893 resultados para 894


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Contiene el formulario de la carta de porte internacional, indicaciones para rellenarlo, normas de diagramación del formulario, y extractos del convenio sobre el contrato de transporte y la responsabilidad civil del porteador en el transporte terrestre internacional de mercancías (CRT).


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Apresenta a avaliação da qualidade da Base de Dados de Informações Jornalísticas sobre a Amazônia: Ciência,Tecnologia e Meio Ambiente – BDIJAm. O estudo integra o Projeto Temáticas Amazônicas: Dossiês Comentados e Qualidade da Informação sobre Ciência, Tecnologia e Meio Ambiente, do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Foram aplicados questionários aos usuários para identificação dos pontos positivos e possíveis lacunas do serviço. Como principais resultados foram apontadas a relevância dos temas da Base e a necessidade de se desenvolver ações que visem aperfeiçoar a estrutura de recuperação da informação. Conclui que toda base de dados deve ser continuamente aperfeiçoada e os usuários consideram a BDIJam um instrumento de suma importância para a sociedade como recurso de preservação da memória social da Amazônia.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a estrutura da assembléia de macroinvertebrados bentônicos no médio rio Xingu, estimando a produção secundária anual. Dois ambientes no setor do médio rio Xingu foram estudados, um lêntico (lago da Ilha Grande) e o canal principal. No lago foram realizadas coletas nos habitats marginal e profundo, utilizando amostrador tipo core e uma draga Ekiman-Birge; já nos habitats de corredeira e remanso no canal principal, os organismos foram coletados com uma rede tipo surber e core. As coletas ocorerram durante 12 meses abrangendo o período de cheia (janeiro a maio) e da seca (junho a dezembro) local. Foram coletados um total de 23.432 indivíduos da macrofauna bentônica, referentes a 43 táxons, 8 classes e 4 filos. Os insetos e gastrópodes corresponderam, respectivamente, a 47% e 36% do total de exemplares capturados. A maior diversidade de táxons foi registrada para os ambientes de corredeiras. O ambiente de remanso do rio por sua vez foi muito similar em riqueza de espécies, ao ambiente marginal do lago. A densidade média no período de seca foi de 1.605,75 ind.m-2, e no período da cheia de 894,43 ind.m-2. Leptophlebiidae, Hydropsychidae e Chironomidae, com 29,0%, 21,4% e 13,1%, respectivamente contribuíram com a maior abundância no ambiente de rio. Já para o lago, os Chironomidae (34,6%) Oligochaeta (23,2%), Chaoboridade (14,7%) e Nematoda (14,5%) contribuíram com a maior proporção da densidade. As diferenças encontradas nas assembléias de macroinvertebrados entre habitats foram relacionadas a diferenças de oxigênio dissolvido e nutrientes. Os ambientes de corredeira foram os mais diferenciados de todos os habitats estudados.


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Na Amazônia habitam diversas espécies de animais silvestres, tornando-a um importante local de investigação sobre fisiologia comparada. Dentre estas espécies, destacamos o caititu Tayassu tajacu, animal distribuído na América Central e Latina. Existem várias publicações acerca da morfologia de órgãos sexuais, carne e sangue do caititu. Porém, no que diz respeito ao estudo sobre a morfofisiologia visual do caititu, as publicações ainda são escassas. Diante dessa realidade, o presente estudo investigou a morfologia e topografia das células ganglionares da retina do Tayassu tajacu. Foram utilizadas seis retinas, provenientes de oito animais de ambos os sexos da espécie Tayassu tacaju. Os caititus, criados e mantidos em cativeiro na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Brasileira - Embrapa/Pará, foram abatidos de acordo com as normas de manejo animal para posterior retirada e fixação dos olhos. As retinas foram dissecadas e coradas utilizando a técnica de Nissl para visualização de células ganglionares, amácrinas deslocadas, hemácias, micróglia e células componentes da vascularização. A contagem de células ganglionares foi realizada ao longo do eixo horizontal e vertical, sendo o número de células ganglionares por campo convertido em valores de densidade. Diferentes regiões da retina foram analisadas quanto à densidade celular, obtendo-se como valor médio de densidade 351,822 ± 31,434 CG/mm². Verificaram-se diferenças de densidade entre as regiões estudadas: a região dorsal teve densidade média e desvio padrão de 894 ± 44 CG/mm²; a região ventral 894 ± 1 CG/mm²; a região nasal 1.403 ± 43; e a região temporal com 1596 ± 251. O pico de densidade a média, localizado a aproximadamente 3,13 mm de distância no sentido dorsal e 6,77 mm no sentido temporal do nervo óptico, foi de 6.767 CG/mm². Verificaram-se duas regiões especializadas, a faixa visual e a area temporalis. A faixa visual, localizada no sentido horizontal da região nasal para temporal, apresentou alta densidade celular, possivelmente proporcionando melhor visão panorâmica do ambiente e detecção de objetos em movimento no horizonte. Já a area temporalis, localizada dentro da faixa visual, proporciona maior acuidade visual e resolução espacial, do meio em que vivem Os resultados deste trabalho permitem iniciar comparações morfofisiológicas da retina dos caititus com a de outras espécies animais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: This study evaluated the effects of root canal obturation employing lateral compaction technique and spreader load of 1.5 kg on the incidence of complete (CVRF) or incomplete vertical root fractures (IVRF). Material and Methods: Twenty-seven distal roots of extracted human mandibular molars were used. All root canals were prepared by biomechanical step-back technique and obturated by lateral compaction technique. The prepared roots were distributed into two groups: G1- experimental (n = 17) and G2- control (n = 10). During obturation, load of 1.5 kg was applied to a size # 30 finger spreader. Pre- and post-obturation images of the coronal portion of the roots were captured by inverted digital microscopy and analyzed by one trained examiner. Data were evaluated by Fisher’s test (p < 0.05) using GrapH Pad Prism 5.0. Results: No roots exhibited CVRF. All fractures observed before and after obturation were IVRF or “other defects”. In G2 (control group), there was no increase of IVRF number. Interestingly, G1 presented an increase in the IVRF number to 70.59% in the 12 teeth out of 17 teeth studied. The statistical analysis showed that the mean of IVRF increased significantly in G1 when compared to G2 (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The application of a 1.5 kg spreader load during lateral compaction technique does not produce complete vertical root fractures, but may produce incomplete fractures or “other defects”.


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We can know a people through their cultural and artistic assets. One of the many aspects of Japanese culture is origami, a fusion of the verb “oru”, which means folding, with the word “kami” meaning paper. In this communication, we describe the course “Origami and Kirigami: art and culture as a recreational and educational resource”. The course aimed to present these two oriental techniques based on paper and its potential as a source of entertainment and education, at the same time seeking to introduce cultural aspects of these arts of folding and/or cutting paper. This practice is more common than we realize, and is present in our day-to-day life when we perform actions such as folding clothes and papers, and making packages, amongst others. However, few are aware of the benefits that this folding brings to the fields of Arts, Mathematics, and Science, besides its recreational characteristics. Kirigami is a mixed technique that in addition to using folds in the paper (as in origami) also uses cuts (“kiru” – meaning, “cut”). It can be performed with heavier paper than origami, and by introducing some cuts, the paper can be folded to form the desired shape. It is a simple technique, with impressive results. We conducted eight weekly meetings, each lasting four hours, totaling 32 hours of coursework. In addition to the classes, a visit was made to the Okinawa Club in Bauru (São Paulo), where it was possible for the students of the course and the elderly group (fujinkai) of origamists of the club to exchange experiences. Finally, an exhibition was organized to display the artifacts produced by the course participants and disseminate the work of the students.


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The test groups were experimental zirconia, Zirkonzahn zirconia, and Schuetz zirconia. Blocks of partially sintered zirconia were cut into disks (n=20) and then veneered with a feldspathic porcelain. Half of the specimens from each group (n=10) were incubated in 37°C water for 24 hours, and the other half were thermocycled. All the specimens were then subjected to shear testing. The fractured areas were analyzed with optical stereomicroscopy and classified as adhesive, cohesive, or an adhesive-cohesive failure. Spectral patterns were examined to detect bands related to the zirconia and feldspathic porcelain phases. The shear strength data were submitted to 2-way ANOVA. Results No significant differences in shear bond strength were observed among the 3 groups, regardless of whether or not the specimens were thermocycled. Adhesive failures were the most prevalent types of failure (70%). Raman spectra were clearly distinguished for all the materials, which showed the presence of tetragonal and monoclinic phases. Conclusions The controlled production of the experimental zirconia did not influence the results of the bond strength. Raman analysis suggested a process of interdiffusion by the presence of peaks associated with the zirconia and feldspathic ceramics.


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Thrombosis of tunneled central venous catheters (CVC) in hemodialysis (HD) patients is common and it can lead to the elimination of vascular sites. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of thrombotic obstruction of tunneled CVC in HD patients and the efficacy of occlusion treatment with alteplase use, and identify factors associated with thrombotic occlusion. It was a prospective cohort study performed in two centers which evaluated the diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic occlusion of CVC in HD patients for 24 consecutive months. The catheter occlusion was defined as the difficulty infusing or withdrawing fluid from their paths. Alteplase dose was infused to fill the lumen of the occluded catheter and remained for 50 min. As there was no obstruction of the catheter, the procedure was repeated. Three hundred and thirty-nine CVC in 247 patients were evaluated and followed, totalling 67 244 CVC-days. One hundred fifty-seven patients had only one CVC, 88 patients had two CVC during the study, and two patients had three CVC. The median age was 58 (47–66) years, patients were predominantly men (54%), with diabetic nephropathy as the main cause of chronic kidney disease (44%), the internal jugular vein as the main site of implantation (82%), and duration of dialysis before CVC implantation of 119 (41.5 to 585.5) days. Eight hundred and fifteen occlusion episodes were diagnosed (12 episodes/1000 CVC-days), with primary success with alteplase in 596 episodes (77%) and secondary in 81 cases (10%). In 99 episodes (13%), success was not achieved after the second dose of alteplase. Two hundred and thirty CVC were removed during the study and the removal causes were arteriovenous fistula use in 88 patients (38.3%), infectious and mechanical complications in 89 (38.7%) and 21 (9.1%), respectively, and others (transplantation, transfer, or death) in 32 patients (13.9%). Adverse effects were also not observed. In the multivariate analysis, we identified the greatest number of days with CVC (OR = 1.02, CI = 1.01–1.04, P = 0.004), the presence of diabetes (OR = 1.560, CI = 1.351–1.894, P = 0.015), and exit site infection (ESI) (OR = 1.567 CI = 1347–1926, P = 0.023) as factors associated with obstruction. Thrombotic occlusion showed frequent mechanical complication in CVC of HD patients. We observed 12 episodes of obstruction per 1000 CVC-days, with a high success rate after alteplase use (87%). In the multivariate analysis, the time with CVC, the presence of diabetes, and ESI were identified as variables associated with thrombotic obstruction.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: The negative sensory properties of casein hydrolysates (HC) often limit their usage in products intended for human consumption, despite HC being nutritious and having many functional benefits. Recent, but taxonomically limited, evidence suggests that other animals also avoid consuming HC when alternatives exist. Methodology/Principal Findings: We evaluated ingestive responses of five herbivorous species (guinea pig, mountain beaver, gopher, vole, and rabbit) and five omnivorous species (rat, coyote, house mouse, white-footed mouse, and deer mouse; N = 16–18/species) using solid foods containing 20% HC in a series of two-choice preference tests that used a nonprotein, cellulose-based alternative. Individuals were also tested with collagen hydrolysate (gelatin; GE) to determine whether it would induce similar ingestive responses to those induced by HC. Despite HC and GE having very different nutritional and sensory qualities, both hydrolysates produced similar preference score patterns. We found that the herbivores generally avoided the hydrolysates while the omnivores consumed them at similar levels to the cellulose diet or, more rarely, preferred them (HC by the white-footed mouse; GE by the rat). Follow-up preference tests pairing HC and the nutritionally equivalent intact casein (C) were performed on the three mouse species and the guinea pigs. For the mice, mean HC preference scores were lower in the HC v C compared to the HC v Cel tests, indicating that HC’s sensory qualities negatively affected its consumption. However, responses were species-specific. For the guinea pigs, repeated exposure to HC or C (4.7-h sessions; N = 10) were found to increase subsequent HC preference scores in an HC v C preference test, which was interpreted in the light of conservative foraging strategies thought to typify herbivores. Conclusions/Significance: This is the first empirical study of dietary niche-related taxonomic differences in ingestive responses to protein hydrolysates using multiple species under comparable conditions. Our results provide a basis for future work in sensory, physiological, and behavioral mechanisms of hydrolysate avoidance and on the potential use of hydrolysates for pest management.