972 resultados para >1 mm
植物作为气候环境变化的敏感指示物,能够提供许多有价值的气候环境变化信息,通过保存在地层中的植物化石和孢粉研究第三纪气候和环境变化已成为当今国际上的重要研究领域。 近年来,随着许多定量化的古气候分析方法(如:叶相分析法、树木年轮气候学法、共存分析法和特有种气候分析法)的不断出现,研究精度愈来愈高,已从定性描述过渡到定量化重建的阶段。 在本研究论文中,我们利用德国科学家Mosbrugger和Utescher在1997年倡导的共存分析法对海南岛长昌盆地始新世气候进行定量研究,并对盆地当时的古植被进行了重建。 长昌盆地始新世孢粉植物群以被子植物花粉占绝对优势(94.5%),主要以壳斗科个体极小的三沟、三孔沟花粉为主(88.9%),其他热带一亚热带分子有枫粉、山矾粉、棕榈粉和桃金娘粉等;裸子植物花粉含量较低(<3%),以松粉为主,铁杉粉、杉粉和麻黄粉零星出现;蕨类植物孢子含量低(<2.7%)。孢粉组合表明始新世时盆地中央的平原或丘陵地带生长着亚热带常绿落叶阔叶林,在盆地周围的山地生长着温带常绿落叶阔叶林和针叶林植被。 通过共存分析获得的长昌盆地始新世气候参数如下:年均温为14.2 - 19.4oC;最热月均温为24.1-29.1 0C;最冷月均温为1.7-8.6 0C;年较差为18.6-24.6oC;年均降雨量为797.5 -1113.3 mm;最大月降雨量为141.5 -268.1 mm;最小月降雨量为8.9- 14.1 mm。 我们将长昌盆地始新世孢粉植物群和古气候与吉林珲春始新世孢粉植物群和古气候进行比较,结果表明始新世时两地虽然相距23个纬度,但南北气候差异不大,均比较温暖湿润。其可能原因是:一方面,当时我国位于欧亚大陆的东南缘,受大气环流和洋流的影响比较均一;另一方面,始新世时青藏高原抬升并不剧烈,我国大部分地区的地势较为平缓,地面大气层的密度比较均匀,气温保持匀和状态。
Net catches from 1985–86 to 1994–95 at Pivers Island, North Carolina, indicated that glass-eel stage American eels (Anguilla rostrata) were recruited to the estuary from November to early May, with peak numbers in January, February, and March. There was no declining trend in recruitment over the years of sampling. Except for one year, there was no clear seasonal decrease in mean length. But shorter glass eels were older than longer glass eels, as judged by age within the glass eel growth zone of the otolith, suggesting that smaller fish took longer to arrive. The mean age of glass eels collected from the lower estuary and a freshwater site 9.5 km upriver differed by 8.4 d (36.2 vs. 44.6, respectively). Outer increments (30–35) of the otolith growth zone of glass eels from North Carolina were significantly wider than corresponding increments of otoliths from New Brunswick. Mean total ages of North Carolina, New Jersey, and New Brunswick elvers were 175.4, 201.2, and 209.3 d, corresponding to mean lengths of 55.9, 60.9, and 58.1 mm TL, respectively. The mean durations of glass-eel growth zones (44.6, 62.3, and 69.8) were in close agreement with those from previous studies, but total ages were not. This suggested that perhaps some finer (leptocephalus stage) increments were not detected by light microscopy, differences occurred in seasonal increment deposition, or absorption of the otolith material may have taken place during metamorphosis, rendering the aging of larvae inaccurate. Judging from the long recruitment period and seasonal uniformity in both mean age and length found in our study, the spawning period of American eels may be somewhat more protracted than previously considered.
近年来,酵母拮抗菌在水果采后病害防治中展示了良好的应用前景。然而,在实际应用中,酵母拮抗菌在逆境条件下会因为发生凋亡或细胞损伤而引起生活力的下降,最终导致拮抗菌抑病能力降低。研究酵母拮抗菌生活力下降的规律,提高酵母拮抗菌的生产效率,减少剂型加工过程中的细胞损伤,增强其对逆境条件的耐受力是增加或稳定生防制剂防治效果的有效途径。本文主要研究酵母拮抗菌正常培养过程中生活力下降的规律,筛选剂型加工过程中对酵母拮抗菌具有保护作用的化学物质,并对酵母拮抗菌的培养条件进行了优化。主要研究结果如下: 1. 在正常培养过程中,酵母拮抗菌Rhodotorula glutinis和Cryptococcus laurentii中细胞染色质凝集或细胞膜破损的发生一般在6天以后。外源加入的N-乙酰半胱氨酸及硅酸钠等物质在超过一定浓度时会加速酵母菌的死亡。 2. 在不同的液体悬浮制剂中,对R. glutinis而言,使用磷酸缓冲液(PBS)悬浮时保护效果最好;而C. laurentii悬浮在NYDB培养基中或海藻糖、乳糖溶液中时的生活力最高。 3. 以10 %葡萄糖 + 5 %脱脂牛奶作保护剂,可以有效地保持酵母拮抗菌C. laurentii冻干制剂的生活力,配合使用的保护效果高于它们单独使用时的保护效果。添加1 mM N-乙酰半胱氨酸能更好地保持拮抗菌制剂在常温保存过程中的生活力,这可能与这种还原性物质缓解了细胞内活性氧的积累有关。 4. 不同酵母拮抗菌对不同碳、氮源的利用能力有明显差异。在9种不同的碳源和10种不同的氮源中,Pichia membranefaciens能够最有效利用的碳、氮源是葡萄糖、果糖和多价胨,而Candida guilliermondii的最佳碳源和氮源分别是果糖和肉蛋白胨。
青蒿素是从我国传统药用植物中药青蒿(Artemisia annua L.)中提取的新型抗疟特效药,其生物合成途径属于植物类异戊二烯代谢途径。目前,青蒿素生物合成的组织部位及其调控机制仍不完全清楚。紫穗槐二烯合酶(amorpha-4, 11-diene synthase, ADS)作为青蒿素生物合成分支途径的第一个关键酶,催化倍半萜化合物的通用前体法呢基焦磷酸环化,生成紫穗槐二烯。本论文通过对ADS 表达特性的分析,研究了青蒿素生物合成的组织特异性及其调控机制,主要研究结果如下: 一.紫穗槐二烯合酶基因启动子功能的研究 从青蒿高产株系001 中克隆得到了2850 bp 的ADS 启动子调控区。通过比较5’RACE 的测序结果与启动子序列,确定转录起始位点位于翻译起始位点上游44 bp,TATA 盒下游27 bp。该启动子序列包含的顺式作用元件有脱落酸应答元件(ABRE )、乙烯应答元件(ERE)、生长素应答元件(AUXRE)等植物激素反应元件,以及低温应答元件(LTRE)、高温应答元件(HSE)等与逆境有关的反应元件,还有与真菌诱导有关的W-box 元件等。将不同长度ADS 启动子与报告基因GUS 融合,构建了植物表达载体,通过农杆菌介导的方法获得稳定整合的转基因烟草。经过组织化学、GUS 荧光活性检测及RT-PCR 分析,发现该启动子的转录活性很低,无法通过GUS 染色进行观察。GUS 荧光活性检测及RT-PCR 结果表明,转录起始位点上游346 bp 是ADS 基础表达所必需的。高温、低温、干旱、水杨酸、茉莉酸甲酯等处理均能促进青蒿中ADS 的表达,而脱落酸和乙烯的作用效果较小,与启动子序列分析的结果并不完全一致。 二.紫穗槐二烯合酶基因表达特性的研究 以青蒿高产株系001 为材料,在基因和蛋白水平揭示了ADS 的表达特性。RT-PCR 和Western 分析结果表明,ADS 在幼叶和花蕾中大量表达,在老叶和完全开放的花中表达量很低,而在青蒿的根和茎中几乎检测不到ADS 的表达。石蜡切片和整体原位杂交的结果表明,ADS 在顶端分生组织、叶原基及分泌腺毛中表达,在非分泌的T 型腺毛中不表达。当叶片完全展开后,ADS 只在分泌腺毛中表达,而且随着叶片的生长和老化,ADS 的表达量逐渐减少。另一个非常有趣的发现是同一叶片上的分泌腺毛,有些有ADS 的表达,有些则没有。用强光、低温、高温和水杨酸等因素处理后,有ADS 表达的分泌腺毛的比例没有明显的变化。 三.外源水杨酸促进青蒿素的生物合成 研究了外源水杨酸对青蒿素生物合成的影响,结果表明:1 mM 水杨酸处理后,青蒿叶片中的游离态水杨酸含量快速增加,处理后4 h 达到 0.79 μg g-1 FW,是对照的3.5 倍。外源水杨酸能够抑制青蒿中过氧化氢酶活性,提高抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性,并通过对抗氧化酶活性的抑制引起青蒿体内活性氧水平的迅速升高。在处理后4 h,青蒿中H2O2 和O2-的含量分别达到对照的2.1 倍和2.4 倍。青蒿素含量在水杨酸处理后的前8 h 缓慢升高,随后升高的速度增加。外源水杨酸处理后8 h 和96 h,青蒿素含量分别达到9.1 mg g-1DW 和13.9 mg g-1DW,比对照高21.7%和75.8%。处理后8 h,青蒿酸的含量没有明显变化,随后开始增加。处理后16 h,青蒿酸的含量达到3.6 mg g-1DW,比对照高90%, 随后继续升高,至96 h 达到4.98 mg g-1 DW,比对照高127%。二氢青蒿酸的含量在处理后的8 h 内有所下降,随后缓慢升高。处理后8 h,二氢青蒿酸的含量降低了23.3%,随后二氢青蒿酸的含量开始升高,在处理后96 h,达到7.4 mg g-1DW,比对照高72.1%。外源SA 处理提高了青蒿素及其前体的总含量,在处理后1、2、4 天分别比对照提高了1.3、1.5 和1.8 倍。Northern 结果表明,水杨酸强烈诱导了青蒿素生物合成基因HMGR、ADS 的表达,但是对FPS、CYP71AV1 的诱导作用较小。这些研究结果表明,外源水杨酸至少通过两条途径诱导青蒿素的生物合成:一是通过诱导活性氧的产生促进二氢青蒿酸向青蒿素的转化;二是上调部分青蒿素生物合成相关基因的表达。根据这一研究成果,在青蒿田间栽培中,可以在收获前通过喷施水杨酸来快速、有效和低成本地提高青蒿素产量。
干旱区和半干旱区生长的植物具有复杂的生存机制,以确保其能够在特定的环境中生存和发展。植物在干旱的荒漠条件下的生存,与其特殊的种子萌发机制密切相关,这种机制能够确保植物在合适的时间与地点进行种子萌发与幼苗生长发育。在植物的生活史中,种子对极端环境具有最大的忍耐力,而萌发的幼苗对环境胁迫的忍耐程度最小。在干旱区生长的植物往往具有特殊的萌发机制使萌发出的幼苗能够度过对外界的敏感期,对于植物的生存具有重要意义。 毛乌素沙地是我国的四大沙地之一,该地区具有水分短缺,蒸发强烈,风沙剧烈和生境异质性高的特征。本文假设生长在这种极端环境中的植物也发展出了“适时适地”的种子萌发和幼苗生长的适应对策。为了验证以上的假设,本文选取毛乌素沙地不同生境中生长的两种优势固沙禾草——流动沙丘上生长的沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa)和固定沙丘上生长的赖草(Leymus secalinus)为研究材料,通过野外调查、温室控制实验和实验室控制实验的方法,从生理生态学的角度探讨这两种植物的种子萌发和幼苗生长过程对沙丘环境的适应对策,主要对比它们在种子休眠、萌发和幼苗早期生长过程中对沙丘生境适应性的异同点。研究结果表明: (1)新成熟的沙鞭和赖草的种子为适应冬季低温而发展出生理性的内生休眠——非深度生理休眠。沙鞭和赖草的种子分别需要经过4周和8周的低温层积处理(3-5ºC)来完全打破休眠。另外,划破种皮或者部分切除胚乳也能够促进种子的萌发,这进一步证明两种植物的种子具有非深度生理休眠。然而,切除胚乳在不同程度上影响它们的幼苗生长。由非深度生理休眠、温度和损伤种皮/胚乳调节的部分萌发机制能够确保两种植物的种子即使在条件适宜的情况下只有部分种子萌发,从而分散植物生存的风险性。 (2)毛乌素沙地的小量降水(无法触发萌发)使种子经常遭受湿润-干燥的交替胁迫过程。种子先在湿润条件下吸涨1d或者2d,然后在室温下干燥0-8天。尽管在经历反复吸涨和自然干燥脱水后仍能够保持萌发能力,沙鞭和赖草种子的萌发特性却发生了不同的变化:和各自的对照相比,沙鞭种子萌发率相同而萌发速率降低;赖草种子的萌发率和萌发速率都降低,部分种子进入休眠状态。沙鞭和赖草萌发出的幼苗可能由于没有后续降雨或者因沙蚀而遭受干燥胁迫,但是其幼苗在生长早期能够忍耐一定程度的干燥,再次湿润后部分幼苗能够恢复生长。沙鞭和赖草幼苗的耐干燥的“极限点”不同:当幼根长度为1 mm时,它们的幼苗忍耐干燥的时间分别是60d和30d;当幼根长度为4 mm时,它们的幼苗忍耐干燥的时间分别是14d和7d。沙鞭和赖草的种子和生长早期的幼苗的耐干燥性特性可能是它们对降雨量和降雨时间都不可预测的沙地生境的生存策略之一。 (3)不同的沙埋深度影响沙鞭和赖草的种子萌发和出苗。这两种植物的种子萌发和出苗都需1-2 cm的浅层沙埋。随着沙埋深度的增加,两种植物的种子萌发率和出苗率逐渐降低,强迫休眠率逐渐升高;萌发率与出苗率和沙埋深度呈负相关关系而休眠率和沙埋深度呈正相关关系。但是,沙鞭种子出苗的最大沙埋深度是8 cm,而赖草的则为4 cm。因强迫休眠而没有萌发的种子对维持一个长期的土壤种子库来说具有生态学优势,这些种子暴露在合适的萌发土壤深度时具有生长出幼苗的潜能。 (4)沙鞭和赖草的种子都具有大小的差异性,种子大小对沙鞭和赖草的种子在不同沙埋深度的出苗具有不同的影响。沙鞭的三种不同大小种子的平均质量分别为小,4.489 ± 0.012 mg (4 – 4.9 mg);中,5.457 ± 0.012 mg (5 – 5.9 mg)和大,6.415 ± 0.011 mg (6 – 6.9 mg)。赖草的两种不同大小种子的平均质量分别为小,3.083 ± 0.026 mg (3 – 3.5 mg)和大3.955 ± 0.028 mg (3.6 – 4.0 mg)。在相同的沙埋深度下,两种植物的大种子的出苗率都显著高于小种子。和小种子相比,两种植物的大种子由于贮藏更多的能量,所以在相同深度的沙埋中具有出苗率更高的生态优势,而大量小种子在沙埋中不能萌发,可以作为种子库保存在沙层中,这样就分散了一次性大量萌发给植物带来的冒险性。 (5)沙鞭和赖草的幼苗在生长过程中会遭受沙埋,其幼苗忍耐沙埋的能力与沙埋的相对深度(沙埋比例)和幼苗年龄有关。沙鞭和赖草幼苗的耐沙埋能力不同:沙鞭的2周龄幼苗可以忍耐达到株高100%的沙埋,而其1周龄幼苗只能忍耐75%的沙埋。赖草的1周龄和2周龄幼苗都只能忍耐75%的沙埋。沙埋之后,沙鞭和赖草幼苗的生物量,根/茎比以及根和茎的长度都受到不同程度的影响。赖草幼苗不能忍耐完全沙埋可能是限制它在流动沙丘上分布的一个原因。 (6)降雨量和降雨频率能够不同程度地影响沙鞭和赖草在不同沙层的萌发和出苗。这两种植物的种子萌发和出苗需要的最小降雨量不同:在一次浇水相当于5 mm降雨量后,沙鞭和赖草种子的萌发率都超过50%;但是使沙鞭和赖草的出苗率能够达到50%的降雨量分别为10 mm和15 mm。沙埋中的沙鞭和赖草种子的出苗对降雨的响应具有以下特征:两种植物种子的出苗随降雨量或者降雨频率的增加而增加;沙鞭的出苗率受到降雨量和降雨频率的显著影响,但是二者交互作用的影响不显著;赖草的出苗率受到降雨量、降雨频率以及二者交互作用的显著影响。 由非深度生理休眠,种子大小,干燥-湿润循环,沙埋和降雨调节的种子萌发和出苗机制确保了自然条件下沙鞭和赖草每次只有少量种子萌发和出苗,从而分散了两种植物在沙丘上的生存风险。 根据沙鞭和赖草在沙丘上的种子萌发和幼苗生长特性,本文为毛乌素沙地通过植物固沙恢复受损的沙地生态系统的种子飞播实践提出了几点建议。
植物根系大小和形态是决定植物吸氮能力的重要因素,而植物根系生长发育与土壤中营养元素的分布及其有效性密切相关,尤其是硝酸盐。然而目前关于硝酸盐调节植物根系生长的生理机制仍不清楚。一氧化氮(NO)是一种重要的气体信号分子,参与植物体内多种生理生化过程,包括调节根的生长发育。本研究以玉米自交系478为材料,采用营养液培养法,探讨了NO在硝酸盐调节玉米根系生长中的作用。主要结果和结论如下: 玉米幼苗在不同硝酸盐水平下生长7天后,主根伸长随着硝酸盐浓度的升高而下降;与0.01 mM硝酸盐处理下的玉米主根伸长相比,0.1 mM和1 mM硝酸盐处理对玉米主根伸长分别抑制了30%和36%。随着硝酸盐浓度的增加,玉米主根根尖过氧化氢(H2O2)含量表现出降低的趋势,而抗氧化酶,如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)的活性则表现出增加的趋势。外源供应过氧化氢对低浓度硝酸盐(0.01 mM)和高浓度硝酸盐(10 mM)处理下的玉米根伸长都没有影响,这表明了根尖过氧化氢含量的下降不是高浓度硝酸盐抑制玉米主根伸长的原因。 NO供体硝普钠(SNP)能够缓解高浓度硝酸盐对玉米主根伸长的抑制,而对低浓度硝酸盐处理下的主根伸长没有影响,而且NO清除剂亚甲基兰(MB)和NO合成酶抑制剂Nω-硝基-L-精氨酸(L-NNA)显著抑制了低浓度硝酸盐处理下的玉米主根伸长,而对高浓度硝酸盐处理下的玉米主根伸长没有影响。用NO特异性荧光染料4,5-二氨基乙酰乙酸荧光素(DAF-2DA)检测结果表明:高浓度硝酸盐显著降低玉米根尖NO含量。而玉米根中的硝酸还原酶活性随硝酸盐浓度的增加而增加。以上结果说明,高浓度硝酸盐抑制玉米主根伸长可能是与根尖NO合成酶的下调所导致的内源NO含量的降低有关。 另外,外源生长素(IAA)能缓解高浓度硝酸盐对玉米主根伸长的抑制,同时,也增加了高浓度硝酸盐处理下玉米根中内源NO含量,而对低浓度硝酸盐处理下的玉米根中内源NO没有影响。因此推测,根尖生长素的下降导致内源NO含量的降低可能是高浓度硝酸盐抑制玉米主根伸长的原因。
磷缺乏已成为制约世界农业生产的重要因子。植物根系的大小和形态是决定植物吸收土壤磷能力的重要因素,而且根系的生长发育与磷素的分布及其有效性密切相关。关于磷酸盐调节植物根系生长研究已有很多报道,但其生理和分子机制仍不清楚。一氧化氮 (NO) 是一种重要的气体信号分子,参与调控植物的生长发育和对多种逆境胁迫的应答反应。本文选用拟南芥为实验材料,研究探讨了NO与缺磷诱导的拟南芥根系形态变化之间的关系,主要结果如下: 用正常磷水平 (1 mM) 和低磷水平 (1 µM) 处理拟南芥幼苗,发现低磷抑制主根伸长,刺激侧根发生。外源NO供体销普纳 (SNP) 也抑制主根、刺激侧根生长,与低磷诱导根系形态变化相似。NO清除剂c-PTIO和一氧化氮合成酶 (NOS)抑制剂L-NNA均可部分减缓由低磷引起的对主根生长的抑制和对侧根的刺激作用。暗示低磷诱导的拟南芥根系形态的变化可能与NO含量的降低有关。 利用NO荧光标记物DAF-FM和激光共聚焦显微成像技术,本研究发现缺磷6 h和24 h后根细胞内源NO含量显著增加,而且NOS 抑制剂能减少低磷诱导的根细胞NO含量的增加。与正常供磷处理相比,低磷处理6 h和24 h,拟南芥根中编码与NO合成相关的基因(AtNOA1)的表达量增加,缺磷24 h后根中NOS酶活性升高。为了明确低磷诱导的NO 增加是否与硝酸还原酶(NR)介导的NO合成有关,本论文进一步研究了低磷对拟南芥硝酸还原酶活性和编码NR基因 (AtNR1和AtNR2)表达的影响。研究发现低磷处理6 h和24 h后和AtNR1和AtNR2基因的表达均没有变化,且蛭石中生长的拟南芥缺磷1个月后NR活性也没有发生变化;拟南芥的NR双突变体nia1,nia2在低磷处理24 h后,其根中的内源NO含量表现出与野生型相同的增加。因此这些研究结果表明,缺磷后拟南芥根细胞NO的含量增加主要由于NOS的活性升高,而与NR介导的NO合成无关。 已有资料表明低磷诱导植物根细胞内源过氧化氢(H2O2)分布和含量的变化。本论文研究了低磷处理对用H2O2标记物CM-H2DCFDA标记不同磷处理下的拟南芥根中的H2O2。研究发现,缺磷6 h根中H2O2的分布无明显变化,缺磷24 h后H2O2呈斑块状分布,且多集中在根尖伸长区。缺磷24 h后,叶片中的抗氧化保护酶—超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性没有明显变化。说明缺磷24 h 后产生的H2O2没有引起氧化胁迫,而是作为一种信号分子,与NO相互作用共同介导低磷胁迫的应答反应。关于NO与H2O2在低磷诱导的根形态变化中的信号转导过程还有待进一步研究。
In order to improve drilling mud design to cater for specific well situations, a more comprehensive knowledge and understanding of filter cake failure is needed. This paper describes experimental techniques aimed at directly probing the mechanical properties of filter cakes, without having to take into account artefacts due to fluid flow in the substrate. The use of rheometers allows us to determine shear yield stress and dynamic shear modulii of cakes grown on filter paper. A new scraping technique measures the strength and moisture profiles of typical filter cakes with a 0.1 mm resolution. This technique also allows us to probe the adhesion between the filter cake and its rock substrate. In addition, œdometer drained consolidation and unloading of a filter cake give us compression parameters useful for Cam Clay modelling. These independent measurements give similar results as to the elastic modulus of different filter cakes, showing an order of magnitude difference between water based and oil based cakes. We find that these standard cakes behave predominantly as purely elastic materials, with a sharp transition into plastic flow, allowing for the determination of a well-defined yield stress. The effect ofsolids loading on a given type of mud is also studied.
The objective of this study is to determine survival rates of different postlarval stages upon stocking in the Leganes ponds. Twelve 3m x 2m x 2m suspension nets made of nylon cloth (mesh size = 0 . 1 mm) were set up in a Leganes Station pond (ave. water depth = 1 m) by means of 3-m long poles stacked at distances approximating the area of each net. The net bottom was filled with topsoil at least 15 cm thick to stimulate the pond bottom. At least 60 cm of the upper edge of each net was above the water level to prevent mixing of water inside and outside the net. P.monodon of stages P SUB-11 , P SUB-15 , P SUB-21 (from the hatchery) and P SUB-25 (from the wet lab) were stocked in the nets at 200/sq m or 1,200 fry/net. Due to lack of fry, only one P SUB-25 net was stocked. Each net had two large dried miapi branches as shelter from predation and cannibalism for the young sugpo fry. Fresh lablab was fed at the rate of one pail (approximately 5 kg) every four days per net. Harvest data show relatively higher survival rates for P SUB-15 and P SUB-18 compared to P SUB-11 and P SUB-25 with no significant difference between these two stages. The results for P SUB-25 may not be valid because the stock came from the wet lab in comparison to the other postlarval stages which were reared in the hatchery. Moreover, the P SUB-25 stock had no replicates and the net itself (no. 10) was discovered to have many holes. These preliminary results point to P SUB-15 as the best stage for harvest from the hatchery in terms of high pond recovery and lesser expense in rearing compared to older postlarvae.
In order to carry out Biometric studies, 75 samples were caught from 3 locations ( Tajan river, Sefidrud and Shirud) using Salic and the length (±1 mm) and weights (± 5 gr) of samples were determined. Using One-way ANOVA by SPPSS software, there wasn’t significant difference between locations in length and fecondity (P ≥0.01(, but there was significant difference between Shirud and tajan samples with sefidrud in weight ) P≤0.01(. In order to carry out genetic variation studies, 210 fish were caught from 3 different regions of the Iranian coastline (Khoshkrud, Tonekabon, Gorganrud) and 1 region in Azerbaijan (Waters of the Caspian Sea close to Kura River mouth) during 2008-2009 . Genomic DNA was extracted of fin using the phenol-chloroform. The quantity and quality of DNA from samples were assessed by spectrophptometer and 1% agarose gel electro-phoresis. PCR was carried out using 15 paired microsatellite primers. PCR products were separated on 8% polyacrylamide gels that were stained using silver nitrate. Molecular weight calculate using UVTech software. The recorded microsatellite genotypes were used as input data for the GENALEX software version 6 package in order to calculate allele and genotype frequencies, observed (Ho) and (He) expected heterozygosities and to test for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic distance between two populations was estimated from Nei standard genetic distance and genetic similarity index (Nei, 1972). Genetic differentiation between populations was also evaluated by the calculation of pairwise estimates of Fst and Rst values. From 15 SSR markers were used in this investigation, 9 of them were polymorph. Average of expected and observed heterozygosity was 0.54 and 0.49 respectively. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations were observed in all of location except Anzali lagoon- autumn in AF277576 and EF144125, Khoshkrud in EF144125 and Gorganrud and Kura in AF277576. Using Fst and Rst there was significant difference between locations ) P≤0.01(. According to Fst , the highest population differentiation (Fst= 0.217) was between Gorganrud and Khoshkrud that have the lowest Nm and the lowest (Fst= 0.086) was between Gorganrud and Tonekabon that have the highest Nm. Using Rst the highest population differentiation (Rst= 0.271) was between Tonekabon and spring Anzali lagoon and the lowest (Rst= 0.026) was between Tonekabon and Autumn Anzali 159 lagoon. Also the difference between Spring Anzali lagoon and Autumn Anzali lagoon was noticeable (Fst=0.15). AMOVA analysis with consideration of 2 sampling regions (Iran and Azerbaijan) and 7 sampling locations (Iran: Khoshkrud, Tonekabon, Gorganrud, Spring Anzali lagoon and Autumn Anzali lagoon ; Azerbaijan: the Kura mouth) revealed that almost all of the variance in data namely 83% )P≤0.01( was within locations, Genetic variances among locations was 14% )P≤0.01( and among regions was 3% )P≤0.01(. The genetic distance was the highest (0.646) between Gorganrud and Autumn Anzali lagoon populations, whereas the lowest distance (0.237) was between Gorganrud and Tonekabon River. Result obtained from the present study show that at least 2 different population of Rutilus frissi kutum are found in the Caspian sea,which are including the kura river population and the southern Caspian sea samples and it appears that there is more than one population in southern Caspian sea that should be attantioned in artifical reproduction Center and stoke rebilding.
1998 年在西藏墨脱县海拔1000 m 左右地方采到成年雌性环蛇1 号, 系我国新纪录。该蛇全长/ 尾长(mm) 1095/ 112 (尾尖断) 。通身背面黑褐色, 后3/ 4 有由背鳞白色点斑缀成的窄横纹约40 个; 腹面浅黑 色, 每隔3 或4 枚腹鳞有不规则的黄白色横斑。尾背有少数不完整的白色纹, 但尾腹面有7 条很明显的横斑。头 部斑纹与M. Smith (1943 : 410) 描述一致, 可能由于蛇龄较老而不清晰。背鳞通身15 行, 脊鳞略扩大; 腹鳞 233 , 尾下鳞35 (略低于文献记载的44~51 , 可能与尾尖断有关) , 除前端第三、四两枚成单外, 其余均成对。 没有颊鳞; 眶前鳞1 , 眶后鳞2 ; 颞鳞1 + 2 ; 上唇鳞7 (22223 式) ; 下唇鳞7 , 第一对在颏鳞后彼此相接, 前4 对 接前颔片; 前颔片大于后颔片, 后者后半介一小鳞。检查一侧, 除前沟牙及其预备牙外, 没有发现其他上颌齿。
The exponential increase of industrial demand in the past two decades has led scientists to the development of alternative technologies for the fast manufacturing of engineering components, aside from standard and time consuming techniques such as casting or forging.Cold Spray (CS) is a newly developed manufacturing technique, based upon the deposition of metal powder on a substrate due to high energy particle impacts. In this process, the powder is accelerated up to considerable speed in a converging-diverging nozzle, typically using air, nitrogen or helium as a carrier gas. Recent developments have demonstrated significant process capabilities, from the building of mold-free 3D shapes made of various metals, to low porosity and corrosion resistant titanium coatings.In CS, the particle stream characteristics during the acceleration process are important in relation to the final geometry of the coating. Experimental studies have shown the tendency of particles to spread over the nozzle acceleration channel, resulting in a wide exit stream and in the difficulty of producing narrow tracks.This paper presents an investigation on the powder stream characteristics in CS supersonic nozzles. The powder insertion location was varied within the carrier gas flow, along with the geometry of the powder injector, in order to identify their relation with particle trajectories. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) results by Fluent v6.3.26 are presented, along with experimental observations. Different configurations were tested and modeled, giving deposited track geometries of copper and tin ranging from 1. mm to 8. mm in width on metal and polymer substrates. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.
A number of acrosome reaction (AR) initiators have been found to be effective in inducing AR of human, laboratory and domestic animal sperm. Using an improved simple fluorescence microscopy, effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), progesterone and ionophore A23187 on sperm AR of tree shrew, a useful animal model in biomedical research, have been investigated. Spontaneous AR in 4.92-7.53% of viable sperm was observed. Complete AR in 10.31-18.25% of viable tree shrew sperm was obviously induced by 5 mu M and 10 mu M calcium ionophore A23187, 1 mM GABA, and 5 mu M progesterone, and there were no significant differences between their abilities to initiate complete AR. No significant differences of AR percentages between 1- and 2-h treatments with A23187, progesterone and/or GABA were observed. These results suggested that the responses of tree shrew sperm to these AR initiators are similar to that of human and other mammalian sperm. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE), a valuable natural product for cerebral and cardiovascular diseases, is mainly composed of two classes of constituents: terpene lactones (e.g., ginkgolide A and B, bilobalide) and flavone glycosides (e.g., quercetin and kaempferol). Its electrophysiological action in heart is yet unclear. In the present study, using whole-cell patch clamp technique, we investigated electrophysiological effects of GBE on cation channel currents in ventricular myocytes isolated from rat hearts. We found that GBE 0.01-0.1% inhibited significantly the sodium current (I-Na), L-type calcium current (I-Ca) and transient outward potassium current (IKto) in a concentration-dependent manner. Surprisingly, its main ingredients, ginkgolide A (GB A), ginkgolide B (GB B) and bilobalide (GB BA) at 0.1 mM did not exhibit any significant effect on these cation channel currents. These results suggested that GBE is a potent non-selective cation channel modulator in cardiaomyocytes. Other constituents (rather than GB A, GB B and GB BA) might be responsible for the observed inhibitory effects of GBE on cation channels. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Laser micro machining is fast gaining popularity as a method of fabricating micro scale structures. Lasers have been utilised for micro structuring of metals, ceramics and glass composites and with advances in material science, new materials are being developed for micro/nano products used in medical, optical, and chemical industries. Due to its favourable strength to weight ratio and extreme resistance to chemical attack, glassy carbon is a new material that offers many unique properties for micro devices. The laser machining of SIGRADUR® G grade glassy carbon was characterised using a 1065 nm wavelength Ytterbium doped pulsed fiber laser. The laser system has a selection of 25 preset waveforms with optimised peak powers for different pulsing frequencies. The optics provide spot diameter of 40 μm at the focus. The effect of fluence, transverse overlap and pulsing frequency (as waveform) on glassy carbon was investigated. Depth of removal and surface roughness were measured as machining quality indicators. The damage threshold fluence was determined to be 0.29 J/cm2 using a pulsing frequency of 250 kHz and a pulse width of 18 ns (waveform 3). Ablation rates of 17 < V < 300 μm3/pulse were observed within a fluence range of 0.98 < F < 2.98 J/cm2. For the same fluence variation, 0.6 μm to 6.8 μm deep trenches were machined. Trench widths varied from 29 μm at lower fluence to 47 μm at the higher fluence. Square pockets, 1 mm wide, were machined to understand the surface machining or milling. The depth of removal using both waveform 3 and 5 showed positive correlation with fluence, with waveform 5 causing more removal than waveform 3 for the same fluence. Machined depths varied from less than 1 μm to nearly 40 μm. For transverse overlap variation using waveform 3, the best surface finish with Rz = 1.1 μm was obtained for fluence 0.792 J/cm2 for transverse overlap of 1 μm, 6 μm, and 9 μm at machined depths of 22.9 μm, 6.6 μm, and 4.6 μm respectively. For fluence of 1.426 J/cm2, the best surface finish with Rz = 1.2 μm was obtained for transverse overlap of 6 μm, and 9 μm at machined depths of 12.46 μm, and 8.6 μm respectively. The experimental data was compiled as machining charts and utilised for fabricating a micro-embossing glassy carbon master toolsets as a capability demonstration.