826 resultados para A Companion to Qualitative Research


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This conclusion to the Dialog proposes a strategy-as-practice based approach to bringing strategy research and education closer to practice. Strategy-as-practice rejects the choice, proposed in the previous articles, between theory and practice. The authors argue for strategy research based rigorously on sociological theories of practice. Such research complements the parsimony and generalizability of economics-driven theory, extending strategy research to incorporate the messy realities of doing strategy in practice, with a view to developing theory that is high in accuracy. The authors suggest that practice-based research can also inform strategy teaching by providing students with rich case studies of strategy work as actually practiced, analyzed through such sociological lenses as ethnomethodology, dramaturgy, and institutional theory. Strategy-as-practice research does not aim to give students parsimonious models for analysis or expose them to cases of best practice but rather to help them develop practical wisdom through a better understanding of strategy in practice.


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This accessible, practice-oriented and compact text provides a hands-on introduction to the principles of market research. Using the market research process as a framework, the authors explain how to collect and describe the necessary data and present the most important and frequently used quantitative analysis techniques, such as ANOVA, regression analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis. An explanation is provided of the theoretical choices a market researcher has to make with regard to each technique, as well as how these are translated into actions in IBM SPSS Statistics. This includes a discussion of what the outputs mean and how they should be interpreted from a market research perspective. Each chapter concludes with a case study that illustrates the process based on real-world data. A comprehensive web appendix includes additional analysis techniques, datasets, video files and case studies. Several mobile tags in the text allow readers to quickly browse related web content using a mobile device.


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The principle theme of this thesis is the advancement and expansion of ophthalmic research via the collaboration between professional Engineers and professional Optometrists. The aim has been to develop new and novel approaches and solutions to contemporary problems in the field. The work is sub divided into three areas of investigation; 1) High technology systems, 2) Modification of current systems to increase functionality, and 3) Development of smaller more portable and cost effective systems. High Technology Systems: A novel high speed Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) system with integrated simultaneous high speed photography was developed achieving better operational speed than is currently available commercially. The mechanical design of the system featured a novel 8 axis alignment system. A full set of capture, analysis, and post processing software was developed providing custom analysis systems for ophthalmic OCT imaging, expanding the current capabilities of the technology. A large clinical trial was undertaken to test the dynamics of contact lens edge interaction with the cornea in-vivo. The interaction between lens edge design, lens base curvature, post insertion times and edge positions was investigated. A novel method for correction of optical distortion when assessing lens indentation was also demonstrated. Modification of Current Systems: A commercial autorefractor, the WAM-5500, was modified with the addition of extra hardware and a custom software and firmware solution to produce a system that was capable of measuring dynamic accommodative response to various stimuli in real time. A novel software package to control the data capture process was developed allowing real time monitoring of data by the practitioner, adding considerable functionality of the instrument further to the standard system. The device was used to assess the accommodative response differences between subjects who had worn UV blocking contact lens for 5 years, verses a control group that had not worn UV blocking lenses. While the standard static measurement of accommodation showed no differences between the two groups, it was determined that the UV blocking group did show better accommodative rise and fall times (faster), thus demonstrating the benefits of the modification of this commercially available instrumentation. Portable and Cost effective Systems: A new instrument was developed to expand the capability of the now defunct Keeler Tearscope. A device was developed that provided a similar capability in allowing observation of the reflected mires from the tear film surface, but with the added advantage of being able to record the observations. The device was tested comparatively with the tearscope and other tear film break-up techniques, demonstrating its potential. In Conclusion: This work has successfully demonstrated the advantages of interdisciplinary research between engineering and ophthalmic research has provided new and novel instrumented solutions as well as having added to the sum of scientific understanding in the ophthalmic field.


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Objectives: To understand staff's experiences of acute life threatening events (ALTEs) in a pediatric hospital setting. These data will inform an intervention to equip nurses with clinical and emotional skills for dealing with ALTEs. Method: A mixed design was used in the broader research program; this paper focuses on phenomenon-focused interviews analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Results: Emerging themes included staff's relationships with patients and the impact of personhood on their ability to perform competently in an emergency. More experienced nurses described "automatic" competence generated through increased exposure to ALTEs and were able to recognize "fumbling and shaking" as a normal stress response. Designating a role was significant to staff experience of effectiveness. Key to nurses' learning experience was reflection and identifying experiences as "teachable moments." Findings were considered alongside existing theories of self-efficacy, reflective thought, and advocacy inquiry to create an experiential learning intervention involving a series of clinical and role-related scenarios. Conclusion: The phenomenological work facilitated an in-depth reading of experience. It accentuated the importance of exposure to ALTEs giving nurses experiential knowledge to prepare them for the impact of these events. Challenges included bracketing the personhood of child patients, shifting focus to clinical tasks during the pressured demands of managing an ALTE, normalizing the physiological stress response, and the need for a forum and structure for reflection and learning. An intervention will be designed to provide experiential learning and encourage nurses to realize and benefit from their embodied knowledge.


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Presentation from the MARAC conference in Pittsburgh, PA on April 14–16, 2016. S13 - Student Poster Session; Analysis of Federal Policy on Public Access to Scientific Research Data


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We at bepress are excited to announce the beta launch of the Expert Gallery, a new product for institutions eager to highlight the rich expertise of their faculty. The Expert Gallery facilitates the valuable work of connecting an institution’s researchers with opportunities that might otherwise be missed. Groups such as Marketing and Communications and the Office of Research can use the product to better land funding opportunities, speaking engagements, and professional collaborations for top faculty members. The Expert Gallery is designed to let stakeholders within and outside of the institution find researchers by interest, skill set, and research emphasis: simple searching and browsing, along with the flexibility to create and display custom galleries, helps facilitate targeted discovery for experts on campus. A built-in, rich toolset lets institutions organize, manage, and connect their researchers to the right opportunities and interested parties outside the institution. While most expert galleries contain just biographical information and a bibliography, integration of the bepress Expert Gallery with SelectedWorks profiles lets researchers prove their expertise with a full picture of their scholarly research, including published and unpublished works, datasets, teaching materials, and media appearances. Launching the Expert Gallery as a new product reflects an important expansion of bepress’s mission. For years we’ve helped libraries reclaim their central role through providing services across campus. We’ve especially focused on supporting the library in its important efforts to promote the institution through the scholarship it produces. With the Expert Gallery, the library can meet its campus’s needs to go beyond demonstrating the value of its scholarship. Now the library can offer a way to promote the institution through the rich skills of the people who make it unique. We plan to continue on this path of helping institutions maximize the impact of people as well as their people’s scholarship. In early 2017 we will launch a suite of services that includes SelectedWorks, the Expert Gallery, and a set of faculty reporting and analytics tools.


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The WorldFish Center has been collaborating with its partners (AWF and WWF) in the Maringa-Lopori-Wamba (MLW) and the Lac Tele-Lac Ntomba (LTL) Landscapes to develop participatory monitoring systems for aquatic ecosystems. This requires rigorous data collection regarding fishing effort and catch, and the establishment of community partnerships; enabling WorldFish Center researchers to understand and counteract the institutional legacies of previous NGO interventions. In the MLW, fisherfolk livelihoods are severely limited due to their extreme isolation from markets and government services. However, fisherfolk have some experience dealing with natural resource conservation or extraction entities as well as humanitarian agencies. Their history has left them slightly skeptical but reasonably willing to collaborate with incoming NGOs. Around Lac Ntomba, fisherfolk have had more extensive interactions with conservation and humanitarian NGOs, but despite their proximity to the Congo River, they appear to have very limited access to distant markets. As past benefits from NGO activities have been captured by local village elites many fishers are highly skeptical and even antagonistic toward NGOs in general, and see little benefits from collaborating with each other or NGOs. Similarly to the MLW and Lac Ntomba, Lac Maï-Ndombe fisherfolk were disillusioned by past NGO activities. However, in this area levels of fish catch are greater than in the other watersheds, and many fishers make regular trips to major markets in Kinshasa, Kikwit and Tchikapa. Consequently, while there are significant divisions to be addressed in Lac Maï-Ndombe, fisherfolk in general are more interested in exploring options for improving livelihoods. In order to overcome these hurdles, the WorldFish Center has introduced an integrated research-extension approach in its interactions with these communities. The teams conducted demonstrations of technological innovations that could significantly improve on present post-harvest fish processing practices, in particular: a solar fish drying tent and a fish smoking barrel.


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To date, there has been little consideration of the many different ways in which accounting and risk intersect, despite organisations being more determined than ever to build resilience against potential risks. This comprehensive volume overcomes this gap by providing an overview of the field, drawing together current knowledge of risk in a wide range of different accounting contexts.


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The purpose of this paper is to raise a debate on the urgent need for teachers to generate innovative situations in the teaching-learning process, in the field of Mathematics, as a way for students to develop logical reasoning and research skills applicable to everyday situations. It includes some statistical data and possible reasons for the poor performance and dissatisfaction of students towards Mathematics. Since teachers are called to offer meaningful and functional learning experiences to students, in order to promote the pleasure of learning, teacher training should include experiences that can be put into practice by teachers in the education centers. This paper includes a work proposal for Mathematics Teaching to generate discussion, curiosity and logical reasoning in students, together with the Mathematical problem solving study.


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Este estudo focaliza a constituição do trabalho docente na Educação Infantil (EI), tomando como referência o cenário da EI articulado ao campo profissional, vinculado às especificidades da EI, na indissociabilidade do educar e do cuidar, no contexto de transformações do sistema educativo e da expansão da oferta da EI. Perspectiva compreender os sentidos que emergem do/circulam no trabalho docente na EI das auxiliares de creche e professoras que atuam com criaas de zero a três anos, quando mediadas por um processo de formação. É sustentado pelos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos bakhtinianos vinculados aos referenciais do trabalho docente e da formação no campo da educação infantil, com base numa configuração dialógica da compreensão. Articula essa ancoragem à pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa por meio dos procedimentos metodológicos de observação participante e entrevistas, tendo como campo de estudo a experiência de uma instituição de Educação Infantil. Os resultados demonstram tensionamentos entre formação continuada e vivência profissional, estendendo-se às profissionais docentes em situação funcional díspar diante da perspectiva pedagógica da indissociabilidade do educar e do cuidar. Os sentidos que emergiram e circularam, a partir das rodas de conversa propostas nesta pesquisa, abrangem a complexidade do trabalho docente na EI, configurado por lógicas hierárquicas no exercício da docência. Tais fundamentos incidem na diluição de um trabalho educativo pautado no compromisso pedagógico e na formação das criaas, pois, da forma como vêm sendo ampliadas e flexibilizadas as contratações, intensificam a fragilidade da função docente, no que tange à formação mínima exigida em lei para atuar na EI quanto na formação continuada.


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Nesta dissertação procura-se analisar a problemática da “Centralização versus Descentralização na Governação do Sistema Educativo de Cabo Verde: lógicas em análise” no período compreendido entre (1975 a 2006). Constata-se que Cabo Verde, depois de se tornar um país soberano e independente, assistiu a momentos de grande concentração e de grande centralização na administração do Sistema Educativo. Ao longo deste período assistiuse também a momentos de desconcentração e de ideias de descentralização que culminaram com a abertura do sistema político pluripartidário. Essa abertura abriu a possibilidade de uma nova dinâmica de transformação nos deferentes sectores da administração do sistema educacional. As mudaas políticas verificadas no país, permite-nos conhecer e desocultar as razões, as lógicas e as racionalidades que presidem a manutenção de um sistema centralizado de governação do Sistema Educativo, apesar da presença de forças políticas com diversidades ideológicas. Uma vez conhecido o historial da organização, administração e gestão do Sistema Educativo Cabo-verdiano, a partir de uma retrospectiva histórica, debruçámo-nos sobre as principais teorias que estão na base das perspectivas da centralização e descentralização, e seus conceitos associados enquanto modelo de análise teórica, para tentar perceber este aparente paradoxo. Na parte empírica, a metodologia utilizada apoia-se na abordagem qualitativa de investigação, na qual utilizámos a entrevista, a análise documental e conversas informais, que nos permitiram confirmar ou infirmar a problemática inicialmente formulada. Os dados obtidos dez entrevistados, nomeadamente os responsáveis da política educativa, os administradores do sistema, e os directores dos estabelecimentos de ensino público, levam-nos a tirar várias conclusões sobre um Sistema Educativo centralizado, com uma relativa margem de autonomia. Apesar de encontrarem algumas vantagens no modelo centralizado, a maioria dos entrevistados sublinha a relevância da opção por um modelo descentralizado de governação do Sistema Educativo.