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Speech is often a multimodal process, presented audiovisually through a talking face. One area of speech perception influenced by visual speech is speech segmentation, or the process of breaking a stream of speech into individual words. Mitchel and Weiss (2013) demonstrated that a talking face contains specific cues to word boundaries and that subjects can correctly segment a speech stream when given a silent video of a speaker. The current study expanded upon these results, using an eye tracker to identify highly attended facial features of the audiovisual display used in Mitchel and Weiss (2013). In Experiment 1, subjects were found to spend the most time watching the eyes and mouth, with a trend suggesting that the mouth was viewed more than the eyes. Although subjects displayed significant learning of word boundaries, performance was not correlated with gaze duration on any individual feature, nor was performance correlated with a behavioral measure of autistic-like traits. However, trends suggested that as autistic-like traits increased, gaze duration of the mouth increased and gaze duration of the eyes decreased, similar to significant trends seen in autistic populations (Boratston & Blakemore, 2007). In Experiment 2, the same video was modified so that a black bar covered the eyes or mouth. Both videos elicited learning of word boundaries that was equivalent to that seen in the first experiment. Again, no correlations were found between segmentation performance and SRS scores in either condition. These results, taken with those in Experiment, suggest that neither the eyes nor mouth are critical to speech segmentation and that perhaps more global head movements indicate word boundaries (see Graf, Cosatto, Strom, & Huang, 2002). Future work will elucidate the contribution of individual features relative to global head movements, as well as extend these results to additional types of speech tasks.


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In 1998-2001 Finland suffered the most severe insect outbreak ever recorded, over 500,000 hectares. The outbreak was caused by the common pine sawfly (Diprion pini L.). The outbreak has continued in the study area, Palokangas, ever since. To find a good method to monitor this type of outbreaks, the purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of multi-temporal ERS-2 and ENVISAT SAR imagery for estimating Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) defoliation. Three methods were tested: unsupervised k-means clustering, supervised linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and logistic regression. In addition, I assessed if harvested areas could be differentiated from the defoliated forest using the same methods. Two different speckle filters were used to determine the effect of filtering on the SAR imagery and subsequent results. The logistic regression performed best, producing a classification accuracy of 81.6% (kappa 0.62) with two classes (no defoliation, >20% defoliation). LDA accuracy was with two classes at best 77.7% (kappa 0.54) and k-means 72.8 (0.46). In general, the largest speckle filter, 5 x 5 image window, performed best. When additional classes were added the accuracy was usually degraded on a step-by-step basis. The results were good, but because of the restrictions in the study they should be confirmed with independent data, before full conclusions can be made that results are reliable. The restrictions include the small size field data and, thus, the problems with accuracy assessment (no separate testing data) as well as the lack of meteorological data from the imaging dates.


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Fuel-lean combustion and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) in spark ignition engines improve engine efficiency and reduce emission. However, flame initiation becomes more difficult in lean and dilute fuel-air mixture with traditional spark discharge. This research proposal will first provide an intensive review on topics related to spark ignition including properties of electrical discharge, flame kernel behavior and spark ignition modeling and simulation. Focus will be laid on electrical discharge pattern effect as it is showing prospect in extending ignition limits in SI engines. An experimental setup has been built with an optically accessible constant volume combustion vessel. Multiple imaging techniques as well as spectroscopy will be applied. By varying spark discharge patterns, preliminary test results are available on consequent flame kernel development. In addition to experimental investigation of spark plasma and flame kernel development, spark ignition modeling with detailed description of plasma channel is also proposed for this study.


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It is known that there are large deposits of chromium ore in Stillwater and Carbon Counties in South-Central Montana. The late James F. Kemp of Columbia University, stated in 1928, that these were the largest chromium deposits in the United States and probably in the world, although they were not considered of commercial grade as compared with foreign ores.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine age and gender differences in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in children and adolescents across 12 European countries using a newly developed HRQOL measure (KIDSCREEN). METHODS: The KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaire was filled in by 21,590 children and adolescents aged 8-18 from 12 countries. We used multilevel regression analyses to model the hierarchical structure of the data. In addition, effect sizes were computed to test for gender differences within each age group. RESULTS: Children generally showed better HRQOL than adolescents (P < 0.001). While boys and girls had similar HRQOL at young age, girls' HRQOL declined more than boys' (P < 0.001) with increasing age, depending on the HRQOL scale. There was significant variation between countries both at the youngest age and for age trajectories. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, gender and age differences in children's and adolescents' HRQOL across Europe were assessed using a comprehensive and standardised instrument. Gender and age differences exist for most HRQOL scales. Differences in HRQOL across Europe point to the importance of national contexts for youth's well-being.


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This digital object was funded in part through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The digitalization of this object was part of a collaborative effort with the Washington Research Library Consortium and George Washington University.


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Delineating the mechanism(s) of BDNF/TrkB mediated proliferation in Neuroblastoma Timothy Christopher Graham, B.S. Supervisory Professor: Patrick Zweidler-McKay, MD/PhD Neuroblastoma is the most common extra-cranial solid tumor in children, arising from neural crest precursor cells. The neurotrophin receptors (TrkA/B/C) have been implicated as important prognostic markers, linking the biology of the tumor to patient outcome. High expression of TrkA and TrkC receptors have been linked to favorable biological features and high patient survival, while TrkB is expressed in unfavorable, aggressive tumors. Several studies suggest that high levels and activation of TrkB by its ligand brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) stimulates tumor cell survival, proliferation, and chemoresistance. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that regulate proliferation. The TrkB signaling pathway in neuroblastoma cells has been difficult to evaluate due to the loss of TrkB expression when the cells are used in vitro. Here we determined the role of proximal signaling pathways downstream of TrkB on neuroblastoma proliferation. By analyzing a panel of neuroblastoma cell lines, we found that the SMS-KCN cells express detectable levels of protein and mRNA levels of TrkB as analyzed by western, RT-PCR, and surface expression by flow cytometry. By the addition of exogenous human recombinant BDNF, we showed that activation of TrkB is important in the proliferation of the cells and can be repressed by inhibiting TrkB kinase function. By BDNF stimulation and use of specific kinase inhibitors, the common pathways involving PLCg, PI3K/AKT, and MAPK were initially investigated in addition to PI3K/MTOR and FYN pathways. We demonstrate for the first time that Fyn plays a critical role in TrkB mediated proliferation in neuroblastoma. Constitutively active and over-expressed Fyn reduced neuroblastoma proliferation, as measured by PCNA expression. Knockdown of Fyn by shRNA was shown to cooperate with activated TrkB for an enhanced proliferative response. Although TrkB activation has been implicated in the proliferation of neuroblastoma cells, little is known about its effects on cell cycle regulation. Protein levels of pRB, CDK2, CDK4, CDC25A, cyclin D1, and cyclin E were analyzed following BDNF stimulation. We found that BDNF mediated activation of TrkB induces multiple common proximal signaling pathways including the anti-proliferative Fyn pathway and drives cell cycle machinery to enhance the proliferation of neuroblastoma cells.


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Snow-accumulation rates are known to be sensitive to local changes in ice-sheet surface slope because of the effect of katabatic winds. These topographic effects can be preserved in ice cores that are collected at non-ice-divide locations. The trajectory of an ice-core site at South Pole is reconstructed using measurements of ice-sheet motion to show that snow was probably deposited at places of different surface slope during the past 1000 years. Recent accumulation rates, derived from shallow firn cores, vary along this trajectory according to surface topography, so that on a relatively steep flank mean annual accumulation is similar to 18% smaller than on a nearby topographic depression. These modern accumulation rates are used to reinterpret the cause of accumulation rate variability with time in the long ice-core record as an ice-dynamics effect and not a climate-change signal. The results highlight the importance of conducting ancillary ice-dynamics measurements as part of ice-coring programs so that topographic effects can be deconvolved from potential climate signals.


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BACKGROUND Brain abscesses caused by Nocardia spp. are rare, but life-threatening infections that are notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat and which occur mainly in immunocompromised patients. Standard treatment guidelines are not available. METHODS A systematic search for nocardial brain abscesses from 1992 to 1999 was conducted in Switzerland for the comparison of clinical presentation, treatment strategies and outcome. RESULTS Seven cases were found, for which data of six were available. In 4/6 patients antimicrobial therapy led to a decrease in the size of abscesses. Four of six patients died. The cause of death was likely due to underlying co-morbidities, rather than the nocardial infection. CONCLUSION The finding that treatment was different in each case underscores the lack of therapeutic guidelines.


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Beim Bau des neuen AlpTransit Lötschberg Basistunnels wurden unter murgangartig verschwemmten Ablagerungen der alten Bergsturzmasse des Kandertals Stillwasserablagerungen mit zahlreichen organischen Resten und Torflagen gefunden. Die 14C-datierten Resultate der Pollen, Makrorest-, Holz- und Holzkohleanalysen ermöglichten eine Rekonstruktion der lokalen bis regionalen Umweltgeschichte. Ein Gewässer, vermutlich ein kleiner See, begann beim Tellenfeld in Frutigen um 8800 kal. Jahre v. Chr. zu verlanden. In der näheren Umgebung wuchs von 8800 v. Chr. bis 8000 v. Chr. ein Föhrenwald (Pinus silvestris), der reichlich mit Hasel (Corylus avellana) und anderen wärmeliebenden Gehölzen (Ulmen, Linden, Eichen; Ulmus, Tilia, Quercus) und Birken (Betula) durchsetzt war. Diese für die Nordalpen sehr frühe Bedeutung der Hasel ist durch 14C-datierte Corylus-Nussfragmente (9310±50 14C BP, 8722–8337 v. Chr.) belegt. Nach 8500 v. Chr. drängte die Hasel die Waldföhre allmählich zurück. Auf Grund der paläoökologischen Resultate muss angenommen werden, dass die Wälder um 7600 v. Chr. durch ein katastrophales Ereignis stark gestört wurden. Als Reaktion darauf kam es zu einer starken Zunahme der Waldbrände und es breiteten sich zuerst Farne und Gräser sowie wenig später Waldföhren aus. Das Gewässer wurde um 7100 v. Chr. durch verschwemmtes Bergsturzmaterial zerstört. Der geomorphologische Befund deutet darauf hin, dass diese Ereignisse in engem Zusammenhang mit dem Hauptbergsturz im Kandertal stehen, der aussergewöhnliche Ausmasse hatte (ca. 800 Millionen m3). Die Zerstörung der lokalen ökosysteme als Folge des Bergsturzes um 7600–7100 v. Chr. fiel in ein frühes holozänes Wärme- und Sonneneinstrahlungsmaximum, in dem es, wie vorgängige Untersuchungen in den Alpen und in anderen Gebirgen belegen, zu überdurchschnittlich vielen Hanginstabilitäten kam.