985 resultados para 1851-1875
A finding aid for collection RG 86. This archive contains materials relating to Niagara Falls and its development during the late 19th and early 20th century, with particular focus on power operations.
Annual Convocation proceedings for the year 1875. The title varies slightly and convocation is held at different cities or towns in Canada. Eighteenth annual convocation.
An account with W.M. Forbes dated April 1st, 1875 and amounting to $21.38. There is a line at the bottom of the receipt that reads "I don't care about any money but my creditors seem hard up".
Transcript: Sir I understand that a reward of fifty dollars has been offered by the County of Haldimand for the arrest of any person convicted of horse stealing. I beg to state that I arrested Albert Hucker charged with having stolen a bay mare the property of Eward Hodges in the Township of Walpole Co. of Haldimand and that the said Albert Hucker has been convicted of the offence by A.G. Hill, Esq. police magistrate of the Town of Clifton County of Welland, and sentenced to three years servitude in the provincial penitentiary. I beg therefore to ask of I am entitled to the aforesaid reward and if so what steps are necessary to procure it. I am Sir, Yours respectfully, Thomas H. Young Ontario Police Clifton
An Invoice for Mr. W. Cowan form Alex Hutchison, totalling $1000.00. The note at the bottom of the invoice reads "I have nothing to communicate as Mr. Parks is just writing you. Hoping you and your family are all well with respect I am dear Sir, Yours Truly Alex Hutchison"
A sales agreement between Alexander Lattimore of Wainfleet and John Gordon of Gravelly Bay to William Cowan of Dunville, sale of a scow called "Welland", July 30th 1851.
A fire insurance policy in the amount of one thousand dollars through Aetna Insurance Company of Utica, New York. The cost of twenty two dollars and twenty five cents would give them a one year insurance policy from August 1851 through August 1852.
A summons to Henry Hoover of the Township of Thorold in the county of Welland, William Cowan of the Village of Dunville in the county of Haldimand, James Park and John H. Casper of the township of Thorold in the county of Welland.
A bill for a shipment to Cristopher Wilson.
A diary and account book of Oliver Rising Senior, of Herkimer County, New York. The diary includes a black and white photograph of Esther Rising Myers and one of Rev. John Myers pasted onto the pages. Oliver recounts his travels into Canada through Chippawa, Niagara Falls, and the garrison at Little York in 1797 (p. 61-62). He also describes the British invasion of Sacket’s Harbour in 1812 (p. 100).
License no. 5 of season 1875/76 made out to S.D. Woodruff for 36 square miles in berth no. 192, June 1, 1875.
Probate (vellum) of Last Will and Testament of Hervey William Price of Welland who died Jan. 27, 1875. It is proven that the administration of the estate was granted to Joseph Augustus Woodruff, Aug. 19, 1880.