961 resultados para woolly apple aphid
Woolliness (mealiness in other fruits) is a negative attribute of peach sensory texture that is a physiological disorder associated with inadequate cold storage. It is characterised by lack of crispness and juiciness without variation in the tissue water content (Harker and Hallet, 1992). Many attempts have been made to develop destructive instrumental procedures to detect mealiness and woolliness. Non-destructive procedures attempted include using nuclear magnetic resonance (Sonego et al., 1995). However, this technique has economical limitations and is not practical at present. Non-destructive impact tests and NIR are non-destructive techniques which have been used to assess internal characteristics of fruits (Chen and Sun, 1991). The objective of this study was to develop a novel non-destructive procedure to identify woolly peaches by combining impact and NIR approaches.
Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase (XTHs: EC and/or EC, a xyloglucan modifying enzyme, has been proposed to have a role during tomato and apple fruit ripening by loosening the cell wall. Since the ripening of climacteric fruits is controlled by endogenous ethylene biosynthesis, we wanted to study whether XET activity was ethylene-regulated, and if so, which specific genes encoding ripening-regulated XTH genes were indeed ethylene-regulated. XET specific activity in tomato and apple fruits was significantly increased by the ethylene treatment, as compared with the control fruits, suggesting an increase in the XTH gene expression induced by ethylene. The 25 SlXTH protein sequences of tomato and the 11 sequences MdXTH of apple were phylogenetically analyzed and grouped into three major clades. The SlXTHs genes with highest expression during ripening were SlXTH5 and SlXTH8 from Group III-B, and in apple MdXTH2, from Group II, and MdXTH10, and MdXTH11 from Group III-B. Ethylene was involved in the regulation of the expression of different SlXTH and MdXTH genes during ripening. In tomato fruit fifteen different SlXTH genes showed an increase in expression after ethylene treatment, and the SlXTHs that were ripening associated were also ethylene dependent, and belong to Group III-B (SlXTH5 and SlXTH8). In apple fruit, three MdXTH showed an increase in expression after the ethylene treatment and the only MdXTH that was ripening associated and ethylene dependent was MdXTH10 from Group III-B. The results indicate that XTH may play an important role in fruit ripening and a possible relationship between XTHs from Group III-B and fruit ripening, and ethylene regulation is suggested.
On-line dynamic MRI, which is oriented to industrial grading lines, requires high-speed sequences with motion correction artefacts. In this study two different types of motion correction sequences have been used and have been implemented in real-time (FLASH and UFLARE). They are based on T2* and T2 respectively and their selection depends on the expected contrast effect of the disorder: while watercore enhances bright areas due to higher fluid mobility, internal breakdown potentiates low signal due to texture degradation. For watercore study, five different apple cultivars were used (Normanda-18-, Fuji-35-, Helada-36-, Verde Doncella-54-, Esperiega-75-) along two seasons (2011 and 2012). In total 218 fruits were measured under both, static conditions (20 slices per fruit) and under dynamic conditions (3 repetitions without slice selection). For internal breakdown, Braeburn cultivar has been studied (in total 106 fruits) under both static (20 slices per fruit) and dynamic conditions (3 replicates with slice selection). Metrological aspects such as repeatability of dynamic images and subsequent histogram feature stability become of major interest for further industrial application. Segregation ability among varying degrees of disorder is also analyzed.
Plant viruses are known to modify the behaviour of their insect vectors, both directly and indirectly,generally adapting to each type of virus?vector relationship in a way that enhances transmissionefficiency. Here, we report results of three different studies showing how a virus transmitted in a non-persistent (NP) manner (Cucumber mosaic virus; CMV, Cucumovirus) can induce changes in its host plant,cucumber (Cucumis sativus cv. Marumba) that modifies the behaviour of its aphid vector (Aphis gossypiiGlover; Hemiptera: Aphididae) in a way that enhances virus transmission and spread non-viruliferousaphids changed their alighting, settling and probing behaviour activities over time when exposed toCMV-infected and mock-inoculated cucumber plants. Aphids exhibited no preference to migrate fromCMV-infected to mock-inoculated plants at short time intervals (1, 10 and 30 min after release), butshowed a clear shift in preference to migrate from CMV-infected to mock-inoculated plants 60 min afterrelease. Our free-choice preference assays showed that A. gossypii alates preferred CMV-infected overmock-inoculated plants at an early stage (30 min), but this behaviour was reverted at a later stage andaphids preferred to settle and reproduce on mock-inoculated plants. The electrical penetration graph(EPG) technique revealed a sharp change in aphid probing behaviour over time when exposed to CMV-infected plants. At the beginning (first 15 min) aphid vectors dramatically increased the number of shortsuperficial probes and intracellular punctures when exposed to CMV-infected plants. At a later stage (sec-ond hour of recording) aphids diminished their feeding on CMV-infected plants as indicated by much lesstime spent in phloem salivation and ingestion (E1 and E2). This particular probing behaviour includingan early increase in the number of short superficial probes and intracellular punctures followed by aphloem feeding deterrence is known to enhance the transmission efficiency of viruses transmitted in aNP manner. We conclude that CMV induces specific changes in a plant host that modify the alighting,settling and probing behaviour of its main vector A. gossypii, leading to optimum transmission and spreadof the virus. Our findings should be considered when modelling the spread of viruses transmitted in a NPmanner.
La manzana y la hoja. Milán, septiembre 2015
Food allergies constitute a public health issue, with a reported overall estimated prevalence of 6% in Europe1 and Rosacea as the main allergenic fruits among adults.2 The commercial microarray ImmunoCAP ISAC 112 (Thermofisher, Uppsala, Sweden) is a semiquantitative and reproducible in vitro diagnostic tool used for the determination of specific IgE (sIgE).3 However, its panel of allergens does not have the best accuracy when it comes to determining fruit allergies in the Mediterranean area: the inclusion of the thaumatinlike protein (TLP) Pru p 2 or the apple lipid transfer protein (LTP) Mal d 3 has been proposed to improve the diagnosis of peach4 and apple5 allergies, respectively, in the Mediterranean basin. We sought to determine the usefulness of a component-resolved microarray for the diagnosis of peach and apple allergies in the Mediterranean area.
Whether phytophagous insects can speciate in sympatry when they shift and adapt to new host plants is a controversial question. One essential requirement for sympatric speciation is that disruptive selection outweighs gene flow between insect populations using different host plants. Empirical support for host-related selection (i.e., fitness trade-offs) is scant, however. Here, we test for host-dependent selection acting on apple (Malus pumila)- and hawthorn (Crataegus spp.)-infesting races of Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae). In particular, we examine whether the earlier fruiting phenology of apple trees favors pupae in deeper states of diapause (or with slower metabolisms/development rates) in the apple fly race. By experimentally lengthening the time period preceding winter, we exposed hawthorn race pupae to environmental conditions typically faced by apple flies. This exposure induced a significant genetic response at six allozyme loci in surviving hawthorn fly adults toward allele frequencies found in the apple race. The sensitivity of hawthorn fly pupae to extended periods of warm weather therefore selects against hawthorn flies that infest apples and helps to maintain the genetic integrity of the apple race by counteracting gene flow from sympatric hawthorn populations. Our findings confirm that postzygotic reproductive isolation can evolve as a pleiotropic consequence of host-associated adaptation, a central tenet of nonallopatric speciation. They also suggest that one reason for the paucity of reported fitness trade-offs is a failure to consider adequately costs associated with coordinating an insect’s life cycle with the phenology of its host plant.
(E)-β-Farnesene is a sesquiterpene semiochemical that is used extensively by both plants and insects for communication. This acyclic olefin is found in the essential oil of peppermint (Mentha x piperita) and can be synthesized from farnesyl diphosphate by a cell-free extract of peppermint secretory gland cells. A cDNA from peppermint encoding (E)-β-farnesene synthase was cloned by random sequencing of an oil gland library and was expressed in Escherichia coli. The corresponding synthase has a deduced size of 63.8 kDa and requires a divalent cation for catalysis (Km for Mg2+ ≈ 150 μM; Km for Mn2+ ≈ 7 μM). The sesquiterpenoids produced by the recombinant enzyme, as determined by radio-GC and GC-MS, are (E)-β-farnesene (85%), (Z)-β-farnesene (8%), and δ-cadinene (5%) with the native C15 substrate farnesyl diphosphate (Km ≈ 0.6 μM; Vrel = 100) and Mg2+ as cofactor, and (E)-β-farnesene (98%) and (Z)-β-farnesene (2%) with Mn2+ as cofactor (Vrel = 80). With the C10 analog, GDP, as substrate (Km = 1.5 μM; Vrel = 3 with Mg2+ as cofactor), the monoterpenes limonene (48%), terpinolene (15%), and myrcene (15%) are produced.
We analyzed the distribution of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) aphid transmission factor (ATF), produced via a baculovirus recombinant, within Sf9 insect cells. Immunogold labeling revealed that the ATF colocalizes with an atypical cytoskeletal network. Detailed observation by electron microscopy demonstrated that this network was composed of microtubules decorated with paracrystalline formations, characteristic of the CaMV ATF. A derivative mutant of the ATF, unable to self-assemble into paracrystals, was also analyzed. This mutant formed a net-like structure, with a mesh of four nanometers, tightly sheathing microtubules. Both the ATF– and the derivative mutant–microtubule complexes were highly stable. They resisted dilution-, cold-, and calcium-induced microtubule disassembly as well as a combination of all three for over 6 hr. CaMV ATF cosedimented with microtubules and, surprisingly, it bound to Taxol-stabilized microtubules at high ionic strength, thus suggesting an atypical interaction when compared with that usually described for microtubule-binding proteins. Using immunofluorescence double labeling we also demonstrated that the CaMV ATF colocalizes with the microtubule network when expressed in plant cells.
An allele of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase gene (Md-ACS1), the transcript and translated product of which have been identified in ripening apples (Malus domestica), was isolated from a genomic library of the apple cultivar, Golden Delicious. The predicted coding region of this allele (ACS1-2) showed that seven nucleotide substitutions in the corresponding region of ACS1-1 resulted in just one amino acid transition. A 162-bp sequence characterized as a short interspersed repetitive element retrotransposon was inserted in the 5′-flanking region of ACS1-2 corresponding to position −781 in ACS1-1. The XhoI site located near the 3′ end of the predicted coding region of ACS1-2 was absent from the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction product, revealing that exclusive transcription from ACS1-1 occurs during ripening of cv Golden Delicious fruit. DNA gel-blot and polymerase chain reaction analyses of genomic DNAs showed clearly that apple cultivars were either heterozygous for ACS1-1 and ACS1-2 or homozygous for each type. RNA gel-blot analysis of the ACS1-2 homozygous Fuji apple, which produces little ethylene and has a long storage life, demonstrated that the level of transcription from ACS1-2 during the ripening stage was very low.
Hydroperoxide lyases (HPLs) catalyze the cleavage of fatty acid hydroperoxides to aldehydes and oxoacids. These volatile aldehydes play a major role in forming the aroma of many plant fruits and flowers. In addition, they have antimicrobial activity in vitro and thus are thought to be involved in the plant defense response against pest and pathogen attack. An HPL activity present in potato leaves has been characterized and shown to cleave specifically 13-hydroperoxides of both linoleic and linolenic acids to yield hexanal and 3-hexenal, respectively, and 12-oxo-dodecenoic acid. A cDNA encoding this HPL has been isolated and used to monitor gene expression in healthy and mechanically damaged potato plants. HPL gene expression is subject to developmental control, being high in young leaves and attenuated in older ones, and it is induced weakly by wounding. HPL enzymatic activity, nevertheless, remains constant in leaves of different ages and also after wounding, suggesting that posttranscriptional mechanisms may regulate its activity levels. Antisense-mediated HPL depletion in transgenic potato plants has identified this enzyme as a major route of 13-fatty acid hydroperoxide degradation in the leaves. Although these transgenic plants have highly reduced levels of both hexanal and 3-hexenal, they show no phenotypic differences compared with wild-type ones, particularly in regard to the expression of wound-induced genes. However, aphids feeding on the HPL-depleted plants display approximately a two-fold increase in fecundity above those feeding on nontransformed plants, consistent with the hypothesis that HPL-derived products have a negative impact on aphid performance. Thus, HPL-catalyzed production of C6 aldehydes may be a key step of a built-in resistance mechanism of plants against some sucking insect pests.