986 resultados para 1596-1650
We report ultrabroad infrared luminescence from Bi-doped aluminogermanate glasses. The infrared luminescence almost covers the whole low loss wavelength region (1200-1650 nm) of silica glass fiber when excited by a diode laser at 980 nm. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the luminescence is 510 nm. The luminescence peak can be divided into three Gaussian peaks, and the fluorescence lifetime of the three emissions are 297 mu s, 470 mu s and 1725 mu s, respectively. These fluorescence properties indicate that the glasses are promising material for broadband optical amplifiers. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tellurite glass is proposed as a host for broadband erbium-doped fiber amplifiers because of their excellent optical and chemical properties. A new single mode Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite fiber with D-shape cladding geometry is fabricated in this work. When pumped at 980 nm, a broad erbium amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) nearly 100 nm in the wavelength range of 1450-1650 ran around 1.53 mu m is observed. It was found that the emission spectrum from erbium in tellurite glass fibers is almost twice as broad as the corresponding spectrum in tellurite bulk glass. The changes in ASE with regard to fiber lengths and pumping power were measured and discussed. The output of about 2.3 mW from Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite fiber ASE source is obtained under the pump power of 700 mW. The broad 1.53 mu m emission of Er3+ in Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite glass fiber can be used as host material for potential broadband optical amplifier and tunable fiber lasers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hot pressing (HP) at higher sintering temperature has been a traditional and prevalent technique for the fabrication of alpha-SiAlON. In order to prepare translucent SiAlON more easily, LiF was used as a non-oxide sintering additive to lower the sintering temperature to <= 1650 degrees C. As a result, all of the samples possessed a good hardness and fracture toughness. At the same time, the lower temperature sintered samples showed a higher optical transmittance in the range of 2.5-5.5 mu m wavelength (0.5 mm in thickness). The maximum infrared transmission reached 68% at a wavelength of 3.3 mu m. The present work shows that the sintering process has a strong effect on microstructure and property of alpha-SiAlON. To be exact, a lower sintering temperature and longer holding time can produce some fully-developed microstrcture, which is beneficial for the optical transmittance. (C) 2008 The Ceramic Society of Japan. All rights reserved.
[EUS] Lan honetan aurkikuntza baten berri ematen dugu: Plentziako armarri batean aurkitutako hiru euskal esaera zahar (1603) aurkezten eta hizkuntzaren eta historiaren ikuspuntutik aztertzen ditugu. Hiru esaerotatik bi «Refranes y sentencias» 1596) lanean agertzen dira, eta hori datu garrantzitsua da; izan ere, Lakarrak 1996) errefrau-bilduma anonimo horren jatorriaz egindako proposamena berresteko argudio berria da. Zehazki, Bizkaiko ipar-mendebala proposatu zuen Lakarrak bildumako errefrauen jatorri gisa. Beste alde batetik, Bizkaiko ipar-mendebaleko euskararen zenbait ezaugarri baliatuta, Arrasateko erreketari buruzko zenbait kantu eremu horretan sortu zirela proposatzen dugu —zehazki, Butroeko (Gatika) dorretxearen inguruan—, hizkuntzari dagozkion argudioak historiari buruzkoekin osatuta.
No contexto da expansão ultramarina portuguesa no Oriente, a região do Maduré, localizada ao sul da Índia, também vivenciou a experiência política e, principalmente, religiosa a partir da presença da Companhia de Jesus nesse espaço. Em 1596, o jesuíta português Gonçalo Fernandes Trancoso tornou-se responsável por cuidar da comunidade cristã existente no Maduré, ganhando como companheiro de missão, em 1606, o jesuíta italiano Roberto de Nobili. A presente dissertação tem por objetivo central promover uma análise acerca das atuações missionárias dos jesuítas Gonçalo Fernandes Trancoso e Roberto de Nobili na missão do Maduré, no início do século XVII. Seus trabalhos missionários podem ser compreendidos a partir do estudo de suas narrativas sobre os costumes e práticas bramânicas, sendo possível identificar, para além das diferentes estratégias de conversão utilizadas por ambos inacianos, o modo como estes articularam seus conhecimentos sobre a sociedade indiana e o hinduísmo com o desenvolvimento de um projeto de conversão. Assim, destaca-se a falta homogeneidade no interior da Companhia de Jesus no que toca a práticas e métodos missionários.
Dating of annually varved sediments of Santa Barbara Basin down to AD 1650 in absence of precise radiometric methods was achieved by (1) counting varves and determining mean annual sedimentation rates from x-radiographs, and (2) correlation with historical rainfall and tree-ring records.
本文主要通过大量的植物群落学调查和植被、环境状况的数量分析,分别从植物区系、森林群落及其主要木本物种、干扰和物种多样性五个方面分析了三峡大老岭地区山地植被景观的空间格局及其与环境因子的关系,结果表明: 1) 植物区系:科的分布区类型以热带性质为主;属一级温带性质明显,北温带、东亚和泛热带诸分布类型突出;区系上属于华中植物区系地区的东部。 2) 在垂直梯度上:种子植物属热带分布诸类的比例自海拔400至800米(~1100米)之间呈上升趋势,然后下降;温带分布的第8、9、10、11类随海拔而上升;地中海-中亚中心分布的第12、13类只见于比较干热的河谷地带;东亚分布和中国特有属在海拔900~1100m和1600~1800m段取得小的峰值;世界分布属的比例随海拔而上升,蕨类植物属则相反。 分别用种子植物属的分布型比列构成,和全部521个属的种类数量,对15个海拔段作聚类分析:前者首先反应了海拔1100~1200m处的划分,与植被干扰状况的垂直分布差异一致;后者强调了海拔900/1000m和1800/1900m 处的分异,可能反映了地带性常绿阔叶林基带/常绿落叶阔叶混交林带,和常绿落叶阔叶林带/落叶阔叶林带的分异。 3) 对本地区森林植被的数量分类结果表明:基本上可以分为中低海拔次生落叶 针阔混交林和中高海拔山地常绿落叶阔混交林两大群。第一群主要包括栓皮栎林-杉木林-马尾松林组(低海拔段)和短柄抱栎林-锥栗林组(中低海拔段)。第二群包括中低海拔沟谷常绿阔叶林组、中海拔段常绿落叶阔叶混交林组和高海拔段米心水青冈林-茅栗林组。 DCCA排序区分了11个群落类型或群落组。采用的7个地貌因子变量中效果显著的可归纳为三组:①海拔,主要反映热量和降水梯度;②坡度和坡位,可能主要反映土壤厚度及其水分和养分状况;③坡向及坡位,反映光照条件。其中植被格局的海拔梯度效应最显著。沿海拔梯度分段分析上述诸因子对植被格局差异影响的垂直分布,表明海拔因子的局部效应在海拔600-800m和1500-1700m段最显著;坡向的效应在海拔1600m以上最突出;坡面、坡位、坡形、坡度等因子的作用在海拔中部最大。对植被格局影响因子的贡献进行定量分离,表明地形对对大老岭森林格局具有强烈的控制作用。 4) 对大老岭森林植被275个主要的木本种类进行TWINSPAN分类,得到16个种组;DCCA排序结果将上述16组合并为8群,两方面都主要反映了沿海拔和坡位+坡向的分化;海拔中部的局部地形差异导致物种组的分化比两端更细致和强烈。 根据物种生活型及其在植物群落中的地位,分6个种组进行排序和环境解释,表明:①尽管低海拔地段受到强烈人为干扰,常绿种类仍显示了数量和性质沿海拔梯度的变化;②珍稀物种在海拔梯度上形成两个相对集中的区段,大致对应于山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林带的上下边缘;③先锋树种在中低海拔的中上坡位富集;④在中、高海拔的中低坡位,落叶的乔木伴生种显示了极大的多样性;⑤为数不多的针叶树种在海拔和局部地形梯度上也有明确分异;⑥它们和落叶的栎(Quercus)、栗(Castanea)、水青冈(Fagus)、鹅耳枥(Carpinus)属物种在大老岭地区不同地形部位的植被中起着主要的建群作用。 具体统计海拔梯度上,常绿和落叶的乔、灌木4类物种分布的种数变化表明:海拔1100m以下人为活动干扰与木本物种多样性呈一致的负相关;海拔1100m以上常绿种减少与与落叶种的增加形成对照;1100~1700m之间是落叶乔木种最丰富的地段,海拔1700m以上四类物种数量急剧下降,与山顶脊附近生境多样性降低、植物群落类型趋同有关。另外,典型亚热带的棕榈和蕉只见于海拔1000m以下;针叶树种以海拔1150m左右为界分成两组。前述4类物种的分布边界在海拔850~1050m和海拔1650~1750m之间形成比较明显的峰值,基本对应着山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林带的上下边缘。 根据海拔分布范围,将样方中出现的558种木本植物按常绿乔/灌种和落叶乔/灌种分别分成5个热量生态类群。统计各自的面分比表明:a. 落叶灌木种的多样性分布重心在海拔梯度上的位置比落叶乔木种高,常绿种则相反,因此灌木和类的分布特征能更好的反映次生环境中的植被-气候关系;b. 在海拔850~1850m的木本物种形成巨大的多样性,仅出现于这一段的物种也很可观;亲缘物种的分化和替代突出,反映其对生物多样性发生和维持的意义重大;c. 亚热带中山地带对落叶种生物多样性的意义远大于常绿种。 5)统计全部群落样方内枯立木、倒伏木、断头木和伐桩四类受干扰木的大小、数量、物种以反映地形对干扰的影响:①枯立木以2~15cm径级个体为主,小径级的树种选择性不强,主要分布在山南坡口上坡位,海拔1800m以上尤多,在陡峭的坡地中部减少;其大径级个体的物种构成和分布格局反映了与生境干旱有关干扰的存在。②倒伏木主要分布在海拔1200~1800m之间坡面中部和顶脊两侧,发生频率与坡度成正比;坡地中部以中、小径级阳性树种为主,山坡顶脊两侧的倒伏木则多为大径级的群落优势种。③断头木主要分布在海拔1200~1700m,和海拔1900m以上。小径级的断头木分布格局接近于枯立木,较大径级的断头木则多与倒伏木的分布相关,断头木中少有典型的阳性树种,主要由林下荫耐种构成。④人为砍伐的伐桩主要为中大径级的植被建群种或优势种个体,在海拔1000m以下,1100-1200m和1600-1800m形成三个峰值,其分布主要与人口密度、生产方式、林木种类以及交通运输便捷程度有关,通常沟谷和山脊线上的伐桩密度较大。大老岭地区人为干扰主要反映在海拔1100m以下,自然干扰的格局在海拔1100m以上才得到反映。 6)在不同取样尺度上,对大老岭地区森林群落各层次α多样性和β多样性的空间格局分析表明:i. 乔木层α多样性在海拔1200-1800m之间取值较高,灌木、草本层α多样性的垂直梯度不显著,但在海拔1200-1800m之间的波动变化较为剧烈,南坡面有最丰富的灌木层多样性而西坡乔木层的物种最丰;从植被整体上,海拔1000m以下物种丰富度较低,1000-1700m之间变化剧烈,1700m以上丰富度水平较高。ii. 海拔1000-2000m之间94个样方中,乔、灌、草三层多种生物多样性指数变化影响因子的大小顺序是:坡位>海拔>坡向>坡面>坡度>坡形。乔、灌、草各层几种多样性指数在多维的地形因子梯度上形成各异的分布格局,反映了山地物种多样性格局控制因子的多样性和多尺度,及局部地形因子对景观尺度上生物多样性空间格局的强烈影响。iii.对海拔1050m和1670m处植被α多样性的变尺度分析表明:随取样尺度增大,低海拔乔木、灌木层α多样性增长速率比高海拔大;后者草本层的多样性增长比较快。海拔1050m处群落各层的α多样性在800m~2尺度上渐近稳定;海拔1670m处,400m~2尺度上各层α多样性指数已基本稳定。 南、北、西坡面β多样性沿海拔梯度大致减少,在海拔1600m以上更明显,在海拔梯度中部变化剧烈。反映不同坡面上群落间异质性水平是:西坡>北坡>南坡。 在对植被、环境上述各个方面的格局特征分析基础上,对三峡地区侵入岩山地类型建立了一个综合的植被景观格局模式。 文章最后就两个景观尺度植被-环境的综合性问题进行了讨论:1)气候、植物区系、植被和物种分布等对老岭以至于三峡地区和亚热带山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林带的位置、宽度的反映;和气候、地形、干扰等因子对这一生态过渡带格局和动态的影响;2)三峡地区生物多样性垂直分布的特征、维持和变化的现代机制,以及保护的重点和策略
紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.)作为重要的外来入侵种之一,已严重破坏了入侵地生态系统的结构与功能,同时使当地农林业生产蒙受巨大的损失。因此,明确紫茎泽兰的竞争策略与扩散潜力,对制定合理的控制措施具有重要意义。 土壤氮素增加常常有助于外来种的入侵,那么降氮能否抵制入侵呢?向土壤中添加碳素,增强微生物对氮素的吸收,从而降低土壤中可被植物吸收的氮素是目前常用的降氮方法。为检验这一假说对入侵种紫茎泽兰的适用性,选取入侵种紫茎泽兰和本地种禾本科雀麦(Bromus japonicus)、菊科鱼眼草(Dichrocephala integrifolia),分别单栽或与紫茎泽兰混栽,向各植物组合中添加碳素(按1650克有机质/平方米计)或氮素(按30克氮素/平方米计),并设立对照进行盆栽实验。在碳素添加条件下,紫茎泽兰地上与地下生物量分别比对照降低了71.9% 和 74.9%,而本地种的生物量却没有受到显著影响。同时,碳素添加导致紫茎泽兰对本地种的竞争强度(RII)明显下降。氮素添加则减弱或逆转了上述碳素的作用。因此,向土壤中添加碳素有助于抵抗氮沉降对外来种入侵的促进作用,特别对抵御那些与氮素有亲和力的入侵种更为有效。在不同氮素条件下,紫茎泽兰对本地种竞争中,资源竞争强度均明显大于化感作用。尽管在紫茎泽兰发育早期化感作用较小,但是,碳素添加使紫茎泽兰可利用氮素减少,激发了化感作用在竞争中占有更大的比例,说明资源竞争与化感是相互结合、共同发挥作用的。 去叶作为模拟采食方法之一,至少可以通过两种方式影响植物竞争。一是去叶对目标种生长产生负面影响,二是邻种去叶有利于目标种生长,进而改变种间竞争关系。基于以上假定,对紫茎泽兰与相邻本地种分别单栽、同种合栽和异种混栽,进行去叶处理。结果恰与假定相悖:在整个生长季内,去叶增加目标株生物量的1.0 – 198.9%。对于入侵种而言,当邻居本地种去叶时,紫茎泽兰能完全弥补竞争产生的负面效应,即它与未去叶的单栽紫茎泽兰生长无显著差异;而紫茎泽兰去叶降低了相邻本地种的生长,加剧了原本由于竞争给对本地种带来的负面影响。因此,去叶效应与邻种的存在与否及邻种的类型均有关。在应用生物控制对目标株采食时,特别是在没有造成严重伤害或致死情况下,可以使本来具有竞争优势的入侵种变得更具强势。竞争与去叶之间存在复杂的相互作用,采食带来的间接效应可能比预想的更为复杂。因此,在生物控制措施实施之前,充分地估计生物控制的间接作用至关重要。 为检验反应—扩散模型(reaction–diffusion model)能否正确模拟紫茎泽兰小尺度扩散速率,本研究调查了四川攀枝花山区5个不同的生境的紫茎泽兰群落。对各样地内紫茎泽兰定位和年龄确定,基于克里金插值法做出其入侵格局的等年线图,通过等年线之间的垂直距离即可得到紫茎泽兰扩散速率的经验值。同时,计算内禀增长率和扩散系数,根据模型计算得到扩散速率的预测值。结果表明:紫茎泽兰扩散速率经验值明显小于模型预测值。因此,尽管反应—扩散模型已在大尺度扩散预测方面得到广泛的应用和验证,但在小尺度上,由于没有借助于复杂的生活史模型和分层模型,单凭反应—扩散模型不足以得到准确的预测。另外,在没有遭受干扰的生境中,可以发现紫茎泽兰扩散早期存在明显的时滞期。倘若这种时滞效应在入侵扩散中是频繁发生的,那么在判定物种是否具有入侵性时,很可能由于物种处于时滞期而被误认为非入侵种。 基于紫茎泽兰入侵至中国60年来所收集到的441已知分布记录和23个环境变量,采用GARP模型对其潜在分布范围做出了预测,并通过Kappa和ROC(receiver–operator characteristic)对预测结果进行检验。结果表明紫茎泽兰目前分布以云贵高原为主体,逐渐向四川盆地东部、山东半岛、东南沿海、台湾沿海以及海南岛等地扩散。冷季降水量、年极端低温和年均最高温对分布影响较大。RDA(Redundancy Analysis)分析结果显示温度和降水是限制紫茎泽兰扩散的重要因素。在过去的20年里,紫茎泽兰已经从温度较高、天气波动较小的亚热带气候逐渐向气候温凉、降水减少的高海拔地区扩散。紫茎泽兰可以适应相对较宽的温度和降水梯度,年均温度在10—22 ˚C,年降水量在800—2000 mm区间均有分布。本研究结果为发展早期预警工作、防止紫茎泽兰在中国进一步入侵提供了科学依据。
Steering feel, or steering torque feedback, is widely regarded as an important aspect of the handling quality of a vehicle. Despite this, there is little theoretical understanding of its role. This paper describes an initial attempt to model the role of steering torque feedback arising from lateral tyre forces. The path-following control of a nonlinear vehicle model is implemented using a time-varying model predictive controller. A series of Kalman filters are used to represent the driver's ability to generate estimates of the system states from noisy sensory measurements, including the steering torque. It is found that under constant road friction conditions, the steering torque feedback reduces path-following errors provided the friction is sufficiently high to prevent frequent saturation of the tyres. When the driver model is extended to allow identification of, and adaptation to, a varying friction condition, it is found that the steering torque assists in the accurate identification of the friction condition. The simulation results give insight into the role of steering torque feedback arising from lateral tyre forces. The paper concludes with recommendations for further work. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.
A total of 234 species of fish have been recorded from the St Martin Island. Of which, 98 species are coral associated. The total number of recorded mollusc and crab species stands at 187 and 7 species respectively. A total of 66 coral species were recorded, of which 19 are fossil corals, 36 living corals and the rest are under 6 families of subclass Octocorallia (soft corals). A total of 14 species of algae have been recorded from the St. Martin's Island. There is an estimated amount of 1500 MT red sea weed biomass available around the St. Martin's Island. The island contains some of the most unique, benthic community associations in Bangladesh, not found anywhere else in the South Asian region. The unique marine communities have very high scientific value for research and monitoring and there are only a few examples worldwide, where coral-algal communities dominate rocky reefs. The economy of the island is based on fishing. It is estimated that, about 1650 MT of fish are caught annually. Over-exploitation of renewable marine and coastal resources (e.g., rocky reef fisheries, coral and shell extraction; removal of coastal vegetation from inter-tidal and sub-tidal habitats) is a major threat to this ecosystem. Destructive fishing practices, mainly the use of rock-weighted gill nets over the inshore boulder reefs is of prime aggravates. Proper implementation of the rules and regulation for Ecologically Critical Areas (ECA's), alternative livelihood for the local people and further research should be immediately taken for sustainable utilization and to save the rich biodiversity of the only coral island in Bangladesh.
mRNA 所包含的核苷酸序列通过三联体密码子决定了蛋白质的氨基酸序列。但是, 由于对氨基酸同 义密码使用频率上的差异, 密码子与反密码子相互作用效率上的不同, 以及密码子上下文关系和mRNA 不同区 域二级结构上的差异, 造成了核糖体对mRNA 不同区域翻译速度上的差异, 加之共翻译折叠的作用, 使得mR2 NA 的序列和结构影响着蛋白质空间结构的形成。