964 resultados para 871-1.09


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HIV-infected women are at increased risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and invasive cervical cancer (ICC), but it has been difficult to disentangle the influences of heavy exposure to HPV infection, inadequate screening and immunodeficiency. A case-control study including 364 CIN2/3 and 20 ICC cases matched to 1,147 controls was nested in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (1985-2013). CIN2/3 risk was significantly associated with low CD4+ cell counts, whether measured as nadir [odds ratio (OR) per 100-cell/μL decrease = 1.15, 95% CI: 1.08, 1.22], or at CIN2/3 diagnosis (1.10, 95% CI: 1.04, 1.16). An association was evident even for nadir CD4+ 200-349 versus ≥350 cells/μL (OR = 1.57, 95% CI: 1.09, 2.25). After adjustment for nadir CD4+, a protective effect of >2-year cART use was seen against CIN2/3 (OR versus never cART use = 0.64, 95% CI: 0.42, 0.98). Despite low study power, similar associations were seen for ICC, notably with nadir CD4+ (OR for 50 vs. >350 cells/μL= 11.10, 95% CI: 1.24, 100). HPV16-L1 antibodies were significantly associated with CIN2/3, but HPV16-E6 antibodies were nearly exclusively detected in ICC. In conclusion, worsening immunodeficiency, even at only moderately decreased CD4+ cell counts, is a significant risk factor for CIN2/3 and cervical cancer.


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RATIONALE: Patients with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE) deemed to be at low risk for early complications might be candidates for partial or complete outpatient treatment. OBJECTIVES: To develop and validate a clinical prediction rule that accurately identifies patients with PE and low risk of short-term complications and to compare its prognostic ability with two previously validated models (i.e., the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index [PESI] and the Simplified PESI [sPESI]) METHODS: Multivariable logistic regression of a large international cohort of patients with PE prospectively enrolled in the RIETE (Registro Informatizado de la Enfermedad TromboEmbólica) registry. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: All-cause mortality, recurrent PE, and major bleeding up to 10 days after PE diagnosis were determined. Of 18,707 eligible patients with acute symptomatic PE, 46 (0.25%) developed recurrent PE, 203 (1.09%) bled, and 471 (2.51%) died. Predictors included in the final model were chronic heart failure, recent immobilization, recent major bleeding, cancer, hypotension, tachycardia, hypoxemia, renal insufficiency, and abnormal platelet count. The area under receiver-operating characteristic curve was 0.77 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.75-0.78) for the RIETE score, 0.72 (95% CI, 0.70-0.73) for PESI (P < 0.05), and 0.71 (95% CI, 0.69-0.73) for sPESI (P < 0.05). Our RIETE score outperformed the prognostic value of PESI in terms of net reclassification improvement (P < 0.001), integrated discrimination improvement (P < 0.001), and sPESI (net reclassification improvement, P < 0.001; integrated discrimination improvement, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: We built a new score, based on widely available variables, that can be used to identify patients with PE at low risk of short-term complications, assisting in triage and potentially shortening duration of hospital stay.


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OBJECTIVE: To quantify the relation between body mass index (BMI) and endometrial cancer risk, and to describe the shape of such a relation. DESIGN: Pooled analysis of three hospital-based case-control studies. SETTING: Italy and Switzerland. POPULATION: A total of 1449 women with endometrial cancer and 3811 controls. METHODS: Multivariate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were obtained from logistic regression models. The shape of the relation was determined using a class of flexible regression models. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The relation of BMI with endometrial cancer. RESULTS: Compared with women with BMI 18.5 to <25 kg/m(2) , the odds ratio was 5.73 (95% CI 4.28-7.68) for women with a BMI ≥35 kg/m(2) . The odds ratios were 1.10 (95% CI 1.09-1.12) and 1.63 (95% CI 1.52-1.75) respectively for an increment of BMI of 1 and 5 units. The relation was stronger in never-users of oral contraceptives (OR 3.35, 95% CI 2.78-4.03, for BMI ≥30 versus <25 kg/m(2) ) than in users (OR 1.22, 95% CI 0.56-2.67), and in women with diabetes (OR 8.10, 95% CI 4.10-16.01, for BMI ≥30 versus <25 kg/m(2) ) than in those without diabetes (OR 2.95, 95% CI 2.44-3.56). The relation was best fitted by a cubic model, although after the exclusion of the 5% upper and lower tails, it was best fitted by a linear model. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study confirm a role of elevated BMI in the aetiology of endometrial cancer and suggest that the risk in obese women increases in a cubic nonlinear fashion. The relation was stronger in never-users of oral contraceptives and in women with diabetes. TWEETABLE ABSTRACT: Risk of endometrial cancer increases with elevated body weight in a cubic nonlinear fashion.


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AIMS: Proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin 9 (PCSK9) is an emerging target for the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia, but the clinical utility of PCSK9 levels to guide treatment is unknown. We aimed to prospectively assess the prognostic value of plasma PCSK9 levels in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). METHODS AND RESULTS: Plasma PCSK9 levels were measured in 2030 ACS patients undergoing coronary angiography in a Swiss prospective cohort. At 1 year, the association between PCSK9 tertiles and all-cause death was assessed adjusting for the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) variables, as well as the achievement of LDL cholesterol targets of <1.8 mmol/L. Patients with higher PCSK9 levels at angiography were more likely to have clinical familial hypercholesterolaemia (rate ratio, RR 1.21, 95% confidence interval, CI 1.09-1.53), be treated with lipid-lowering therapy (RR 1.46, 95% CI 1.30-1.63), present with longer time interval of chest pain (RR 1.29, 95% CI 1.09-1.53) and higher C-reactive protein levels (RR 1.22, 95% CI 1.16-1.30). PCSK9 increased 12-24 h after ACS (374 ± 149 vs. 323 ± 134 ng/mL, P < 0.001). At 1 year follow-up, HRs for upper vs. lower PCSK9-level tertiles were 1.13 (95% CI 0.69-1.85) for all-cause death and remained similar after adjustment for the GRACE score. Patients with higher PCSK9 levels were less likely to reach the recommended LDL cholesterol targets (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.66-0.99). CONCLUSION: In ACS patients, high initial PCSK9 plasma levels were associated with inflammation in the acute phase and hypercholesterolaemia, but did not predict mortality at 1 year.


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En los ejercicios de evaluación de la denominada “penalización urbana”, la mortalidad infantil y juvenil suele ser uno o de los indicadores más habituales. Disponer de indicadores relativos a sus condiciones de salud es más difícil. Una opción son los datos antropométricos. Este tipo de información abunda para las poblaciones adultas –especialmente las masculinas enroladas en los ejércitos- pero es más escasa para las infantiles. El propósito de este trabajo es contribuir al conocimiento de las condiciones de salud de este grupo de la población barcelonesa durante algo más de la primera mitad del siglo XX, a partir del estudio de un conjunto de 9 estadísticas antropométricas publicadas entre 1900 y 1961. A través de una reconstrucción estadística, mediante el empleo de las Tablas de Crecimiento de la población infantil española elaboradas por M. Hernández, E Sánchez y B.Sobradillo en 1995, se han estandarizado las tallas y comparado los Indices de Masa Corporal calculados a partir de las medidas publicadas. Los principales resultados son: a) La presencia de diferentes pautas en las trayectorias seculares de crecimiento de niños y niñas. El crecimiento de las tallas entre los niños fue de 1,09 cm por decenio entre 1898 y 1945 y de 1,40 entre 1945 y 1961. Mientras que en el caso de las niñas entre 1898 y 1945 fue de 0,14 cm por decenio para aumentar a 2,18 entre 1945 y 1981. b) Las diferencias sociales en los indicadores antropométricos persisten a lo largo del periodo estudiado c) Los porcentajes de población infantil con probable malnutrición se situaron en torno al 24 por ciento para las generaciones nacidas entre 1885 y 1940, para ir descendiendo de forma irreversible en las nacidas a partir de 1950. De este modo en la década años setenta del siglo XX no parece existir evidencia de tal estado en la población infantil barcelonesa.


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Apple leaf spot (ALS) caused by Colletotrichum spp. is a major disease of apple (Malus domestica) in Southern Brazil. The epidemiology of this disease was studied in experiments carried out in the counties of Passo Fundo and Vacaria, State of Rio Grande do Sul, from February 1998 to October 2000. The disease was found in all the six apple orchards sampled in the growing seasons of 1997/98 and 1998/99. The fungus isolates associated with ALS fit the characteristics of C. gloeosporioides (75%), C. acutatum (8%), and Colletotrichum sp. (17%). The pathogen overwintered in dormant buds and twigs but not in dropped leaves or fruit mummies. Two sprays of copper oxychloride (at 0.3%) reduced the fungus initial inoculum by 65-84.6% in buds and 85.6-93.7% in twigs, but had no effect on the early season progress of the disease. Disease severity increased proportionally to elevation of temperature from 14 to 26-28 °C. At 34 °C, however, infection was completely inhibited. The duration of leaf wetness required for infection ranged from two hours at 30 °C to 32 h at 16 °C. The relationship of temperature (T) and leaf wetness (W) to disease severity (Y) was represented by the model equation Y = 0.00145[((T-13)1.78)((34.01-T )1.09)] * 25/[1+14 exp(-0.137W)], R² = 0.73 and P < 0.0001. Currently, this information is being used to manage the disease and to validate a forecast system for ALS.


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Konjunkturen har försämrats snabbt under de senaste 12 månaderna. Saldotalet för den förverkligade utvecklingen sjönk med 110 poäng från 2010 års toppvärde och blev negativt med 35 poäng. Utifrån procentgranskningen har försämringen av konjunkturen ändå varit lindrig. Prognosen visar att konjunkturen kommer att försämras ytterligare en aning. Prognosens saldotal är -20. Hälften av svararna bedömde dock att konjunkturen bibehålls oförändrad under de kommande 12 månaderna. Cirka en tredjedel bedömde att konjunkturen kommer att försämras ytterligare en aning. Trots den snabba konjunkturvändningen förväntar man sig inte att konjunkturen blir lika svår under det kommande året som under perioderna 2/08 och 1/09. Rederichefernas uppskattningar om utvecklingen av ekonomins delfaktorer i sjöfartsbranschen verkar peka på att den ekonomiska situationen inte blir lika svag som under den globala recessionen som började på hösten 2008. Saldotalet för den förverkligade utvecklingen av sjötransportmarknadens efterfrågan var endast svagt negativt, -5. Saldotalet förutspås sjunka med 15 poäng, men den största delen (60 procent) av svararna anser att efterfrågan håller sig på samma nivå även under de kommande 12 månaderna. Det saldotal som mäter fraktprisernas utveckling har inte varit positivt efter den första perioden under 2008. Man bedömde att fraktpriserna har sjunkit under den gångna perioden men enligt fraktprisprognosen kommer den sjunkande prisutvecklingen att stanna upp. Prognosens saldotal är +5. Tillväxten för de finländska export- och importtransporterna förväntas dock avstanna och i saldotal mätt kommer transportmängderna att börja sjunka en aning. Priset på marint bränsle, dvs. bunkerpriset, steg kraftigt under 2011. Saldotalet för den gångna perioden var -94. Utvecklingen avviker från perioden 2/08 då bunkerpriset började sjunka i takt med den inledande recessionen. Priset förväntas stiga ytterligare. Rederiernas omsättning minskade under perioden 2011. Minskningen avstannar dock och det saldotal som visar den kommande periodens omsättningsutveckling förutspås vara svagt positivt (+10). Det största hindret för rederiverksamhetens tillväxt ansågs vara den allmänt osäkra ekonomiska situationen. Den ökade konkurrensen och den dåliga prisutvecklingen begränsar också tillväxten. Trots den försämrade konjunkturen råder det fortfarande brist på kompetenta arbetstagare inom sjösektorn. Att priset på det marina bränslet, bunkern, höjs anses vara en betydande faktor som begränsar rederiernas tillväxt. Författningskraven i anknytning till miljöfrågor har blivit ett tillväxthinder. Temafrågorna handlade om den internationella sjöfartsorganisationen IMO:s bestämmelser om svavelhalter i marint bränsle. För att minska svaveldioxidutsläppen kan man som ett alternativ använda svaveltvättar (=skrubber) i fartygen. Bara ungefär en tredjedel av svararna ansåg att installering av tvättar i fartygen är för rederiernas del ett troligt alternativ för att uppfylla IMO:s bestämmelser. Den andra frågan handlade om IMO:s svavelbestämmelser och om de kommer att leda till en förflyttning till andra transportformer. 63 procent av svararna uppskattade att det på grund av det höga priset på lågsvavelhaltigt bränsle kommer att ske en förflyttning från sjötransporter till andra transportformer. En storskalig förflyttning till landsvägstransporter skulle strida mot EU:s trafikpolitiska mål.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar as perdas de solo e água, nos sistemas de plantio direto e convencional, e foi realizado no câmpus experimental da UFMS, em Dourados - MS, em solo classificado como Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, no período compreendido entre outubro de 2001 e novembro de 2002. As estimativas das perdas de solo e de água foram feitas utilizando-se do infiltrômetro de aspersão InfiAsper/UFMS, regulado para aplicar chuva com intensidade de 60 mm h-1, correspondendo à energia cinética de aproximadamente 820 Jm-2. Foram utilizados os seguintes tratamentos: sucessão milho-pousio; sucessão milho-trigo; sucessão milho-nabo; sucessão milho-ervilhaca; sucessão milho-aveia, os quais foram avaliados nos sistemas de preparo convencional (PC) e plantio direto (PD). Com os resultados obtidos, foram ajustadas equações de regressão, com as quais foi possível obter valores de perda de solo que variaram de 5,34 g m-2 na sucessão milho-aveia a 47,75 g m-2 na sucessão milho-nabo para o PC, e de 1,09 g m-2 na sucessão milho-trigo a 4,19 g m-2 na sucessão milho-ervilhaca para o PD. As perdas de água variaram de 0,00329 m³m-2 na sucessão milho-aveia a 0,00988 m³m-2 na sucessão milho-nabo, e de 0,00123 a 0,00663 m³m-2 na sucessão milho-pousio para o PC e para o PD, respectivamente.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre sintomas clínicos e malignidade em mulheres com tumores anexiais, submetidas à cirurgia. MÉTODOS: Estudo de corte transversal com coleta prospectiva, no qual foram incluídas 105 mulheres, atendidas em um hospital de ensino do Estado de São Paulo de novembro de 2009 a março de 2011, devido ao tumor anexial e à indicação de laparotomia/laparoscopia. Todas foram submetidas a uma entrevista estruturada sobre a ocorrência de 18 sintomas associados ao câncer de ovário. A entrevista incluiu gravidade, frequência e duração dos sintomas nos 12 meses prévios à primeira consulta. Também foram avaliados os níveis de CA125 e a classificação ultrassonográfica. Foi calculada para cada sintoma a razão de prevalência com intervalo de confiança de 95%. O padrão-ouro foi o resultado do exame anatomopatológico das peças cirúrgicas. RESULTADOS: Das 105 mulheres incluídas, 75 (71,4%) apresentaram tumores benignos e 30 (28,6%), malignos. Em mulheres com tumores malignos, os sintomas foram mais frequentes, dentre eles: inchaço abdominal (70%), aumento do volume abdominal (67%), dor pélvica (60%), irregularidade menstrual (60%), empachamento (53%), dor abdominal (50%), dor nas costas (50%) e saciedade precoce (50%). As mulheres com tumores benignos apresentaram essencialmente dor pélvica (61%), irregularidade menstrual (61%) e inchaço abdominal (47%). Os sintomas significativamente associados com malignidade foram: sensação de inchaço abdominal (RP=2,0; IC95% 1,01 - 3,94), aumento objetivo do volume abdominal (RP=2,16; IC95% 1,12 - 4,16), dor nas costas (RP=1,97; IC95% 1,09 - 3,55), empachamento (RP=2,25; IC95% 1,25 - 4,07), saciedade precoce (RP=2,06; IC95% 1,14 - 3,70), massa abdominal (RP=1,83; IC95% 1,01 - 3,30), dificuldade para deglutir (RP=1,98; IC95% 1,10 - 3,56) e sangramento pós-menopausa (RP=2,91; IC95% 1,55 - 5,44). A presença de dor pélvica, constipação, dispareunia, fadiga, dor abdominal, náusea e/ou vômito, irregularidade menstrual, perda de peso, diarreia e sinusorragia foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Em mulheres com tumores anexiais com indicação cirúrgica, a avaliação pré-operatória dos sintomas pode auxiliar na predição da malignidade.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate the value of uterine artery Doppler sonography during the second and third trimesters in the prediction of adverse pregnancy outcome in low-risk women. METHODS: From July 2011 to August 2012, a total of 205 singleton pregnant women presenting at our antenatal clinic were enrolled in this prospective study and were assessed for baseline demographic and obstetric data. They underwent ultrasound evaluation at the time of second and third trimesters, both included Doppler assessment of bilateral uterine arteries to determine the values of the pulsatility index (PI) and resistance index (RI) and presence of early diastolic notch. The endpoint of this study was assessing the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of Doppler ultrasonography of the uterine artery, for the prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes including preeclampsia, stillbirth, placental abruption and preterm labor. RESULTS: The mean age of cases was 26.4±5.11. The uterine artery PI and RI values for both second (PI: 1.1±0.42 versus 1.53±0.59, p=0.002; RI: 0.55±0.09 versus 0.72±0.13, p=0.000 respectively) and third-trimester (PI: 0.77±0.31 versus 1.09±0.46, p=0.000; RI: 0.46±0.10 versus 0.60±0.14, p=0.010 respectively) evaluations were significantly higher in patients with adverse pregnancy outcome than in normal women. Combination of PI and RI >95th percentile and presence of bilateral notch in second trimester get sensitivity and specificity of 36.1 and 97% respectively, while these measures were 57.5 and 98.2% in third trimester. CONCLUSIONS: According to our study, it seems that uterine artery Doppler may be a valuable tool for the prediction of a variety of adverse outcomes in second and third trimesters.


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Abstract: Mammary gland tumors are the most common type of tumors in bitches but research on survival time after diagnosis is scarce. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between survival time after mastectomy and a number of clinical and morphological variables. Data was collected retrospectively on bitches with mammary tumors seen at the Small Animal Surgery Clinic Service at the University of Brasília. All subjects had undergone mastectomy. Survival analysis was conducted using Cox's proportional hazard method. Of the 139 subjects analyzed, 68 died and 71 survived until the end of the study (64 months). Mean age was 11.76 years (SD=2.71), 53.84% were small dogs. 76.92% of the tumors were malignant, and 65.73% had both thoracic and inguinal glands affected. Survival time in months was associated with age (hazard rate ratios [HRR] =1.23, p-value =1.4x10-4), animal size (HRR between giant and small animals =2.61, p-value =0.02), nodule size (HRR =1.09, p-value =0.03), histological type (HRR between solid carcinoma and carcinoma in a mixed tumor =2.40, p-value =0.02), time between diagnosis and surgery (TDS, with HRR =1.21, p-value =2.7x10-15), and the interaction TDS*follow-up time (HRR =0.98, p-value =1.6x10-11). The present study is one of the few on the subject matter. Several important covariates were evaluated and age, animal size, nodule size, histological type, TDS and TDS*follow up time were identified as significantly associated to survival time.


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A presente pesquisa foi conduzida em um Latossol Roxo, com 3,9% de matéria orgânica, na Usina São Carlos, município de Jaboticabal - SP com o objetivo de verificar o comportamento das principais misturas de herbicidas aplicadas em pós-emergência e suas possíveis interferências nos teores de macronutrientes, e no desenvolvimento da variedade CB 41-14. Os tratamentos utilizados com as respectivas doses do ingrediente ativo em kg/ha foram: ametryne + 2,4 - D (formulação comercial) a 1,47 - 2,03, diuron + 2,4 -D a 1,60 + 2,16; ametryne + 2,4-D a 1,60 + 2,16; alachlor + 2,4-D a 1,09 + 1,80; asulam + ioxynil - 2,4-D a 2,80 + 1,75; MCPA + 2,4-D a 0,83 + 0,83; oxadiazon + 2,4 -D a 0,50 + 2,16; ametryne + simazine + 2,4-D a 1,25 + 1,25 + 2,16; ametryne + secbumetone + 2,4-D a 2,00 + 2,00 + 2,16; diuron + hexazinone + surfatante a 0,80 + 0,45 + 0,5% e MCPA + 2,3,6-TBA + pendimethalin + surfatante a 1,50 + 0,48 + 0,66 + 0,5%. O controle das plantas daninhas foi avaliado através de contagens por espécie botânica e por avaliações visuais . Sobre a cultura os efeitos foram constatados pela contagem da brotação inicial, avaliações visuais dos efeitos fitotóxicos, análise dos teores de macronutrientes aos 5 e 8 meses, medidas do comprimento dos colmos, análise dos teores de fibra, pol, brix, % de cana e pureza, assim como valores de pol/ha, e peso de colmos por hectare. Não houve interferência das diferentes misturas de herbicidas na brotação inicial, no comprimento médio dos colmos, e nos teores de fibra, pol, brix e pureza por ocasião da colheita. Em relação às principais plantas daninhas presentes na área, que eram capim-colchão (Digitaria sanguinalis (L). Scop.) capim-coloniâo (Panicum maximum Jacq), beldroega (Portulacca oleracea L.) e caruru (Amaranthus spp), as melhores porcentagens de controle foram obtidas com as misturas de ametryne + 2,4-D, MCPA + 2,4-D, oxadiazon + 2,4-D, ametryne + secbumetone, diuron + hexazinone e MCPA + 2,3,6-TBA + pendimethalin. Aos cinco meses o teor de P foi diminuido pela mistura de ametryne + secbumetone + 2,4-D, e o teor de Ca decresceu pelas misturas de diuron + 2,4-D, ametryne + 2,4-D, alachlor + 2,4-D, asulam + ioxynil + 2,4-D, MCPA + 2,4-D, oxadiazon + 2,4-D, ametryne + simazine + 2,4-D e ametryne + secbumetone + 2,4-D. Já aos oito meses não houve diferença estatística para qualquer dos nutrientes estudados. Os teores de pol/ha e produção de colmos/ha não foram significativamente afetados por qualquer dos tratamentos quando comparados com a testemunha com capina. Todavia, todos os tratamentos apresentaram produção inferior a esta, sugerindo certa precaução com as aplicações pós-emergentes em canade-açúcar.


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Com o objetivo de estudar a influência da chuva sobre o desempenho dos herbicidas sulfosate e glyphosate em diferentes formulações, foram conduzidos dois experimentos, um no inverno de 2000 e outro no verão de 2001, na Fazenda Experimental de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Campus de Jaboticabal-SP. Os experimentos foram instalados segundo o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, no arranjo fatorial de 4x5+1, ou seja, quatro tratamentos de herbicidas, cinco períodos sem chuva após a aplicação e uma testemunha, que não recebeu chuva. As formulações de glyphosate foram: SAqC (1,0 L ha-1), GrDA (0,5 kg ha-1), SAqC Transorb (0,75 L ha-1), mais o sulfosate SAqC (1,09 L ha¹). Os períodos sem chuva após a aplicação foram de 1, 2, 4, 6 e > 48 horas. Os herbicidas foram aplicados em pós-emergência das plantas daninhas, utilizando-se de um pulverizador costal, à pressão constante (mantida por ar comprimido) de 30 lbf pol-2. A chuva foi simulada com um sistema de irrigação por aspersão. A lâmina de água variou entre 18 e 19 mm. Em ambas as épocas, a chuva simulada foi prejudicial à ação dos herbicidas, principalmente quando feita nos menores intervalos após a aplicação. Os sintomas de fitointoxicação apareceram mais rapidamente no verão. A formulação Transorb, comercializada como não sendo afetada pela chuva uma hora após a aplicação, não teve o desempenho esperado, tanto no inverno quanto no verão, para períodos de até seis horas sem chuva após a aplicação. O sulfosate apresentou o melhor controle geral das plantas avaliadas, quando se simulou chuva após seis horas, em ambas as épocas. A formulação GrDA foi a mais afetada pela ação da chuva em ambas as épocas.


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Transluminal coronary angioplasty is a routine therapeutic intervention in coronary heart disease. Despite the high rate of primary success, restenosis continues to be its major limitation. Porcine models have been considered to be the most adequate experimental models for studying restenosis. One limitation of porcine models is the need for radiological guidance and the expenses involved. The objective of the present study was to adapt an experimental model of angioplasty in the porcine carotid artery that does not require radiological equipment. Eight animals were used to develop the technique of balloon injury to the common carotid artery by dissection without radiological guidance. This technique was then employed in six other animals. Under anesthesia, the left common carotid artery was dissected and incised at the carotid sinus for insertion of an over-the-wire angioplasty balloon towards the aorta. Overstretch injury of the carotid artery was performed under direct visualization. After 30 days, the arteries were excised and pressure-fixated. Uninjured carotid arteries from 3 additional animals were used as controls. A decreased luminal area associated with intimal hyperplasia and medial reaction was observed in all injured arteries. Immunohistochemistry identified the intimal hyperplastic cells as smooth muscle cells. Computerized morphometry of the ballooned segments revealed the following mean areas: lumen 2.12 mm2 (± 1.09), intima 0.22 mm2 (± 0.08), media 3.47 mm2 (± 0.67), and adventitia 1.11 mm2 (± 0.34). Our experimental model of porcine carotid angioplasty without radiological guidance induced a vascular wall reaction and permitted the quantification of this response. This porcine model may facilitate the study of vascular injury and its response to pharmacological interventions


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The presence of abnormalities of the respiratory center in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients and their correlation with polysomnographic data are still a matter of controversy. Moderately obese, sleep-deprived OSA patients presenting daytime hypersomnolence, with normocapnia and no clinical or spirometric evidence of pulmonary disease, were selected. We assessed the ventilatory control and correlated it with polysomnographic data. Ventilatory neuromuscular drive was evaluated in these patients by measuring the ventilatory response (VE), the inspiratory occlusion pressure (P.1) and the ventilatory pattern (VT/TI, TI/TTOT) at rest and during submaximal exercise, breathing room air. These analyses were also performed after inhalation of a hypercapnic mixture of CO2 (DP.1/DPETCO2, DVE/DPETCO2). Average rest and exercise ventilatory response (VE: 12.2 and 32.6 l/min, respectively), inspiratory occlusion pressure (P.1: 1.5 and 4.7 cmH2O, respectively), and ventilatory pattern (VT/TI: 0.42 and 1.09 l/s; TI/TTOT: 0.47 and 0.46 l/s, respectively) were within the normal range. In response to hypercapnia, the values of ventilatory response (DVE/DPETCO2: 1.51 l min-1 mmHg-1) and inspiratory occlusion pressure (DP.1/DPETCO2: 0.22 cmH2O) were normal or slightly reduced in the normocapnic OSA patients. No association or correlation between ventilatory neuromuscular drive and ventilatory pattern, hypersomnolence score and polysomnographic data was found; however a significant positive correlation was observed between P.1 and weight. Our results indicate the existence of a group of normocapnic OSA patients who have a normal awake neuromuscular ventilatory drive at rest or during exercise that is partially influenced by obesity