939 resultados para ACCOUNTABILITY
The University of South Carolina Sumter reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, a description of the leadership system, customer focus and satisfaction and other performance criteria, mission, and program descriptions and budgets.
En América Latina diversos escándalos de corrupción y malversaciónde recursos públicos están minando la confianza de la ciudadaníaen las instituciones democráticas, en todos los países de la región.La impunidad existente en casos de corrupción y la falta deaccountability dejan en duda a la democracia y la legitimidad delas instituciones. El presente artículo tiene por objetivo analizar,primero, la importancia del fortalecimiento del accountability enAmérica Latina para mejorar la calidad de la democracia en la regiónpara, después, analizar específicamente el caso de Argentina,buscando identificar cuáles son los vacíos dentro del ordenamientojurídico que generan grandes riesgos de corrupción y evaluar cómosería posible mejorar esta situación.
The South Carolina Office of Executive Policy and Programs submits an annual accountability report to the Governor and General Assembly that contains the agency's or department's mission, objectives to accomplish the mission, and performance measures that show the degree to which objectives are being met.
The South Carolina Office of Executive Policy and Programs submits an annual accountability report to the Governor and General Assembly that contains the agency's or department's mission, objectives to accomplish the mission, and performance measures that show the degree to which objectives are being met.
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Each year the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation sends a report to the Office of State Budget that includes the agency's mission, goals and objectives to accomplish the mission, and performance measures regarding the goals and objectives.
Each year the South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation sends a report to the Office of State Budget that includes the agency's mission, goals and objectives to accomplish the mission, and performance measures regarding the goals and objectives.
This paper proposes that Brazil could improve the political accountability by breaking up many of the statewide districts it uses to elect its deputies into smaller districts, each electing fewer deputies. The central argument is that districts that elect low-to-moderate numbers of legislators make it possible to optimize the well-known trade-off between inclusive representation and accountable government.
Each year the Office of Local Government of the South Carolina Budget and Control Board produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly. Included is a mission statement, program description, program goals and performance measures.
Each year the Office of Local Government of the South Carolina Budget and Control Board produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly. Included is a mission statement, program description, program goals and performance measures.
Each year the South Carolina Retirement Systems of the South Carolina Budget and Control Board produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly. Included is a mission statement, program description, program goals and performance measures.
Each year the South Carolina Retirement Systems of the South Carolina Budget and Control Board produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly. Included is a mission statement, program description, program goals and performance measures.
Each year the South Carolina Retirement Systems of the South Carolina Budget and Control Board produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly. Included is a mission statement, program description, program goals and performance measures.
Each year the South Carolina Retirement Systems of the South Carolina Budget and Control Board produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly. Included is a mission statement, program description, program goals and performance measures.
Each year the South Carolina Retirement Systems of the South Carolina Budget and Control Board produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly. Included is a mission statement, program description, program goals and performance measures.