976 resultados para ABSOLUTE DEVIATION


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Coupled-Cluster-Theorie (CC) ist in der heutigen Quantenchemie eine der erfolgreichsten Methoden zur genauen Beschreibung von Molekülen. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnisse zeigen, daß neben den Berechnungen von Energien eine Reihe von Eigenschaften wie Strukturparameter, Schwingungsfrequenzen und Rotations-Schwingungs-Parameter kleiner und mittelgrofler Moleküle zuverlässig und präzise vorhergesagt werden können. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird mit dem Spin-adaptierten Coupled-Cluster-Ansatz (SA-CC) ein neuer Weg zur Verbesserung der Beschreibung von offenschaligen Systemen vorgestellt. Dabei werden zur Bestimmung der unbekannten Wellenfunktionsparameter zusätzlich die CC-Spingleichungen gelöst. Durch dieses Vorgehen wird gewährleistet, daß die erhaltene Wellenfunktion eine Spineigenfunktion ist. Die durchgeführte Implementierung des Spin-adaptierten CC-Ansatzes unter Berücksichtigung von Einfach- und Zweifachanregungen (CCSD) für high-spin Triplett-Systeme wird ausführlich erläutert. Im zweiten Teil werden CC-Additionsschemata vorgestellt, die auf der Annahme der Additivität von Elektronenkorrelations- und Basissatzeffekten basieren. Die etablierte Vorgehensweise, verschiedene Beiträge zur Energie mit an den Rechenaufwand angepassten Basissätzen separat zu berechnen und aufzusummieren, wird hier auf Gradienten und Kraftkonstanten übertragen. Für eine Beschreibung von Bindungslängen und harmonischen Schwingungsfrequenzen mit experimenteller Genauigkeit ist die Berücksichtigung von Innerschalenkorrelationseffekten sowie Dreifach- und Vierfachanregungen im Clusteroperator der Wellenfunktion nötig. Die Basissatzkonvergenz wird dabei zusätzlich mit Extrapolationsmethoden beschleunigt. Die quantitative Vorhersage der Bindungslängen von 17 kleinen Molekülen, aufgebaut aus Atomen der ersten Langperiode, ist so mit einer Genauigkeit von wenigen Hundertstel Pikometern möglich. Für die Schwingungsfrequenzen dieser Moleküle weist das CC-Additionsschema basierend auf den berechneten Kraftkonstanten im Vergleich zu experimentellen Ergebnissen einen mittleren absoluten Fehler von 3.5 cm-1 und eine Standardabweichung von 2.2 cm-1 auf. Darüber hinaus werden zur Unterstützung von experimentellen Untersuchungen berechnete spektroskopische Daten einiger größerer Moleküle vorgelegt. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Untersuchungen zur Isomerisierung von Dihalogensulfanen XSSX (X= F, Cl) oder die Berechnung von Struktur- und Rotations-Schwingungs-Parametern für die Moleküle CHCl2F und CHClF2 zeigen, daß bereits störungstheoretische CCSD(T)-Näherungsmethoden qualitativ gute Vorhersagen experimenteller Resultate liefern. Desweiteren werden Diskrepanzen von experimentellen und berechneten Bindungsabständen bei den Molekülen Borhydrid- und Carbenylium durch die Berücksichtigung des elektronischen Beitrages zum Trägheitsmoment beseitigt.


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The main objective of this thesis is to obtain a better understanding of the methods to assess the stability of a slope. We have illustrated the principal variants of the Limit Equilibrium (LE) method found in literature, focalizing our attention on the Minimum Lithostatic Deviation (MLD) method, developed by Prof. Tinti and his collaborators (e.g. Tinti and Manucci, 2006, 2008). We had two main goals: the first was to test the MLD method on some real cases. We have selected the case of the Vajont landslide with the objective to reconstruct the conditions that caused the destabilization of Mount Toc, and two sites in the Norwegian margin, where failures has not occurred recently, with the aim to evaluate the present stability state and to assess under which conditions they might be mobilized. The second goal was to study the stability charts by Taylor and by Michalowski, and to use the MLD method to investigate the correctness and adequacy of this engineering tool.


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This thesis focused on the polymer’s influence on the interaction of polymeric NPs with epithelial cells. Furthermore, the measurement of single submicron nanoparticles in a commercially available flow cytometer was established, to provide a new method in the toolbox for nanoparticle-cell studies. This gave way to develop a routine for the absolute quantification of intracellular NPs via flow cytometry. rnThe cellular uptake of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), polystyrene (PS) and poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) nanoparticles was investigated via flow cytometry. PLLA-NPs were internalized the most efficiently. But upon co-incubation of PS and PLLA particles with cells, the two particles mutually influenced their uptake, slightly shifting the relative uptake efficiencies. This phenomenon should be based on specific properties of the different polymer materials. The findings indicated a competition (which is strongly influenced by properties of the respective polymeric material) for the uptake into the cells, allegedly due to competition for specific coatings with serum components that enhances the NPs’ cellular uptake. The fluorescence of single 150 nm particles was determined with a benchtop cytometer, breaching the machine’s detection limit but yielding precise NP fluorescence standardization factors. Up to now, these standardization factors are mostly determined by spectroscopic analysis of the particles’ dye content. Finally a flow cytometric routine for absolute particle counting in cells was devised. This quantitation revealed a low uptake efficiency for un-functionalized PMMA NPs of less than 150 NPs (approx. 0,001 % of added) per cell.rn


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I cicli di Hodge assoluti sono stati utilizzati da Deligne per dividere la congettura di Hodge in due sotto-congetture. La prima dice che tutte le classi di Hodge su una varietà complessa proiettiva liscia sono assolute, la seconda che le classi assolute sono algebriche. Deligne ha dato risposta affermativa alla prima sottocongettura nel caso delle varietà abeliane. La dimostrazione si basa su due teoremi, conosciuti rispettivamente come Principio A e Principio B. In questo lavoro vengono presentate la teoria delle classi di Hodge assolute e la dimostrazione del Principio B.


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In this thesis the measurement of the effective weak mixing angle wma in proton-proton collisions is described. The results are extracted from the forward-backward asymmetry (AFB) in electron-positron final states at the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The AFB is defined upon the distribution of the polar angle between the incoming quark and outgoing lepton. The signal process used in this study is the reaction pp to zgamma + X to ee + X taking a total integrated luminosity of 4.8\,fb^(-1) of data into account. The data was recorded at a proton-proton center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s)=7TeV. The weak mixing angle is a central parameter of the electroweak theory of the Standard Model (SM) and relates the neutral current interactions of electromagnetism and weak force. The higher order corrections on wma are related to other SM parameters like the mass of the Higgs boson.rnrnBecause of the symmetric initial state constellation of colliding protons, there is no favoured forward or backward direction in the experimental setup. The reference axis used in the definition of the polar angle is therefore chosen with respect to the longitudinal boost of the electron-positron final state. This leads to events with low absolute rapidity have a higher chance of being assigned to the opposite direction of the reference axis. This effect called dilution is reduced when events at higher rapidities are used. It can be studied including electrons and positrons in the forward regions of the ATLAS calorimeters. Electrons and positrons are further referred to as electrons. To include the electrons from the forward region, the energy calibration for the forward calorimeters had to be redone. This calibration is performed by inter-calibrating the forward electron energy scale using pairs of a central and a forward electron and the previously derived central electron energy calibration. The uncertainty is shown to be dominated by the systematic variations.rnrnThe extraction of wma is performed using chi^2 tests, comparing the measured distribution of AFB in data to a set of template distributions with varied values of wma. The templates are built in a forward folding technique using modified generator level samples and the official fully simulated signal sample with full detector simulation and particle reconstruction and identification. The analysis is performed in two different channels: pairs of central electrons or one central and one forward electron. The results of the two channels are in good agreement and are the first measurements of wma at the Z resonance using electron final states at proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7TeV. The precision of the measurement is already systematically limited mostly by the uncertainties resulting from the knowledge of the parton distribution functions (PDF) and the systematic uncertainties of the energy calibration.rnrnThe extracted results of wma are combined and yield a value of wma_comb = 0.2288 +- 0.0004 (stat.) +- 0.0009 (syst.) = 0.2288 +- 0.0010 (tot.). The measurements are compared to the results of previous measurements at the Z boson resonance. The deviation with respect to the combined result provided by the LEP and SLC experiments is up to 2.7 standard deviations.


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Diese Arbeit stellt eine ausführliche Studie fundamentaler Eigenschaften der Kalzit CaCO3(10.4) und verwandter Mineraloberflächen dar, welche nicht nur durch die Verwendung von Nichtkontakt Rasterkraftmikroskopie, sondern hauptsächlich durch die Messung von Kraftfeldern ermöglicht wurde. Die absolute Oberflächenorientierung sowie der hierfür zugrundeliegende Prozess auf atomarer Skala konnten erfolgreich für die Kalzit (10.4) Oberfläche identifiziert werden.rnDie Adsorption chiraler Moleküle auf Kalzit ist relevant im Bereich der Biomineralisation, was ein Verständnis der Oberflächensymmetrie unumgänglich macht. Die Messung des Oberflächenkraftfeldes auf atomarer Ebene ist hierfür ein zentraler Aspekt. Eine solche Kraftkarte beleuchtet nicht nur die für die Biomineralisation wichtige Wechselwirkung der Oberfläche mit Molekülen, sondern enthält auch die Möglichkeit, Prozesse auf atomarer Skala und damit Oberflächeneigenschaften zu identifizieren.rnDie Einführung eines höchst flexiblen Messprotokolls gewährleistet die zuverlässige und kommerziell nicht erhältliche Messung des Oberflächenkraftfeldes. Die Konversion der rohen ∆f Daten in die vertikale Kraft Fz ist jedoch kein trivialer Vorgang, insbesondere wenn Glätten der Daten in Frage kommt. Diese Arbeit beschreibt detailreich, wie Fz korrekt für die experimentellen Bedingungen dieser Arbeit berechnet werden können. Weiterhin ist beschrieben, wie Lateralkräfte Fy und Dissipation Γ erhalten wurden, um das volle Potential dieser Messmethode auszureizen.rnUm Prozesse auf atomarer Skala auf Oberflächen zu verstehen sind die kurzreichweitigen, chemischen Kräfte Fz,SR von größter Wichtigkeit. Langreichweitige Beiträge müssen hierzu an Fz angefittet und davon abgezogen werden. Dies ist jedoch eine fehleranfällige Aufgabe, die in dieser Arbeit dadurch gemeistert werden konnte, dass drei unabhängige Kriterien gefunden wurden, die den Beginn zcut von Fz,SR bestimmen, was für diese Aufgabe von zentraler Bedeutung ist. Eine ausführliche Fehleranalyse zeigt, dass als Kriterium die Abweichung der lateralen Kräfte voneinander vertrauenswürdige Fz,SR liefert. Dies ist das erste Mal, dass in einer Studie ein Kriterium für die Bestimmung von zcut gegeben werden konnte, vervollständigt mit einer detailreichen Fehleranalyse.rnMit der Kenntniss von Fz,SR und Fy war es möglich, eine der fundamentalen Eigenschaften der CaCO3(10.4) Oberfläche zu identifizieren: die absolute Oberflächenorientierung. Eine starke Verkippung der abgebildeten Objekte


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During the thesis period a new class of atropisomeric xanthine derivatives has been studied. We decided to focus our attention on these purine bases because of their various biological activities, that could play an important role in the discovery of new bioactive atropisomers. The synthesized compounds bear an Aryl-N chiral axis in position 1 of the xanthine scaffold, around which the rotation is prevented by the presence of bulky ortho substituents. Through a retro synthetic analysis we synthesized three atropisomeric structures bearing in position 1 of the purine scaffold respectively an o-tolyl, o-nitrophenyl and a 1-naphthyl group. The conformational studies by DFT simulations showed that the interconversion energy barrier between the two available skewed conformations is higher enough to obtain thermally stable atropisomers. After the separation of the atropisomers, the experimental energy of interconversion was investigated by means of kinetic studies following the thermal racemization process using an enantioselective HPLC column. The absolute configuration of each atropisomer was assigned by experimental ECD analysis and TD-DFT simulations of the ECD spectra.


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A consequence in patients with d-transposition of the great arteries (d-TGA) and tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) and right ventricular failure. Myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) permits the determination of the myocardial microvascular density reflected by the relative myocardial blood volume (rBV; ml/ml). This study was conducted to elucidate the relationship between RVH and myocardial microvascular changes by quantitative MCE in patients with d-TGA and TOF.


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The CBS-QB3 method was used to calculate the gas-phase free energy difference between 20 phenols and their respective anions, and the CPCM continuum solvation method was applied to calculate the free energy differences of solvation for the phenols and their anions. The CPCM solvation calculations were performed on both gas-phase and solvent-phase optimized structures. Absolute pKa calculations with solvated phase optimized structures for the CPCM calculations yielded standard deviations and root-mean-square errors of less than 0.4 pKa unit. This study is the most accurate absolute determination of the pKa values of phenols, and is among the most accurate of any such calculations for any group of compounds. The ability to make accurate predictions of pKa values using a coherent, well-defined approach, without external approximations or fitting to experimental data, is of general importance to the chemical community. The solvated phase optimized structures of the anions are absolutely critical to obtain this level of accuracy, and yield a more realistic charge separation between the negatively charged oxygen and the ring system of the phenoxide anions.


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An increased leftward asymmetry of the planum temporale (PT) in absolute-pitch (AP) musicians has been previously reported, with speculation that early exposure to music influences the degree of PT asymmetry. To test this hypothesis and to determine whether a larger left PT or a smaller right PT actually accounts for the increased overall PT asymmetry in AP musicians, anatomical magnetic resonance images were taken from a right-handed group of 27 AP musicians, 27 nonmusicians, and 22 non-AP musicians. A significantly greater leftward PT asymmetry and a significantly smaller right absolute PT size for the AP musicians compared to the two control groups was found, while the left PT was only marginally larger in the AP group. The absolute size of the right PT and not the left PT was a better predictor of music group membership, possibly indicating “pruning” of the right PT rather than expansion of the left underlying the increased PT asymmetry in AP musicians. Although early exposure to music may be a prerequisite for acquiring AP, the increased PT asymmetry in AP musicians may be determined in utero, implicating possible genetic influences on PT asymmetry. This may explain why the increased PT asymmetry of AP musicians was not seen in the group of early beginning non-AP musicians.


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Four experiments were conducted to examine the ability of people without "perfect pitch" to retain the absolute pitch offamiliar tunes. In Experiment 1, participants imagined given tunes, and then hummed their first notes four times either between or within sessions. The variability of these productions was very low. Experiment 2 used a recognition paradigm, with results similar to those in Experiment 1 for musicians, but with some additional variability shown for unselected subjects. In Experiment 3, subjects rated the suitability ofvarious pitches to start familiar tunes. Previously given preferred notes were rated high, as were notes three or four semitones distant from the preferred notes, but not notes one or two semitones distant. In Experiment 4, subjects mentally transformed the pitches of familiar tunes to the highest and lowest levels possible. These experiments suggest some retention of the absolute pitch of tunes despite a paucity of verbal or visual cues for the pitch.


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