986 resultados para 419


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This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Working Alliance Inventory-Client version (WAI-C) and Working Alliance Inventory-Short and revised (WAI-SR) in a career counseling setting. Moreover, it compared the impact of career versus personal counseling settings based on results obtained using the WAI-SR. Subjects were 188 French-speaking career counseling clients and 95 French-speaking personal counseling clients, mainly students. For the career counseling sample, total reliability was .87 for the WAI-C and .76 for the WAI-SR. The shape of the distribution was normal but the variance was significantly lower for the career counseling sample. Exploratory factor analyses (EFAs) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) confirmed the presence of an overall working alliance factor but indicated a clearer hierarchical structure for the WAI- SR than for the WAI-C. The psychometric properties seemed only slightly affected by the counseling setting, suggesting that this inventory is also relevant for career counseling, especially the WAI-SR, which has a more robust factorial structure.


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Tämän tutkimuksentavoitteena on tarkastella osaamisen ja tiedon johtamista. Työssä tarkastellaan aiheeseen liittyviä teoreettisia kehyksiä. Työ ei sisällä empiiristä tutkimusosaa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisina viitekehyksinä ovat eritutkijoiden näkemykset tiedon ja osaamisen johtamisesta, tiedon ja osaamisen johtamisen sukupolvista, tiedon ja osaamisen johtamisen yhdistymisestä sekä näkemykset osaamisen kehittämisestä. Tutkimus osoittaa selkeästi osaamisen ja tiedon tärkeyden ja merkityksen organisaatiolle. Tulevaisuuden kilpailukyky rakentuu paljolti juuri osaamisen varaan. Osaaminen voidaan jakaa eri alueisiin, mistä yleinen näkemys osaamisen ja tiedon jakautumisesta. Osaamisen kehittämisprosessi etenee useilla tutkijoilla samansuuntaisesti visiosta ja strategiasta kehittämissuunnitelmaan. Tiedon luomisen tärkeys on päivä päivältä merkittävämpää myös organisaation osaamisen kannalta. Knowledge Managementin ja Competence Managementin kehitys ajan kuluessa kohti integroitunutta ja systeemistä näkemystä, missä molempien mahdollisuutena voidaan pitää koko systeemin hallintaa kohti itse uudistuvaa organisaatiota mahdollistaa myös ymmärryksen teorioiden viidakossa.


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This study was carried to develop functions that could explain the growth of Oxalis latifolia, in both early stages and throughout the season, contributing to the improvement of its cultural control. Bulbs of the Cornwall form of O. latifolia were buried at 1 and 8 cm in March 1999 and 2000. Samples were destructive at fixed times, and at each time the corresponding BBCH scale codes as well as the absolute number of growing and adult leaves were noted. Using the absolute number of adult leaves (transformed to percentages), a Gaussian curve of three parameters that explains the growth during the season (R2=0.9355) was developed. The BBCH scale permitted the fit of two regression lines that were accurately adjusted for each burial depth (R2=0.9969 and R2=0.9930 respectively for 1 and 8 cm). The best moment for an early defoliation in Northern Spain could be calculated with these regression lines, and was found to be the second week of May. In addition, it was observed that a burial depth of 8 cm does not affect the growing pattern of the weed, but it affects the number of leaves they produce, which decreases to less than a half of those produced at 1 cm.


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Se ha estudiado la toxicidad del regulador del crecimiento de insectos (RCI) ciro- macina sobre el parasitoide Encarsia tricolor Foérster. Ciromacina se incluye en la Categoría 1 de la clasificación de la OILB/SROP (producto inocuo) si se mide en términos de reducción de la fecundidad la reducción de la capacidad beneficiosa que produce. Sin embargo, se incluye en la Categoría 2 (ligeramente dañino) si esta reducción se mide en términos de la reducción del número de adultos de la descendencia. El tratamiento con ciromacina a la concentración recomendada aumentó significativamente la mortalidad de huevos y larvas de E. tricolor, hasta un 55% en el caso de larvas jóvenes. Considerando estos resultados, se sugiere que cuando se trata de un RCI, la medida de la reducción de la capacidad beneficiosa que produce debe realizarse de modo diferente al utiizado con los plaguicidas "clásicos".


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La cueva de «La Roca del Frare» (citada también con el nombre de «Cova de les Rondes») está situada en las estribaciones de la Serra de Puigfred, a 50 .14' 42" de longitud Norte y 41 0 28' 15" de latitud Este (hoja 419 del mapa, 1 :50.000 del Instituto Geográfico y Catastral), a unos dos kilómetros del vecino pueblo de La Llacuna y a una altura aproximada de unos 800 metros. Se trata de una cavidad de formación tectónica enclavada en las «Roques d'en Segués». Presenta una red de galerías formadas por diaclasas abiertas, en las que hay una notable correspondencia entre las paredes opuestas. Predominan en ella los hundimientos graviclásticos sobre los quimiclásticos (figura 1). En el año 1956 un grupo de miembros colaboradores del Museo de Vilafranca del Penedes localizó una de las dos entradas de la cueva y llegaron a una sala de considerables dimensiones a la que llamaron «sala deIs cranis» por los hallazgos efectuados en ella. Depositado sobre el suelo de la cueva y sepultado en parte por un alud de piedras, hallaron el material que más adelante detallamos y una serie de huesos humanos, hoy perdidos, entre los que figuraban, al parecer, no menos de ocho cráneos.


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The first molecular phylogenies of the flowering plant family Ranunculaceae were published more than twenty years ago, and have led to major changes in the infrafamilial classification. However, the current phylogeny is not yet well supported, and relationships among subfamilies and tribes of Ranunculaceae remain an open question. Eight molecular markers from the three genomes (nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial) were selected to investigate these relationships, including new markers for the family (two homologs of the nuclear CYCLOIDEA gene, the chloroplast gene ndhF, and the mitochondrial intron nad4-I1). The combination of multiple markers led to better resolution and higher support of phylogenetic relationships among subfamilies of Ranunculaceae, and among tribes within subfamily Ranunculoideae. Our results challenge the monophyly of Ranunculoideae as currently circumscribed due to the position of tribe Adonideae (Ranunculoideae), sister to Thalictroideae. We suggest that Thalictroideae could be merged with Ranunculoideae in an enlarged single subfamily.


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Background: Documenting the distribution of radiotherapy departments and the availability of radiotherapy equipment in the European countries is an important part of HERO the ESTRO Health Economics in Radiation Oncology project. HERO has the overall aim to develop a knowledge base of the provision of radiotherapy in Europe and build a model for health economic evaluation of radiation treatments at the European level. The aim of the current report is to describe the distribution of radiotherapy equipment in European countries. Methods: An 84-item questionnaire was sent out to European countries, principally through their national societies. The current report includes a detailed analysis of radiotherapy departments and equipment (questionnaire items 2629), analyzed in relation to the annual number of treatment courses and the socio-economic status of the countries. The analysis is based on validated responses from 28 of the 40 European countries defined by the European Cancer Observatory (ECO). Results: A large variation between countries was found for most parameters studied. There were 2192 linear accelerators, 96 dedicated stereotactic machines, and 77 cobalt machines reported in the 27 countries where this information was available. A total of 12 countries had at least one cobalt machine in use. There was a median of 0.5 simulator per MV unit (range 0.31.5) and 1.4 (range 0.44.4) simulators per department. Of the 874 simulators, a total of 654 (75%) were capable of 3D imaging (CT-scanner or CBCToption). The number of MV machines (cobalt, linear accelerators, and dedicated stereotactic machines) per million inhabitants ranged from 1.4 to 9.5 (median 5.3) and the average number of MV machines per department from 0.9 to 8.2 (median 2.6). The average number of treatment courses per year per MV machine varied from 262 to 1061 (median 419). While 69% of MV units were capable of IMRT only 49% were equipped for image guidance (IGRT). There was a clear relation between socio-economic status, as measured by GNI per capita, and availability of radiotherapy equipment in the countries. In many low income countries in Southern and Central-Eastern Europe there was very limited access to radiotherapy and especially to equipment for IMRT or IGRT. Conclusions: The European average number of MV machines per million inhabitants and per department is now better in line with QUARTS recommendations from 2005, but the survey also showed a significant heterogeneity in the access to modern radiotherapy equipment in Europe. High income countries especially in Northern-Western Europe are well-served with radiotherapy resources, other countries are facing important shortages of both equipment in general and especially machines capable of delivering high precision conformal treatments (IMRT, IGRT)


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La publicación de artículos científicos que tratan los trastornos del comportamiento alimentario (TCA) se ha incrementado en los últimos años y han experimentado un aumento significativo que puede ser atribuido a diferentes factores, entre ellos el surgimiento de nuevas publicaciones más selectivas y especializadas. La creciente investigación examina las preocupaciones de la imagen corporal y otras conductas asociadas, además de realizar investigaciones con diversos grupos poblacionales que incluyen a hispanos, asiáticos, europeos, etc. Este trabajo, muestra una revisión realizada a 136 artículos publicados en 67 revistas de ámbito internacional. Los artículos comprenden una selección realizada entre el año 2004 y el año 2008, como fruto de una revisión bibliográfica que sirvió de base para el desarro-llo del proyecto I+D denominado “La Publicidad de TV entre otros factores socioculturales influyentes en los TCA, estudio experimental y panel de expertos internacional” (2006-2010), proyecto del cual las autoras forman parte. En el artículo se concluye que existe una amplia tendencia a examinar los medios de comunicación y su influencia en los TCA y que las muestras tienden a utilizar a mujeres en su mayoría jóvenes, las cuales presentan un mayor grado de incidencia hacia los trastornos alimentarios que los hombres jóvenes. Se observó además que los investigadores detectan la sintomatología en grupos con una edad cada vez menor.


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Invocatio: I.N.D.O.M.


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Molecules expressed at the surface cuticle (SC) of plant parasitic nematodes represent the primary plant-nematode interface, and together with secreted-excreted (S-E) products are probably the first signals perceived by the host. These molecules, which are released into plant tissue, probably play important roles in the host-parasite interactions. Characterisation of these antigens will help in the identification of nematode targets useful for novel control strategies, which interfere with the nematode infection of plants. Three monoclonal (MAbs) and three polyclonal (PAbs) antibodies produced to S-E products of Meloidogyne spp. and Heterodera avenae were used to examine their reactivity towards M. incognita and/or M. arenaria second stage juveniles and adult females. The three PAbs showed cross-reactivity with M. incognita and M. arenaria. Antibody Roth-PC 373 strongly recognised molecules present in the SC, amphids and intestine, antibody Roth-PC 389 recognised the nematode amphids and metacorpus, while antibody Roth-PC 419 bound to molecules present in the subventral glands. Reactivity of the MAbs was only tested against M. arenaria. Monoclonal antibody Roth-MAb T116C1.1 showed intense reactivity with molecules present in the amphidial and phasmidial glands. Monoclonal antibodies Roth-MAb T46.2 and T42D.2 labeled the nematode amphids and molecules present in the nematode oesophagus (metacorpus), respectively.


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Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.


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OBJECTIVES: Disturbances in eating behavior significantly affect young adults. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of abnormal eating behaviors, according to the Eating Attitudes Test - 26 (EAT-26) in medical students at a university in southern Santa Catarina State, Brazil. METHODS: Self-reported questionnaire, based on the EAT-26 scale, was administered to medical students. Additional questions about age, gender, study period of the course, weight and height were asked. A total of 391 medical students were assessed, amounting to 93.3 percent of the 419 students enrolled. RESULTS: Ten percent of the surveyed subjects had positive EAT-26 scores. This outcome measure was positive associated with females (PR 6.5), body mass index (BMI) ≤ 25 kg/m² (PR 4.5), age ≤ 20 years (PR 1.3) and being student from 1st to 5th semester of the course (PR 1.7). A higher proportion of women gave positive responses to behaviors related to control of food intake or weight loss than men. CONCLUSION: The significant prevalence of behaviors related to eating disorders, predominantly among women, suggests the implementation of preventive measures targeting this population.


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Estudou-se a atividade florestal no município de Viçosa-MG, a partir de questionário aplicado aos agricultores cujas propriedades rurais possuíam florestas plantadas. Foi amostrado um total de 63 propriedades rurais, abrangendo uma área de 2.096,95 ha. As áreas de floresta nativa e plantada, na amostra, foram de 372,00 e 260,17 ha, o que corresponde, respectivamente, a 17,74 e 12,41% da área amostrada. O tipo de floresta nativa predominante foi a capoeira (67,55%), e a espécie preferida para o reflorestamento foi o eucalipto (92,68%). O uso médio da mão-de-obra nas fases de implantação, manutenção e colheita dos plantios florestais foi estimado em 30,21, 13,64 e 61,25 dias-homem/ha, respectivamente, totalizando 105,10 dias-homem/ha, sendo a participação da mão-de-obra familiar de 25,24%. Os custos inerentes à atividade florestal foram estimados em R$419,30/ha para implantação; R$146,49/ha e R$80,34/ha para manutenção no primeiro e segundo ano, respectivamente; e R$2,11/m³ para colheita da madeira. Os plantios florestais concentram-se nas áreas de encostas, e o número médio de empregos gerados pelo reflorestamento (eucalipto) foi 0,042 emprego/ha. Concluiu-se, de modo geral, que o reflorestamento é considerado atividade pouco atrativa, não identificando propriedades tipicamente florestais, sendo recomendada a elaboração de políticas públicas de incentivo ao reflorestamento.