, soutien social, présence de troubles de santé mentale ainsi que troubles du sommeil. Tel que décrit dans l'article 1, le Geriatric Comorbidity Score (GCS) basé sur le décès, a été développé et a présenté une bonne performance (c-statistique=0.75; IC95% 0.73-0.78). Cette performance s'est avérée supérieure à celle du Chronic Disease Score (CDS) lorsqu'appliqué dans la population à l'étude (c-statistique du CDS : 0.47; IC 95%: 0.45-0.49). Une revue de littérature exhaustive a montré que les facteurs associés au décès étaient très différents de ceux associés à l’institutionnalisation, justifiant ainsi le développement d'un score spécifique pour prédire le risque d'institutionnalisation. La performance de ce dernier s'est avérée non statistiquement différente de celle du score de décès (c-statistique institutionnalisation : 0.79 IC95% 0.77-0.81). L'inclusion de variables non rapportées dans les banques de données administratives n'a amélioré que de 11% la performance du score de décès; le statut marital et le soutien social ayant le plus contribué à l'amélioration observée. En conclusion, de cette thèse, sont issues trois contributions majeures. D'une part, il a été démontré que la performance des scores de comorbidité basés sur le décès dépend de la population cible, d'où l'intérêt du Geriatric Comorbidity Score, qui fut développé pour la population âgée vivant à domicile. D'autre part, les médicaments associés au risque d'institutionnalisation diffèrent de ceux associés au risque de décès dans la population âgé, justifiant ainsi le développement de deux scores distincts. Cependant, les performances des deux scores sont semblables. Enfin, les résultats indiquent que, dans la population âgée, l'absence de certaines caractéristiques ne compromet pas de façon importante la performance des scores de comorbidité déterminés à partir de banques de données d'ordonnances. Par conséquent, les scores de comorbidité demeurent un outil de recherche important pour les études observationnelles.


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Nanoparticulate drug delivery systems provide wide opportunities for solving problems associated with drug stability or disease states and create great expectations in the area of drug delivery (Bosselmann & Williams, 2012). Nanotechnology, in a simple way, explains the technology that deals with one billionth of a meter scale (Ochekpe, et al., 2009). Fewer side effects, poor bioavailability, absorption at intestine, solubility, specific delivery to site of action with good pharmacological efficiency, slow release, degradation of drug and effective therapeutic outcome, are the major challenges faced by most of the drug delivery systems. To a great extent, biopolymer coated drug delivery systems coupled with nanotechnology alleviate the major drawbacks of the common delivery methods. Chitosan, deacetylated chitin, is a copolymer of β-(1, 4) linked glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N- acetyl glucosamine (acetylated unit) (Radhakumary et al., 2005). Chitosan is biodegradable, non-toxic and bio compatible. Owing to the removal of acetyl moieties that are present in the amine functional groups of chitin, chitosan is readily soluble in aqueous acidic solution. The solubilisation occurs through the protonation of amino groups on the C-2 position of D-glucosamine residues whereby polysaccharide is converted into polycation in acidic media. Chitosan interacts with many active compounds due to the presence of amine group in it. The presence of this active amine group in chitosan was exploited for the interaction with the active molecules in the present study. Nanoparticles of chitosan coupled drugs are utilized for drug delivery in eye, brain, liver, cancer tissues, treatment of spinal cord injury and infections (Sharma et al., 2007; Li, et a., 2009; Paolicelli et al., 2009; Cho et al., 2010). To deliver drugs directly to the intended site of action and to improve pharmacological efficiency by minimizing undesired side effects elsewhere in the body and decrease the long-term use of many drugs, polymeric drug delivery systems can be used (Thatte et al., 2005).


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El uso de seguro de medicamentos, dentro del proceso de atención en salud, ha tomado importancia a nivel nacional e internacional al evidenciarse el aumento de incidentes y eventos relacionados con los medicamentos, que involucran desde el procesos de adquisición, pasando por la prescripción médica, la dispensación, la administración de medicamentos, hasta llegar a la utilización en los pacientes y cuidadores. El uso adecuado de medicamentos es una de las metas de seguridad del paciente de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, en las cuales trabaja todos los días el Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt, y en el caso específico de medicamentos lo hace a través de su Programa de Farmacovigilancia haciendo seguimiento y clasificación de los casos reportados, donde para los años 2012 al 2013 se observan avances considerables y la consolidación de estrategias que mejoran el uso del medicamento, que se da con una inducción adecuada a cada uno de los funcionarios que intervienen en este proceso y a la educación permanente de colaboradores, pacientes y sus cuidadores. El propósito de este estudio fue analizar los datos encontrados en las bases de del programa de Farmacovigilancia en el Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt en los años 2012-2013, estableciendo variables, comparando los resultados, determinando el estado actual y de ser posible establecer lineamientos de mejora al mismo


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Os avanços na área da Medicina transfucional, nomeadamente a descoberta de nova informação sobre os grupos sanguíneos de várias espécies, a introdução rotineira da tipificação sanguínea e das provas de compatibilidade eritrocitária, o estudo das reacções transfusionais adversas, o despiste de doenças infeciosas no dador e a aplicação da terapia por componentes, têm contribuído para aumentar a segurança da transfusão sanguínea em Medicina Veterinária e, por consequência, a sua utilização é cada vez mais frequente. O presente trabalho é constituído por três objectivos: perspectivar a medicina transfusional em Portugal através da análise dos resultados de um inquérito, dirigido aos CAMV, nomeadamente sobre o uso da terapia por componentes, as principais indicações de transfusão e a ocorrência de reacções transfusionais; caracterizar a população de gatos e cães receptores de transfusões sanguíneas, com enfoque na prevalência dos diferentes grupos sanguíneos, na indicação para a realização da transfusão e tipo de produto administrado; determinar a ocorrência de reacções transfusionais através da monotorização do doente antes, durante e após a administração das transfusões. No presente estudo, 86% dos Centros de Atendimento Médico Veterinário (CAMV) inquiridos recorrem à transfusão sanguínea como terapia complementar. Destes, 54.7% utiliza sangue total e produtos do sangue, 41.3% apenas sangue total e 4% apenas produtos do sangue. Os produtos do sangue mais utilizados são o concentrado de glóbulos vermelhos e o plasma fresco congelado (34.2% e 31.6% respectivamente). A anemia constitui o principal motivo para a realização de transfusões sanguíneas e a hipertermia a reacção transfusional mais frequente. Relativamente à caracterização da população de cães e gatos que receberam transfusão sanguínea conclui-se que 77.8% dos cães pertenciam ao grupo DEA 1.1 negativo e 22.2% ao grupo DEA 1.1 positivo. Todos os gatos incluídos neste estudo pertenciam ao grupo sanguíneo A. A anemia por hemorragia foi a indicação predominante para a administração de sangue nos cães (54.3%). Nos gatos a anemia por não produção de eritrócitos prevalece (60%). No que respeita às reacções transfusionais, das 61 transfusões realizadas apenas se registou uma dispneia num gato.


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A two phase study is reported. In the first phase, we asked a number of doctors to rate a list of information categories (identified by Berry, Gillie and Banbury 1995) in terms of how important they felt it was for the items to be included in an explanation to a patient about a drug prescription. In the second phase, we presented a large sample of people with a scenario about visiting their doctor and being prescribed medication, together with an explanation about the prescription which was said to be provided by the doctor. Four different explanations were compared, which were either based on what people in our earlier study wanted to know about drug prescriptions or on what the doctors thought it was important lo tell them. We also manipulated whether or not the explanations conveyed negative information (e.g. about the possible side effects of the medication). The results showed that people 'preferred' the explanations based on what the participants in the earlier study wanted to know about their medicines, rather than those based on what the doctors thought they should be told. They also 'preferred' the explanations that did not convey negative information, rather than those that did convey some negative information. In addition, the inclusion of negative information affected ratings of likely compliance with the prescribed medication.


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Objectives To evaluate the effectiveness of integrated motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy in addition to standard care for patients with psychosis and a co-morbid substance use problem. Design Two-centre, open, rater-blind randomised controlled trial Setting UK Secondary Care Participants 327 patients with clinical diagnoses of schizophrenia, schizophreniform or schizoaffective disorder and DSM-IV diagnoses of drug and/or alcohol dependence or abuse Interventions Participants were randomly allocated to integrated motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy or standard care. Therapy has two phases. Phase one – “motivation building” – concerns engaging the patient, then exploring and resolving ambivalence for change in substance use. Phase two –“Action” – supports and facilitates change using cognitive behavioural approaches. Up to 26 therapy sessions were delivered over one year. Main outcomes The primary outcome was death from any cause or admission to hospital in the 12 months after therapy. Secondary outcomes were frequency and amount of substance use (Timeline Followback), readiness to change, perceived negative consequences of use, psychotic symptom ratings, number and duration of relapses, global assessment of functioning and deliberate self harm, at 12 and 24 months, with additional Timeline Followback assessments at 6 and 18 months. Analysis was by intention-to-treat with robust treatment effect estimates. Results 327 participants were randomised. 326 (99.7%) were assessed on the primary outcome, 246 (75.2%) on main secondary outcomes at 24 months. Regarding the primary outcome, there was no beneficial treatment effect on hospital admissions/ death during follow-up, with 20.2% (33/163) of controls and 23.3% (38/163) of the therapy group deceased or admitted (adjusted odds-ratio 1.16; P= 0.579; 95% confidence interval 0.68 to 1.99). For secondary outcomes there was no treatment effect on frequency of substance use or perceived negative consequences, but a statistically significant effect of therapy on amount used per substance-using day (adjusted odds-ratios: (a) for main substance 1.50; P=0.016; 1.08 to 2.09, (b) all substances 1.48; P=0.017; 1.07 to 2.05). There was a statistically significant treatment effect on readiness to change use at 12 months (adjusted odds-ratio 2.05; P=0.004; 1.26 to 3.31), not maintained at 24 months. There were no treatment effects on assessed clinical outcomes. Conclusions Integrated motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy for people with psychosis and substance misuse does not improve outcome in terms of hospitalisation, symptom outcomes or functioning. It does result in a reduction in amount of substance use which is maintained over the year’s follow up. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials: ISRCTN14404480


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The present study aimed to determine the prebiotic effect of fruit and vegetable shots containing inulin derived from Jerusalem artichoke (JA). A three-arm parallel, placebo-controlled, double-blind study was carried out with sixty-six healthy human volunteers (thirty-three men and thirty-three women, age range: 18–50 years). Subjects were randomised into three groups (n 22) assigned to consume either the test shots, pear-carrot-sea buckthorn (PCS) or plum-pear-beetroot (PPB), containing JA inulin (5 g/d) or the placebo. Fluorescent in situ hybridisation was used to monitor populations of total bacteria, bacteroides, bifidobacteria, Clostridium perfringens/histolyticum subgroup, Eubacterium rectale/Clostridium coccoides group, Lactobacillus/Enterococcus spp., Atopobium spp., Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and propionibacteria. Bifidobacteria levels were significantly higher on consumption of both the PCS and PPB shots (10·0 (sd 0·24) and 9·8 (sd 0·22) log10 cells/g faeces, respectively) compared with placebo (9·3 (sd 0·42) log10 cells/g faeces) (P < 0·0001). A small though significant increase in Lactobacillus/Enterococcus group was also observed for both the PCS and PPB shots (8·3 (sd 0·49) and 8·3 (sd 0·36) log10 cells/g faeces, respectively) compared with placebo (8·1 (sd 0·37) log10 cells/g faeces) (P = 0·042). Other bacterial groups and faecal SCFA concentrations remained unaffected. No extremities were seen in the adverse events, medication or bowel habits. A slight significant increase in flatulence was reported in the subjects consuming the PCS and PPB shots compared with placebo, but overall flatulence levels remained mild. A very high level of compliance (>90 %) to the product was observed. The present study confirms the prebiotic efficacy of fruit and vegetable shots containing JA inulin.


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The DNA G-qadruplexes are one of the targets being actively explored for anti-cancer therapy by inhibiting them through small molecules. This computational study was conducted to predict the binding strengths and orientations of a set of novel dimethyl-amino-ethyl-acridine (DACA) analogues that are designed and synthesized in our laboratory, but did not diffract in Synchrotron light.Thecrystal structure of DNA G-Quadruplex(TGGGGT)4(PDB: 1O0K) was used as target for their binding properties in our studies.We used both the force field (FF) and QM/MM derived atomic charge schemes simultaneously for comparing the predictions of drug binding modes and their energetics. This study evaluates the comparative performance of fixed point charge based Glide XP docking and the quantum polarized ligand docking schemes. These results will provide insights on the effects of including or ignoring the drug-receptor interfacial polarization events in molecular docking simulations, which in turn, will aid the rational selection of computational methods at different levels of theory in future drug design programs. Plenty of molecular modelling tools and methods currently exist for modelling drug-receptor or protein-protein, or DNA-protein interactionssat different levels of complexities.Yet, the capasity of such tools to describevarious physico-chemical propertiesmore accuratelyis the next step ahead in currentresearch.Especially, the usage of most accurate methods in quantum mechanics(QM) is severely restricted by theirtedious nature. Though the usage of massively parallel super computing environments resulted in a tremendous improvement in molecular mechanics (MM) calculations like molecular dynamics,they are still capable of dealing with only a couple of tens to hundreds of atoms for QM methods. One such efficient strategy that utilizes thepowers of both MM and QM are the QM/MM hybrid methods. Lately, attempts have been directed towards the goal of deploying several different QM methods for betterment of force field based simulations, but with practical restrictions in place. One of such methods utilizes the inclusion of charge polarization events at the drug-receptor interface, that is not explicitly present in the MM FF.


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Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of lifetime panic disorder (PD) diagnosis in a sample of patients with bipolar disorder type I (BPI), evaluating clinical and demographic variables. Methods: Ninety-five outpatients from the Bipolar Disorder Research Program at the Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School were enrolled. Twenty-seven BPI patients with PD were compared to 68 BPI patients without any anxiety disorders regarding clinical and demographic variables. Results: Compared to BPI patients without any anxiety disorders, patients with BPI + PD presented significantly higher number of mood episodes (18.9 +/- 13.8 vs 8.5 +/- 7.8; P < .001), depressive episodes (10.8 +/- 8.2 vs 4.6 +/- 4,8; P = .001), and manic episodes (7.4 +/- 7.3 vs 3.6 +/- 3.6; P = .008). Patients with BPI + PD had more frequently a depressive episode as their first one compared to BPI patients without anxiety disorders (94.1% vs 57.5%; P = .011). Patients with BPI + PD had more comorbidity with lifetime diagnosis of drug abuse or dependence (33.3% vs 8.8%; P = .010) and eating disorders (29.6% vs 6.0%; P = .004). Conclusions: The higher number of mood episodes in general presented by patients with BPI + PD when compared with BPI patients without any anxiety disorders, along with the higher frequencies of drug misuse and eating disorders, indicates that PD comorbidity is associated with a poorer Course and outcome of BPI. The higher frequency of depression as the onset mood episode and the higher number of manic episodes in the group with PD may have important treatment implications and should be further investigated. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this dissertation is to re-examine classical issues in corporate finance, applying a new analytical tool. The single-crossing property, also called Spence-irrlees condition, is not required in the models developed here. This property has been a standard assumption in adverse selection and signaling models developed so far. The classical papers by Guesnerie and Laffont (1984) and Riley (1979) assume it. In the simplest case, for a consumer with a privately known taste, the single-crossing property states that the marginal utility of a good is monotone with respect to the taste. This assumption has an important consequence to the result of the model: the relationship between the private parameter and the quantity of the good assigned to the agent is monotone. While single crossing is a reasonable property for the utility of an ordinary consumer, this property is frequently absent in the objective function of the agents for more elaborate models. The lack of a characterization for the non-single crossing context has hindered the exploration of models that generate objective functions without this property. The first work that characterizes the optimal contract without the single-crossing property is Araújo and Moreira (2001a) and, for the competitive case, Araújo and Moreira (2001b). The main implication is that a partial separation of types may be observed. Two sets of disconnected types of agents may choose the same contract, in adverse selection problems, or signal with the same levei of signal, in signaling models.


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Esta pesquisa objetiva verificar de que forma, no Brasil, as políticas públicas relacionadas às ameaças químicas, biológicas, radiológicas, nucleares e explosivas (QBRNE) contribuem para o preparo de resposta a um incidente de tal natureza. No mundo contemporâneo há uma concentração das populações nos centros urbanos, tornando-as vulneráveis a desastres químicos, biológicos, radiológicos e nucleares, os quais podem ser desencadeados por eventos adversos, intencionais ou não, resultando em grandes impactos humanos, ambientais, materiais, sociais e econômicos à nação. O terrorismo é uma das possibilidades de ocorrência de um grande desastre, utilizando-se principalmente de atentados com explosivos e podendo se valer dos efeitos dos agentes contaminantes. Então, foram pesquisadas e apresentadas políticas públicas e ações do governo federal norte-americano para o trato de ameaças QBRNE, as quais são comparadas à situação prospectada no território brasileiro, por meio da legislação, políticas públicas, orçamento, documentos e bibliografia. Diversas instituições foram avaliadas quanto ao papel a ser desempenhado em uma situação emergencial, sendo os dados tratados por análise de conteúdo e historiografia. A literatura sobre política pública é ampla, com rica discussão sobre as boas práticas de gestão pública, a evolução do papel dos servidores públicos para um ser técnico e político simultaneamente e de que maneira é influenciada a concepção de uma política pública. O Modelo de Fluxos Múltiplos e a Teoria de Equilíbrio Pontuado são usados para compreender o processo dinâmico de construção da agenda decisória no governo federal para o tema estudado. Concluiu-se que as políticas públicas de resposta para ameaças QBRNE surgem dispersas em diversas instituições, promovidas pelas equipes técnicas, de maneira descentralizada e sem uma orientação do governo central, o que acarreta sobreposição de atividades, havendo casos de problemas não tratados, desprezando-se a complementação de recursos e efetivos.