995 resultados para 327.94
Leg 94 Sites are located in a large geographic area of the northeastern Atlantic. Clay mineral analyses of the sediments recovered on Leg 94 (Eocene to the present), together with results obtained from previous DSDP legs (47B, 48, 80, 81, 82), provide greater insight into the paleoenvironmental evolution of the northeastern Atlantic. The characteristics of Eocene clay sediments are regional, reflecting, in the absence of strong bottom currents, the influence of neighboring petrographic environments: basic volcanic rocks (Sites 403-406, 552, and 608) and acid volcanic rocks (Sites 508 to 510). During the Oligocene, atmospheric circulation patterns left their mineralogical signatures in the southern part of the area investigated (Sites 558 and 608), whereas during the Miocene the intrusion of northern water masses led to the gradual homogenization of the clay sedimentation throughout the North Atlantic. In the late Pliocene, input from glacial sources became widespread.
La interpretación y el texto mismo de unas líneas del parágrafo 94 del discurso Sobre la embajada fraudulenta de Demóstenes han sido objeto de discusiones, en particular la expresión ten proten eferon tu fenakismu. En nuestra opinión, el problema se podría resolver si interpretamos que a lo largo de todo el pasaje se desarrolla una metáfora deportiva, en concreto relacionada con las lampadedromiai o carreras de relevos con antorchas
Fil: Ennis, Juan Antonio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET); Argentina.
Measurements of 87Sr/86Sr on samples of planktonic foraminifers were used to reconstruct changes in the Sr isotopic composition of seawater for the past 8 Ma. The late Neogene was marked by a general, but not regular, increase in 87S/86Sr with two breaks in slope at 5.5 and 2.5 Ma. These times mark the beginning of two periods of steep increase in 87Sr/86Sr values, relative to preceding periods characterized by essentially constant values. During the last 2.5 Ma, 87Sr/86Sr values increased at an average rate of 0.000054/Ma. This steep increase suggests that the modem ocean is not in Sr isotopic equilibrium relative to its major input fluxes. A non-equilibrium model for the modern Sr budget suggests that the residence time of Sr is ~2.5 Ma, which is significantly less than previously accepted estimates of 4-5 Ma. Modelling results suggest that the increase in 87Sr/86Sr over the past 8 Ma could have resulted from a 25% increase in the riverine flux of Sr or an increase in the average 87Sr/86Sr of this flux by 0.0006. The dominant cause of increasing 87Sr/86Sr values of seawater during the late Neogene is believed to be increased rates of uplift and chemical weathering of mountainous regions. Calculations suggest that uplift and weathering of the Himalayan-Tibetan region alone can account for the majority of the observed 87Sr/86Sr increase since the early Late Miocene. Exhumation of Precambrian shield areas by continental ice-sheets may have contributed secondarily to accelerated mechanical and chemical weathering of old crustal silicates with high 87Sr/86Sr values. In fact, the upturn in 87Sr/86Sr at 2.5 Ma coincides with increased glacial activity in the Northern Hemisphere. A variety of geochemical (87Sr/86Sr, Ge/Si, d13C, CCD, etc.) and sedimentologic data (accumulation rates) from the marine sedimentary record are compatible with a progressive increase in the chemical weathering rate of continents and dissolved riverine fluxes during the late Cenozoic. We hypothesize that chemical weathering of the continents and dissolved riverine fluxes to the oceans reached a maximum during the late Pleistocene because of repeated glaciations, increased continental exposure by lowered sea level, and increased continental relief resulting from high rates of tectonism.
The North Atlantic at present is ventilated by overflow of the Denmark Strait, Iceland-Faeroe Ridge, Faeroe Bank Channel, and Wyville-Thompson Ridge. The evolution of Cenozoic abyssal circulation of this region was related to tectonic opening and subsidence of these sills. We used d13C records of the benthic foraminifer Cibicidoides to decipher the timing of tectonically controlled changes in bottom-water circulation in the eastern basins (Biscay and Iberian) of the northern North Atlantic. Records from Site 608 (Kings Trough, northeastern North Atlantic) show that from about 24 to 15 Ma (early to early middle Miocene), d13C values in the Kings Trough area were depleted relative to western North Atlantic values and were more similar to Pacific d13C values. This reflects less ventilation of the Kings Trough region as compared to the well-oxygenated western North Atlantic. Comparison of Oligocene d13C records from Site 119 (Bay of Biscay) with western North Atlantic records suggests that the eastern basin was also relatively isolated prior to 24 Ma. At about 15 Ma, d13C values at Site 608 attained values similar to the western North Atlantic, indicating increased eastern basin ventilation in the middle Miocene. This increased advection into the eastern basin predated a major d18O increase which occurred at about 14.6 Ma. Subsidence estimates of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge indicate that the deepening of the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge was coincident with the marked change in eastern basin deep-water ventilation.