995 resultados para Aberdeen
Peer reviewed
Peer reviewed
We thank all the supporting team-members involved in the translation procedures and data collections. Research was supported by the Polish NCN Grant 2011/03/N/HS6/05112 (K.K.) and Chinese NNSF Grant 31200788 (C.X).
Peer reviewed
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS MW and RVD have been supported by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) via the Young Investigators Group CoSy-CC2 (grant no. 01LN1306A). JFD thanks the Stordalen Foundation and BMBF (project GLUES) for financial support. JK acknowledges the IRTG 1740 funded by DFG and FAPESP. MT Gastner is acknowledged for providing his data on the airline, interstate, and Internet network. P Menck thankfully provided his data on the Scandinavian power grid. We thank S Willner on behalf of the entire zeean team for providing the data on the world trade network. All computations have been performed using the Python package pyunicorn [41] that is available at https://github.com/pik-copan/pyunicorn.
This study was funded by the Swiss National Foundation (100014_124516). We would like to thank all students who helped with data collection.
Euan Macrae was funded by a NERC Open CASE PhD award (NE/F013728/1) with Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. as the industry partner. We thank the 763 geoscientists for their participation, and in particular, the reference experts who gave their time freely to the project. Marian Scott (University of Glasgow, UK) is thanked for assisting with the statistical analysis. Four reviewers are thanked for their constructive comments which improved the manuscript.
This study was funded by Health Sciences Scotland (West Medical Building, University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ. UK) and the Cystic Fibrosis Trust (One Aldgate, London. EC3N 1RE. UK). The funders did not contribute to study design, data collection, analysis, this report or the decision to publish.
Non peer reviewed
5 figures Acknowledgments This work was partially supported by the NNSFC (Grant Nos. 11305062, 11135001), the DFG/FAPESP (Grant No. IRTG 1740/TRP 2011/50151-0), and Government of the Russian Federation (Agreement No. 14.Z50.31.0033 with Institute of Applied Physics RAS). All data for this paper is properly cited and referred to in the reference list.
Acknowledgments Tehmina Amin is the Project Manager and Julian Mercer is Project Coordinator for Full4Health. Both are funded by the Full4Health project (grant agreement no. 266408) under the EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013). Julian Mercer is funded by the Scottish Government, Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division, Food, Land and People programme. He is also a partner in FP7 projects: NeuroFAST (grant agreement no. 245099) and SATIN (grant agreement no. 289800).
Peer reviewed
Acknowledgements The first author has been supported by a Georg Forster Research Fellowship granted by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany
7 pages, 4 figures Acknowledgement We are grateful to M. Riedl and G. Ansmann for fruitful discussions and critical comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. This work was supported by the Volkswagen Foundation (Grant Nos. 88461, 88462, 88463, 85390, 85391 and 85392).
Acknowledgements This research was supported by NERC grants (NE/L001764/1, NE/M010953/1). We are grateful to J. Still and A. Sandison for technical support and to the gypsum mines and C. Brolley for access and sampling. Critical comments from Cristiana Ciobanu, Eric Gloaguen and Georges Calas are gratefully acknowledged. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare