997 resultados para 02210600 CTD-82
The questlon of the crowding-out of private !nvestment by public expenditure, public investment in particular , ln the Brazilian economy has been discussed more in ideological terrns than on empirical grounds. The present paper tries to avoid the limitation of previous studies by estlmatlng an equation for private investment whlch makes it possible to evaluate the effect of economic policies on prlvate investment. The private lnvestment equation was deduced modifylng the optimal flexible accelerator medel (OFAM) incorporating some channels through which public expendlture influences privateinvestment. The OFAM consists in adding adjustment costs to the neoclassical theory of investrnent. The investment fuction deduced is quite general and has the following explanatory variables: relative prices (user cost of capitaljimput prices ratios), real interest rates, real product, public expenditures and lagged private stock of capital. The model was estimated for private manufacturing industry data. The procedure adopted in estimating the model was to begin with a model as general as possible and apply restrictions to the model ' s parameters and test their statistical significance. A complete diagnostic testing was also made in order to test the stability of estirnated equations. This procedure avoids ' the shortcomings of estimating a model with a apriori restrictions on its parameters , which may lead to model misspecification. The main findings of the present study were: the increase in public expenditure, at least in the long run, has in general a positive expectation effect on private investment greater than its crowding-out effect on priva te investment owing to the simultaneous rise in interst rates; a change in economlc policy, such as that one of Geisel administration, may have an important effect on private lnvestment; and reI ative prices are relevant in determining the leveI of desired stock of capital and private investrnent.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluated the clinical diagnostic, efficiency for basic death causes in patients dying of circulatory disease and de relative frequency of those diseases. METHODS: Analysis of medical record data of 82 patients, ages from 16 to 84 years old (68 over 40 years old), whose died of circulatory disease and had undergone necropsy in the period from 1988 to 1993 years in the University Hospital of Medicine Faculty of Botucatu-UNESP, Br. RESULTS: The functional class of patients were III or IV, in 78%, and 81.7% needed urgent hospitalization. By the clinical judgment the death were by ischemic heart disease in 32 (21 acute myocardial infarction), Chagas'disease in 12, valvopathy in 11, cardiomyopathy in 7, heart failure with no specification of cardiopathy in 11 and other causes in 9. At the necropsy the death cause was ischemic heart disease in 34 patients, valvopathy in 10, Chagas'disease in 10, cardiomyopathy in 5, and heart failure with no specification of cardiopathy in 2.The concordance taxes were in thhe same order: 94,6%, 90,0%, 83.3%, 71.4% and 28.5%. CONCLUSION: There was a great efficiency of clinical diagnosis for death cause in a general university hospital. The ischemic heart disease were the main causes of death.
Contiene resumenes bibliograficos de documentos sobre planificacion y desarrollo en America Latina, recogidos y procesados en el marco del Sistema de Informacion para la Planificacion en America Latina y el Caribe (INFOPLAN).
Contiene resúmenes bibliográficos de documentos sobre población y temas relacionados que se producen en América Latina y el Caribe, publicados entre 1980-1984.
Incluye Bibliografía
Presenta una lista completa de los proyectos y un breve resumen de las acciones tomadas por el CCCT hasta 1982 y sus objetivos inmediatos y a mediano y largo plazo.
Los laberintos del orden internacional: La importación de reformas / David Ibarra. -- Comportamiento paradójico de la banca extranjera en América Latina / Graciela Moguillansky, Rogerio Studart y Sebastián Vergara. -- Una propuesta de gravar con impuestos unitarios las ganancias de las empresas transnacionales / Andrew Mold. -- La integración regional y la coordinación macroeconómica en América Latina / Hubert Escaith. -- La sustitución de importaciones en las industrias de alta tecnología: Prebisch renace en Asia / Alice H. Amsden. -- Competitividad industrial en Brasil 10 años después de la liberalización / João Carlos Ferraz, David Kupfer y Mariana Iootty. -- Influencia del origen del capital sobre los patrones del comercio exterior brasileño / Célio Hiratuka y Fernanda De Negri. -- Información y conocimiento: la difusión de las TIC en la industria manufacturera argentina / Gabriel Yoguel, Marta Novick, Darío Milesi, Sonia Roitter y José Borello. -- Desarrollo económico local y descentralización en América Latina / Francisco Alburquerque. -- Migraciones, mercado de trabajo y pobreza en el Gran Buenos Aires / Rosalía Cortés y Fernando Groisman. -- Hogares, pobreza y políticas en épocas de crisis. México, 1992-1996 / Benjamín Davis, Sudhanshu Handa y Humberto Soto. -- La Revista en Internet. -- Publicaciones recientes de la CEPAL.
The devious maze of the international order: the importation of reforms / David Ibarra. -- Foreign banks in Latin America: a paradoxical result / Graciela Moguillansky, Rogerio Studart and Sebastián Vergara. -- A proposal for unitary taxes on the profits of transnational corporations / Andrew Mold. -- Regional integration and macroeconomic coordination in Latin America / Hubert Escaith. -- Import substitution in high-tech industries: Prebisch lives in Asia! / Alice H. Amsden. -- Industrial competitiveness in Brazil ten years after economic liberalization / João Carlos Ferraz, David Kupfer and Mariana Iootty. -- The influence of capital origin on Brazilian foreign trade patterns / Célio Hiratuka and Fernanda De Negri. -- Information and knowledge: the diffusion of information and communication technologies in the Argentine manufacturing sector / Gabriel Yoguel, Marta Novick, Darío Milesi, Sonia Roitter and José Borello. -- Local economic development and decentralization in Latin America / Francisco Alburquerque, in memory of Gabriel Aghón. -- Migrations, the labour market and poverty in Greater Buenos Aires / Rosalía Cortés and Fernando Groisman. -- Households, poverty and policy in times of crisis. Mexico, 1992-1996 / Benjamin Davis, Sudhanshu Handa and Humberto Soto. -- CEPAL Review on the Internet. -- Recent ECLAC publications.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV