981 resultados para Accelerated aging


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Molybdenum is one of the essential micronutrients for soybeans, acting directly on nitrogen metabolism as enzyme cofactor of nitrogenase. Usually, this nutrient is supplied to the plants through seed treatment or foliar application. The aim of this study was to evaluate the molybdenum effects by foliar in the physiological potential of soybean seeds and verify its interference in the enzyme activities involved in nitrogen metabolism. Soybean seeds of BMX Turbo cultivar were used, produced in Erechim, RS, harvest 2013, from plants treated with the following Mo concentrations: 0; 25; 50 and 75 g ha-1, supplied through two commercial products (Biomol and Molybdate) and stored during 0 and 6 months in uncontrolled conditions. The first experiment was conducted in Seedtes Seed Analysis Laboratory in Pato Branco, PR. The used design was completely randomized in a factorial analysis 4 x 2 x 2 with four replications each. The physiological potential of the seeds was evaluated by the germination test, seedling growth, accelerated aging and emergence on the soil. The second experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, where the seeds derived from treatments with different concentrations of Mo: 0; 25; 50 and 75 g ha-1 supplied through two commercial products (Biomol and Molybdate) were grown in vases. The used design was completely randomized in a factorial analysis 4 x 2 with four replications. Evaluations were performed when the plants reached the R1 phenological stage concerning the nodulation, dry matter of root and shoot of the plants and the determination of the activity of the enzymes glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthetase and the content of total soluble proteins. The data were submitted to variance analysis and when significant they were assessed by Tukey’s test for comparison of products and seed storage and with regression study to the concentrations at 5% probability. Analyses were performed using SISVAR statistical software. The soybean seed storage under uncontrolled conditions affected the seed vigour produced with Mo, regardless of the commercial product used during production. The application of Mo through foliar positively influences the production of soya beans which presented increasing responses in the germination and vigour with the application of Mo above 25 g ha-1 . The enrichment of Mo through foliar did not affect the nodulation of plants of the next generation, however, the use of Mo above 25 g ha-1 provided an increase in the activity of enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism as well as on the total protein content.


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Tabernaemontana fuchsiaefolia A. DC é uma espécie da família Apocynaceae, nativa do Brasil, com característica invasora, possuindo potencial para uso em recuperação de áreas degradadas. O trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a influência dos métodos de envelhecimento acelerado sobre a qualidade fisiológica e germinação de sementes, utilizando-se o método tradicional e em solução de NaCl, empregando-se a metodologia de gerbox, formando minicâmaras de envelhecimento, em três temperaturas (41, 43 e 45°C) e cinco tempos de envelhecimento (0, 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas). As sementes, após o envelhecimento, foram colocadas para germinar em rolos de papel germitest, em quatro repetições de 25 sementes, em câmaras BOD a temperatura de 30°C, com fotoperíodo de 8 horas. O efeito da temperatura foi comparado pelo teste de Tukey em nível de 5% de probabilidade e o efeito do tempo de envelhecimento, pela análise de regressão. Após 35 dias, foram avaliados percentual, índice de velocidade, tempo médio e frequência da germinação, bem como comprimento de raiz e parte aérea, massa seca de plântulas e percentual de plântulas normais. Observou-se que o método alternativo de envelhecimento com solução de NaCl teve pouca influência na qualidade das sementes, não sendo indicado para testes de vigor para a espécie. O método tradicional, na temperatura de 45°C em período de envelhecimento de 96 horas, promoveu queda na germinação e pode ser utilizado para testar o vigor de sementes de leiteira.


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The gradual replacement of conventional materials by the ones called composite materials is becoming a concern about the response of these composites against adverse environmental conditions, such as ultraviolet radiation, high temperature and moist. Also the search for new composite using natural fibers or a blend of it with synthetic fibers as reinforcement has been studied. In this sense, this research begins with a thorough study of microstructural characterization of licuri fiber, as a proposal of alternative reinforcement to polymeric composites. Thus, a study about the development of two composite laminates was done. The first one, involving only the fiber of licuri and the second comprising a hybrid composite based of fiber glass E and the fiber of licuri, in order to know the performance of the fiber when of fiber across the hybridization process. The laminates were made in the form of plates using the tereftálica ortho-polyester resin as matrix. The composite laminate made only by licuri fiber had two reinforcing fabric layers of unidirectional licuri and the hybrid composite had two reinforcing layers of unidirectional licuri fabric and three layers of fiber short glass-E mat. Finally, both laminates was exposed to aging acceleration in order to study the influence of environmental degradation involving the mechanical properties and fracture characteristics thereof. Regarding the mechanical properties of composites, these were determined through uniaxial tensile tests, uniaxial compression and three bending points for both laminates in original state, and uniaxial tensile tests and three bending points after accelerated aging. As regards the study of structural degradation due to aging of the laminates, it was carried out based on microscopic analysis and microstructure, as well as measuring weight loss. The characteristics of the fracture was performed by macroscopic and microscopic (optical and SEM) analysis. In general, the laminated composites based on fiber licuri showed some advantages in their responses to environmental aging. These advantages are observed in the behavior related to stiffness as well as the microstructural degradation and photo-oxidation processes. However, the structural integrity of this laminate was more affected in case the action of uniaxial tensile loads, where it was noted a lower rate of withholding his last resistance property


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In recent years, the time dependant maintenance of expensive high voltage power equipments is getting replaced by condition based maintenance so as to detect apriori an impending failure of the equipment. For condition based maintenance, most monitoring systems concentrate on the electrical quantities such as measurement and evaluation of partial discharges, tan delta, tip-up test, dielectric strength, insulation resistance, polarization and depolarization current. However, in the case of equipments being developed with novel nanodielectric insulating materials, the variation in these parameters before an impending failure is not available. Hence in this work, accelerated electrothermal aging studies have been conducted on unfilled epoxy as well as epoxy nanocomposite samples of 5 wt% filler loading, and the tan d values were continuously monitored to obtain the condition of the samples under study. It was observed that those samples whose tan d increased at a rapid rate failed first.


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Very recently 63Cu NMR has been shown to be extremely sensitive in detecting and differentiating between the precipitate phases that form in Al-Cu alloys during heat treatment. This technique is now used to quantify the effectiveness of small additions of Sn to the alloy Al-1.7 at.% Cu in promoting the rapid nucleation and growth of the θ'-phase precipitate. Two parallel series of 63Cu NMR spectra were recorded for Al-1.7 at.% Cu and Al-1.7 at.% Cu-0.01 at.% Sn: (i) aged at 130° C to observe the comparative rate of phase evolution and (ii) aged at 200° C to observe the rate of growth of θ'-phase and to compare with the Vickers hardness of the alloys aged at 200° C for similar periods. Evidence is presented that a metastable precursor phase to θ' (labelled TPHM2757math001) is formed in Al-Cu-Sn which transforms to θ' on further aging.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the color stability of composites subjected to different periods of accelerated artificial aging (AAA). A polytetrafluorethylene matrix (10 x 2 mm) was used to fabricate 24 test specimens of three different composites (n=8): Tetric Ceram (Ivoclar/Vivadent); Filtek P90 and Z250 (3M ESPE), shade A3. After light activation for 20 s (FlashLite 1401), polishing and initial color readout (Spectrophotometer PCB 687; BYK Gardner), the test specimens were subjected to AAA (C-UV; Comexim), in 8-h cycles: 4 h exposure to UV-B rays at 50°C and 4 h condensation at 50°C. At the end of each cycle, color readouts were taken and the test ended when the mean value of ΔE attained a level ≥3.30. Tetric Ceram presented alteration in ΔE equal to 3.33 in the first aging cycle. For Filtek P90 and Z250, two (ΔE=3.60) and four (ΔE=3.42) AAA cycles were necessary. After each cycle, there was a reduction of luminosity in all the samples (ΔL). It was concluded that a short period of AAA was sufficient to promote clinically unacceptable color alteration in composites, and that this alteration was material-dependent.


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Multistress aging/weathering of outdoor composite polymeric insulators has been a topic of interest for power transmission research community in the last few decades. This paper deals with the long-term accelerated weathering of full-scale distribution class silicone rubber composite insulators. To evaluate the long-term synergistic effect of electric stress, temperature and UV radiation on insulators, they were subjected to accelerated weathering in a specially designed multistress-aging chamber for 30,000 h. All the insulators were subjected to the same level of electrical and thermal stresses but different UV radiation levels. Chemical, physical and electrical changes due to degradation have been assessed using various techniques. It was found that there was a monotonous reduction of the content of low molecular weight (LMW) molecules with the duration of the weathering. Further, due to oxidation and weathering there is an appreciable increase in surface roughness and atomic percentage of oxygen. There is no change in the leakage current of new and aged insulators under both wet and dry conditions at the end of the aging. The results also indicate that there is no influence of UV radiation on the silicone rubber for the durations and conditions under which the studies were made.


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This paper deals with the long-term accelerated weathering of 11 kV polymeric insulators for 25000 h. Polymeric insulators were continuously subjected to accelerated weathering in a specially designed multistress-aging chamber under UV radiation, temperature and electric stress. Chemical, physical and electrical changes due to degradation have been assessed using various techniques. Some of the interesting results observed indicate that there is a significant reduction in the content of low molecular weight molecules, hydrophobicity was dynamic in nature and there is a significant increase in the surface roughness and oxidation levels with respect to the duration of the weathering.


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The effect of accelerated weather aging an ethylene-propylene-diene monomer(EPDM) rubber used for outdoor insulation was studied by surface roughness measurement and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(xps). The surface roughness of EPDM rubber changed with aging time. The surface oxygen and aluminum content were found to increase and that of carbon, silicon and nitrogen to decrease with time. The detailed XPS analysis indicated that the concentration of carbon in C-C decreased and that of highly oxidized carbons in C-O, C=O and O=C-O increased with time, which was due to the oxidation of EPDM rubber polymer. The appearance of O=C-O on the surface of EPDM rubber was a signal that EPDM rubber became aged. The aging speed decreased with time. The aging mechanism is discussed also.


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The glycoxidation products Nepsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine and pentosidine increase in skin collagen with age and at an accelerated rate in diabetes. Their age-adjusted concentrations in skin collagen are correlated with the severity of diabetic complications. To determine the relative roles of increased glycation and/or oxidation in the accelerated formation of glycoxidation products in diabetes, we measured levels of amino acid oxidation products, distinct from glycoxidative modifications of amino acids, as independent indicators of oxidative stress and damage to collagen in aging and diabetes. We show that ortho-tyrosine and methionine sulfoxide are formed in concert with Nepsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine and pentosidine during glycoxidation of collagen in vitro, and that they also increase with age in human skin collagen. The age-adjusted levels of these oxidized amino acids in collagen was the same in diabetic and nondiabetic subjects, arguing that diabetes per se does not cause an increase in oxidative stress or damage to extracellular matrix proteins. These results provide evidence for an age-dependent increase in oxidative damage to collagen and support previous conclusions that the increase in glycoxidation products in skin collagen in diabetes can be explained by the increase in glycemia alone, without invoking a generalized, diabetes-dependent increase in oxidative stress.


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To investigate the contribution of glycation and oxidation reactions to the modification of insoluble collagen in aging and diabetes, Maillard reaction products were measured in skin collagen from 39 type 1 diabetic patients and 52 nondiabetic control subjects. Compounds studied included fructoselysine (FL), the initial glycation product, and the glycoxidation products, N epsilon-(carboxymethyl) lysine (CML) and pentosidine, formed during later Maillard reactions. Collagen-linked fluorescence was also studied. In nondiabetic subjects, glycation of collagen (FL content) increased only 33% between 20 and 85 yr of age. In contrast, CML, pentosidine and fluorescence increased five-fold, correlating strongly with age. In diabetic patients, collagen FL was increased threefold compared with nondiabetic subjects, correlating strongly with glycated hemoglobin but not with age. Collagen CML, pentosidine and fluorescence were increased up to twofold in diabetic compared with control patients: this could be explained by the increase in glycation alone, without invoking increased oxidative stress. There were strong correlations among CML, pentosidine and fluorescence in both groups, providing evidence for age-dependent chemical modification of collagen via the Maillard reaction, and acceleration of this process in diabetes. These results support the description of diabetes as a disease characterized by accelerated chemical aging of long-lived tissue proteins.


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The aging process causes an increase in percent body fat, but the mechanism remains unclear. In the present study we examined the impact of aging on brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenic activity as potential cause for the increase in adiposity. We show that aging is associated with interscapular BAT morphologic abnormalities and thermogenic dysfunction. In vitro experiments revealed that brown adipocyte differentiation is defective in aged mice. Interscapular brown tissue in aged mice is progressively populated by adipocytes bearing white morphologic characteristics. Aged mice fail to mobilize intracellular fuel reserves from brown adipocytes and exhibit deficiency in homeothermy. Our results suggest a role for orexin (OX) signaling in the regulation of thermogenesis during aging. Brown fat dysfunction and age-related assimilation of fat mass were accelerated in mice in which OX-producing neurons were ablated. Conversely, OX injections in old mice increased multilocular morphology, increased core body temperature, improved cold tolerance, and reduced adiposity. These results argue that BAT can be targeted for interventions to reverse age-associated increase in fat mass.


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The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of postpolymerization method on the color stability of resin-based composites. Samples of direct and indirect restorative materials were polymerized with two photo-curing units (Visio photo-curing oven system and LED Elipar Freelight 2). All samples were submitted to an initial chromatic analysis using a spectrometer and submitted to ultraviolet-accelerated artificial aging. The direct material showed less color change than the indirect material, independent of the photo-activation method used. Samples photo cured with the LED system showed less change than those photo cured with the Visio system. The postpolymerization oven did not improve the color stability of direct and indirect resin-based composites.