959 resultados para 1937-1999
A producao de cafe em coco do cerrado aumentou 83 mil para 728 toneladas, enquanto a brasileira passou de 2,5 para 2,8 milhoes de toneladas, entre 1975 e 1996. nesse periodo, as taxas geometricas de crescimento anual da cultura no cerrado foram de 10,9% para a producao e de 5,6% para a rea colhida, ao passo que noconjunto das demais regioes produtoras do Pais essas taxas foram negativas. Os municipios produtores de cafe do cerrado foram agrupados em cinco regioes: Sul/Cerrado Mineiro; Alto Paranaiba; Nordeste Mineiro; Rondonia e Brasilia. Em 1996, a regiao Sul/Cerrado Mineiro produziu 44,0% do cafe do cerrado e possuia o efetivo de 396,6 milhoes de plantas; Alto Paranaiba contribuiu com 47,1% e contava com o efetivo de 343,3 milhoes de plantas; e a Nordeste Mineiro participou com 4,5% com o efetivo de 62,3 milhoes de plantas. Esta foi dividida em tres sub-regioes: Teofilo Otoni; Capelinha; e Montes Claros. A regiao de Rondonia produziu 1,5% e detinha o efetivo de 28,8 milhoes plantas. A de Brasilia participou com 1,7% da producao e seu efetivo era de 16,6 milhoes de plantas, foi dividida em tres sub-regioes: a do Distrito Federal, a Mineira e Cristalina/Catalao/Silvania. Nova regiao produtora esta surgindo com boas perspectivas no Sudoeste baiano.
Este documento tem como objetivo apresentar os esforços administrativos da Direção da Embrapa Acre para estruturação e fortalecimento deste Centro de Pesquisa.
16 hojas.
16 hojas.
Documento de diez fotografías a color.
University of Pretoria / Dissertation / Department of Church History and Church Policy / Advised by Prof J W Hofmeyr
This paper summarizes the situation of corporate bonds in Vietnam for the period 1992-1999. Corporate bonds are new in the transitional economy, but the capital shortage and operational inefficiency of the banking sector and financial system would likely drive the bond market up in the future. The paper also discusses some conditions for the Vietnamese bond market to further develop, based on the facts and observation.
In the summers of 1998 and 1999, the Archaeology in Annapolis project carried out archaeological investigation at the eighteenth century Dr. Upton Scott House site (18AP18)located at 4 Shipwright Street in the historic district of Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. The Upton Scott House is significant as one of only a few Georgian houses with remnants of its original plantation-inspired landscape still visible (Graham 1998:147). Investigation was completed in agreement with the owners of the historic property, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Christian, who were interested in determining the condition and arrangement of Dr. Upton Scott’s well-documented pleasure gardens. Betty Cosans’ 1972 Archaeological Feasibility Report, the first real archaeological study of the Upton Scott House site, guided the research design and recovery efforts. Cosans determined that testing and survey in the back and side yards of the Scott property would yield important information on the use and history of the property, including that of Scott’s famous gardens. Excavation units and trenches were placed within three separate areas of backyard activity on the site which included Area One: extant brick stables in the southwest of the property; Area Two: the brick foundations of a small outbuilding located in the northwest area of the site; and Area Three: the area of Scott’s formal gardens. The research design included an interest in recovering evidence of African-American spiritual practice and domestic life at the site. Also of significant importance was an analysis of Scott’s garden beds, concerning the order and layout. Also sought was an understanding of the change in perception and use of the backyard by the various owners of the property.