999 resultados para 13-132


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Objetivo: Analisar, em fetos humanos, o crescimento da área do pênis, da túnica albugínea e das estruturas eréteis (corpos cavernosos e corpo esponjoso), bem como o aparecimento e modificações das principais estruturas que compõem estes tecidos (colágeno, músculo liso e fibra elástica) durante o período fetal (13 a 36 semanas pós-concepção), fornecendo padrões normativos de crescimento. Material e Métodos: Foram utilizados 56 fetos humanos do sexo masculino com idade gestacional compreendida entre 13 e 36 semanas pós-concepção (SPC). Foram utilizadas técnicas histoquímicas, imunohistoquímicas, e análises morfométricas, e analisados os seguintes parâmetros: área total do pênis, área do corpo cavernoso, área do corpo esponjoso e a espessura da túnica albugínea na região dorsal e ventral do corpo cavernoso. No corpo cavernoso e no corpo esponjoso, as fibras musculares, o colágeno e as fibras do sistema elástico, foram identificados e quantificados por percentagem, no programa Image J (NIH, Bethesda, EUA).Resultados: Da 13 à 36 semana pós-concepção, a área do pênis variou de 0,95mm2 a 24,25mm2. No mesmo período a área do corpo cavernoso variou de 0,28mm2 a 9,12mm2 e a área do corpo esponjoso de 0,14mm2 a 3,99mm2. No corpo cavernoso a percentagem de fibras colágenas, fibras musculares e fibras do sistema elástico variaram, respectivamente, de 19,88% a 36,60%, de 4,39 % a 29,76 % e de 1,91% a 8,92%. No corpo esponjoso a percentagem de fibras colágenas, fibras musculares e fibras do sistema elástico variaram, respectivamente de 34,65% a 45,89%, de 0,60% a 11,90% e de 3,22% a 11,93%. A espessura da túnica albugínea variou de 0,029 a 0,296 na região dorsal e de 0,014 a 0,113 na região ventral do corpo cavernoso.Conclusão: Existe correlação fortemente positiva entre o crescimento da área total, da área do corpo cavernoso e da área do corpo esponjoso, com a idade gestacional, assim como existe correlação entre o crescimento dos elementos constituintes do tecido erétil do pênis (colágeno, fibras musculares lisas e fibras elásticas) com a idade gestacional no período fetal estudado. O ritmo de crescimento do pênis é mais intenso no IIo. trimestre gestacional (13 a 24 SPC). O crescimento da espessura da túnica albugínea também foi diretamente proporcional e apresentou correlação fortemente positiva com a idade gestacional, sendo maior na região dorsal em relação à região ventral do corpo cavernoso.


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Orden nº 52 (13 de agosto). Unidad de instalación, Carpeta Rectorado G-12. 1 hoja. Orden nº 53 (15 de agosto). Unidad de instalación, Carpeta Rectorado G-13. 1 hoja. Mecanografiadas


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The aim of the present study is to analyse the influence of different large-sided games (LSGs) on the physical and physiological variables in under-12s (U12) and -13s (U13) soccer players. The effects of the combination of different number of players per team, 7, 9, and 11 (P7, P9, and P11, respectively) with three relative pitch areas, 100, 200, and 300 m(2) (A100, A200, and A300, respectively), were analysed in this study. The variables analysed were: 1) global indicator such as total distance (TD); work:rest ratio (W:R); player-load (PL) and maximal speed (V-max); 2) heart rate (HR) mean and time spent in different intensity zones of HR (<75%, 75-84%, 84-90% and >90%), and; 3) five absolute (<8, 8-13, 13-16 and >16 Km h(-1)) and three relative speed categories (<40%, 40-60% and >60% V-max). The results support the theory that a change in format (player number and pitch dimensions) affects no similarly in the two players categories. Although it can seem that U13 players are more demanded in this kind of LSG, when the work load is assessed from a relative point of view, great pitch dimensions and/or high number of player per team are involved in the training task to the U12 players. The results of this study could alert to the coaches to avoid some types of LSGs for the U12 players such as:P11 played in A100, A200 or A300, P9 played in A200 or A300 and P7 played in A300 due to that U13>U12 in several physical and physiological variables (W:R, time spent in 84-90% HRmax, distance in 8-13 and 13-16 Km h(-1) and time spent in 40-60% V-max). These results may help youth soccer coaches to plan the progressive introduction of LSGs so that task demands are adapted to the physiological and physical development of participants.


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We summarize the life history characteristics of silvergray rockfish (Sebastes brevispinis) based on commercial fishery data and biological samples from British Columbia waters. Silvergray rockfish occupy bottom depths of 100−300 m near the edge of the continental shelf. Within that range, they appear to make a seasonal movement from 100−200 m in late summer to 180−280 m in late winter. Maximum observed age in the data set was 81 and 82 years for females and males, respectively. Maximum length and round weight was 73 cm and 5032 g for females and 70 cm and 3430 g for males. The peak period of mating lasted from December to February and parturition was concentrated from May to July. Both sexes are 50% mature by 9 or 10 years and 90% are mature by age 16 for females and age 13 years for males. Fecundity was estimated from one sample of 132 females and ranged from 181,000 to 1,917,000 oocytes and there was no evidence of batch spawning. Infection by the copepod parasite Sarcotaces arcticus appears to be associated with lower fecundity. Sexual maturation appears to precede recruitment to the trawl fishery; thus spawning stock biomass per recruit analysis (SSB/R) indicates that a F50% harvest target would correspond to an F of 0.072, 20% greater than M (0.06). Fishery samples may bias estimates of age at maturity but a published meta-data analysis, in conjunction with fecundity data, independently supports an early age of maturity in relation to recruitment. Although delayed recruitment to the fishery may provide more resilience to exploitation, managers may wish to forego maximizing economic yield from this species. Silvergray rockfish are a relatively minor but unavoidable part of the multiple species trawl catch. Incorrectly “testing” the resilience of one species may cause it to be the weakest member of the specie