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This paper considers the problem of receive antenna selection (AS) in a multiple-antenna communication system having a single radio-frequency (RF) chain. The AS decisions are based on noisy channel estimates obtained using known pilot symbols embedded in the data packets. The goal here is to minimize the average packet error rate (PER) by exploiting the known temporal correlation of the channel. As the underlying channels are only partially observed using the pilot symbols, the problem of AS for PER minimization is cast into a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) framework. Under mild assumptions, the optimality of a myopic policy is established for the two-state channel case. Moreover, two heuristic AS schemes are proposed based on a weighted combination of the estimated channel states on the different antennas. These schemes utilize the continuous valued received pilot symbols to make the AS decisions, and are shown to offer performance comparable to the POMDP approach, which requires one to quantize the channel and observations to a finite set of states. The performance improvement offered by the POMDP solution and the proposed heuristic solutions relative to existing AS training-based approaches is illustrated using Monte Carlo simulations.


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Elephants are thought to be effective seed dispersers, but research on whether elephant dung effectively protects seeds from seed predation is lacking. Quantifying rates of seed predation from elephant dung will facilitate comparisons between elephants and alternative dispersers, helping us understand the functional role of megaherbivores in ecosystems. We conducted an experiment to quantify the predation of Dillenia indica seeds from elephant dung in Buxa Reserve, India from December 2012 to April 2013. Using dung boluses from the same dung pile, we compared the number of seeds in boluses that are a) opened immediately upon detection (control boluses), b) made available only to small seed predators (<= 3 mm wide) for 1-4 months, and c) made available to all seed predators and secondary dispersers for 1-4 months. Using a model built on this experiment, we estimated that seed predation by small seed predators (most likely ants and termites) destroys between 82.9% and 96.4% of seeds in elephant dung between the time of defecation and the median germination date for D. indica. Exposure to larger seed predators and secondary dispersers did not lead to a significant additional reduction in the number of seeds per dung bolus. Our findings suggest that post-dispersal seed predation by small insects (<3 mm) substantially reduces but does not eliminate the success of elephants as dispersers of D. indica in a tropical moist forest habitat. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Natural disasters pose a threat to isolated populations of species with restricted distributions, especially those inhabiting islands. The Nicobar long tailed macaque. Macaca fascicularis umbrosus, is one such species found in the three southernmost islands (viz. Great Nicobar, Little Nicobar and Katchal) of the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago, India. These islands were hit by a massive tsunami (Indian Ocean tsunami, 26 December 2004) after a 9.2 magnitude earthquake. Earlier studies Umapathy et al. 2003; Sivakumar, 2004] reported a sharp decline in the population of M. f. umbrosus after thetsunami. We studied the distribution and population status of M. f. umbrosus on thethree Nicobar Islands and compared our results with those of the previous studies. We carried out trail surveys on existing paths and trails on three islands to get encounter rate as measure of abundance. We also checked the degree of inundation due to tsunami by using Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) on landsat imageries of the study area before and after tsunami. Theencounter rate of groups per kilometre of M. f. umbrosus in Great Nicobar, Little Nicobar and Katchal was 0.30, 0.35 and 0.48 respectively with the mean group size of 39 in Great Nicobar and 43 in Katchal following the tsunami. This was higher than that reported in the two earlier studies conducted before and after the tsunami. Post tsunami, there was a significant change in the proportion of adult males, adult females and immatures, but mean group size did not differ as compared to pre tsunami. The results show that population has recovered from a drastic decline caused by tsunami, but it cannot be ascertained whether it has reached stability because of the altered group structure. This study demonstrates the effect of natural disasters on island occurring species.


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Resumen: José Fernando de Abascal y Sousa recibió la noticia de la invasión inglesa de 1806 a Buenos Aires, en el inicio de su administración como virrey del Virreinato del Perú. A partir de esta primera misiva enviada por el virrey Rafael de Sobre Monte, comenzó un intercambio epistolar entre las dos autoridades sobre dicho acontecimiento, a partir del cual se fueron perfi lando las preocupaciones, cuidados y políticas iniciales de defensa aplicadas por Abascal a su jurisdicción.


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"Bajo democracia, durante los ‘90 Perú y Argentina abrieron sus economías como una de las políticas que los sacarían de décadas de decadencia relativa. Esta liberalización fue unilateral pero ambos países consolidaron sus reformas con obligaciones que asumieron en el GATT/OMC. Argentina además se asoció al Mercosur implementando un arancel externo común altamente coincidente con los valores establecidos unilateralmente..."


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Resumen: El propósito del artículo es analizar el acercamiento diplomático de Buenos Aires con Simón Bolívar para sumar fuerzas en el conflicto con Brasil por la soberanía en la Banda Oriental. Intentaremos mostrar por qué intereses políticos Buenos Aires; fuera dominada por la facción “unitaria” o “federal”, y Bolívar; empeñado en liderar la organización nacional de Colombia, Perú y Bolivia, no formalizaron un acuerdo diplomático/militar en el contexto de la creación de los Estados de Bolivia y Uruguay durante el período de 1824-1828. Procuramos la inteligibilidad, interpretación y explicación de la cuestión mediante el análisis de fuentes de información histórica que reflejan la agenda pública de Buenos Aires, y las prioridades políticas de Bolívar en el espacio temporal que nos ocupa.


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El siglo XVI americano fue escenario de la lucha de partidos entre los españoles que defendieron con vigorosa fidelidad a sus respectivos líderes. En la Conquista del Perú se encuentra el caso que mejor demuestra el nivel de violencia que alcanzaron las rivalidades partidarias. Fue en la singular, difícil y posteriormente violenta relación entre Diego de Almagro y Francisco Pizarro desde la salida de Panamá en 1524 hasta la lucha por la dominación de la ciudad del Cuzco en 1538.


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Resumen: el segundo ingreso de Aristóteles en Occidente trajo consigo una verdadera revolución intelectual. Junto con las obras de Aristóteles, fueron introducidas asimismo las traducciones latinas de Averroes. Comentador por excelencia del Filósofo. Fue así como se incorporaron al ámbito universitario parisino y al quehacer cotidiano de los pensadores, nuevos temas, algunos de ellos, de naturaleza controvertida respecto de la verdad revelada; entre ellos el tema de la eternidad del mundo. Nuestro trabajo está centrado en el tratado De Aeternitate Mundi de Siger de Brabante en el que el autor se refiere a la eternidad de las especies más que a la eternidad del mundo. Allí discute si puede o no haber creación de la especie humana en un primer hombre Adán, o si, en cambio la especie humana debe ser considerada eterna. A pesar de ello, el texto ha sido leído en una clave interpretativa que afecta el dogma de la creación


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Investiga o Regimento Interno da Câmara dos Deputados com o objetivo de verificar se suas regras favorecem excessivamente a prática da obstrução, o que pode levar ao desequilíbrio da disputa parlamentar em favor daqueles - sobretudo os oposicionistas - que decidem obstruir as deliberações mediante a utilização de táticas protelatórias. O estudo centra sua análise na quantidade de tempo gasto com a votação dos diversos mecanismos de obstrução, tendo em vista o tempo regimental disponível para a Ordem do Dia, fase da sessão destinada exclusivamente à discussão e votação das diversas propostas legislativas. O objetivo é apurar se o tempo despendido com artifícios procrastinatórios (requerimentos, dentre outros) supera em demasia o destinado à apreciação da matéria principal. Na apreciação de medidas provisórias (MP), por exemplo, os cálculos efetuados nas simulações demonstram que a votação dos requerimentos, por si só, pode consumir mais da metade do tempo utilizado para votar uma única MP, o que foi confirmado pelos resultados verificados na análise dos casos concretos selecionados.


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[EN] On 17 February 2008 Kosovo approved its declaration of independence from Serbia. The declaration was raised as a unilateral secession, a category which to date is widely debated by the international community, but supported in that case by a respectable number of the United Nation member states. A great many legal issues have been raised by the International Court of Justice's Advisory Opinion on Kosovo. This opinion was eagerly awaited by legal scholars due to both its possible effects and the scope of its principles outside the context of decolonization in what it could constitute of new approach to the international scenario for the twenty-first century. The ICJ stated that the declaration of independence was in accordance with international law if it was not prohibited. The answer turned on whether or not international law prohibited the declaration of independence, without ever examining whether an entity seeking secession is entitled with a positive right to secede and if so, under which circumstances. The basic issue can be summarised as whether or not we are facing a new course in the interpretation of certain classical categories of international law: the principle of territorial integrity, statehood, sovereignty, recognition, the right to external self-determination, etc. In this study we shall analyse some of the aspects arising from the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo focusing on the territorial issue. Firstly we shall analyse the scope of the principle of territorial integrity of States and how it operates ; secondly, we shall focus on the scope of that principle in relation to the interior of the State, and ask ourselves how international law operates in relation to declarations of independence. Lastly, we shall deal with the principle of respect for territorial integrity in the specific case of Serbia with respect to Kosovo, and then end with a series of general conclusions. This study aims, definitely, to contribute to the theoretical debate on the challenges to the traditional certainties of international law in this area.


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As ‘Ordenaçoens do Senhor Rey D. Manuel’, conhecidas como Manuelinas, foram promulgadas, pela primeira vez, em 1514. Posteriormente, o rei mandou que esta edição fosse destruída, sendo substituída pela segunda e definitiva edição de 1521. Esta edição diferencia-se da primeira pela inclusão de muitas outras leis e ordenações pelo número de títulos, pela substância da legislação, pela ordem e disposição das matérias e pelo prólogo. O trabalho de organização deveu-se ao Chanceler-Mor Rui de Grã e ao Desembargador Cristóvão Esteves, principalmente. Em seu plano geral, as novas ‘Ordenaçoens’, embora redigidas em estilo mais conciso e decretatório, seguem o ‘Código Afonsino’, seu predecessor. Divergem desse código apenas na omissão de certas disposições que, na época, já haviam caducado e na introdução de outras providências adotadas no decurso dos sessenta anos de intervalo entre as duas compilações. Em 1560, Duarte Nunes do Leão organizou e dirigiu a elaboração do ‘Repertório dos cinquo livros das Ordenações do Senhor Rey D. Manuel, com addições das leys extravagantes’, complementando a coleção já existente


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Trata-se de uma enciclopédia de estatísticas entre os três níveis de governo: desde educação, saúde, desenvolvimento humano, passando por estatísticas de produção agropecuária até chegar a assuntos tributários. Apresenta também dados estatísticos comparativos referentes aos continentes.