769 resultados para Academic internship
Objective. To ascertain goal orientations of pharmacy students and establish whether associations exist between academic performance, gender, or year of study. Methods. Goal orientations were assessed using a validated questionnaire. Respondents were categorized as high or low performers based on university grades. Associations and statistical significance were ascertained using parametric and nonparametric tests and linear regression, as appropriate. Results. A response rate of 60.7% was obtained. High performers were more likely to be female than male. The highest mean score was for mastery approach; the lowest for work avoidance. The mean score for work avoidance was significantly greater for low performers than for high performers and for males than for females. First-year students were most likely to have top scores in mastery and performance approaches. Conclusion. It is encouraging that the highest mean score was for mastery approach orientation, as goal orientation may play a role in academic performance of pharmacy students.
No abstract available
This chapter discusses English Language Education at university and highlights a number of trends and their associated challenges in teaching and learning academic discourse. Academic discourse refers to the ways in which language is used by participants in academia. It encompasses written discourse, from article and book publishing, PhD theses to course assignments; spoken discourse, from study groups, tutorials, conference presentations to inaugural lectures; and more recently, computer-mediated discourse, from asynchronous text-based conferencing to academic blogs. The role of English language educators in preparing students and academics for successful participation in these academic events, or the academy, in English is not to be underestimated. Academic communication is not only vital to an individual’s success at university, but to the maintenance and creation of academic communities and to scientific progress itself (Hyland, 2009). This chapter presents an overview of academic discourse and discusses recent issues which have an impact on teaching and learning English at university and discusses their associated challenges: first, the increasing internationalisation of universities. Second, the emergence of a mobile academe in its broadest sense, in which students and academics move across traditional geopolitical, institutional and disciplinary boundaries, is discussed. Third, the growth of UK transnational higher education is examined as a trend which sees academics and students vicariously or otherwise involved in English language teaching and learning. Fourth, the chapter delves into the rapid and ongoing development in technology assisted and online learning. While responding to trends can be difficult, they can also inspire ingenuity. Furthermore, such trends and challenges will not emerge in the same manner in different contexts. The discussion in this chapter is illustrated with examples from a UK context but the implications of the trends and challenges are such that they reach beyond borders.
An overview of research and public policy debate on academic selection in Northern Ireland. The chapter examines the outcomes of the major investigation of the effects of the selective system of secondary education published in 2000, including a consideration of comparative evidence collected in Scotland. The paper outlines the debate which followed the publication of the Burns Report and presents the current state of play in policy and practice.
This paper reports on a research study to identify the nature of the profession of Organisation Development (OD) in the UK and how it has evolved over four decades. The study is designed to compare academic perspectives on OD with what is happening in the professional practice world. Three forms of data were collected for this study, content analysis of job advertisements from a four decade period, a bibliometric search and interviews with subject experts. The findings were analysed through the theory lens of institutional theory, the dissemination of ideas and fads and fashions in management. Emerging insights are that there is a difference between academic and practitioners development of the OD profession in the UK. The reasons for the difference have been explored in the discussion.
Purpose: Changes to health care systems andworking hours have fragmentedresidents’ clinical experiences withpotentially negative effects ontheir development as professionals.Investigation of off-site supervision,which has been implemented in isolatedrural practice, could reveal importantbut less overt components of residencyeducation.
Method: Insights from sociocultural learningtheory and work-based learning provideda theoretical framework. In 2011–2012,16 family physicians in Australia andCanada were asked in-depth how theyremotely supervised residents’ workand learning, and for their reflectionson this experience. The verbatiminterview transcripts and researchers’memos formed the data set. Templateanalysis produced a description andinterpretation of remote supervision.
Results: Thirteen Australian family physiciansfrom five states and one territory, andthree Canadians from one province,participated. The main themes werehow remoteness changed the dynamicsof care and supervision; the importanceof ongoing, holistic, nonhierarchical,supportive supervisory relationships; andthat residents learned “clinical courage”through responsibility for patients’ careover time. Distance required supervisorsto articulate and pass on their expertiseto residents but made monitoringdifficult. Supervisory continuityencouraged residents to build on pastexperiences and confront deficiencies.
Conclusions: Remote supervision enabled residents todevelop as clinicians and professionals.This questions the supremacy of co-locationas an organizing principle forresidency education. Future specialists maybenefit from programs that give themongoing and increasing responsibilityfor a group of patients and supportive.
The purpose of this research study was to investigate and identify possible patterns relating to academic performance on the effects of university students self-selecting where to sit in a lecture theatre.
The key research questions are:
1. Does seating position affect student performance?
2. Do the most academically able and engaged students regularly sit at the front of lecture theatres?
Academic achievement
Preliminary results suggest significant assessment score differences between those that sit at the front and those that sit further the back. Of those that received a grade of 75%+ (Grade A) 6.67% regularly sat at the back. With the same group 46.67% regularly sat at the front. Of the group that scored less than 50% (Grade D) 0% of students regularly sat at the front. 12.50% regularly sat in the middle zones with 37.50% sitting at the back. It was also observed that the remaining numbers did not consistently sit in the same zone.
Temporal movement
There is little evidence of movement between seating zones of the Grade A group throughout the 24 week period. However there was considerable movement with the Grade D group. Although still under analysis there appears be a pattern of students in this group graduating towards the back seating positions over the course of the programme.
The frequency of completed entries on PinPoint was also used as an indicator of engagement. With the Grade A group 75% of them regularly completed an entry whereas in the Grade D group this drops to less than 50%.
Further analysis on the attitudinal factors in relational to seating position and performance are ongoing, but preliminary results suggest that those students that scored highly in attitude tended to sit at the front and middle sections.
It would indeed appear that the more highly engaged and academically capable students voluntarily sit at the front for most lectures. Interestingly as the course progresses those who had lesser engagement and below average midterm results tend to began to sit progressively toward the back. If this is a repeatable pattern then a linear regression analysis of the seating positions and midterm results could help predict students in danger of failing.
Considerando que, na sociedade atual, o conhecimento flui incessantemente, renovando-se a cada momento, o cidadão do séc. XXI confronta-se com novos desafios que exigem o desenvolvimento de novas competências. Os recursos da web social – como os fóruns de discussão online –, gratuitos e fáceis de utilizar, permitem que os indivíduos acedam à informação, construam conhecimento, partilhem interesses e desenvolvam múltiplas competências em colaboração. Face a esta realidade, as instituições de Ensino Superior têm vindo a reconhecer que os estudantes já não se sentem confortáveis com abordagens de ensino tradicionais, em que impera a transmissão de informação, preferindo envolver-se em experiências de aprendizagem em que possam interagir com a tecnologia, pelas potencialidades que já lhe reconhecem. Procurando ir ao encontro das exigências da sociedade e do mundo do trabalho atuais, o Processo de Bolonha veio renovar os cursos de Ensino Superior, centrando-os no estudante e no desenvolvimento da autonomia e da colaboração, entre outras competências. Esta tendência vai ao encontro da reconhecida valorização da colaboração com vista à melhoria do desempenho de um grupo profissional. Também no contexto educacional se reconhece o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento profissional do professor e a operacionalização de um ensino por competências. Compete à formação de professores lançar as bases deste movimento.A formação inicial de professores do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico tem, entre outras preocupações, a de levar o futuro professor a refletir sobre princípios didáticos que informem a conceção, implementação e avaliação de estratégias e atividades que contribuam para o desenvolvimento de competências nos alunos. Entre as competências a desenvolver nas crianças a frequentar este nível de escolaridade, no que concerne à aprendizagem da língua materna, figura a competência ortográfica, indispensável a uma boa comunicação escrita. Quanto mais cedo for automatizada, mais possibilidades o aluno terá de se ocupar prioritariamente de outros aspetos mais complexos e exigentes do processo de escrita. Tendo em vista estas preocupações, desenvolvemos um estudo, com futuros professores do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico a frequentar um mestrado profissionalizante da Universidade de Aveiro, cujos objetivos de investigação eram os seguintes: i) descrever as suas representações sobre colaboração; ii) compreender a influência dessas representações na adoção de práticas colaborativas num fórum de discussão online; iii) compreender o contributo da colaboração adotada num fórum de discussão online para a construção de conhecimento didático sobre a abordagem da ortografia; iv) compreender o contributo desse conhecimento para a conceção de instrumentos didáticos sobre a abordagem da ortografia. Numa primeira fase, o estudo desenvolveu-se com dois grupos de alunos, que nele participaram em dois anos letivos distintos (2009/2010 e 2010/2011), no contexto da unidade curricular de Didática da Língua Portuguesa (inserida no plano de estudos do 1º semestre do 1º ano do Mestrado em Educação Pré- Escolar e Ensino no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico da Universidade de Aveiro). Numa segunda fase (entre o 2º semestre do ano letivo de 2011/2012 e 1º semestre do ano letivo de 2012/2013), recolheu-se o resultado de uma intervenção didática desenvolvida por uma professora estagiária (participante na primeira fase do estudo), no âmbito da Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, apoiada pelo Seminário de Investigação Educacional. Tratando-se de um estudo de caso, a investigação envolveu a recolha de dados através de inquérito por questionário disponibilizado online, uma reflexão individual apresentada por escrito, posts e documentos publicados num fórum de discussão online e instrumentos didáticos (planificação de aulas e relatório de estágio) elaborados pelos estudantes. Procedeu-se a uma análise de conteúdo fundamentada nos quadros teóricos e no estudo empírico.Os resultados vêm aprofundar a discussão em torno da utilização de ferramentas da web social no Ensino Superior, nomeadamente na formação inicial de professores, para desenvolver a colaboração, visando a construção de conhecimento didático, particularmente sobre a abordagem da ortografia. Por um lado, apontam para a influência de representações sobre colaboração na adoção dessa modalidade de trabalho num fórum de discussão online. Por outro, revelam a influência dessa modalidade no conhecimento didático coconstruído e apontam para uma valorização do mesmo por parte dos participantes no estudo, no momento de conceber, implementar e avaliar instrumentos didáticos. Daqui emergiram algumas sugestões pedagógico-didáticas com vista à promoção de práticas inovadoras no Ensino Superior, com recurso a ferramentas da web social, centradas na aprendizagem dos estudantes e no desenvolvimento da colaboração, particularmente na formação inicial de professores.
The main objective of the internship is to complete the requirement of the Master program as prescribed by the University of the Algarve. An intern has to prepare an internship report at the end of the internship period but the main objective of the internship is to get experience of the real world organisation. The internship was concluded with the objective of getting practical knowledge in all departments at The Rathbone Hotel. The first responsibility I was assigned during these 12 months of internship period was to assist the Housekeeping Department. Secondly, I was allotted the work of F&B, Accounts, Reservations, Front Office, Back Office and assisting the Assistant Manager was the last task I was assigned during my Internship program. As an intern, I realised that I was successful to gather a lot of significant learning experiences which would be helpful in my future career. Work in all departments of The Rathbone Hotel offered me ample space and opportunities, not only to learn but also to exhibit my skills as a Rathbone team member. I could use my theoretical knowledge in real practice while participating in many discussions. I was actively involved in the revenue meetings where I shared my knowledge and views regarding the performance in Reservations of The Rathbone Hotel. I successfully completed all the assigned duties and passed them over to the supervisor at the end of the internship. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenges that came along every single day. These lessons that I have learned will be a valuable one for my future activities as well.